1912-1913 Board of Managers Meeting Minutes


DEC. 13, 1912-MAY 6, 1913
MS 988, Box 4, Book 7


Club Year 1912-1913.


Board of Management elected by Club May 14th, 1912.

President                         Mrs. J. C. Wrenshall

1st Vice Pres.                Mrs. Alan P. Smith

2nd V. “                              Mrs. S. A. Hill

Rec. Sec’y                         Miss Lydia Crane

Corr Sec’y                        Mrs. P. R. Uhler

Treasurer                       Miss E. L. Mullin



Mrs. Wm. M. Powell

Mrs. Sidney Turner

Mrs. Wm. M. Smith

Those holding over from the last year are

Miss H. F. Cooper

Miss Cloud

Mrs. Wrenshall Markland.



Season of 1912-1913.


Meeting of Friday, December 13th, 1912.

The Board of Management of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore held the first meeting for the season of 1912-1913 at the home of the President, Friday December 13th. Those present were Mrs. Wrenshall, Mrs. Alan P. Smith, Mrs. S. A. Hill, Mrs. Powell, Miss Mullin, Mrs. Markland, Mrs. Sidney Turner, Miss Cooper and Mrs. William Smith.

The minutes of the last Board meeting were read and approved.

Mrs. Sidney Turner voiced her dissatisfaction with the reports of our Club programs as given in the newspapers, but though the subject was discussed for some time no real remedy was suggested.

The names of Mrs. Oliver Hoblitzel Madison and St. Paul Street was proposed for membership in the Club by Miss Schnaufter, and seconded by Mrs. Lord and Miss Latané. The name of Mrs. Susan Thomas, 200 Longwood Road, Roland Park, was proposed by Mrs. Fayerweather and seconded by Miss Williams and Mrs. Thomas Berry.

The name of Miss Banserner, 500 Woodlawn Road Roland Park was proposed by Miss Atwater and seconded by Mrs. Reese and Mrs. Janey Hill. The first two names having been put before the Club at a former meeting were voted upon, Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. Hoblitzel being elected members of the Club. The name of Miss Bause-


mer was allowed to lie over till the next meeting.

Mrs. Daniel Earle Miller, formerly Mrs. Armor of 3144 Dupont ave South, Minneapolis, asked that her relation of the Club be changed to that of non-resident membership.

The President read a letter from Mrs. Florence Carter, suggesting the name of Mrs. Newell asa desirable Club member, and asking the privilege of transferring her own dues to Mrs. Newell. After some discussion it was decided that to establish such a precedent would be undesirable. A letter was also read from Miss Reid suggesting the name of Mrs. Clinton Redgrave for membership. As Miss Reid has been a member of the Club less than a year the suggestion was not equivalent to a formal nomination.

The Twelfth Night Festival was next to receive consideration. It was unanimously decided that the celebration should not be omitted and in spite of the pressure of work resulting from her late return from Europe, the President signified her readiness to undertake the [?] duties which fall to her in connection with the annual festivity. Mrs. Powell as chairman of the House Committee assumed responsibility for the supper preparations, and Mrs. William Smith was given charge of the Christmas Box. The entertainment Mrs. Wrenshall stated, would be in charge of Miss Steibler as on the previous year. At the conclusion of the morning


Mrs. Wrenshall entertained the Board with her usual hospitality.

February 6th 1913.

The February meeting of the Board of Managers of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore was held Thursday, the sixth at eleven o’clock. Those present were Mrs. Wrenshall, Mrs. Markland, Mrs. Uhler, Mrs. Powell, Miss Mullin and Mrs. William Smith.

The minutes of the meeting of December were read and approved. The name of Miss Bansemer, 500 Woodlawn Road Roland Park had been laid before the board at a previous meeting, proposed by Miss Atwater. By a unanimous vote she was elected to membership.

Several names came up for discussion which has been suggested for membership in the Club, but could not be presented because of the difficulty in securing seconders. Mrs. Clinton Redgrave was suggested as a member by Miss Marine, and Mrs. Manny] by Miss Latané, but in the case of both ladies their slight acquaintance in the Club has made it difficult to secure the necessary names. Commenting on this fact Mrs. Wrenshall advised their being brought to the Club as guests, so that they could make the acquaintance of other members, since it was impossible to suspend our rules.

