Dr. Kerry Boeye
Assistant Professor of Fine Arts
kpboeye@loyola.eduTeaching Areas: Medieval Art, Islamic Art, Manuscripts
Research Interests: Medieval manuscript illumination, representations of King Solomon.

Cassandra Clark
Undergraduate Student Researcher
clclark@loyola.eduCassandra is a senior art history and history major with a minor in Asian studies. She is from Westfield, New Jersey with research interests including fashion history, textiles, and modern art.

Anna Clarkson
Head of Archives & Special Collections
aclarkson@loyola.eduAs Head of Archives and Special Collections of the Loyola - Notre Dame Library, I am extremely excited to be working with Dr. Boeye and his class to research our incredibly rich yet understudied collection of rare bibles.

Maggie Cook
Undergraduate Student Researcher
mmcook1@loyola.eduMaggie Cook is a senior and will be graduating May of 2017. She is from Red Bank, NJ but will be staying in the Baltimore area post-graduation to pursue a career in professional staffing. Her artistic interests include Medieval reliquaries and Early Modern painting.

Sara Gilson
Undergraduate Student Researcher
segilson@loyola.eduAs a student of chemistry, art history, and mathematics, I embrace learning in many diverse disciplines. Navigating through the process of categorizing, researching, and analyzing this collection of rare bibles over the course of the semester has been incredibly challenging yet rewarding. This project has given me a better understanding of the incredible skill required in the creation of Bibles as material objects.

Nicole Gramberg
Undergraduate Student Researcher
nsgramberg@loyola.eduNicole is a freshman and is studying Art History. She is from Blairstown, New Jersey and has artistic interests in Impressionism and medieval manuscripts.