“There are no safe paths in this part of the world. Remember you are over the Edge of the Wild now, and in for all sorts of fun wherever you go.”
― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit
A balloon could have popped in the room, and I would have never looked up from The Hobbit.
“She’d just keep turning the page!” is what my mother would say.
At age 13, Tolkien’s masterpiece was one of the first books that blew me away. It transported me to another realm where creatures from all different walks of life banded together in both courage and fear to save their common world.
And ohhh, the adventures – the fun – they had along the way!
That vivid fantasy world created by this classic author helped me grow and stretch my brain in ways I’d never thought of before.
This year LNDL hopes to take you on a similar journey. LNDL is rolling out our “Reading is…” Spotlight Series, which aims to inspire campus community members to connect, stretch, and grow by participating in events and programming that encourage a love of lifelong learning through reading. Throughout this series LNDL will be working to foster partnerships between faculty, students, the Loyola and Notre Dame campuses, and the greater Baltimore community – all grounded in the deeper mission, vision, and values of LNDL.
Watch for:
- Our second annual Fall Fest next week (!) – the kick-off to our year-long “Reading is…” programming exploring ways reading is a catalyst for informed citizenry, leisure, lifelong learning, social justice, community and belonging, and reflection.
- Guest book artist Emily Martin for a book talk and puppet making workshop on Tuesday, October 22, 2024, from 4:30-5:30PM.
- A Read & Roam pilot series encouraging conversations about reading on both campuses featuring six planned gatherings to get everyone talking.
- LNDL’s popular online author book talk series and even more leisure reading choices from our curated collection.
- In-person AI literacy enrichment sessions and AI literacy online learning modules in Moodle and Brightspace designed to get faculty and students talking about the future of research.
- Opportunities to read and comment on plans and ideas introduced in LNDL Lifts: A Strategic Framework for Action, FY25-30 Strategic Plan. One example is the launch of a multi-phase collection, space, and technology assessment to support the strategic directions of both campuses.
- And much, much more…
So, my friends, as Tolkien invited, join me on the Edge of the Wild now.
We’re in for all sorts of learning, discovery…and quite a good bit of fun.
– Katy O’Neill