The name of Miss Lilian Shepherd was brought up for consideration as she had expressed her purpose of resigning since illness in her family prevented her


from sharing in the work or the pleasure of the Club. It was decided to allow Miss Shepherd’s membership to lapse, but to permit her to renew the relationship when able.

Mrs. Hoblitzell, elected to membership at the December meeting, moved almost immediately to another state, and so was unable to profit by her renewed connection with the Club.

The most of the bills for the Twelfth Night Festival were in and though in some respects preparations were more elaborate than ever before it was ascertained that the total expenditure would come within the limit, $150.00.

At the conclusion of the business of the morning, the members of the board enjoyed Mrs. Wrenshall’s hospitality as on former occasions.

March 6th 1913.

The regular meeting of the Board of Management for the Woman’s Literary Club was held at the home of the President on the above date. The ladies present were Mrs. Wrenshall, Mrs. Alan Smith, Mrs. S. A. Hill, Miss Mullin, Mrs. Powell, Miss Cooper, Mrs. Markland and Mrs. Uhler.

The minutes of the February meeting were read and approved.

A letter was read by Mrs. Uhler from Mrs. C. L. Ashley tendering her resignation and expressing her appreciation of the Club and the hope that in the future


she may join us again. Mrs. Ashley’s resignation was accepted, with regret and the Cor. Sec’y requested to notify her.

Mention was made of the fact that Mrs. Oliver Hoblitzell was unable to become a member as she had removed from the city. Mrs. Wrenshall spoke of the necessity of proposed members fully understanding the obligations to be assumed, and that names should not come up for nomination unless the persons had expression a willingness to assume such obligations.

The name of Mrs. Clinton De Witt Redgrave, 1505 Bolton Street proposed by Miss Marine, and seconded by Miss Williams and Mrs. Reese, and the name of Mrs. Frank Manny proposed by Miss Lucy L. Latoné and seconded by Mrs. Fayerweather and Mrs. Thomas Heill was brought up for election having been proposed some time ago. These ladies were duly elected.

Mrs. Powell proposed that new members be invited to meet the members of the Board at our afternoon meetings and thus get acquainted. It was suggested that a suitable time would be the afternoon devoted to the business of hearing reports of Committees.

It was decided that as the Club year was far advanced that no election of new members be held until the end of the season, those desiring to come in could wait until fall.

The subject of the printing of the Constitution and by-laws for distribution among the members again came


up. Mrs. Wrenshall said it should be done while Miss Crane is able to give it attention as she is versed in all the history and traditions of the Club. Our President further explained that the old copies were printed sixteen years ago and did not give a proper idea of the present Club.

It was decided that some idea of the cost of printing the Constitution and by-laws only be obtained, and if the expense be not too great the effort will be made to have them ready for distribution at the close of the year. The whole matter was left at the discretion of the President, who will be assisted by any member of the Board whom she desires.

Mrs. Wrenshall spoke of the expense involved in the printing of the “programs of preliminary topics” but they seemed almost a necessity for the use of Club members.

The President spoke of our Library--the need of a librarian who could attend regularly and care for the books, and her effort to secure such an one.

Mrs. Wrenshall brought to the attention of the Board that it had been suggested that the Club share in the expense of renovating the Library, but nothing was asked of us which seems more than probable that the Club will be expected to assume the expense of repair in the Assembly Hall. Any such proposition must come directly from Md. Academy of Sciences and be presented in writing, not verbally by a member, before any action can be taken.


Several of the members have requested the House Committee to serve “tea” at our afternoon meetings and it was decided to do so until the end of Lent.

The business of the meeting being over, there was much informal chat with the refreshments served by our hostess.

Meeting of April 3rd 1913.

The monthly meeting of the Board of Managers of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore was held on Thursday, April 3rd at the home of the President. There were present Mrs. Wrenshall, Mrs. Alan Smith, Mrs. Hill, Miss Mullin, Mrs. Markland, and Mrs. William Smith. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

Mrs. Wrenshall announced the gift to the Club Library “The Medieval Musical Relics of Denmark,” translated by our Club member Mrs. Margaret William Hamerick. The beautiful volume was examined by the Board an unanimous opinion expressed that it should not be allowed to circulate. A note of thanks was passed unanimously to be communicated to Mrs. Hamerick by the Corresponding Secretary Mrs Uhler.

The resignation of Mrs. Sidney Turner from the Board was presented and accepted. The secretary was instructed to convey to Mrs. Turner the deep regret of the board that the condition of her health ren-


dered such action necessary.

