1916-1917 Meeting Minutes


[MS988 Box 5, Book 5.

1916-1917 Season.]


[Oct. 10, 1916]

The opening meeting of the Women’s Literary Club of Baltimore for the year 1916-1917 was held last Teusday [Tuesday], October 10. With an unusually good attendance of members and friends.

The minutes of the last meeting having been read and approved, the Vacation program, arranged by the President, opened with Miss Virginia Bowie’s interesting experiences along the border and across the RIo Grande where this venturesome lady visited one of the small towns belonging to our turbulent neighbors.

In “the Postman’s Ring” interest in Mexico was sustained by extracts from letters received this summer by Mrs. J. Addison Cooke, from her soldier son, one of many young men enlisted in defense of his country this year.

Mrs. T.J. Copeland in her vacation trip to Childhood’s Town, in the hills of North Carolina, experienced those feeling so many experience in going back realizing the changes the years wrought the innovation of the modern, that relentless raid of time that means progress or decay which leaves leaves nothing untouched.

Miss Ethlin Evans entertained the audience with a Darkey Sermon, in which stealing, matrimony, and manner came under respective consideration.

Mrs. Fayerweather’s Summer with the Angels, proved, we were glad to learn a summer with her flowers, as she explained in the pretty fancy connecting flower and angel. She apologized for having let a ride interfere with the writing of a paper in which she intended to tell us about her delightful summer companions.

The “Visit to the Yamma Farms”, paid by Mrs. Clem Goodrich was a very entertaining account of these remarkable farms under the management of Mr. Frank Seaman-- The Japanese Inn, its 35 rooms each named, its amusements and the delightful originality of the enterprise, made us wish to do as Mrs. Goodrich had done and visit these farms if only to linger awhile over the beautiful foolishness of things.

Miss May Haughwout gave us another sermon-- At the Ferry to which she had been a listener this summer; and retold in her delightful style we were treated to the varying subjects which only a preacher of that race would venture to handle.

Mrs. Samuel Hill, in her vacation in the Lake of, discovered “The Human document, in the shape of a former London actor and his family.

An Incident from Mrs. Charles Lord carried us to Atlantic City, where the mervenary[mercenary] attitude of the modern hotel waiter made for some embarrassment on the part of the guests.

Mrs. Howard Palmer disappointed the Club by not appearing in her Specs.

Mrs. Ellen Palmer Sollenberger in her talk on Personality, showed the person and her surrounding in interesting everyday life, showing how interruptions can become necessary to the flow of inspiration.

Following Mrs. Beverley Smith into the Heart of the Blue Ridge, we touched mountain solitude and the chapel of St. John’s, were a baptismal service was being held

Mrs. Thomas told of a trip to Toronto last ay [May], where the fact of surprising her friends proved the incident.

Mrs. Marriet Lummis Smith ommited[omitted] her paper on account of time having run ahead of the readers, but we hope to have the pleasure of sitting around his 6amp Fire in the Rockies in the near future.

Also Miss Louisa C. Haughton disappointed the audience by also concluding to reserve “The Way of Peace,” for another occasion.

The Vacation program proved an immense success every way, in stimulation, entertainment and sociability, to which the social cup of tea gave the last touch.

[Oct. 17, 1916]

The regular weekly meeting of the Women’s Literary Society of Baltimore, was held Teusday[Tuesday] last, October 17th.

The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and approved, the President made a few announcements. After which the program, in charge of the Committee on fiction, Chairman Mrs. Percy Reese, opened with a story by Mrs. Thruston.

In “Patsie’s Silk” we had the account of college graduate’s love-affair. The reputation having to be sustained by a matrimonial flavor Miss Patsi”s[Patsie’s] venture in that direction, undertaken in jest ends in earnest. The silk dress in the shape of an apology for reception of her supposed advances to the young men, adds insult to injury, but their meeting later the masculine prerogative of doing the lovemaking is assumed and everything ends happily.

