1919-1920 Meeting Minutes


OCT. 14, 1919-APRIL 27, 1920
MS988 Box 5, Book 5 

[Oct. 14, 1919]

The Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore held its first meeting for the year 1919-20 Teusday [Tuesday] Oct. 14 1919, with a fair attendance of members. The program for the afternoon consisted of some talks on the different summer experiences of our members. Mrs. Copeland began with the account fo [of] a birthday party, rather an extensive affair, held at Columbus Ohio when the Methodist Church gave celebrated its birthday in the form of a wondeful [wonderful] pageant which in its journey round the world took in all peoples and tongues[.]

Mrs. Sollenberger gave an interesting account of a visit to a medium and spoke of the ouija board, Mr[.] Hyslop, and the general interest attached to the supernatural.

Miss Haughton supplemented these remarks with a few words on some poems lately received through the medium of the wonderful Ouija, one Laon, who it seems has been in connection with the husband of one of our members this summer.

Mrs. Dickey gave a brief sketch of a book she had read this summer, “The Moon and Sixpence.” A most unusual piece of fiction, dealing withe the middle-aged and most uncommon type.

Mrs. Beverly Smith spike a few words concerning modesty, the seat of which from her observation, is situated in the appendix-this removed the woman be she young or old is forever undone as far as the meaning of the word modesty goes.

Miss Ellen Duval gave us a short impromptu account of a visit to Chataqua [Chautaqua] this summer. This unique institution, she told us, furnished instruction in book-learning and handicrafas [handicrafts] of every description, supplying all deficiencies in every line and art, of education so that everybody, of whatever age, is given a chance to patch up in the line of knowledge.

Mrs. Thomas spoke of a vacationless vacation and a chance to get acquainted with nature through the medium of a surburban [suburban] home.

Miss Grace Enzie said that she had not intended speaking but seeing things were so informal she concluded to give us a few words on a trip to East Orange and up the Hudson, both by beat and motor which last she had the good fortune to take both by boat and motor.

Miss Cloud contributed two three poems --White Lilaca [Lilacs?], Eurydice, and “The Little House[”]. Not being present herself, these poems were read by Miss Haughton.

Miss Haughton concluded the program by reading one of her own stories which she told us had been printed some time ago in a leading magazine. The story consisted of the account of a young man who unfortunately finds no difficulty in loving more than one girl. How the several girls he has so devotedly loved at different times get together to his undoing was the conclusion of the story.

[Oct. 21, 1919]

The Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore held its usual weekly meeting, Teusday October 21. The program for the afternoon was in the hands of the fiction committee. Three of the members of this committee contributed short stories.

Miss Grace Enzie opened the program with “The Awakening of Eveth.” The story dealt with the period 15 years subsequent to the great war and with a French girl and her German lover. The young people have only memories and hearsay of that war. The girl’s parents expostulate. Eveth cannot be convinced that her lover from any point of view is undesireable [undesirable]. An accident proves her awakening. In the home of her lover, to which chance has brought herself and her mother, truths are revealed which prove more effective than parental disapproval.

Mrs. Sollenberger then gave us a very interesting sketch from file real life[.] In “Lest Ye Become,” we had the brief story of a short life. The man with the child’s mind who found God in nature, and who in the spirit of the master Sacrificed himself to save another.

Mrs. Thruston gave us “A Word of Cheer,” a story connected with the Movies. In the Chataqua [Chautaqua] worker Anna we had the surprise of finding the woman who with her husband had once figured largely on the screen. The two had given to the world out of their own fullness scence [scene] from their own life, reels written and acted by themselves in a world of their own, before the note of discord came in the shape of a third person, and the jealous wife said goodbye to the husband whom she never was to see in life again. After his death Anna moves dully along in another sphere, widely different from the happy past. When fate took her to the Movies she had lost touch with humanity in brooding over that last unhappy part of life with her husband. But she gets the word of cheer that her soul needs from her husband’s the pictured lips of a living husband. In the old art of lip reading she hears him speak.