The program of the afternoon of April 22nd Authors and Artists of Maryland was then discussed, and the President explained the intention of devoting the afternoon to the artists, the authors having previously received more than their share of attention. The suggestion of having pictures of the artists discussed, on exhibition at the CLub room was received by the board most favorably. The question of inviting more artists to present was then discussed. Mrs. Markland who had the program in charge hesitated to make this [?motion] on account of the President, but it was voted to leave her to act at her own discretion as circumstances should render such a step advisable or not otherwise.

As there was no further business for consideration the board adjourned to enjoy Mrs. Wrenshall’s hospitality.

Meeting of May 1st 1913

The May Board meeting of the Board of Directors of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore was held Thursday May 1st at the home of the President. Those present in addition to Mrs. Wrenshall and Mrs. Markland were Mrs. Alan Smith, Mrs. Hill, Mrs. Uhler, Miss Cooper, Miss Mullin and Mrs. William Smith.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted, and the business of the meeting taken under


consideration. In considering the case of the Secretary’s incapacity to serve Mrs. Wrenshall suggested making Miss Crane the Honorary Secretary in view of her long and efficient service. The present arrangement, it was pointed out, left the Board short one member. It was decided that the Club should be asked to ratify the action of the Board, and that Miss Crane should be informed of the honor by the Corresponding Secretary, after the election.

The resignation of Mrs. Sidney Turner during her term of office left a vacancy which according to the constitution must be filled by the Board. In regard to filling this vacancy Mrs. Wrenshall said that it would not do to nominate an officer of the Arundele Club, as this would tend to check the free interchange of thought. To complete the term of Mrs. Sidney Turner, expiring in 1914, Miss Williams was nominated by Mrs. Alan Smith, Miss Mullin seconding the nomination. The Board unanimously approved the nomination.

The question of printing and distributing the Constitution was next discussed. It had been ascertained that a hundred copies of the constitution could be printed at a cost of $22.50. The Board voted to authorise the expenditure, the books to be printed during the summer and distributed in October.

It was decided that the words “social and political” in the paragraphs of the Constitution which defines the subjects which shall be discussed on the Club programs, should be omitted in order to be con-


sistent with our invariable practices. It was voted to submit the question to the Club at the first of the May business meetings action to be taken the following week.

The Board authorised the Treasurer to pay for the cab used by Miss Fletcher on the occasion of her visit to Baltimore.

Miss Cooper moved a vote of thanks to Mrs. Markland for the hard work which had made the meeting of April 22nd so great a success. The motion was heartily approved by the Board.

[?Crane] voted that the opening meeting for the season of 1913-14 should be October 21.

As no further business was to be discussed, the Board adjourned to enjoy Mrs. Wrenshall’s hospitality.

Special Meeting May 6th, 1913.

A special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore was held Tuesday, May 6th at three o’clock. Those present were Mrs. Wrenshall, Mrs. S. A. Hill, Miss Cooper, Mrs. Alan Smith, Mrs. Markland and Mrs. William Smith.

The President mentioned a request made by one of the Club members that announcements of special programs should be sent to all members. Though the question was not discussed exhaustively, the opinion of the Board was that it would be difficult to make such a discrimination between programs.

The question of presenting to the Club the matter of dropping the two words “social and political” from the


constitution was discussed. It was decided that it would be well for the President to announce to the Club that the Board had authorized such a change and ask that it be ratified at the meeting of May 13.

Mrs. Wrenshall spoke of seeing Miss Crane and the latter request that she should not be re-elected to a position whose duties she was unable to discharge. It was agreed that the Club should be asked to ratify Miss Crane’s election to the position of Honorary Sec’y.

The question of the possible vacancy on the Board if Mrs. William Smith should be elected to Miss Crane’s position was also considered. It was decided that as such a vacancy would not occur until after the election, it must be filled by the Board, according to the Constitution.

Miss Williams having declined to serve upon the Board to complete the unexpired term of Mrs. Sidney Turner, Mrs. Fayerweather was nominated by Mrs. Alan Smith, Miss Cooper seconding the nomination. SHe was unanimously elected.[1]


[1] “Election May 1913” is written faintly at the bottom of the page in the notebook, but the usual election results are not listed.





“1912-1913 Board of Managers Meeting Minutes,” The Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore, accessed March 6, 2025, https://loyolanotredamelib.org/Aperio/WLCB/items/show/13492.Item