“The Choice of Chance” by Mrs. Beverley Smith gave the intertaining[entertaining] account of an enterprising girl’s desperate attempt to put a little color into a wholly colorless Christmas day. The result of her happy choice in selecting the one to be favored with a greeting works out in a chain incidents with some slight complication that is unravelled to the satisfaction of the lovers and everyone else.

Mrs. J. Palmer Howard in “The Quickening,” dealt with the occult incident in connection with the dead. The young American, to shake it off with inertia that threaten to destroy his hold on life plunges into the whirlpool of war, where the latent mysticism of his nature is wrought more and more upon as seen in the opening discussion, the allusion to the woman and child, her voiceless appeal to which he responds to find the mother in need of aid, the child is dead.

This program with its widely different stories provided most entertaining. Members and friends lingered for the usual cup of tea.

[Oct. 24, 1916]

The usual weekly meeting of the Women’s LIterary Club was held Teusday[Tuesday] last, October 24th, with a fair attendance. The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and accepted, a few announcements were made by the President, after which the program in charge of the Committee on Unfamiliar Records, Chairman, Mrs. Phillip Uhler, opened with some extracts from a diary to which Mrs. Reese kindly treated the club.

In her “Leaves from a Young Girl’s Journal,” she gave us the very entertaining account of her own experience in the White House, when as a young girl she sang in a musicale[musical] before Grant and his family. The personal touches, the glimses[glimpses] into her own past, the president and his children as seen through the eyes of the youth, gave these leaves added interest.

Miss Louisa Haughton told us the story of the princess Thyra and her Lovers, a beautiful Ulster maiden, a Danish prince, and a jealous lover. The prince, after a rather arduous wooing, has reached the point of happiness in securing his princess, when the complications arisse and the jealous Red Hector, stooping to dastardly deception manages a terrible surprise and tragic climax.

Miss Virginia Bowie with her account of James Bowie, carried her audience back to those more stirring times when American history was taking definite shape. Giving a brief account of the immediate ancestors of the brothers, Reason the scholar, and James the soldier, she followed the history of the soldier to its dramatic finish. His darin spirit, the hair-breadth escapes, his patriotism and courage, the origin of the famous Bowie knife, and his aid towards liberating Texas from the hands of the usurping Mexicans, all added to the flavor of his adventurous life; as related by Miss Bowie.

“ A Shawnee Chief, written by Miss Mary Day, and read by Mrs. Uhler, gave the account of the Indian chief, Sowononane, or Cornstalk, belonging to a southern tribe. This man, with the craft of his race and the tact of Napoleon, was a great influence among his people, keeping them in check, to at last die at the hands of those he had befriended, the individual suffering for his peoples’[people’s] crime. A monument was erected to the great chief of Point Pleasant in 1901, at the place he fell one hundred and twenty five years before.

The program concluded with a social cup of tea that is always dispensed and which adds the necessary touch to a pleasant afternoon.

[Oct. 31, 1916]

The usual weekly meeting of the Women’s Literary Club of Baltimore was held Teusday[Tuesday] last, October 31. 1916.

The program for the afternoon was in charge of the Committee on Fiction, Chairman Miss Lizette Woodworth Reese, and opened with a paper “Princess Karaja, Poet and Mystic”, written by Miss Victoria Elisabeth Gittings and read by Mrs. Uhler.

The princess, of sewdish birth and married to a Turkish Prince seems to be a lady of wide interest and much generosity, her castle Arden, being at this time at the disposal of the Red Cross Service. Her earlier writings consist of some plays and a book of French Epigrams. Her husband’s death at the age of twenty six appears to have developed the more mystic, spiritual tendencies of her temperament, as revealed in “Towards the Light,” where “Every soul that struggles upwards finds his light, and in which The soul after the death, and many of those revelations that have come to her in her spiritual detachment from the body, find expression.

“King Solomon,” another of her less known works is in the British museum .

Miss Lizette Woodworth Reese, began her paper, “ A Dialect Poet,” by saying that it was literally dragged out of her brain. Such being the case the result certainly repaid the efforts. Poetry, the emotion of the moment--language beaten into shape, with James Whitcomb Riley, the poet of Pennsylvania-Dutch extraction, becomes the language of the heart. The songs of common things, “Honey Dropping from the Comb,” “Going Out to Old Aunt Jane’s,” The old-fashioned touch of idealist and realism. His own desires as voiced in “Hust the small cot, the cricket’s chirp,” make him America’s most popular poet.

The only regret of the Club found expression in the unanimous wish the Mrs. Reese had treated us to one of her own poems, but, in more homely language, if we could not get pudding we were glad to have pie in the shape of a talk on some other person.

The afternoon’s program was concluded with the usual cup of tea, enjoyed by all.

[Nov. 7, 1916]

The usual weekly meeting of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore was held Teusday [Tuesday] last, November 7th, the Committe [Committee] on Travel, Chairman Mrs. Charles Lord being in charge of program.

The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and approved, a report for the decoration of Graves on All-Soul’s [Souls] Day was given by Mrs. Bowie.

Mrs. Clem Goodrich, in her paper, “A Visit to Cooperstown,” gave the account of a trip she took last June in her motor to this interesting town. Along a fine road, through Catskills, 60 miles west of Albany is the town made famous by J. Fenimore Cooper. Here, is one of man’s greatest feats, the Askcombe [Ashcombe] resevoir [reservoir], Otseago [Otseago] Hall, Cooper’s home, A statue of the famous novelist, Christ’s church, the ground on which it is built presented by Cooper’s father, and built in 1807. Here is the burial lot where Fenimore Cooper and his wife are buried. Not far beyond are the Leater [leather]-Stockings Falls and Litchfield Springs.

To reach the “Original Apartment House,” Mrs. Harriet Smith carried us across many states, through the rapidly changing cow-boy region and blossoming fields, along the government road, dangerous in places, to where four states meet, and on towards the top of that rocky canyon where once lived that race of beings known as cliff dwellers. Herer many thousand feet above the level, and inaccesible [inaccessible] from above, are the remains of those interesting palaces once containing hundreds of human beings, primitive unprogressive specimens of humanity with their religious tendencies, artistic aspirations, and agricultural pursuits. Recent excavations have brought to light other building, intensely interesting to all who are interested in this primitive type [the student of primitive type]. Tons of relics relating to their mode of living are to be found among the ruins.

Mrs. Charles Lord made a wider sweep of country when she embraced “America from Coast to Coast,” in her paper. From the East, with its beauty of sea and mountain to Casco Bay and Mount Washington, through the forests of the Adirondacks, down the St Lawrence, and through the chain of great lakes and out beyond to the Rocky Mountains, and Clorado [Colorado] Canyons, through the country ‘God forgot’ across desert and prairie, Canadian Rockies, to Seattle and Puget Sound, to the more fertile foothills of California,the Sacremento [Sacramento] Valley, blazing with flower and fruit, to that Paradise of Southern California where the glory of the Lord seems to be revealed, we were taken to feel the beauty of a country to which many have failed to appreciate in their search for beauty in distant lands.

The afternoon’s program was completed with the usual social cup of tea.


[Nov. 14, 1916]

The regular weekly meeting of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore was held Teusday [Tuesday] last, November 14, with an unusually good attendance of members and friend[s.] The minutes of the last meeting having been read and approved, the President made a reques[t] for some one-act plays. The afternoon’s programme was in charge of Committee on Current Criticism, Chairman Miss Lucy Temple Latane[é].

Owing to the absence of Mrs. Don Hoffman, who was to have given a criticism of Margaret Deland’s latest book, “The Rising Tide”, Mrs Hooper opened the programm[e] by reading the criticism, written by Miss Jeanne DuVal, on Sir Gilbert Parker’s “The Money Master[“]. The prelude to this book she told us was tiresome; The love story, belonging to a philosophical period, full of epigrams, the author a master of adjectiv[es]. [The work is] a character sketch, [in which] the characters speak for themselves. The book is a moral lesson in renunciation and forgiveness.

In “Sppon [spoon] River Anthology & Kindred Verse,” Mrs. J. Howard Palmer began by speaking of the logical developement [development] of art and its present tendencies, the groping towards new forms without the alley of self-consciousness or insincerity, of which Frost, Robinson and Masters are exponents. In Spoon River, Edgar Masters carries out a work of art unattianable [unattainable] through other medium. Concerning the book opinions differ its bold, forceful statement of facts repelling some, but the humanity and uniqueness appeal as the dea[d] speak of life--the beautiful soul who has lived life strongly. Ann Rutheledge [Rutledge], beloved of Lincoln, wedded by separation, and the one who says “It Takes life to love life.” Surely this morgue of souls, as one calls it, must live by its own strength.

Miss Lucy Latané spoke of the O. Henry Biography, by C. Alphonso Smith. In which the mystery surrounding this popular writer of short stories is cleared The questions, Who was he? What influences moulded? Were the rumors of a past true? Are all answered in the frank statement concerning a character fine enough to stand the searching light of day.

From his birth to this death the biography hides nothing. From the Greensboro School, the durg [drug]-store, the bank, his marriage in 1887, his three years of penitentiary life after being arraigned for embezzlement and unjustly condemned, to five years, imprisonment, his gain through suffering, his return to the world to his death in 1910.

His absence of bitterness, his innate purity of style show the man, what he was-”We are like chickens,” he says, alluding to life, “tapping on the shells.” And that last request “Turn up the lights I don’t want to go home in the dark,” will always [be] associated with the one who knew life.

In “A Glance at Eden Philpots,” Mrs. Charles Lord, spoke of the sweet spirit of this fascinating writer, his physical insight, beautiful descriptions, the very human qualities of his characters in these Devonshire stories-”Sons of the Morning,” Children of the Mist--and Delabole with its slate quarries with the absolutely colorless lives of its inhabitants, Grandfather Newt’s philosophy--his subsequent courtship by the young woman Sarah--the question what makes a home answered. In Whitticombe [Widecombe] Fair, Mrs. Lord told us this author is at his best, with its anecdotes of Petronella.

The afternoon closed with the usual sociable cup of tea.


[Nov. 21, 1916]

The regular weekly meeting of the Woman’s Literary Club was held Teusday [Tuesday] last, Nov. 21. The Committee on Foreign Languages, Chairman Miss Virginia Bowie, being in charge of the program.

Miss Elizabeth Cary Nicholas read a translation from the French of some extract from the journal of the Baron De Closen, “French Troops in Maryland.” The very interesting personal touch of the Baron's impressions of Baltimore and its ladies was delightful. The women were pronounced delightful; he commented on their clothes, figures, hands and feet, spoke of them as being well-shod and affecting French styles. Gave an account of a trip to Annapolis, the ball, supper, also the public buildings. Giving to the Governor’[s] wife, Mrs. Lee, the precedent of the most beautiful woman in America, claiming her grace and charm as the result of a two years so journ[y] in Paris. He also commented on the mode of arrival in Baltimore, crossing the river and travelling over an abominable road of eight miles.

Mrs. William Guth [Gatchel?] gave the club a translation from the German of Clara Viebig. In “Home” we had the pathetic account of a poor old man who has outlived wife and children, but who will never outlive his love of nature. This unwashed specimen of humanity find[s] his pleasure in collecting cigar stumps, his chief worry in life being, how to avoid the poor-house and to keep warm. During a cold winter he is found in a stupor and the authorities get the best of him. Spring brings release and he is back to his mountains and dirt and collecting. But the next winter poor old Lippe is discovered supposedly dead, to wake and find himself once more the victim of mistaken kindness. Scrubbed and wretched the almshouse a prison to the spirit that pines for the great out-of-doors, after a few ineffectual struggles to make the worn out body obey the soul’s desire, he surrenders to the conqueror death.

Miss Virginia Bowie had a translation from the Italian of Savino Verrazzano. The story dealing with the present war and the enlistment of the citizen Adolophos whose uniform makes a prodigious stir in the neighbourhood. The order for departure comes after a tedious waiting. He says goodbye to his wife and little Carlo. Letters come, then silence. The wife and litle Carlo set out in the direction of Adolophos’s battalion to find the gallant soldier in a hospital minus a leg. This is too much for the child, completely overcome he is speechless, but at the urgent request of his beloved father the child struggles to raise the patriotic salute--” Viva l’Italia.”

A cup of American tea gave the finishing touch to the French, German and Italian papers.


[Nov. 28, 1916]

The usual weekly meeting of the Woman’s Literary Club was held Teusday [Tuesday] last, November 28. Committe[e] on Entertainment, Chairman, Miss Louisa Haughton, being in charge of afternoon’s program.

Mrs. J. Addison Cooke began with “A Sketch of Helene Vacaresco, the Roumanian Poetess.["] Speaking chiefly of her collection of the fold songs of Roumania Romania -showing the soul of a free people, and handed down from father to son. There was “The Persuasion of Love,” that proved no persuasion to the maiden not to be persuaded. The “Gypsy Song,” “Into the Mist I Gazed,[“] “The soldier and his Country.” [“]The Spinning Song,” where mother and daughter, throwing the shuttle back and forth, throw question and answer to one another, with the mother’s word, “Thy father cometh home--leave the door open?” which made for subsequent discussion as to what motive caused her to wish the door left open and then “The Autumn song-with the soul’s request--Touch my knife but never touch my heart, for human hearts must sleep to live.” Mrs. Cooke also spoke of Carmen Sylva--Roumania’s queen--her benediction.

Miss May Haughwout, in three original monologues was most entertaining. “Ben’s Bad day,” voiced a boy’s disgust with the result of a purely good act in sharing his last five cents. His meditations spoke a knowledge of human nature and resentment at being the victim of it.

“The Modern Instance,” depicted the eternal mother, in the society woman. Her three sons are introduced into conversation as she receives her different guests at the Tea, in which repetition of polite greeting proves exhausting, and words at last become as limp as her hand-shake.

“The Social Hair-Dresser,” a well-known personage, lived up to her reputation as she manipulated the lady’s locks and in the language of her profession entertained her victim with different subjects as seen from the hair-dresser’s point of view.

The entertainment concluded as usual with the very social cup of tea which guest and member alike enjoyed.


[Dec. 5, 1916]

The usual weekly meeting of the Woman’s Literary Club was held last Teusday [Tuesday], December 5th. 1916. Mrs Julius Thruston [Thurston], Chairman of Committee on Essays, in charge of the afternoon’s program.

The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and accepted Mrs. Thomas read a paper--Woman-dealing with the sex in general and some of their more particular traits as seen through the eye of a woman, what she has been, what she is, and what she may finally conclude to be. Her adaptability, variability, and wonderful faculty for accomplishing the unexpected.

In “Backgrounds,” Miss Juliet Reed spoke of literature, Sir Walter Scott, Shakespeare, referring to their respective backgrounds in their setting for novel and play as in Rob Roy and Macbeth. She spoke of the school of realism as lacking in much of the environment peculiar to these well-known writers. Alluding also to the background of great cities-the workshops of the world. The more human background of the simpler folks who are such a necessary factor for others comfort in this great world--with that greatest background of all--nature.

Mrs. Thruston [Thurston] in her paper on “Ideals,” related the story of the little girls and the violets, illustrating the fact that everybody’s idea of happiness is getting what they don’t happen to possess. The country girl desires the city. Ideals is a relative term dealing with the individual. To most it is gold in the shape of wealth. In primitive times this was represented by flocks and herds, it always meant possession of some sort. The violets served the purpose of bringing home the fact that “Man never is, but always to be blest.” And the old adage. “God grant every man his heart’s desire,” might not be as great a spiritual benefit as letting him work out his ideals until they reach something worth that name.

Mrs. Sollenberger’s essay on “marriage,” alluded to the institution as one to which the shackles still remained, the age having lifted most, had left these. Happy marriages, she said, are rare, The husbands retaining the tyrannical attitude towards the wife, of the primitive man. Referring to Ellen Key and W. L. George, man seems to get the best of the bargain,=. A happy marriage is based of understanding, sympathy, equal rights--and independence. A man who marries because it is cheaper to maintain a wife than pay a hireling is not the man to make a matrimonial success. The institution being a necessary solution of human needs requires some reasonable adjustment to present day enlightenment concerning this relation of man and woman.

The meeting concluded with the usual sociable cup of tea and pleasant chat with friends and members of the Club.

The afternoon’s program being concluded, the Club was treated to a delightfully unexpected pleasure in the shape of a talk from the well-known writer, Mrs. Helen Martin who gave us a few of her personal experiences in working for woman suffrage amongst the Pennsylvania Dutch. Her amusing account of the many visits paid, the conversations, and the attitude of the women towards this modern question of the sex having a say in the government, sufficed to show that man in that Dutch settlement is still lord and master of affairs as far as the wife is concerned.


[Dec. 12, 1916]

The usual weekly meeting of the Women’s Literary Club of Baltimore was held Teusday[Tuesday] December 12 1916- the last before the Christmas holidays. Committe[Committee] on Literature of the Bible, Chairman, Mrs. T.J. Copeland being in charge of the afternoon’s program.

Mrs. Copeland being absent, her paper, “Bible Material as Mental Furniture,” was ready by Miss H. Marine. The Brain Mrs. Copeland compared to a house, Divorce, she said, was often to be traced to the empty furnishing of the same, kitchen mentality being frequently substituted for living-room needs--the poetry, faith and uplift of the curtain, picture and upholstery totally ignored.

Miss K.P. Woods in “Was Christ Born at Bethlehem and When!” referring to St. Luke’s account of the taxing of the Jewish people traced the custom to the time when one Quarenius exercised leadership in Syria, account for any discrepancies in dates to the mere hearsay upon which St. Luke had to go upon. The gospel having been written years after the birth of Christ.

“The Bible as Literature,” being the title of Miss Marine’s paper, she bagn by speaking of its upparrelled educational value, being in itself a library of literature. Referring to Mosaic laws, she said that all our knowledge of hygiene and Health laws are to be found in those laid down by Moses coneering the things most beneficial to man in diet and chlinence. Joshua, as an expert of war methods, his knowledge of science, makes present-day folks realise[realize] they are not so wonderfully ahead of the ancient. Miss Marine also drew our attention to the allegories, symbols, the power of emotional expression to be found in the Bible.

The sociable cup of tea was enjoyed by all present, and the afternoon concluded with the many wishes for a happy Christmas and a good New Year.


[Jan. 9, 1917]

The usual weekly meeting of the Women’s Literary Club of Baltimore was held Teusday[Tuesday], January 9th, 1917.

The Minutes of the previous meeting having been read and approved, the afternoon’s program in charge of Committee on Fiction, Chairman Mrs. Percy M. Reese, was opened with a story from Mrs. Beverley Smith--”Widow’s Weeds.”

Pokey, a sprightly colored woman, whose husband is supposed to be drowned in very much interested in her widow’s weeds and make great preparation for her deceased partner’s funeral sermon to be preached according the the custom of her race. This public exhibition of respect to the dead being part of the mourning. The service is in full sway when the husband appears in the flesh and breaks up the program to the embarrassment of his widow who has to solve the difficult question of what to do next. Needless to say her ready wit came to her rescue and found her equal for the unexpected climax.