[Oct. 28, 1919]

The Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore held its weekly meeting, Teusday [Tuesday] last, Oct. 28, 1919, Miss Harriet Marine being in charge of the afternoon’s program.

In “Who’s Who” the out of town members gave us a brief shetches [sketches] of their literary work, written in the form of an autobiograpical [autobiographical] record of themselves and something they had done in the way of writing.

Mrs. Uhler, read the account given by Mrs. Hester Dorsey Richardson of herself in which account Mrs. Richardson forgot to mention some of her most notable work, but being well-known in a public sense the club supplemented to Historical research work and many other things and gave Mrs. Richardson the glory she deserved[.]

Mrs. Dickie read tye [the] autobiography contributed by Isabelle Mason, the poetess[.]

Next in order was Miss Jean de Val, a Hardford [Harford?] Co. member, who in the quiet of her country home in the society of her mother and the roses, finds inspiration of for the sometime poem.

Mrs. Harriet Lummis Smith, former President, sent a shetch [sketch] of her life. Born in Boston, educated in the middle-west, graduate of Lawrence college [College], she began as teacher, to change suddenly into that of writer with the result of many published books and a great number of short stories in the few years that she has been at her desk.

Mrs. Cockran, an out-town member, who took the trouble to be with us on that day, gave a breezy little talk on what really counted in life, reading a paper which she had composed whilst on her way from her home in Dorchester Co. to this city.

Miss Lantz, our well-known newspaper member, whose “Frocks and Frills,” has given her a place in every Baltimorean’s memory, sent a short account of her literary work, the scope of which has been most various.

Mrs. Lord, told of her published and unpublished work, her well-known books, “Days of Lamb and Coleridge,[”] etc, and some fugitive poems, besides 150 essays on various subjects. The whole making a fine record.

Miss Victoria Gittings, likened the game of literature to that of Nine Pins treating us to some thoughts on the subject connected with her efforts.

Miss Virginia Bowie alluded to modest beginnings at the age of 5. A novellete [novelette] at 7, which showed the early trend of her talent. Stories of hers have been published in the Cosmopolitan and other magazines.

Miss Atwater contributed the story of her literary achievemnts [achievements] in the shape of Colins’s adventure. Text books of Nature Studies, etc.

Miss Malloy, journalist and dramatic correspondent, one of the 1st members of the club, told of her newspaper work, speaking of herself as a pioneer woman of this city in some of the special departments on the newspaper.

[Nov. 4, 1919]

The Club held its weekly meeting last Teusday [Tuesday], November 4. The Committee on Fiction Chairman, Mrs. Thomas, being in charge of the program. Mrs. Uhler read the club a letter, received by our treasurer Mrs. Hoffman, from Mrs. Wrenshall. The letter contained many wishes for the welfare of the club over which Mrs. Wrenshall had once presided.

Mrs. Addison Cooke opened the program. The story she read, its title being “Which!” dealt with a very modern probelm [problem] concerning the individual and the church. Mrs. Cincinnatus Baker, suddenly arrives at a conclusion most startling to a family accustomed to mother’s going to church with the quiet regularity that she did everything else, but Mrs.Barker for once does the unusual besides giving her family the benefit of some pretty serious thinking and acting on her part. All of which gives rise to the title--“Which.”

Miss Virginia Bowie in “The House of the Carven Stars,[”] told of a “lady who found herself projected forward to the year 2215.[,”] where she meets the priestess of the House of the Carven Stars who demonstrates the solution of the difficulties that have beset the probelm [problem] of matrimonial alliances in former times. In the Bureau of Marriage the harmonious element in human nature are taken into consideration, and affinity considered vasty different from the hit and miss fashion of bygone years.

Mrs. Dickie concluded the program with one of her stories. “The Bishop’s Garden,” is the name of the picture, greatly prized by a poor old man, one Peter Smith[.] The young girl, Mary, who wins his confidence by her kindliness and symapthy [sympathy], comes into possession of this picture after the death of the eccentric old man whom she has befriended. The story concludes with an explanation that comes five years later when Mary, now a wife and mother, sees a resemblance in her son to the old man. The discovery of a letter in the back of [“]The Bishop’s Garden[”] clears up things, Mary’s husband is the son of Peter Smith’s brother. The afternoon concluded with a freindly [friendly] chat.

[Nov. 11, 1919]

The Women’s Literary Club of Baltimore held its usual weekly meeting last Teusday [Tuesday] November 11. The Committee on Book Reviews, Chairman Mrs. Hoffman was in charge of the afternoon’s program. Mrs. Howard Palmer spoke of one of the recently published books, “An American Family[”] by K. Webster. The book takes in the wide range of four generations, its interest centering on the young man belonging to the third. Mrs. Palmer spoke of it as a work of vivid characterization and one that plainly demonstrated that in a world of chaos underneath are the everlasting arms.

Mrs. Crowther then spoke of another recent book, “The Undefeated,” by the English author, Anaith. Bill Hollis, the hero of the story represents the undefeated[.] In the eyes of his immediate relatives Bill suffers the slings and arrows is a failure. As far as worldly success goes he is, but the spirit of the man has its chance; when the war breaks out Bill enlists. As a corporal the attitude of his friends change. At the end of the story Bill works out his own redemption and from a failure passes into glorious success.

Mrs. Hoffman told us of a book she had lately come across. Opening it she had entered into a land of delight, peopled by the very young. The book, “Dream Days,” is by Kenneth Granam [Graham?] and does not belong to the very new publications. It dealt with the child’s point of view on various subjects, such as, going to church[.] Unnecessary washing, the queer things connected with grown-ups, the uncles, etc. From Mrs. Hoffman’s description the book sounded most delightful and took her hearers back to their own young days when the woods and the trees and old orchards were alive with interest and wonder.

Mrs. Charles Lord read us a poem in honor of the day which was the anniversary of the Declaration of Peace.

The afternoon concluded with a friendly chat amongst members and guests.

[Nov. 18, 1919]

The Women’s Literary Club of Baltimore held its weekly meeting Teusday [Tuesday] last, Nov. 18.[,] 1919. Mrs. Copeland, vice-president, presiding in the absence of the president. The Committee on Poetry, Chairman, Mrs. Sollenberg, was in charge of the afternoon’s program[.]

Mrs. Howard Palmer read three poems, Nunc Dimmittus, A Fancy, and Sealed Orders[.]

Mrs. Beverly Smith then gave three two sonnets, “The Return,” and “Hope[.]”

Mrs. Ashley had three poems which came next in order, “The Spirit Wind,” “Cycles of Love,” and a song entitled, “Indian Summer Love.”

Mrs. Lord then gave us one of her poems, “Life’s Tides,” which spoke of the ebb and flow of life.

Mrs. Sollenberg read two of her short poems, “To Spring,” which voiced the glad rebirth of earth, and “Sympathy.”

We had the great pleasure of having Miss Latane with us. The program was concluded by a paper from her which gave a short account of the poet-priest, Father Tabb, his life and works--to say nothing of his very loveable character. Father Tabb Miss Latane told us was born in 1845, entered the confederate army, was a prisoner at Point Lookout at the same time that Sydney [Sidney] Lanier was also there. Miss Latane mentioned several poems in which the priest is not suggested,[.] She spoke of his skill in handling words and ideas, their beautiful simplicity, the strong impression of light and shade. The man himself, so human, with his sympathetic understanding of youth and nature, and the school of darkness into which he entered in his last years.

Members and friends found time after the conclusion of program to have a short friendly chat.

[Nov. 25, 1919]

The Woman’s Literary Club meet [met] as usual last Teusday [Tuesday], November 25 1919. The programs for the afternoon was in charge of the Magazine Committee, Chairman Mrs. B. Smith[.]

The Magazine opened with two poems by Mrs. George Croll. “Down City Streets,[”] & “Above the Street.”

On the next page appeared a sgort [short] story by Mrs. Sollenberger, “Pinkerton outclassed.” An amusing. [,] very characteristic account of a war in the domestic region between laundress and cool, the last shaft being hurled from the victorious cook in the sarcastic question, referring to the well-filled stocking that had to be abandoned by the retreating party: “What are you going to do without your muffins?”

A talk on the “Community Kitchen[”] appeared next from the pen of our new contributor, Mrs. Crowther. This was a very clear, amusing account of this latest to cookless housekeepers in the shape of hot dinners delivered in attractive container that pleased even those more particular, home-cooking loving men, and had won several of the sex to the side of Community Kitchens.

Two short stories came next in order from Mrs. Addison Cooke. “The Dare-Devil & the ‘Fraid-Cat,[”] was the account of a small boy, the terror of his family and friends, who with the surprisingness of his age and sex suddenly made good, demonstrating the fact that one never knows what lies in the human heart.

The other story, “Which!” dealt with our vanishing friend the horse, in this a girl-lover of these animals, a race-course, and an objectionable man figure.

Mrs. Howard Palmer’s signature came under the essay, “The Lost Art of Listening[,”] In [in] which essay many truths were handled that most of us would do well to ponder over[.] We all need to be reminded that in silence philosophy is bred; that one who is always taking never hears anyone else talk; that the prayer, “Oh, give me Samuel’s listening ear[”] is a good prayer for those of today.

The program concluded with a story by Mrs. Thomas. “Miss Rebecca-Superintendedn [Superintendent”] was the stop of the faithful superintendent of a Home for girls, who finds herself suddenly overwhelmed by the autocratic power of a newly-elected president. The story deals with the weakness and strength of the small Superintendent[.]

In addition to a large audience of members and friends we had type-written programs contributed by Mrs. Dickey, also a cup of tea.


[Dec. 2, 1919] 

The club held its usual weekly meeting, Teusday [Tuesday] last, December 2 1919. The Travel Committee, Chairman Mrs. Charles W. Lord was in charge of the afternoon’s program[.]

Mrs. Lord gave a paper, “The Rhododendron Country,” which more immediately lies around Delaware Water-Gap and Pocono Hills as she found them last summer. Here this beautiful flower finds its own soil and is particularly cared for with the result that everybody associates the place with the flowers. Mrs. Lord alluded also to the Birch and maple trees, the villas and camps, the perpetual motion of the moving population that belongs to the summer time[.]

“The Storied Hudson,” from Miss Grace Enzie gave us the entertaining and instructive account of that beautiful river and its surroundings places as she found them in her trip there last summer. The historic associations found all along its shores, the curious traditions, the old Dutch church at Kingston, the 150 miles of fine road running along the side of the river from New York to Albany. As Miss Enzie was lucky enough to have the land and river trip she gave us the benefit of her observations from both points of view.

“So This is Texas,” was Mrs. Dickey’s account of her first trip to that part of the country. Where she [She] went to meet her husband last summer near the Aviation field where he was staioned [stationed]. Beginning with From New Orleans, with its swamps, mosquitoes, Mrs. Dickey took us with creole residences, across the Missisippi [Mississippi] river in a ferry and on to Houston to the Rice hotel, which she said was superior to our Belvedere. She alluded to Dallas, where she attended a barbacue [barbecue], the good times she enjoyed, the aviation field, night-flying, and many other things connected with this state as she found it.

The program concluded with the cup of tea and talk amongst members and friends which was enjoyed by all.

[Dec. 9, 1919]

The Woman’s Literary Club held its usual weekly meeting Teusday [Tuesday] last December 9 1919 under the direction of Mrs. Addison Cooke, Chairman of Current Events.

A paper, “Current Poetry,” was first in order by Mrs. L. Randall Sollenberger. In which Mrs. Sollenberger gave us one of Miss Lizette Reese’s unpublished poems “The Gathering.” From which we had a brief talk on some of the poems of the day[:] Miss Rittenhouse’s collection, and many others, including those of John Drinkwater[,] David Morton, and last, but certainly not least, the Bentztown Bard, and our own poetess Miss Virginia Cloud.

Miss Lily Tyson Elliott was on the program for “Topics Here and There,” but as Mrs. Elliott could not be with us on that afternoon[,] Mrs. Cooke turned “Topics here [Here] and There,” from the original intention of a paper or talk, into a general discussion of that which might be embraced under that heading from poetry to politics. Most of our members took part in this discussion and not a few ideas on many subjects were in this manner disseminated for the benefit of everybody[.]

It is needless to say that this general discussion proved most interesting and entertaining.

The program concluded with the hospitable and social cup of tea which proved a delightful finishing touch to a unique afternoon.

[Dec. 16, 1919]

Our club held its usual weekly meeting, December 16 1919, its last meeting for that year. The afternoon’s program was under the direction of the Bible Committee, Chairman Mrs. T. J. Copeland.

The president, Miss Louisa Haughton, presided after an absence of a few weeks[.]

“A Log Book in Palestine,” came first on the program, by Mrs. Jordan Stabler. In this “Log Book,” the club was given the very interesting account in the form of a diary of Mrs. Stabler’s trip through the region of Palestine, from Smyrna to Mt. Hermon with its old Testament memories, to the home of Simon the tanner at Jaffa, and on to Bethany and Jersualem [Jerusalem.] Mrs. Stabler carried her audience, stopping at all the familiar interesting points in her journey and making us see through her Log Book what she had seen in person a few years ago.

“Our Classis Inheritance,” By [by] Miss Virginia Cloud, proved a strong protest against modern invasion of the English language as handed down to us through a long line of classic writers. All the music and majesty of a language undermined by the richness and wealth of Divine influence lifts its voice in protest against the alien force that threatens its bulwarks. [“]There is no such thing as a divided language,” Miss Cloud told us. The English as handed down to us from our English forefathers is our American inheritance and as such we americans will fight for it, and protect it intact for those who shall come after us.

Mrs. Julius Thruston then review[ed] a book, “An Unknown Disciple,” which told in the simple language of one who followed Christ the story that we have in our New Testament. The sermon on the mount is interpreted and told in the familiar words of the man who touches the primitive things in religion. The book is written by an author who does not give his name and is one of the books of the day.

The Club adjourned after its cup of tea to meet next year, January 6 when the festivities of the usual Tweith [Twelfth] night would take place.

[Jan. 13, 1920]

The Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore held its weekly meeting last Teusday [Tuesday] January 13[.] Miss Malloy, Chairman of Journalism being in charge of the afternoon’s program, The program consisted in an informal talk from the Chairman herself on that vast subject--Journalism.

Prefacing her talk with the remark that she could merely scratch the surface of newspaper journalism, Miss Malloy went on to give us very interesting glimpses into this wonderful realm of press work, its developement [development], its historical value, and its amazing worth in keeping things before the public. Had there been a free press in Russia the present condition of that country could not have existed.

Both in illustration and recorded facts it hold[s] the richest material for history. Miss Malloy spoke also of its accuracy in detail, the fine training of reporters, and the dramatic quality of many ordinary events converted under the facile pen of ordinary journalism into humorous and thrilling stories of real life.

We were given also a few personal experiences relating to one who has devoted many years to this work, public opinion concerning woem [women] reporters in the past, interviews with well-known actors, concluding with an all-round talk in which members of the club were free to put questions and get the benefit of a real journalist’s first-hand ideas on the subject. All of which made the afternoon interesting and entertaining and most delightfully sociable.


[Minutes from several months appear to be missing.]

[Apr. 27, 1919]

The Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore held a meeting Teusday [Tuesday] last, April 27, [.]

The program consisted of the reading of an anonoymous [anonymous] piece of work by one of the members by Mrs. P. Uhler. Criticism was requested to be given at the close of the rading [reading].

The story was built on very surprising and rather gruesome incidents in the life of a young girl with her final marriage to a young man who turns out to be superior to the conditions under which they meet.

The criticism solicted [solicited] was unanimous in its conclusion concerning its claim to a short-story, that the material used was sufficient to have been spread over a wider sphere.

The afternoon concluded with a chat over the tea-cups.






“1919-1920 Meeting Minutes,” The Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore, accessed February 23, 2025, https://loyolanotredamelib.org/Aperio/WLCB/items/show/13484.Item
