1913-1914 Meeting Minutes


[MS 988 BOX 5, BOOK 3]


The Season of 1913-1914.

The 775th Meeting. [Oct. 21, 1913] 

The opening meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore for the season of 1913-1914 was called to order by the President Tuesday October 21st, 1913. Mrs. John C. Wrenshall announced the death of Dr. Uhler, already known to many of those present and stated that the propriety of adjourning as a mark of respect had been discussed in the Board meeting. She spoke of the peculiarly close relation


of Dr. Uhler to the Club for many years, and that the adjournment had seemed to the Board a fitting tribute to him as a friend , as well as a mark of sympathy for his wife, our fellow member. She also asked the Club to endorse the sending of resolutions of sympathy to Mrs. Uhler. Mrs. Ellicott [Elliott][1] moved that we adjourn, referring briefly to the loss sustained by the City and the State, as well as by ourselves in the death of Dr. Uhler. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Jordan Stabler, and carried unanimously.

[in pencil] The following Resolutions were sent to Mrs. Uhler:

The Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore

Whereas, in the death of Dr. Philip R. Uhler our City has sustained the loss of one of its most eminent scholars


and noted citizens, whose contributions to the intellectual life of the community and must prove his most enduring monument: and

Whereas "The Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore" while sharing in the general loss, mourns in addition the passing of a trusted friend, who by his wise counsel and generous assistance proved in numberless instances his sympathy with the Club's high aims, and his interest in their realization:

Be It Resolved. That We, the Board of Management and Members of "The Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore," extend to Dr. Uhler's family, between whom and ourselves the tie is so peculiarly close and intimate, our heartfelt sympathy, commending them to the tender consolation of Him Who has


promised especial comfort and protection to the widowed and the fatherless, and praying that the gracious memories of the life whose earthly prelude has ended may rob sorrow of all bitterness, and blend grief and gratitude into perfect harmony.

Be It Resolved. That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the bereaved family, and the same shall be entered upon the Records of "The Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore."


776th Meeting. [Oct. 28, 1913] 

The opening programme of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore deferred from October 21st to October 28th, brought together a gathering that filled the room. The brief minutes of the meeting of October 21st adjourned as a mark of respect to Dr. Philip R. Uhler, were read,


and also the minutes of the closing meeting of May.  Mrs. Wrenshall read the programmes for November, and asked for volunteers to assist in the decoration of the graves of the authors and artists buried in the vicinity on the approaching All Saints' Day. After extending her greeting to the Club, in opening a new year of work, Mrs. Wrenshall opened the programme.

Miss Caroline Bausemer briefly reviewed Arnold Bennett's "The Old Adam," in which the hero of the previous books of Edward Henry plays the leading role. Miss Bausemer pronounced "The Old Adam" not a great book, but delightfully amusing. Mrs. William K. Bartlett reviewed "Under the Sky in California" with especial appreciation and feeling as the author is a kinsman. She contrasted the method of this volume with the west-from-a-car-window variety.

Miss Emily P. Atwater pronounced


"The Life and Times of Thomas John Claggett" a book interesting to the unlearned as well as the learned reader, giving a vivid picture of the good old times.

Mrs. Thomas L. Berry called "Laddie" a book especially for young people, one which could have been written only by an author in sympathy with the young.

Miss Virginia Bowie, in discussing "Marriage" suggested that in this book the author has the attitude of an onlooker, so that in Marjorie one lacks a sense of reality.

Miss Cooper declared that the "Friendly Stars" actually performs the office implied in its title, and makes the faces of the stars seem the faces of friends.

Mrs. I. J. Copeland quoted the saying that a book is a garden, a book is a party, a book is company, and showed


how the book of Job filled all three conditions.

Miss Mary Dorsey Davis discussing the "Life of a Bee" by Maeterlink [Maeterlinck] called attention to the sympathy of the author's attitude toward the subjects of his work.

Mrs. Allan Smith reviewed "Pollyanna," the simple story of a child whose attitude of radiant joy toward all the happenings of life works a transformation in a country village.

In the absence of Mrs. James Fenhagen her discussion of Maeterlink's [Maeterlinck] "The Measure of the Hours" was read by Mrs. William Smith the paper briefly suggesting the subject of each of the essays which make up the volume.

Miss Victoria Elizabeth Gittings was also absent, and Mrs. Markland read her paper on "The House of the Lost Court," which Miss Gittings pronounced an entertaining story which makes


no pretentions to improving the reader.

Mrs. Samuel Alexander Hill compared "Wilsam" by E.C. Nethersale to some of the writings of George Elliot [Eliot]. The unusual title "Wilsam" is allied to the more familiar words flotsam and jetsam.

In the absence of Mrs. C.W. Gallagher who was to have discussed the "Coryston Family," Miss Cloud spoke briefly of the book pronouncing it Mrs. Ward's very best work, showing mellowness and maturity.

Miss Lucy Latane reviewed the "Romance of Leonardo da Vinci," which gives an interesting and vivid picture of one of the greatest of all geniuses.

Mrs. Frank A. Manny who had read some of Philpott's novels amid the scenes which inspired them, confessed that this added to her enjoyment


of the volumes, and spoke particularly of the novel "Mother" which portrays a mother's sacrifice.

Reade's "Put Yourself in His Place," was the selection of Miss Harriet P. Marine, a volume timely in spite of the fact that it was written many years ago, since its theme is labor troubles.

Miss Mullin stated that "Footprints of Famous Americans in Paris" was a book flattering to the national pride since its keynote is the influence America has exerted abroad.

Miss Nicolas [Nicholas] prefaced her review of "The Harvester" by the statement that it was easier for her to feel books than to criticise [criticize] them, and called the popular volume from Mrs. Porter's pen stimulating both to body and to mind.

Miss Reese had especially enjoyed Alfred Noyes" "Tales of


the Mermaid Tavern" which she said seemed like an old chronicle set to verse.

Mrs. Percy Reese pronounced Mrs. De la Pasture's "The Tyrant" a book which though very simple as to the style and plot gave an unusual impression of reality.

Miss Lillie Schnauffer reviewed "Einer Mutter Sohn" by one of the leading German writers a discussion of the influence of environment versus heredity.

Mrs. Walter Thomas paid a high tribute to "Helen of the High Hand" when she declared she had read it on a hot day and forgotten all her troubles.

Mrs. Sidney Turner regretting the present tendency to reduce Christmas to terms of


obligation, if not of commercialism, recommended "Mrs. Budlong's Christmas Presents," as an antidote to such tendency, and offered to lend the volume to all Club members who would like to read it.

The paper by Miss WIlliams, who is still abroad, was read by Mrs. Wrenshall. "At the Heart of Life" is not, Miss Williams said, a thrilling book, but it contains exquisite description and is full of sympathy.

Mrs. Jordan Stabler closed the programme with a review of Sarah Grand's "Adam's Orchard" a book which seems the introduction to another volume whose chief interest centres [centers] about a most unusual mother and son.

At the close of the programme the President asked the members present and their guests to remain for refreshments.



The 777th Meeting. [Nov. 4, 1913] 

The regular meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held Tuesday, November 4th, 1913. On account of illness, Mrs. Wrenshall was not able to be present and her place was filled by the First Vice-President, Mrs. Alan Smith. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Mrs. Bowie reported for the Committee decorating the graves of the artists and authors buried in the vicinity, stating that it had been decided to use laurel instead of smilax, and the change had been very satisfactory. At the conclusion of the report a note was read from Mrs. Atwater, thanking the Club for the flowers sent in memory of Bishop and Mrs. Paret. The Secretary also read a note from Mrs. Uhler expressing her appreciation of the flowers went her, and her realization of the


strong bond of sympathy which had always existed between Dr. Uhler and the Club.

A volume entitled "The British Invasion of Maryland 1812-1815," by William M. Marine, was presented to the Club library by his daughter Miss Harriet P. Marine. Miss Marine was asked by the presiding officer to make a few remarks regarding the book and its author. Miss Marine said that the records of the War of 1812 had been very poorly kept, the rosters of the regiments many of them being in private families. Her father had spent about twenty years in research work before completing the book. A vote of thanks was tendered Miss Marine by the Club.

The programme of the afternoon was in charge of the Committee on Poetry, Miss Lizette Woodworth Reese Chairman. The programme opened with a paper by Miss Reese entitled


"A Canadian Poet," which treated of the work and personality of Ethelwynne Wetherall. Of great interest was the house in the willows, a house built in a tree-top by the brother of the poet, where she spends much of her time during the summer. Her home is on a fruit farm in a remote country place, the large floating population it was said, consisting mainly of ducks. As is to be expected, her poetic gift is characterized by a strong love of nature as well as by a mystical vein due in part, perhaps, to her Quaker ancestry. Miss Reese read several selections in illustration of the author's gift.

The paper of Miss Ellen Duvall which was to have been read by Miss Lucy Latane, was read by Miss Reese, Miss Latane being detained at home by a severe cold. The paper entitled "Two Poetic Imaginations["] contrasted the imaginations


of the widely diverse poets Poe and Emily Bronte. Miss Duvall called Poe's imagination finely idealistic, embodying itself in a feminine form. Emily Bronte's imagination is as finely masculine. The former seek beauty, the man's [woman's?] quest, the latter strength, the woman's [man's?] quest. Emily Bronte knew imagination as a joy giving power. Poe's imagination took the direction of creating a sinister atmosphere. No one speaks of Poe's characters, for he created none. But in his power to create an atmosphere of terror he has scarcely an equal. Poe recognized only lyrics as poem declaring a long poem to be a contradiction of terms, and his longer poems help to bear out this theory, though they contain some of his most beautiful lyrics.

The programme was concluded by the reading of several of Alfred Noyes's poems, which


Miss Cloud read with beautiful effectiveness.


The 778th Meeting. [Nov. 11, 1913] 

The regular meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held Tuesday, November 11th, 1913. As Mrs. John C. Wrenshall was unable to be present, Mrs. Allan [Alan] Smith again presided. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. One or two announcements by the presiding officer preceded the programme, which was in charge of the Fiction Committee.

The programme opened with a story "The Courtship of Amanda" by Mrs. William Smith. Amanda is a girl who attracts none of the village beaux, and the sympathy she receives on that account renders her restive. But suddenly she begins to receive daily letters and to intimate


friends she displays a diamond ring and a photograph of a fine looking young man. Later the young man begins to call on her, but as he always comes on a night when her father is away, her father remains in ignorance of his existance [existence].  He hears something one evening which makes him suspicious and he returns home to find his daughter locked in her room. He breaks down the door and finds not the lover of whom he has been warned, but a man's clothing. He rages about the room, till his terrified daughter attempts to spring from the window and in his struggle to prevent her from killing herself, she receives an injury on the head which renders her unconscious for days. As the father attempts to restore her to consciousness he is attacked by a severe bleeding


at the nose, and when he summons help, the room presents a most damaging appearance. His attempt to hide the clothing he has discovered in his daughter's room also is a suspicious coincidence, and he is arrested. Later when he finds that his daughter's good name is attacked, he confesses to murder and clears her reputation. An effort is made to lynch him but before the lawless attempt can be carried out, a familiar figure appears in the blood[-]stained clothing the accused man had vainly attempted to hide. It is Amanda, who beginning by writing letters to herself, finally conceived the idea of masquerading as a man, and courting herself. And this apparition promptly puts an end to the proceedings against the father.