In Mrs. J. Howard Palmer’s “The Motive,” a story within a story, the question is asked isd any human being capable of doing at leact[least] one act unbiased by personal feelings! The story is then related by the other man of his divorce, his meeting a girl whose feeling towards some man are in a remarkably unsettled state, which he helps to settle on discovering that the object of her indefinite affections is the man who has been the cause of his own divorce. Eveidently[Evidently] the question of whom the lady really is interested in is answered by her final entrance and introduction as his wife--though the other question of his own motive in telling her what he did still hangs unanswered.

Mrs. Thomas in “The Boy’s father,” puts into story form the feelings of a super-sensitive parent, who under strain of overwrought nerves gives expression to what would be termed unnatural desires. His remorse and subsequent suffering makes the climax, when he discovers that there has been a mistake-that another boy is the one who has been badly hurt. His own strained emotion causes the final breakdown as he thinks of “The boy’s father.”

[Jan. 16, 1917]

The usual weekly meeting of the Women’s Literary Club of Baltimore was held last, January 16 1917.

The minute of the previous meeting having been read and approved, the President made a few annoubcements [announcements], after which the afternoon’s program in charge of Committee on folk-lore, Chairman Mrs. Samuel Alexander, opened with a paper written by Mrs. Lucretia Williams Mariot, and read,in her absences, by Mrs. Hill.

In “Folk-Lore” of North Carolina,” dwelt more especially of that connected with Hatteras Island, full as she found it of primitive folk and unwritten fiction, where folk-lore, a science of the 19th century, might well revel. Hatteras Island, a foreign land at home, retains its flavor of obsolete words and indulges in old English and modern slang; its Elizabethtown lore finds some explanation in the supposition that the people who settled there may have belonged to the lost colony of Roanoke.

Miss Lucy Temple Latane gave the club a spicy paper on Rhyme Reason. Which as she explained meant anything inadequately supported, having no authority or precedent. Referring to our bromide tendencies, our apology for anything relating to the origina [original] our fear of being the first in the field of ideas, our parrot memories she spoke of; folk-lore, as having its root in primitive wisdom, and its being handed down in rhyme proverb until we have lost much of its original meaning. Folk-lore, she said, is a broad term, which she likened to a tree with far reaching rootlets.

Miss Latane also read, “A chapter from the Folk-Lore of Maryland,” written by an absent member, Mrs. Waller Bullock, dealing chiefly with the subject of Luck. Tracing this first idea of good and bad luck moody gods who showered according to their temper good ill on human beings. Alluding to Lucky days, lucky signs, which in some places are contradicted or rather reversed. The Maryland Folk-Lore Society to which Mrs. Bullock belonged was founded in 1895, contribution collected from outside the schools helping, and Miss Lise?te Wordsworth Reese giving her valuable aid. As a supplement to this paper Miss Latane farther read some extracts from Mrs. Bullock collection mostly proverb concerning women showing how the sex has been handicapped by public opinion of all nation from time immemorial.

Mrs. Lord said a few words in connection with her friend Mr. Hamerick and his acquaintance with Hans Christian Anderson, tracing many of the fairy tales back to folk-lore.

The usual cup of tea was dispensed at the conclusion of the afternoon’s program and enjoyed by all.

[Jan. 23, 1917]

The usual weekly meeting of the Women’s Literary Club of Baltimore was held Teusday [Tuesday] last, January 23 1917. The Committee on Education, Chairman Mrs. Robert B. Bowie being in charge of the afternoon program.

The minute of the previous meeting having been road and accepted, Miss Katherine P. Woods begun by giving a talk on “Yoga, The Education of the Spirit.” The personal, she said, from the eastern standpoint means something to be got rid of rather than developed. Brahm , the first great cause, is the outbreathing and inbreathing of life The seven planetary spirits, the centre of which is the earth, is the cycle through which the nomad passesin its thousands of incarnations, begining as a mineral, and being throw back in its ascent by its own transgressions. The aesthetic philosophy Yoga brings some relief in its offer of escape to this nomadic existence and gives on a chance by divesting oneself of all personality to find a quicker route through this Karma or fate to becoming an infinite spark--the end and aim this Hindu cult.

In “The Passing of the One-Room School-House,” