1910-1911 through 1919-1920
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Minutes from every season between 1910-1920 are extant in the MDHS collection, but minutes from a significant number of individual meetings are missing in the later years of the decade. Club record-keeping also underwent a significant shift in the 1913-1914 season, when the new Recording Secretary switched from keeping handwritten minutes to using a typewriter. The fact that the typed minutes were no longer bound in a designated notebook may have resulted in the loss of minutes.
The Maryland Historical Society archive has no minutes of meetings after the 1919-1920 season. Meetings continued to be covered in the Baltimore Sun, but the Sun accounts are sorely lacking in detail and also fail to convey the distinctive personalities of the Recording Secretary.
Future plans include collecting and reproducing the Sun's coverage of the WLCB, especially during the final two decades of its existence.