"Strike Straight" was the contribution of Mrs. Walter Thomas to the programme.


The story opened with an impressive picture of a father and son. The father, a Jew, married a Christian, and after her death has lived near her people, receiving from them wrongs and indignities. His hate and bitterness are somewhat reflected in the heart of the boy David. The boy's pet dog is killed by his uncle for trespassing on his land, and the boy, though keeping the injury a secret from his father, suffers accutely [acutely] from the sense of helpless wrong. While he and his father are out walking[,] the dog belonging to David's cousin Charlie begins to follow David, and the father threatens to kill it if it comes upon his land. Later David, finds the dog upon his ground and chains it, seeing in this a chance for revenge, for his own pet's death. But a boy friend, Paul Harden, to whom he confides the purpose, dis-


suades him, on the ground that if he is to strike at all, he should strike straight. The boy releases the dog, and in the morning uses Paul's argument to his father with the result that the man tears into shreds a letter with which he has intended to wound his old enemy; through his son.

The programme was concluded with a story by Miss Emily Paret Atwater, "Her Day Off." Aunt Myra, an unselfish and useful member of her married sister's household, overhears a conversation between her niece Kitty and a youthful admirer in which amiability is identified with lack of character, and she is chosen to illustrate the contention. The next day is her birthday and at breakfast she electrifies the family by announcing her intention of doing only what she feels like doing, and saying only what she feels like saying, departing completely from her


usual standards. She occupies herself with a novel during the forenoon, ignoring the claims of the mending basket, and in the afternoon she attends the matinee of a popular musical comedy instead of the missionary meeting.

She does not make her appearance at dinner time, and when the head of the house mentions that there was a panic in one of the theatres that afternoon, consternation reigns. In the midst of the tears and self-reproach Aunt Myra appears and is warmly welcomed. Questioned as to her whereabouts, she confesses that becoming disgusted with the musical comedy, she left early, and had attended the missionary society after all.


The 779th Meeting. [Nov. 13, 1913]

The regular meeting of the


Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held Tuesday, November 18th, 1913, and the Club members were rejoiced to see Mrs. John C. Wrenshall again in the chair, after her illness. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

The programme was in charge of the Committee on Autographs and Letters, Mrs. Harriet Lummis Smith Chairman, and was opened with a paper by Mrs. Smith on "Other People's Letters." Mrs. Smith took the ground that while an autobiography is a man's picture of himself as he likes to imagine he looks, his letters really reveal himself. The simple, almost stupid, letters of certain great men sometimes give us a feeling of affection for them not called out by their profundities. A letter of Robert Burns was quoted to illustrate the formal and stilted style of a past gen-


eration, and one from Edwin Booth cast a light upon the actor's religious faith. Emerson, Ruskin, Stevenson, Edwin Forrest, and others were quoted, and the Browning love letters were cited as the most perfect record of a love affair in existance [existence].

Under the title "The Son of a Great Sire," Mrs. Percy Meredith Reese discussed Julian Hawthorne. In his book "Nathaniel Hawthorne and His Wife," this author has given a beautiful picture of the devotion existing between his brilliant father and his beautiful, charming mother. Reared in such a home, educated at Harvard, and with a ten-year residence abroad, Julian Hawthorne had unusual training for his chosen life work. While the father created mysterious beings, Julian drew flesh and blood, and Mrs. Reese illustrated the difference


by quoting a description from a book of each author. She gave it as her opinion that his works had received less than their due of praise because the son was over-shadowed by his father's fame.

"Sir Francis de Sales," called by Leigh Hunt "The Gentleman Saint," was the subject of Mrs. Walter Thomas's paper. Mrs. Thomas gave some interesting incidents from De Sale's boyhood, some of which seemed prophetic of his later development. His father, who was a soldier and diplomat, destined him for a public life, and attempted to train him accordingly, but the youth's heart was early fixed on a religious life, and the father wisely yielded. After he became provost of the district, his devotion to his work perplexed the senior, and Mrs. Thomas quoted Francis's story of how his father pro-


Tested against the frequency of his preaching. A number of the saint's sayings were quoted, showing him a master of epigrammatic expression, besides illustrating the charm and strength of his character.

Miss Virginia Bowie discussed Charles Carroll of Carrollton under the title of "The Signature of a Signer." Miss Bowe confessed to two personal reasons for interest in the great Maryland patriot; one being that he was a former owner of the property on which her grandfather's home stood, the other that he was a distant connection. Miss Bowie pronounced Carroll a remarkable type. The richest man in the thirteen colonies, he often advocated measures like to harm his fortune, and when he signed his name to the Declaration of Independence, a ceremony which did not take place till August 2nd,


nearly a month after its proclamation, some bystanders exclaimed, "There go a few cool millions." Carroll outlived every other signer.

At the conclusion of the programme, those present examined the autographs. Julian Hawthorne's neat hand hardly suggested a literary celebrity. The signature of Carroll was signed to an interesting old deed, the original deed of purchase of the property to which Miss Bowie had referred. The autograph of De Sales was contained in an old book bearing the date 1616.


The 780th Meeting [Nov. 25, 1913] 

The regular meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held Tuesday, November 25th, 1913, Mrs. John C. Wrenshall presiding. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Mrs. Wrenshall spoke of the loss the


Club had sustained in the death of our member, Mrs. Charles W. Gallagher. In speaking of Mrs. Gallagher she declared that her life was a consecration to the two greatest of the causes which enlist human loyalty, religion and education. In response to Mrs. Wrenshall's remarks, Miss Davis moved that a letter be sent to Dr. Gallagher, expressing our sympathy and sense of loss and that flowers also be sent.

The programme was in charge of the Committee on Education, Mrs. Robert Bowie Chairman, and was opened with a paper by Mrs. Walter Thomas, "A Slice of Bacon, His Lordship's Views of Education." Bacon the first to give the inductive method of reasoning the importance it now holds was a precocious youth, entering Trinity College at thirteen, and showing during the next five years the most extra-


ordinary development. Unfortunately his moral qualities were not on a par with his intellectual powers. Meek and even-tempered, he possessed coldness of heart and meanness of spirit. While Lord Chancellor of England he was convicted of bribery, and underwent a short imprisonment. Bacon strove to free mediaeval thought from superstition. He waged war against the tyranny of authority. Contrary to the common beliefs, his writings are not dull reading, but frequently enlivened by spicy stories and striking epigrams.

Owing to the absence of Miss Nellie Williams in Europe, her paper "In the Steps of the Padres," was read by Miss Latane. The Franciscan friars in their effort to civilize and educate the Indian, dotted that portion of America now called California with their missions. Miss William's [Williams's]


paper treated of the splendid educational system of that state. She commented on the fact that the bond was peculiarly close between the educational institutions of Baltimore and California. Dr. Gilman being called from the University of California to Johns Hopkins in 1875, while recently Dr. Guth was called from the College of the Pacific to take the presidency of Goucher.

The requirements for a teacher in California are high, a college diploma being required of all. It is the only state publishing its own text books. The state university is an integral part of the educational system of the state, which has been liberal with its, as individuals have also been [word missing?]. It was the first university in the country to establish the summer school. The Lick Observatory, the Farm school


and the Teachers' College are all departments with a wide reputation. Leland Stanford Junior, is a near neighbor, a great university splendidly endowed, and with the highest standards. The College of the Pacific in San Jose is an old school for California, having been founded in 1852. Miss Williams also touched upon the theosophical school at Pt. Loma, carried on under the supervision of Mrs. Tingley, unique in this that none of the teachers are paid.

Under the title "Educational Tendencies of the Times," Mrs. Charles W. Lord discussed education in a general rather than a specific way. Never before has such full educational equipment been within reach of all. Lecture courses and libraries, as well as colleges, supply the means of a liberal education. Mrs. Lord spoke of the educational influence of the conventions of physicians,


philanthropists, and missionaries, the reports of whose proceedings are published to the world. Even the novels instead of furnishing entertainment are used as a theatre for making the burning questions of the day vital and appealing.

Mrs. Robert Bowie closed the programme with a paper on "Ancient Celtic Manuscripts, Their Relation to the National Characteristics."

From the beginning, Mrs. Bowie said, Hibernia has been enveloped in a mist of fantasy. The Celt is the seer of the human race. The advanced development of this island is indicated by the fact that the first century after Christ it had a written language. This later came to contain many words of Latin stem and in the fifth century after Christ, flowered out in literature; Mass books, psalters, and lives of saints were written


slabs of birch and ash wood, though sometimes parchment was used.  The eighth century introduces the unique Vision literature, the forerunner of Dante's "Inferno." The visions of the Irish mystics are written in a cold, scholarly fashion with the attendant phenomena carefully quoted. Mysticism is still a characteristic trait of the Celt, said Mrs. Bowie, and finished her paper with an illuminating and beautiful quotation from William Sharp.[2]


The 781st Meeting. [Dec. 2, 1913]

The regular meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held Tuesday, December 2nd, 1913, Mrs. John C. Wrenshall presiding. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved, and Mrs. Turner announced the meeting of her Committee on Saturday forenoon.


The programme for the afternoon was in charge of the Committee on Current Literature, Miss Lucy Temple Latane Chairman. Miss Latane opened the programme with a review of Trevelyan's "Life of John Bright."[3] Referring to Carlyle's definition of history as the biography of great men, Miss Latane said that, according to this definition, the biography of John Bright was the history of England for fifty years. The volume under consideration is notable for its accuracy, in combination with the historical imagination.

The son of a prosperous manufacturer, Bright early came in contact with the poor, realized their needs and formulated ideals to be worked out later. The death of his young wife after a year of married life, instead of blasting his energies in unavailing grief, resulted in his deep


consecration to the cause of humanity. Among many causes for which he worked may be mentioned the repeal of the Corn laws, the doing away of the discriminating against dissenters, and the repeal of the game laws, cruel and unjust at that time. He was interested in benefitting the Irish peasantry long before Gladstone took it up. His opposition to the jingo spirit at the time of the Crimean war drew on him abuse from all sides. He first took office under Gladstone but his most effective work was done when he was not in office. The friendship of Richard Cobden was one of the most influential factors in his life, and he and Disreali [Disraeli], perhaps because of their unlikeness, had a peculiar facination [fascination] for each other. Bright's influence, with all regard for his high ability,


was not largely due to his moral weight.

Mary Johnston's "Hagar" was reviewed by Mrs. Harriet Lummis Smith. Miss Johnston has always showed a fondness for conflict but in this volume the conflict is a moral and intellectual one. The heroine brought up in a cramped environment, rebels against the limitations set on her thinking and action. The discovery of her literary gifts helps to solve the problem of independence. Her espousal of the feminist cause is not a conversion but a natural growth, her life-long rebellion becoming general instead of personal.

The characterizations of the book are not all convincing, the development of Denny Gadjde being especially open to criticism and the reader resents the marriage of the heroine to a lover with whom they hardly


feel acquainted. In summing up, the book was pronounced disappointing rather than satisfactory, apparently a conscientious contribution to the literature of a cause, rather than the spontaneous outgrowth of the creative passion.

Miss Virginia Woodward Cloud closed the programme with a paper on "The Passing Pageant." Miss Cloud in opening, pronounced this the most confused and transitional literary epoch the world has ever known, and poetry, more than any other form of literary expression, has felt this change. In Mrs. Ward's "The Coryston Family" this universal change is depicted from another point of view, showing life at the moment [of?] adjustment. In the midst of the conflicting causes which surge about her, Lady Coryston stands a striking figure seeing the recedence [receding] of the older order, the persistence of the new.

In discussing Alfred Noyes, Miss Cloud said that he showed exceptional talent in his early poems. His literary ideals are pure and fine, but he is a most irregular poet. In "Tales of Mermaid Tavern" in which the poet has imagined gatherings of the worthies of Shakespear's [Shakespeare] time including the Bard himself, Miss Cloud admitted many charming descriptions which were nevertheless not poetry, and suggested that it required courage for a poet to put his own words in Shakespeare's mouth.

The Bengalese poet Tagare [Rabindranath Tagore], the recent winner of the Nobel prize, though much beloved by his own countrymen will never, Miss Cloud said, appeal to the Anglo-Saxon mind, as the lack of concrete ideas in his poems unfits them


to become universal poetry. Miss Cloud called attention to the significant fact that there has been but one English recipient of this prize, Kipling.


The 782nd Meeting. [Dec. 9, 1913] 

The 782nd regular meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held Tuesday, December 9th, 1913, Mrs. John C. Wrenshall presiding. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The programme for the afternoon was in charge of the Committee on Essays and Essayists, Mrs. Sidney Turner Chairman, and the opening paper was read by Mrs. Charles W. Lord on "The Mission of Beauty." In answering the question What is beauty, Mrs. Lord showed that the definition may vary. In the bee-hive, that small world where every integer contributes perfectly to


one general purpose, we have the beauty of adaptation. The beauty of nature lifts us above care, and its mission is fulfilled when peace falls on troubled spirits. And so with the work of musician or artist, illustrated by the mad King of Bavaria who covers the walls of his palaces with paintings depicting scenes from his favorite Wagner, and found in the beauty of these representations balm for his malady. But art may be dragged earthward, if the artist seeks personal recognition. Mrs. Lord spoke of the exaggeration and distortions of some modern cults, which may, perhaps, be prophetic of some vision of beauty to be revealed later.

Mrs. Thomas J. Copeland discussed Ruskin the Pathfinder. Modern social service leads us back to Ruskin, and Mrs. Copeland spoke briefly


of his lonely childhood, his eratic [erratic] student life, and the sorrows of his latter life which blossomed into service for humanity, as when unrequited love gave the world the first volume of "Modern Painters," and from a year of suffering came "The Seven Lamps of Architecture." Mrs. Copeland commented on Ruskin's ability to write a book on a technical subject in terms which will appeal to the layman.

Mrs. Copeland referred to Ruskin's socialistic period as his St. George period. Though his creed was not able to stand the hard realities of life as it was and is, many reforms can be traced back to the Guild of St. George. We who walk the air-lighted way of social service, cheered and applauded, are Ruskin's inheritors. If we re-read him by the lamp of 1913, we find that he has not



Mrs. James C. Fenhagen discussed "Our Prejudices." We all have them; sometimes we are ashamed of them; we try to conceal them, yet they remain with us. They are composed of mere nothings, cobwebs, and yet they are tremendously influential in our lives. The door of opportunity remains shut because we do not fancy its appearance. We are prejudiced against innovations, and progress has had no greater foe to meet than prejudice. People are not what they seem. We blunder because we assume too much. First impressions are not infallible. Hearts are not known at a handshake any more than books are known by the bindings. Our prejudices in favor of our friends are so unreasonable as those against them we dislike. While we may never


be without prejudices altogether, we grow in the struggle to master them.

The programme closed with apaper by Miss Elizabeth Cary Nicholas on "Woman in Modern Life." Miss Nicholas quoted Disraeli's saying "Nowaday [Nowadays] manners are easy, but life is hard," and declared it more applicable to the present than to his time. The modern woman has no time for punctillious [punctilious] manners. No woman of the present day stands for unmitigated domesticity and the saying "Woman's place is the home" is without depth or vision if it means that she has no other place. The modern woman is less interested in what others think of her than she is in developing her own powers. She is not afraid to follow the inner voice. Miss Nicholas spoke regretfully of the promising


stateswomen, authors and artists whom past generations stifled with the words "Not in Woman's sphere." In our day, even, an unmarried woman may have a career apart from the activities formerly assigned the maiden aunt. Knowledge is power, and women are gaining it. The number of women in the higher institutions of learning is said to exceed the number of men students. But while her environment changes, woman herself does not change. She cannot lose her femininity. It cannot be safely prophesied what she will do next, nor where she will land, but probably on her feet.

In congratulating those present on the excellence of the programme to which we had listened, Mrs. Wrenshall said that to her the essay seemed to bear the same relation to prose that


the sonnet does to poetry.

At the conclusion of the programme, the members and their guest lingered for social chat over the teacups.


The 783rd Meeting. [Dec. 16, 1913]

The Regular meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held Tuesday, December 16th, 1913, Mrs. John C. Wrenshall presiding. After the usual notices, Mrs. Wrenshall urged that invitations to the Twelfth Night Festival be sent out as early as possible, that the Corresponding Secretary might not be swamped with work at the end of the month.

The programme for the afternoon was in charge of the Committee on the Literature of the Bible, Mrs. Allan P. Smith chairman. Mrs. Smith opened the programme with a paper on "The Passover." Four hundred, thirty years


after the coming of the sons of Jacob to Egypt, their numbers had reached a point where they were feared, and subjected to cruel oppression. The boy Moses, his life preserved in spite of the king's decree that all male children should be put to death, was called from his sheep tending in Midian and made deliverer of his people. As a culmination of the plagues, which had tested Pharoah's resolve to defy the divine command, came the death of the first-born, and in anticipation of the wide-spread destruction, the Israelites were directed to kill a lamb, and make upon the door posts the blood stain which should be a sign for the destroying angel to pass them by. At this time minute directions were given regarding the celebration of the Passover Feast which should serve to keep in mind this merciful


deliverance. In orthodox Jewish families the feast is kept with scrupulous observation of all details, all the leaven in the house being burned. Mrs. Smith described the menu, each article of food having a symbolic significance. An interesting old Passover hymn translated from the Chaldac [Chaldaic], was given its formation suggesting that it was evidently the legitimate ancestor of the "House That Jack Built."

White Christians do not observe the Passover Feast, it is of especial interest to us since our Lord's public ministry began and ended with the Passover Feast, and because the sacrifice of the Paschal lamb was recognized symbolic of His death and sacrifice.

Miss Elizabeth Lester Mullin discussed the topic "Angels and Men." The belief in angels is general and embodied in the


literature of all people. Shakespeare makes angels laugh and weep. Stern describes the destroying angel as dropping tears. While the term angel means literally "One sent," we limit its application to the Heavenly hosts. Nine orders of angels seem to be mentioned in the Scriptures though not always clearly distinguished. The cherubim represented on the mercy-seat were seen by Ezekiel, and Cherubim were set to guard the gate of Paradise after the exile. Isaiah and St. John describe Seraphim. In the early books of the Bible, angels seemed to have assumed the appearance of men, so that their heavenly nature was not always realized. The distinction between the Almighty and the Angel of the Lord does not always seem to have been made clearly. The angel with the drawn sword whom Joshua addressed, did not give his name but his office; "Captain


of the Lord's hosts," by which he would seem to be St. Michael. The fall of the angels is not told in detail, but it appears that Lucifer, jealous of man, was expelled from heaven, and that the conflict then begun continued on earth. Tradition says it was Gabriel who appeared to the shepherds, while Michael is the angel of the resurrection. Certain portions of the Old Testament suggest the interesting theory that there are national angels. Raphael seems the prototype of guardian angels and the Bible hints at, if it does not definitely express[,] the beautiful theory that all through life every human being is shielded by an angel's wings.


The 784th Meeting. [Jan. 6, 1914]

Twelfth Night Festival.

The annual Twelfth Night Festival of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held


Tuesday, January 6th, 1914, at quarter past eight, with an audience present which taxed the capacity of the hall. As has been the custom for several years, the programme was opened with singing of some of the favorite carols, "Adeste Fideles," and "God Rest Ye Merrie Gentlemen," the two sung by a chorus under the direction of Miss Stiebler Chairman of the Committee on Music.

The President's address followed. After greeting the members of the Club, and the guests present, Mrs. Wrenshall spoke of the religious significance of Christmas and then of the quaint customs which had grown up in connection with the observance of the Christmas season. Owing to the various races which in turn occupied England, the English folk-lore is especially rich and varied, and the Christmas customs correspond-


ingly interesting. Mrs. Wrenshall amused her audience by recounting some of the characteristic ceremonies of the Twelfth Night celebration which marked the climax of the fun and gaiety of the season. Though the address is a regular feature of the Twelfth Night celebration, Mrs. Wrenshall had collected a surprising amount of new material, and the hearty and prolonged applause at the conclusion of her remarks showed the cordial appreciation of her listeners.

The second part of the programme consisted of music under the direction of Miss Stiebler. Miss Emily Diver, Miss Elizabeth Leckie, and Mr. Oscar Lehman were the soloists, and Mrs. Mary Miller Fink gave several selections on the harp. The music was all excellent, and called out hearty applause, Mr. Lehman responding to an encore.


The third part of the programme was given over to Twelfth Night customs, together with the supper. The Christmas Box containing two hundred souvenirs was emptied without making the round of the guests. The Twelfth Night cake, in charge of Mrs. Wrenshall Markland, is always a beautiful and eagerly anticipated spectacle, but its entrance was made still more impressive on this occasion by adding several attendants to the procession. Miss Emily Atwater led the line carrying a cornacopia [cornucopia] in an upright position that none of the year's benefits might escape. Miss Victoria Elizabeth Gittings carried the peacock, and Miss Harriet Marine, the steaming bowl of wassail. A bona fide Scotch piper brought up the procession and discourse music during the time the candles were burning low. The cutting of the cake with


the usual excitement over the enclosed trinkets and their significance formed the climax of the evening's festivities, and shortly after the company began to disperse.


The 785th Meeting. [Jan. 13, 1914] 

The regular meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held Tuesday, January 13th, 1914, Mrs. John C. Wrenshall presiding. The reading of the minutes for December 16th, 1913, and for the Twelfth Night Festival, January 6th, 1914, were read and approved.

After the usual notices the programme for the afternoon was taken up. The Committee on Fiction, of which Mrs. Percy M. Reese is chairman, was in charge, and the programme was opened by a story by Miss Elizabeth Lester Mullin, "An Innocent Cause." The young man who tells the story, Mr. Travers,


is in love with a beautiful debutante but has not been received with marked favor by the parents of the young lady. On the night of the ball which Agnes's parents give to introduce her to society, Travers finds a club acquaintance named Blinkers in the dressing room, and is embarrassed when, as they approach their hostess, Blinkers asks to be presented. A distinguished looking man whose name, Travers hears, is Bromley, has come from New York to be present at the ball, and he devotes himself to Agnes. That young lady sends Travers to make himself agreeable to her friend, Madame Von Tesh. During the evening the last named couple find themselves on a sofa in the hall, and are seated there when Bromley and Agnes appear at the door of the supper room. The former


lifts the partiere to allow his companion to pass through. The two stop by the sofa to chat with its occupants, and Bromley picks a handkerchief from the floor and hands it to Madam Von Tesh. Blinkers then appears, and upon some pretext, gets the four to a small near-by room, together with the father of Agnes, and then informs them that the diamond the girl has worn in her hair, an heriloom, is missing. He then exposes Bromley and Madam Tesh as a pair of criminals, husband and wife. Travers's connection with the case is due to his having found a post card on one side of which is a diagram and certain figures. Blinkers sees the post card in Travers's hand at the club, and succeeds in interpreting it so that he is prepared for some criminal attempt at this house on the night in question. The pub-


licity the newspapers have given the Carlisle diamond makes it easy to guess the enterprise will take place.

The order of the programme was slightly changed, so that the second story was read by Miss Virginia Berkeley Bowie, "The Veil of Isis." Hugh Moulton, a young man with apparently everything to live for, has reached a point of satiety and dispair [despair] where he is strongly tempted to commit suicide. He draws his revolver from the drawer of his desk but though he dismisses the impulse as cowardly, the weapon lies under the electric reading lamp, the bright light falling on the polished steel. Moulton fixes his gaze upon it, and a state of hypnosis is produced. He seems to leave the house and passing through the London streets finds himself presently on a desert, press-


ing toward a distant grove of palms, knowing he must reach it before sunset. Breathless and about overcome with thirst, he reaches the temple of Isis, where an old priest clad in white, and wearing a leopard skin awaits him. In the conversation that follows, the young man, whom the priest recognizes as the son of the Pharaohs and the chosen of Isis, voices his discontent, declaring that life which promised so fair, is a cheat, and joy exists only in anticipation.

After food and rest, the traveler is conducted by a company of priests into the sanctuary of Isis and there left alone in the darkness. After a time a strange light fills the gloom and the veil is drawn, disclosing the figure of Isis who bids him question what he will. In answer to his reviling of life, she tells him that joy is a poor thing which


is not won through pain, and that the happiness or sorrow of one life time counts but little in eternity. Man creates himself, dragging himself with anguish from generation to generation, but ever upward.

At the conclusion of the strange interview, Moulton rises to leave the temple, and finds himself in his own library, the revolver within reach.

The last number on the programme "Wanted a Grandmother" was read by Mrs. Reese, as the author, Miss Victoria Elizabeth Gittings was not present. Felicia, a little seven-year-old girl, eludes her governess and brings to the newspaper office an advertisement in which she expresses a wish for a grandmother who has time to be bothered with little girls and likes to tell fair stories. The editor


interested in the quaint little creature, takes her to his private office, and there learns that she is the child of the woman he once lived. During his absence she was inveigled into a marriage with the son of a woman socially ambitious who saw in the match a chance to enter circles otherwise closed to her. The death of the young daughter-in-law on the birth of her child meant the destruction of this hope, and Felicia's grandmother has never been fond of the little one who was responsible for overturning her plans.

The editor takes Felicia home, promising her that the advertisement shall appear. And it is answered by his mother, Mrs. Farrell, who asks Felicia to spend the afternoon with her, and offers herself as a candidate for the position. As Mrs. Farrell in every respect measures up to Felicia's idea


of a grandmother, the arrangement is concluded to the satisfaction of both parties.


The 786th Meeting. [Jan. 20, 1914]

The regular meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held Tuesday, January 20th, 1914. The President, Mrs. John C. Wrenshall presided. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Mrs. Wrenshall read extracts from a letter received from Mrs. Fayerweather, now wintering in southern California, in which she confessed to missing the Club associations in spite of the beauty by which she is surrounded. Mrs. Allan [Alan] P. Smith moved that we ask Mrs. Wrenshall to convey to Mrs. Fayerweather our good wishes.

The programme for the afternoon was in charge of the Committee on Foreign Travel, Mrs. Charles W. Lord, Chairman


and the opening paper by Mrs. James C. Fenhagen was entitled "An Automobile Trip in America." The trip Mrs. Fenhagen described crossed New York by several old Indian trails, went on to the Berkshires, then into the Green Mountains, and lastly reached the seashore. In New York she was impressed by the prosperous farm houses, the sunny vineyards and the great variety of scenery. In Massachusetts they found fine roads, and the inevitable white houses with huge shade trees. In Vermont the roads were poor, and the abandoned farms began to be in evidence, and considering the stony soil, it did not seem strange that they should be abandoned, but that they should ever have been cultivated.

In New Hampshire the roads—an improvement on those of Vermont—curved and twisted


among numerous lakes on the way to the picturesque Franconia Notch. Mrs. Fenhagen's party visited the various points of interest in the White Mountains, including the trip to the top of Mt. Washington, which she pronounced unsuitable for an automobile. From the White Mountains they travelled by increasingly sandy roads to Poland Springs, Maine, making a record of one puncture for a trip of 1170 miles. Mrs. Fenhagen pronounced motoring on this side of the Atlantic as interesting as across the water in spite of the disadvantage of poor roads.

Mrs. Charles W. Lord wrote on "Chinese Temples." The Chinese empire is of great interest because of its antiquity and its antithesis to our ideas. Confucianism, Buddhism, and Mohammedanism have all reared temples and claimed their following


of worshippers, in the empire. But though representative of different faiths, these temples have a marked similarity. They are frequently placed in spots of beauty, with picturesque gardens and terraces. The priests generally live in wings. In many of these temples provision is made to accommodate parties of tourists who wish to camp near the temples. Every Buddhist temple has three sacred spots where lights are kept burning.

Mrs. Lord read extracts from a most interesting letter from her sister, who, at the time of writing was camping at a temple near Pekin [Beijing], a number of other ancient temples being within easy reach. Each temple consists of a series of houses on courts. In the temple where the writer was staying, a Buddhist priest was in charge. The two main buildings were places


of worship, and filled with gods. Those designed for the entertainment of guests were almost empty.

At the conclusion of Mrs. Lord's paper, Mrs. Wrenshall read an old Chinese prayer dating from about the beginning of the Christian era.

Mrs. Elliot, at the request of Mrs. Lord, spoke briefly regarding her visit to China.


The 787th Meeting. [Jan. 27, 1914] 

The regular meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held Tuesday, January 27th, 1914. Mrs. Wrenshall being absent because of a professional engagement, Mrs. Allan [Alan] Smith presided.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted, after which Mrs. Smith announced the programs for February. The programme for the afternoon was in charge


of the Committee on Foreign Languages, Miss Nellie C. Williams, Chairman. Owing to Miss Williams' absence in Europe, the programme was arranged by the President. It consisted of the second act of Francesca da Rimini, from the Italian of Gabriele D'Annunzio, translated by Miss Virginia Berkeley Bowie.

The scene of the act is one of the towers of the castle of Rimini, dominating the city and supplied with all the equipment of mediaeval warfare. The scene opens with a conversation between the keeper of the tower and a cross-bowman, in the course of which the restlessness of their lord's young bride is commented on. At this point Francesca herself enters and questions the keeper, asking him especially about the Greek fire and the torture it occasions. She then orders the keeper to light a fire staff, and when he has reluctantly obeyed her,


She becomes so fascinated with the beauty of the flame that the frightened man warns her she is likely to set the castle on fire. When Paolo appears she drops the staff and the flame is extinguished with sand.

Francesca begs Paolo to give the signal for shooting the ballista. The two draw apart, speaking soon of matters foreign to war. She tells him that he will be forgiven for his other sins, but not for this, that she has forgotten how to weep.

The tolling of the church bells gives the waited [illegible] signal. A dart is lighted and shot toward the city, and the bowman [bowmen] crowd up from below cheering. Paolo gives his helmet to Francesca and exposes himself. She throws down the helmet and follows him. Seeing that she is risking her life, and


he leads her back and fights from a fortified window. One of his shots brings down a prominent figure in the Ghibelline ranks. A dart grases [grazes] his hair, and Francesca thinks he is wounded.

The deformed Lord of Rimini enters, and after giving some directions to the bowmen, asks who is at the fortified window. Paola [Francesca?] appears and gives her husband wine. He tells Paola [?] that he has been elected captain of the commune of Florence, but has three days before he must leave.

The youngest brother of the house is brought in apparently dead, but he revives. The sight of one eye has been destroyed by the sound [?], but regardless of this he rushes back into battle. At the close of the act the watch announces the rout of the Ghibellines. The thrilling nature of the scene, and the poetic beauty of the


phrasing was admirably preserved in the translation.

Refreshments were served at the conclusion of the programme.


The 788th Meeting. [Feb. 3, 1914]

The regular meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held Tuesday, February 3rd, 1914, Mrs. John C. Wrenshall, President, presiding. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Mrs. Wrenshall announced the death of the mother of our valued member, Miss Virginia Woodward Cloud, and stated that in the special meeting of the Board, expressions of sympathy had been adopted which the Club was asked to endorse. Miss Latane moved that the letter to Miss Cloud express the love and sympathy of the entire Club.

Mrs. Wrenshall announced


that the pleasure we had anticipated of hearing our honorary member, Miss Alice Fletcher of Washington, during the month of March, would not be realized as Miss Fletcher had met with a bad fall resulting in a fractured shoulder. Miss Fletcher in her letter extended cordial greetings to the Club, and Mrs. Lord moved that Mrs. Wrenshall extend her our sympathy.

Miss Mary Robertine Stokes of Kent County, Maryland, presented to the Club library a volume of her poems entitled "On a Green Slope." Mrs. Wrenshall read a few brief selections, which indicated that the addition to our library would be indeed an acquisition.

The programme for the afternoon, which normally would have been in charge of the Committee on the Drama, had been arranged by the President, owing to Miss


Cloud's bereavement. It was opened with a paper by Miss Lucy Latane on "Robin Hood." The folk tales comprising the story of Robin Hood were carried about by word of mouth long before they were committed to writing. No one knows how old they are, or whether such a man as Robin Hood ever lived, though there generally is a nucleus of truth in such tales.

In early times plays and marris [Morris] dances in honor of Robin Hood were common. Sheakspeare [Shakespeare] refers to them and in Henry VIII "Robin Hood" is used as an oath.

The earliest collection of the tales is dated 1628. Scott realized their dramatic value and used them to good effect. Tennyson used the same theme, as did Dumas, but the robustness of the story was not united to the genius of this later writer and his work


is almost forgotten.

The latest appearance of the Robin Hood theme is in Alfred Noyes's "Sherwood Forest." It is essentially modern, not merry adventures, but a tragedy. In a few lines one receives a vivid impression of the barbarous forest laws. The chief beauty of the poem is in its picturing the fairy world, and "Shadow of a Leaf." Marian's fool, who because he has lost his wits, had the freedom of Fairyland until he forfeits it by using the information he has gained there to warn his beloved mistress. Miss Latane pronounced this latest flowering of the legend the most beautiful.

The second number on the programme was a poem by Miss Lizette Woodworth Reese, "An Old House," which, as she explained, was the house where she was born. She began with the garden with its hedges of box, and the laven-


der which the townsfolk begged. She touched on her ancestors, simple and stern in their creed, but as sure of God as of his sunrise. The old churchyard, where they carried armfuls of lilacs, the lane where lovers strolled were described in poignant phrases. The terrors of war-time, when prized portraits were hidden, and the children were afraid to go to bed at night were vividly portrayed. The poem closed in a minor chord, regret for past loveliness.

At the conclusion of the programme, refreshments were served.


The 789th Meeting. [Feb. 10, 1914]

The 789th regular meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held Tuesday, February 10th, 1914, the President Mrs. John C. Wrenshall presiding. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and


accepted, and the usual announcements were made.

The programme for the afternoon was in charge of the Committee on Art, Mrs. Wrenshall Markland, Chairman, and was opened with a paper on Thorwaldsen [Thorvaldsen], written by Mrs. Oscar Martenet, and read by Mrs. Wrenshall.

Born in 1770, the son of an Icelander who carved figureheads for ships, young Thorvaldsen learned his father's trade and studied art, finally winning a prize which enabled him to study in Rome for three years at the expense of the state. An order from an English patron of art, for whom he executed the statue of Jason, came at a time when he was about to give up. The order tided him over his financial stringency, and the statue made his fame. In the period of prosperity which followed, he enjoyed a friendly intimacy with Mendelsshon [Mendelssohn].


Thorvaldsen's success led the King of Denmark to urge his return to Copenhagen where the chief demand upon him was for religious sculpture. That he must have been a man of pure mind is indicated by the fact that no repulsive figure is found among all his works. His chisel carved only beauty. Few men have been able to collect the achievements of their genius in a single spot. In the building which is Thorvaldsen's mausoleum are collected the originals or copies of all his works.

Following Mrs. Martenet's paper, Mrs. B. Howard Haman read a paper on the "Palais du Luxembourg." Among the interesting buildings on the left bank of the Seine, the Luxembourg Palace stands in the fron rank. It was built in 1620, for Marie de Medici, and Rubens was com-


missioned to decorate the great gallery.

The demand that the great paintings of France should be accessible to the public became at length too strong to be resisted, and in 1750 the Luxembourg Palace was chosen as the new picture gallery. The Rubens frescos and ninety-six pictures from the King's collection served as a nucleus of the gallery.

In 1818 the Luxembourg entered on the second phase of its existance [existence] as an art gallery, its ancient treasures being transferred to the Louvre, while it housed only the works of living artists. The Senate has occupied the place for many years, which necessitated moving the collection to an adjacent building which retains the name. This collection is said to be the most important collection of modern art in existance [existence], foreign artists being


well represented. After an artist has been dead ten years his work is sent to the Louvre, or to the provincial collections.

The programme closed with Mrs. Markland's "American Art Notes for 1913," the fifth series of these valuable papers. The year 1913 opened brilliantly with the January exhibition. Early in the month the Metropolitan Museum displayed the Pierpont Morgan collection, out of which Mrs. Markland mentioned especially the Fragonard panels. The exhibitions and the sale of the McMillin [Emerson McMillin financier] and Chapman collections were also noted. The six paintings of Claude Monet exhibited in New York were a joy to lovers of Venice. In commenting on the International exhibition of American Painters and Sculptors, held in the armory of the 69th Regiment, Mrs. Markland improved the opportunity to pay her compli-


ments to the wild admixture of ignorance, anarchism and defiance to law, order, and decency perpetrated by the so-called Cubists and Futurists, her remarks calling forth applaus[e]. She also distinguished the Cubists and Futurists from the Impressionists whose theory, freed from exaggeration, is to-day practically the accepted method of painting.[4]

An important art note concerned the bequest of the late Benjamin Altman of his $10,000,000 art collection to the Metropolitan. The educative work done by the American Federation of Arts was also commented upon. Organized in 1909, it now has 179 affiliated organizations. Its standard collections travel from state to state, and, as a consequence, there is more picture buying in Texas than in many of the Eastern states. The traveling exhibits passing from


school to school have also proved wonderfully satisfactory.

The year 1913 was not notable for sculpture, but Mrs. Markland especially mentioned a collection of the works of Emily Clayton Bishop, shown at the Spring exhibition of the Penn Academy of Fine Arts. As Miss Bishop is a Marylander, this mention was of especial interest.

Miss Violet Oakley's decorations of the State Capitol at Harrisburg was criticized, not for the work itself, but because of its hint of the illustrative. The interest of Mrs. Markland's paper was increased by the numerous reproductions she had brought of the various works of art specified in her paper.

At the conclusion of the paper, Mrs. Sidney Turner expressed her appreciation of the research and hard study ne-


cessary to compile so much information in so brief a space, and a rising vote of thanks was tendered Mrs. Markland by the audience.

At the conclusion of the programme refreshments were served.


The 790th Meeting. [Feb. 17, 1914]

The 790th regular meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held Tuesday, February 17th, Mrs. Wrenshall presiding. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Before taking up the programme Mrs. Wrenshall spoke with regret of the absence of Mrs. Hill. Although ill for some time, she had planned for her programme, and Mrs. Wrenshall voiced the regret o the Club that it could not be enriched by one of the thoughtful and characteristic papers of the Chairman.


The programme Mrs. Hill had provided in honor of the approaching birthday of Washington was largely musical. Mrs. Jenny Lind Green played a number of spirited selections, and also sang the charming songs "My Laddie" and "An Open Secret," responding to the applause with "You Had Better Ask Me." Miss Katharine Blair Winston, soprano, gave a number of selections that were cordially received, while her duet with Mr. Weyforth was encored. Mr. B. Stuart Weyforth, who has an excellent baritone voice, sang several selections, "The Road to Mandalay" was received with especial favor, and Mr. Weyforth responded to the applause with that general favorite, "I'm A-Wearying for You."

The literary part of the program was furnished by Miss Harriet P. Marine who read a paper on "Our Washington."


The great men of the South have failed to receive due recognition in literature, said Miss Marine, but Washington is an exception to the rule. Almost every phase of his life has been the subject of one or more volumes. Twenty authors have written the story of his life. Most of his letters, both those written in some executive capacity and the more personal missives, have been collected and printed.

Though the literary monuments to Washington are the most important and enduring, the name of the others is legion. Every inn at which he stopped, every house he visited has been immortalized. A state, cities, streets[,] parks innumerable have been named for him. Mr. Vernon has become a memorial to its greatest occupant, and it is said that the new Masonic Temple to be erected in Alexandria, at a cost of four million dollars[,]


will be even more than Mt. Vernon a Washington monument. The paper closed with a brief lyric in honor of Washington.

Later in the programme Miss Marine recited the poem "Shades of '76" which describes the specters meeting in an old Revolutionary mansion and going through the stately minuet. The soldier wears a blood-stained bandage, and the ladies' brocades are tarnished, but they step the measure bravely, till the striking of the clock breaks the spell, and they disappear.

At the conclusion of the programme, at Mrs. Wrenshall's suggestion, those present expressed by a rising vote their appreciation of Mrs. Hill's thoughtfulness in planning so attractive a programme while confined to her home by illness.

Refreshments were served.


The 791st Meeting. [Feb. 24, 1914]

The 791st regular meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held Tuesday, February 24th, 1914, the President, Mrs. John C. Wrenshall presiding. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Mrs. Wrenshall announced that the programme for the Committee on Unfamiliar Records was not yet full, and the Chairman, Mrs. Stabler would be glad of volunteers. The programmes for March were announced, Mrs. Wrenshall stating that that of March 3rd would be given largely or altogether from the work of non-resident members. The second volume of the Friendly Terrace Series, by Harriet Lummis Smith, was presented to the Club library.

The programme for the afternoon was in charge of the Fiction Committee, Mrs. Percy M. Resse, Chairman, and


was opened with a story "Forgetting Fenella," by Mrs. G. Lane Taneyhill, Jr. On Fenella's wedding-day a discarded suitor, Winthrop, who is spending his time picturing the absolute dreariness of existence without Fenella, and reflecting on the imperative need of forgetting her, receives a summons to go to New York to see a wealthy client, Mr. Rayton, before he sails for Europe. Reluctantly he yields to the persuasions of his partner and undertakes the trip, only to run across the wedding party at the station, when Fenella's married sister introduces him to Fanella's [Fennella] new husband. On the train the bridegroom insists that he join the party at dinner, and the disappointed lover does so, realizing that fate is making it extremely difficult for him to forget Fenella.

Arrived at the hotel, Winthrop


attempts to telephone his client in his room but is informed by an agreeable feminine voice that Mr. Peyton [Rayton?] will not be home till considerably later in the evening. While seeking distraction he again runs across Fenella's husband, who informs him that Fenella's mother objected to the match and refused to attend the ceremony. The rejected suitor realizes that the newly married pair are not absolutely happy, any more than he is absolutely miserable.

The client returns about none o'clock in the evening and invites Winthrop to take dinner with him and his daughter. The later proves to be a pretty red-haired girl who had a chair near Winthrop's on the Pullman. The two young people become absorbed in ordering the dinner, so absorbed that Winthrop does not look up when a couple enter the dining room


and take a table near them. It does not occur to him for a moment that he has any acquaintances in the hotel. He has forgotten Fenella.

Mrs. C. Clinton Redgrave made her first appearance on the Club programmes by reading first a selection from the Priscilla stories. Pricilla fearing that there may be little girls with no mother to tell them stories, resolves to tell for the benefit of such unfortunates the stories her mother has told to her, and in the course of the narrative manages to convey considerable information regarding her mother, and an elder brother, very remarkable from Priscilla's standpoint. The first story relates to a youthful temptation of Priscilla's mother who had been promised twenty-five dollars if she refrained from eating candy for a year. When a friend gave her a


bag of chocolates she lacked the strength of will to refuse them, but managed to refrain from eating them, concealing the little bag under the mattress of her bed for several days, and finally surrendering the bag with its crushed contents still intact, a victory of which Priscilla is vicariously proud.

Quite a different type of story was "The Highest Bidder," with which Mrs. Redgrave concluded the programme. A young wife who has lost her only child, removes with her husband to New York, and as time passes, the two become estranged. She is absorbed in her sorrow, and he seeks distraction elsewhere. Mrs. Carroll makes few friends, but one woman she meets attracts her strongly, and, at the request of the latter, she agrees to dress a baby doll for a bazaar to be held for the benefit of the Little Mother's League. The doll is a large and beau-


tiful one, and she becomes extremely interested in fashioning the little outfit. During her husband's absence from the city she conceived the idea of taking the doll to bed with her, its nearness suggesting the presence of her dead child, and on the night before the doll is to be sent to the sale, her husband comes into her room to find her sleeping with it in her arms. He is deeply moved, realizing the emptiness of her life. But after he has left her room, she realized that he has been near her, and also that she has wronged him in her absorption in her grief. On the day following, the two come to an understanding. During the evening she is informed over the telephone that the doll she has dressed has been sold at auction for one hundred dollars. Later a package comes, and she finds that the highest


bidder was her husband.

Refreshments were served at the conclusion of the programme.


The 792nd Meeting. [Mar. 3, 1914]

The 792nd regular meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held Tuesday March 3rd, 1914, the President, Mrs. John C. Wrenshall presiding. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Mrs. Wrenshall announced a series of lectures under the auspices of the Department of Education, to be given on Tuesday evenings of March and April, at the auditorium of the Baltimore City College. These lectures discuss the genius and characteristics of the various races, and are free to the public.

The programme for the afternoon had been arranged by the President from the work of out-of-town members.


Mrs. Wrenshall spoke of the importance of keeping in touch with the work of our out-of-town members, and also of the difficulty attaching, as it is impossible to spare more than one meeting a year for this purpose, while only a few can appear on a single programme.

The first number on the programme, "Greetings from an Honorary Member, Club Memories and North Carolina Activities," was written by Mrs. Wm. C. A. Hammel, Greensboro, North Carolina, and was read by Mrs. Wrenshall Markland. Mrs. Hammel regretted that she could not be present at the programme reserved for out-of-town members, though there would be so many familiar faces missing. She recalled several amusing and interesting experience of Club life, some of them ante-dating the Club's moving into its


present quarters.

Mrs. Hammel referred to the fact that Greensboro is the birthplace of O. Henry, and mentioned the names of other less well-known literary men of the region, several of whom are connected with the educational institutions of the state. Among her present activities, Mrs. Hammel mentioned the organization of an "Arts and Handcraft Guild" for encouraging the work of native craftsmen and the sale of their output. Free lectures and exhibitions are given in connection with the Guild. Another activity is the establishment of a tea-room and tea-garden, which church and charitable workers are allowed to have charge of for a month at a time, using the profits for the causes in which they are interested.

At the conclusion of the letter, Mrs. Turner moved that we return our greetings to Mrs. Hammel. Mrs. Copeland vouched


For the place Mrs. Hammel has made for herself in the city and state.

"An Olive Branch," a story by Mrs. William C. Butler now a resident of Norfolk, Virginia, was read by Miss Lucy Latane. A fond young mother sends her baby out for an airing in charge of a dusky nurse-maid who is charged not to go out of sight of the house. But the maid recalls an important errand to be done at home, and disobeys her mistress. On reaching her home, she finds the circus parade is coming, and as the baby is sleeping peacefully, she leaves the carriage in charge of her aunt. A mischievous girl friend finding the carriage with its peaceful occupant, resolves to play a trick on the recreant Jane and transfers the baby to a basket of clean clothes. Still sleeping he is carried to the home of his grand-


mother who quarrelled [quarreled] with his father at the time of the latter's marriage, and has not spoken to him since. The examination of the basket of clothes reveals the baby. The grandmother recognizes him as her son's child by his likeness to his father and when the frightened young mother appears on the scene, the reconciliation is already accomplished.

The closing number of the programme was a group of poems by Mrs. Charles T. Mason, Isabel Mason, of Clear Spring, Maryland. Mrs. Mason's first book of poems which was noted in one of the programmes devoted to Authors and Artists of Maryland some years ago, was published by her fellow townsmen. She was also the author of a paper on Ft. Frederick which was given by the Committee on Colonial and


Revolutionary History on the programme for 1912. Mrs. Mason's poems were read by Mrs. Wrenshall. "The Open Road," the opening poem was characterized by a charming buoyancy. "The Blue Bird" and the "Virginia Cardinal" were an admirable contrast. "Deserted" described the room now bare and forsaken, where a poet dwelt with the goddess of Liberty. "Erin Go Bragh" expressed the longing of an Irish immigrant for home, and was one of the most appealing poems of the group.

Refreshments were served at the conclusion of the programme.


The 793rd Meeting. [Mar. 10, 1914]

The regular meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held Tuesday, March 10th, the President, Mrs. John C. Wrenshall presiding.


The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Mrs. Wrenshall announced that on Monday, March 16th she would give her lecture on England, under the auspecies [auspices] and at the request of the Academy of Sciences, and that each member of the Women's [Woman's] Literary would receive an invitation.

The programme was in charge of the Committee on Essays and Essayists, Mrs. Sidney Turner, Chairman. Mrs. Turner prefaced the programme by a few introductory remarks regarding the nature of the essay. Mrs. Turner expressed her opinion that her committee had as difficulty a field as any of the Club committees, and said that in their work, they often discussed the real nature of the essay. In order to show the aim and goal of the Committee,


she asked Mrs. William Smith to read a few illuminating extracts from a discussion of the essay.

The first paper on the programme, "Is Woman an Individual?" Was read by Mrs. T.J. Copeland. Mrs. Copeland began by asking the question, Is woman an individual, or a composite? And ennumerated [enumerated] a number of cases which seemed to point to the latter view. Few women approve of the style of dress which they follow. They deplore the modern social life for which they are responsible. They prefer to nurse the sick members of their families, but instead, have a trained nurse. They believe in simplicity in the amusement of the young, but allow their children to do as other young people do. In other matters, too, their prefer-


ences and principles lead them in one direction, while they go in another. Still, Mrs. Copeland declared woman to be an individual at heart, and that her composite quality in action was a tribute to her individual self-denial. In conclusion, she paid homage to the individual who, without aggressiveness, dares to be herself.

The paper, "The Mission Play of California," by Mrs. Edward E. Fayerweather, was read by Mrs. Hall. In order to explain the play, Mrs. Fayerweather gave a brief review of the foundation of the missions of California, their history extending from 1769 to 1833. In these missions, twenty-one altogether, the Indians were taught, not only the principles of the Christian faith, but various trades, so that instead of


roving bands, they became settled and civilized. When California passed from Spanish rule the decline of the missions began, and now they are most of them in ruins, though some, as for instance San Gabriel, are well preserved. The story of the missions has recently been put in a dramatic form by a California writer, John S. McGroarty, beginning with the scene on San Diego bay where the starving people were about to return to Mexico, and a ship appears just in time to prevent this step. The second act gives a glimpse of the missions in their prime, and the third pictures their decline. This play, originally given at one of the missions, is now presented in a large Los Angeles theatre where it has proved a strong attraction.

Mrs. William E. Moore closed


the programme with a paper on the "Appeal of Youth." The spirit of youth, Mrs. Moore said, dreams dreams, and sees visions; and it is well for the world that it is so. Youth goes forth into life bent on conquest. Self-confidence is its characteristic. David faced his gigantic opponent armed with five smooth pebbles and a sling. Franklin fared[?] forth with six-pence in his pocket, and visions in his brain. Youth sees no insurmountable obstacles. They face a topsy-turvy world strong in the certainty that they can set it right. When the dreams of youth depart, something precious has gone. We must leave its dreamland, never again to enter, save as memory leads us back.

At the conclusion of the programme the members and their friends lingered


for a chat over the teacups.


The 794th Meeting. [Mar. 17, 1914]

The 794th regular meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held Tuesday, March 17th, the President, Mrs. John C. Wrenshall presiding. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved, and the regular announcements made.

The programme for the afternoon was in charge of the Committee on Unfamiliar Records, Mrs. Edward [Jordan] Stabler, Chairman; and was opened by a paper by Miss Harriet P. Marine, "Where Great Men Sleep." Miss Marine mentioned that some of the less known grave yards in the vicinity of Baltimore are nevertheless interesting because of their connection with the past. The private burying ground of the Fels [Fells] family on Shakespeare street,


is accessible only through a window of one of the houses which has been built around it, and the graves are not marked. The two Presbyterian church yards, Westminster and Glendy, have more distinguished dead than all other denomination burying grounds.[5] Glendy has lost part of its territory, but other denominational burying grounds in the vicinity have disappeard. Miss Marine named a number of names prominent in Baltimore history whose former owners sleep in the vicinity, as well as some of national fame.

Mrs. Edward Stabler discussed the "Romance of Heraldry." The Egyptians used symbols to denote characteristics such as courage or strength. The children of Israel displayed upon their tents the insignia of their family. The Byzantines adopted the crescent as their emblem. From earlier times the apostles were represented by emblems.


The standards carried by the Roman legions bore a horse or a boar, or some other emblem, till the eagle became the emblem of the Imperial Rome. Constantine adopted the cross. A miraculous legend explains the adoption of the lily as the emblem of France. Sealing arose from the illiteracy of the times, the impress of a seal bearing a symbol or coat of arms taking the place of a signature. Mrs. Stabler explained the origin of the English lion, and the red hand of the Ulster, though many family emblems are animals, and not especially significant. The College of Arms was instituted in 1484 to settle all questions relating to heraldry, and Mrs. Stabler threw an amusing light on the attitude which regards a gentleman as created by articles of patent. The paper closed with a brief description of the significance of the emblems of those standards


captured by the United States in time of war, and now in possession of our government.

Miss Marine closed the programme with a paper on "The Three Graves of the Potomac." Of the three graves of great men, that of Washington is known to everyone, and visited annually by multitudes. The other graves are in the vicinity, but are seldom visited. In the cemetery at Williamsport is buried Arthur Holland Williams, a prominent figure in the war of the Revolution. He was wounded in his early service, taken prisoner and exchanged. Later he served as General Gates' adjutant general. In Green's memorable defeat, Williams saved the army. After the war he was collector of the port of Baltimore. A marble slab marks his last resting place.

A few miles from the tomb of Washington William Smallwood is buried. He, also, was a


prominent Revolutionary figure and served in almost all the battles where Washington commanded. He was wounded at White plains, rendered conspicuous service at Germantown, and was second in command of the Army of the South. He was elected governor of Maryland in 1785 and was a member of Congress at the time of his death. His resting place was long unmarked, but in 1898 the Sons of the Revolution erected a monument over his grave.

At the conclusion of the programme, Mrs. Wrenshall spoke of the importance of the work done by this Committee and various lines which it might follow. She illustrated her point by citing an article by one of our members, Mrs. William C. Butler, who had traced the fates of those concerned in the removal of a certain Phoenician sarcophogus [sarcophagus] to France. On the sarcophogus [sic]


was a hieroglyphic inscription calling down on whoever should disturb it, a comprehensive curse which specified the extinction of the entire families of those concerned in its removal. This curse, by a singular historic coincidence was literally fulfilled; Louis Napoleon himself being one of several who met the fate prescribed by the ancient ruler. Mrs. Butler's article was published in the New York Evening Post, and attracted attention on both sides of the water.

At the conclusion of the programme the gathering adjourned to the tea table.


The 795th Meeting. [Mar. 24, 1914]

The 795th regular meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held Tuesday, March 24th, the President, Mrs. John C. Wrenshall presiding. The minutes of the previous


meeting were read and approved. The programme for the afternoon was in charge of the Committee on Foreign Travel, Mrs. Charles W. Lord, Chairman. The programme was opened with a paper by Mrs. Lord, "Some Haunting Reminiscences." The best residium of travel, said Mrs. Lord, is the visions which remain. Annoyances are forgotten, and we see only the finished pictures. Mrs. Lord acknowledged her inability to tell which of the pictures in her mental gallery was most appealing. She compared the grandeur of Switzerland with the charm of the Tyrol, the quaintness of rural England with the dignity and beauty of its cathedrals. She spoke of mysterious Stonehenge and the moors of Dartmouth, of Oxford rich in historic associations. She touched on French cathedrals and chateaux, on quaint Nuremburg, or Minich with its parks and art galleries, on Rome


with its galleries and churches and wonderful ruins, on Naples with its villa-covered hills, and Venice with its alluring visions of color. To illustrate her paper, Mrs. Lord had brought large numbers of post-card views, so mounted as to be easily examined.

"Extracts from a Traveler's Dairy [Diary]" was the title chosen by Mrs. Alan P. Smith for describing her trip to Greece. In crossing by steamer from Brindisi, she stopped at the island of Corfu where the king has a place not at all palatial, but like a plain American home. After landing in Greece, she had a seven[-] hour train ride before reaching Athens, and, as the gulf of Corinth lay on one hand and the mountains on the other, she was able to get a good idea of the beauty of Greece. One of the chief attractions in Athens was naturally the Acropolis, which Mrs. Smith pronounced a marvelous work of men and their Creator.


Mrs. Smith commented on the differences between the Greeks and the Italians, the former being more serious and self-respecting. They saw no beggars. The description of a funeral in Athens was peculiarly interesting. In her visit to old Corinth, Mrs. Smith had the advantage of an acquaintance with the head of the American school [of] Archeology, and was shown what was probably the stone over the doorway of the synagogue where St. Paul preached. Here she bought a number of old coins, some of them contemporary with the great apostle to the Gentiles. Mrs. Smith had bought, to illustrate her paper, several interesting curious as well as pictures.

As Mrs. C.E. Rutledge was unable to be present, on account of illness, her paper on Nikko was read by Mrs. Haman. It has been said it is worth while to visit Japan if only because it makes one's dreams more beau-


tiful through life, while the Japanese speak of Nikko as the natural goal of all beauty lovers. The railway from Tokio [Tokyo] to Nikko follows the old highway taken by pilgrims, and the little train carried an English party as well as two Americans and several natives. They reached Nikko and found it very cold, with snow falling, but undeterred, they visited the fascinating open-fronted shops, the pagodas and temples. Mrs. Rutledge described a Shinto shrine in some detail, though acknowledging the temples less attractive than the exquisite scenery.

The American undertook a trip to the lake nine miles further on when assured that they could return the same night. But they found the snow deep and climbing difficult, so that Mrs. Rutledge was, at length, obliged to leave her rickshaw and submit to being carried after the fashion of a Japanese baby. Of course,


A return the same night was impossible. A curious sidelight on the Japanese character was given by the story of two lovers whom the party had noticed, apparently in the best of spirits, and who committed suicide the day following. The two belonged to different social orders, and in Japan it is quite customary for lovers whose parents oppose their marriage to go away together and kill themselves after a prescribed fashion.

At the conclusion of the programme, Mrs. Wrenshall called attention to the fact that the Club had passed its twenty-fourth birthday, and had entered on its twenty-fifth year. She made this the text for a strong plea for loyalty, and sense of individual responsibility.

Tea was served at the conclusion of the programme.


The 796th Meeting. [Mar. 31, 1914]

The 796th regular meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held Tuesday, March 31st, the President, Mrs. John C. Wrenshall, presiding. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. As it was the last Tuesday of the month, Mrs. Wrenshall announced the committees which would have charge of the programmes for April.

The programme for the afternoon was in charge of the Committee on Current Criticism, Miss Latane Chairman, and opened with a review of Josephine Preston Peabody's "The Wolf of Gubbio," by Mrs. Walter W. Thomas. Mrs. Thomas briefly outlined the beautiful story which is the theme of Mrs. Peabody's latest dramatic effort, introducing the reader first to a scene in the deep pine woods where the old wolf in his lair


wishes himself a man. Not very far away two robbers have attacked a man and his wife, and their child is left unprotected in the bushes. The wolf hears the robbers later speak of the child which one of them jestingly says he has left for the wolf to warm. The wolf finds the abandoned infant and carries it to his lair. St. Francis happens to pass, the wolf is about to attack the Saint, but when addressed as "brother," he is instantly vanquished. The next scene shows the market place in Gubbio where the people are making ready for the Christmas rites. St. Francis arrives accompanied by the wolf which the townspeople first mistake for a dog. There is mutual distrust, the wolf eyeing the furrier with suspicion, while the people question the possibility that his wolfish mature can be changed. In the third scene no child has


been found to impersonate the infant Christ in the presentation of the Nativity, and the curtain drawn reveals the Virgin bending over an empty manger. The wolf brings the child left in the forest, and the empty manger is filled.

"The Dark Flower," by John Galsworthy, was reviewed by Mrs. Harriet Lummis Smith. The sentimental experiences of the hero are classified under three heads, spring, summer and autumn, the author giving his idea of the varying response a man's nature gives to the call of passion at these different ages. In spite of the exquisite beauty of much of the description, the story when retold, at once betrays the grossness of its conception. Mrs. Smith also protested against the author's assumption of the right to speak for all men, and questioned the popular theory that those of one sex understand each other, while the opposite sex remains


a mystery. While Mr. Galsworthy says many beautiful things about love, the love he depicts is not beautiful, and his picture is not life, but only a phase of life, and an unlovely one at that.

Mrs. Frank A. Manny closed the programme by reviewing the "Life of George Frederick Watts," written by his wife.[6] In her opening remarks, for Mrs. Manny dispensed with notes, the biography of Burne-Jones, also written by the wife of the artist was contrasted with the volume under discussion. The difference in the two is easily explained when it is known that Burne-Jones and his wife-biographer were married young, and shared all the vital experiences of existence, while Watts was in his sixty-ninth year when he became the husband of the young woman who later compiled his biography. Mrs. Watts has, accordingly, confined


herself almost altogether to his public acts, interpreted his art, and obliterated herself as much as possible. Her picture of her husband shows his generosity. His life for fifty years was devoted to great works of art to be presented to the nation. He was singularly modest, generally suffering from depression after completing a piece of work. He shrank from public recognition, twice refusing an offered title. As Mrs. Watts is herself an artist, Mrs. Manny pronounced her interpretation of her husband's work especially valuable.

At the conclusion of Mrs. Manny's remarks, Miss Latane spoke of the pleasure she had experienced in coming unexpectedly on Watt's statue of Tennyson, which she thought one of the most impressive works she had ever seen.

Mrs. Wrenshall declared that wherever one goes in England, one is reminded of Watt's genius


and generosity, and named a number of notable works of art. At Mrs. Wrenshall's request, Mrs. Manny spoke briefly of the work done by Mrs. Watts in instructing the peasants in tile and pottery making. Mrs. Manny also added some interesting details regarding the great artist's method of work.

At the conclusion of the programme, tea was served.


The 797th Meeting. [Apr. 7. 1914]

The 797th regular meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held Tuesday, April 7th, 1914, the President Mrs. John C. Wrenshall, presiding. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted.

The programme for the afternoon was in charge of the Committee on Fiction, Mrs. Percy M. Reese, Chairman. It was opened by a story by Mrs. Walter Thomas, "Love Suf-


fereth Long." The home scene to which Mrs. Thomas introduced her listeners was a somewhat painful one. The husband of an inefficient wife is dead, and his mother with the wife and undisciplined children make up the family. The older woman, tired of the fretfulness and criticism of her son's widow, at last announces the intention which she has for some time considered, of getting a little home of her own. The young widow, Anna, is startled by her mother-in-law's suggestion. She feels helpless and hopeless at the prospect of being left to herself. The mother visits her son's grave, and there meets a woman who has been cleaning the church, and who, like herself has lost her only son. She, however, rejoices in the fact that he has left children behind that she can care for, as flowers and tears cannot help


the dead, but service to those who are left behind is service to them. The mother goes home with a new purpose in her heart to serve her son by taking the helm in the family life, aiding the weak mother, and saving his children.

Mrs. Harriet Lummis Smith read a chapter from an unfinished book entitled "Twixt the Cup and the Lip." Persis Dale is a village dressmaker who confesses to a wholesome human interest in other people's affairs, so that people in trouble are very likely to turn to her for counsel. The doctor comes to her to ask her advice about an obdurate patient who, apparently is dying because she will not make the effort necessary to recovery. Persis resolves to give her a reason to make the effort. She visits the invalid whom she finds alarmingly resigned, turns the conversation on the latter's husband, and acknowledges that


there was a sentimental attachment between Nelson and herself when they were very young. Persis then goes on to set the invalid's mind at rest by assuring her that she will see that after her death Nelson does not throw himself away on any unworthy aspirant. The ruse has the desired effect, and the sick woman resolves that since Persis has not had the decency to conceal her designs, she will get well and show her that there is many a "slip twixt the cup and the lip."

At the conclusion of the programme refreshments were served the Club members and their guests.


The 798th Meeting. [Apr. 14, 1914]

The 798th regular meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held Tuesday, April 14th, 1914, Mrs. John C. Wrenshall, the President, presiding. The minutes of the


previous meeting were read and approved. Mrs. Wrenshall announced to the Club the election of Miss Lucy Latane as corresponding secretary in place of Mrs. Uhler, who had resigned the secretaryship, while remaining a member of the Board. Mrs. Wrenshall also announced the election of Mrs. T. J. Copeland as a member of the Board.

Mrs. Wrenshall announced the meeting of April 21st, a programme of especial interest to the public, as it concerns the work of artists and authors of Maryland.

The programme for the afternoon was in charge of the Committee on Poetry, Miss Lizette Woodworth Reese, Chairman. The programme was opened with a paper by Miss Victoria Elizabeth Gittings, "Austin Dobson and the Twentieth Century Spirit." There is a gulf between the literary era of Victoria's reign and that of the present, and Austin


Dobson, though a youthful septuagenerian from a literary standpoint, belongs to the Victorian side of the chasm. The obvious Gallic quality of his writings was commented on, but Miss Gittings credited him with Anglican principles underlying his French style. The lines on a fan once the property of Madam Pompadore [Madame Pompadour], were quoted to illustrate the difference between Dobson's treatment of the subject and what would probably be given by a Frenchman. Miss Gittings compared Dobson with Masefield, and complained of unfair treatment from those poets who clasp you by the hand and drag you, reluctant, through London dives. Miss Gittings gave a number of illustrations of Dobson's graceful style, and the closing selection, "A Parable of the East," stated also, his faith as to things artistic.

The second paper on the


programme was by Miss Reese, and called "Various Poets." In the old days when the Ladies Annual occupied a prominent place on the family centre table, the family scrap book was also an important institution, and along with other items of interest contained poems, some of them, Miss Reese declared, surprisingly good. Few of us still keep scrap books, but we need them. The newspapers republish the choice poems which appear in the magazines, and a twenty-five-cent note book and a pot of paste furnish the other necessary requisites. Miss Reese observed that poetry has been defined oftener than anything on earth, but we are still far from knowing what it is. But the effect is unmistakable, to enable commonplace mortals to use poet's wings. The poems to which Miss Reese called attention of the Club


were fugitive lyrics preserved in her scrap book. The little poem "Shopping" by Davies, she pronounced as pretty as anything Waller ever wrote. "A Song," by Ellen Glasgow, better known as a novelist than as a poet, was given. "Larks," by Katharine Tiernan, "In April," by Margaret Lee Ashley, "A Christmas Carol" by Sara Teasedale [Teasdale], were among the blossoms culled from Miss Reese's scrap-book. A quatrain, "Circumstance," was read to show how much might be compressed into four lines. Miss Reese closed by giving a poem by Eben Philpotts [Phillpots] entitled "Us," which she pronounced the real thing in dialect.

Refreshments were served at the conclusion of the programme.


The 799th Meeting. [Apr. 21, 1914]

The 799th regular meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held Tuesday, April 21st,


1914, the President Mrs. John C. Wrenshall presiding. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Mrs. Wrenshall announced the Percy Turnbull Memorial Lectures to be given by Prof. Kittredge on Chaucer.

The programme for the afternoon was in charge of the Committee on "Authors and Artists of Maryland," Mrs. John C. Wrenshall, Chairman and was opened with a paper by Miss Harriet P. Marine on the work of Mr. William Henry Perkins, Jr. Mr. Perkins' chief contributions to the literature of jurisprudence is his edition of court decisions in 129 volumes, and his annoted [annotated] edition of the decision of the Maryland Court of Appeals in 76 volumes. Only a lawyer could appreciate what is necessary to make a success of such an undertaking. Miss Marine quoted a number of tributes from prominent lawyers


of the vicinity regarding this monumental work.

Mr. Perkins is widely known as a French scholar, and has made some important translations from the English into French, including Stephen Phillips's "Herod," and Oscar Wild's [Wilde] "Salome." He is also an excellent Latin scholar and has translated parts of "Horace" into English prose. Miss Marine read several examples of Mr. Perkins's original verse which she declared to possess a peculiar subjectivity.

Mrs. John C. Wrenshall discussed the work of Dr. Bernard Christian Steiner, declaring it a privilege to chronicle his remarkable education and literary activity. Dr. Steiner was born in Connecticut, but came to Maryland as a child. He graduated at Yale in 1888, and later took his doctor's degree at Johns Hopkins. In 1892 he became head of the Enoch Pratt


Library, and in addition to this responsible position he has been connected with the faculty both of Johns Hopkins and the Baltimore Law School. Dr. Steiner has been a contributor to a large number of journals, chiefly historical in character. Among his published volumes may be named "Education in Connecticut," "Education in Maryland," "Citizenship and Suffrage in Maryland," "Life of Sir Robert Eden," "Life and Correspondence of James McHenry," the last named of which Dr. Steiner regards as his most important work. But half of his history of Maryland has yet been [to be?] published. Mrs. Wrenshall commented on the extraordinary industry necessary to produce such a list in addition to carrying the burden of exacting professional duties.

Mrs. Alan P. Smith, author of the "Life and Letters of Nathan Smith," soon to be brought out by


the Yale Press, gave a reading from the advance sheets of the volume. She began by reading a chapter concerned with the early life of the future physician and surgeon. He was born in Cornish, New Hampshire, though he served in the Vermont malitia [militia], being promoted to the post of captain at eighteen. While still a youth he acted as an assistant to a surgeon, amputating a leg, and announced his wish to follow the same profession. After private study with a tutor, he apprenticed himself to this very surgeon, and after two years began the practice of medicine. He married twice, his love letter to the young lady who became his second wife occasioning much amusement. Though eminently successful in his practise [practice], Dr. Smith was not satisfied, realizing the need of medical schools. He offered Dartmouth College, New Hampshire, a piece of ground for building such a school, and


offered his services as instructor, free of charge. The offer was not accepted for a year, and Dr. Smith improved the period of waiting by attending lectures at the University of Edinburg[h].

In addition to founding the school at Dartmouth, Dr. Smith was, also, founder of the medical schools at Dartmouth, Yale, Bowdoin, and Burlington. His extraordinary progressiveness is indicated by the fact that some of his works on the treatment of disease are still accepted as authoritative. Dr. Smith was the founder of a line of distinguished physicians and surgeons, the fifth generation now gaining distinction. An interesting item was given by Mrs. Smith, at the President's request, showing that the founding of Johns Hopkins Hospital was undoubtedly due to a suggestion made to its founder by Dr. Alan P. Smith, the grandson of the subject of the memoir, at the


time, a young man considerably under thirty.

Refreshments were served at the conclusion of the programme.


The 800th Meeting. [Apr. 28. 1914]

The 800th regular meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held Tuesday, April 28th, 1914, the President, Mrs. John C. Wrenshall, presiding. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The programme for the afternoon was in charge of the Committee on Music, Miss Lina Stiebler, Chairman, and a most excellent programme was given. Miss Margaret Nelson, the soprano, sang several times, including two operatic selections, [Samuel] Coleridge Taylor's "Big Lady's Moon," ["Big Lady Moon"] and the very popular "All in a Summer's Day." The unusual quality of Miss Nelson's voice occasioned most favorable comment among the listeners. Mr. Richard Bond sang


two very pleasing songs "My Rose" and an Irish love song, and later was cordially applauded for his fine rendition of "Invictus." Miss Helene Broemer, cellist played "The Evening Star," and "Drink to Me Only with Thine Eyes" most acceptably. Miss Broemer's sister is a violinist, and two duets from these talented sisters added much to the charm of the programme. Mr. Leroy Thompson pleased the Club members with his rendering of "What is Love?"

In thanking the artists, Mrs. Wrenshall improved the opportunity to pay a cordial tribute to Miss Stiebler, her words being heartily applauded.


The 801st Meeting. [May 5, 1914]

The 801st regular meeting (a business one) of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held Tuesday, May 5th, Mrs. John C. Wrenshall the President presiding. In


her opening remarks Mrs. Wrenshall referred to the illness of two of our members, Mrs. Williams who has been ill for nearly a year, and Miss Atwater who is slowly recuperating after four months of illness. Mrs. Wrenshall read a letter from Miss Atwater written in acknowledgment of the letters of sympathy and the flowers sent by the Board.

The order of exercises for the afternoon consisted of two parts, the first half being devoted to reports from chairmen of the standing committees. Mrs. Markland, Chairman of the Committee on Art, reported one programme, and read a letter, not addressed to herself, from a visitor from abroad, who declared the visit to the Club the pleasantest afternoon she had spent in America.  Miss Latane, Chairman of the Committee of Current Criticisms [Criticism], reported two programmes, and one formal committee meeting.


The books reviewed were "Hagar," "Life of John Bright," "Wolf of Gubbio," "Life of Watts," and "The Dark Flower" in addition to a number of books touched on by Miss Cloud's paper "The Passing Pageant." Mrs. Turner, Chairman of the Committee on Essays and Essayists, reported through Mrs. Copeland, that the committee meetings had been held regularly, and that the committee had given two programmes. Mrs. Reese, Chairman of the Committee on Fiction reported four programmes filled, although several members of the committee had not appeared this year.  Mrs. Lord reported for the Committee on Foreign Travel, two programmes, but complained of difficulty in getting her committee together. Mrs. Harriet L. Smith, Chairman of the Committee on Letters and Autographs, reported one meet-


ing, at which several interesting autographs were shown. Mrs. Bowie, Chairman of the Committee on Education, reported one meeting. Mrs. Wrenshall spoke of the programme given to the work of out-of-town members, in which we had heard from Mrs. Hammel, Mrs. Butler, and Mrs. Mason; and expressed the hope that this programme might become a yearly feature. Mrs. Wrenshall, also, reported for the Authors and Artists of Maryland Committee, and said that Mr. Steiner had expressed himself as much gratified by the appreciative criticism of his works. As the rain prevented several Chairmen from attending, partial reports were given by those present.

The second part of the programme was devoted to nominating officers for the ensuing year,--with three members of the Board of


Management. Miss Lillie Schnauffer was judge of elections, and headed the committee, assisted by Mrs. Reese and Miss Nicholas representing the Club, and Mrs. Copeland and Mrs. H. L. Smith, representing the Board.

In announcing the resignation of Miss Mullin as Treasurer, the President paid a cordial tribute to Miss Mullin's efficiency, and a unanimous vote of thanks was tendered her for her years of faithful service.

The following officers were nominated:

President: Mrs. John C. Wrenshall

First Vice-President: Mrs. Alan P. Smith

Second Vice-President: Mrs. S.A. Hill

Recording Secretary: Mrs. Harriet Lummis Smith

Corresponding Secretary: Miss Lucy Latane

Treasurer: Mrs. James C. Fenhagen

For the Board of Management,

Mrs. Edward Fayerweather and Mrs. T.J. Copeland both elected to fill unexpired terms, were


renominated. Mrs. Frank A. Manny was nominated to fill the vacancy in the Board. Several scattering votes were cast, the ladies so honored withdrawing their names from the ticket.

The 802nd Meeting. [May 12, 1914]

The regular business meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held Tuesday, May 12th, 1914, the President, Mrs. John C. Wrenshall, presiding. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted. Mrs. Fayerweather and Mrs. Stevens were appointed to audit the report of the Treasurer, Miss Elizabeth Lester Mullin. Mrs. Stevens was also appointed on the Committee on Elections, in place of Mrs. Percy M. Reese, who was absent.

Miss Lillie Schnauffer, judge of elections, then took charge, and under her


Direction the members registered. The ballots were then distributed. The following officers were elected:

President-Mrs. John C. Wrenshall

First Vice President-Mrs. Alan P. Smith

Second Vice-President-Mrs. S.A. Hill

Recording Secretary-Mrs. Harriet Lummis Smith

Corresponding Secretary-Miss Lucy Temple Latane

Treasurer-Mrs. Jas. C. Fenhagen.

On the Board of Management Mrs. E.E. Fayerweather and Mrs. T. J. Copeland were re-elected; and a third vacancy was filled by the election of Mrs. Frank A. Manny.

After the announcement of the result of the election, Mrs. Wrenshall spoke of her appreciation of the confidence of her fellow-club members expressed by her seventeenth election to the presidency. She spoke regretfully of the small number present, and Miss Stevens suggested that


the small attendance was, in itself, an indication of confidence.

Mrs. Wrenshall urged the club-members to invite their friends to attend the club meetings through the Corresponding Secretary, that the privilege of attendance might not be abused. She announced the May salon for which Miss Stiebler has promised an exceptionally fine programme, and urged those present to ask for invitations for their friends.


The 803rd Meeting. [May 19, 1914]

The 803rd regular meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held Tuesday, May 19th, with a large attendance. The minutes of the April Salon were read and approved.

The President, Mrs. John C. Wrenshall, in her opening remarks,


spoke of the election to the Board of Managers of Mrs. Frank A. Manny. She also regretfully announced the resignation of Mrs. Thomas Hill as chairman of the committee of Colonial and Revolutionary History, and bespoke the help of the Club members for the new chairman, Miss Harriet P. Marine. Mrs. Wrenshall mentioned the fact that Mrs. Markland had been in charge of the housekeeping since January, and expressed the thanks of the Club for her very efficient service. She, also, announced that the opening programme for the season of 1914-1915 would be a Book Talk in charge of Mrs. Harriet Lummis Smith. Expressing her appreciation of the confidence of her fellow members indicated in electing her to the presidency of the Club for the seventeenth time, Mrs. Wrenshall went on to congratulate the Club on the


work of the year just finished. She mentioned the fact that through our non-resident members we are in touch with the women writers of the State. Mrs. Wrenshall expressed her gratification in the fact that the Club programmes are never postponed except for the most weighty reasons, adjourning twice in its history because of deaths which occurred on the day of the meeting. She urged the continuance of the devoted work which has made such a record possible.

The programme for the afternoon was in charge of the Committee on Music, Miss Lina Stiebler Chariman. The Misses Margaret Nelson, Edna Carey, and Mabel Phillips, sopranos; Mr. Wilburn, tenor; Messrs. Brady, Bond, and Thompson, baritones, and Mrs. J. Komlehn, bass, gave a varied and delightful programme. Mrs. Joseph Imbroglio, violinist, made a most favorable impression.


At the conclusion of the prgramme, Mrs. Wrenshall stated that the year, in accordance with a time-honored custom, had close with music. She thanked the Chairman, Miss Stiebler and the artists for making the closing meeting of the Club so delightful, after which, she declared the Club adjourned till the twentieth of October.


[1] The 1913 Armory Show was the first large exhibition of modern art in America, introducing Americans to experimental styles of European artists.

[2] Glendy was the burying ground for the Second Presbyterian Church. It was located at Gay Street and Broadway.

[3] Mary Fraser Tytler (1849-1938) Scottish craftswoman, designer and social reformer. Both she and her husband were associated with the Symbolist movement of art.

[4] Lily Tyson Elliott was one of the early club members joining under the name of her first husband Gaston Manly.

[5] William Sharp (1855-1905) Scottish poet and biographer, wrote the introduction to Lyra Celtica: An Anthology of Representative Celtic Poetry (1896).

[6] John Bright (1811-89) was a British Liberal and promoter of free trade policies.





“1913-1914 Meeting Minutes,” The Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore, accessed February 23, 2025, https://loyolanotredamelib.org/Aperio/WLCB/items/show/13478.Item
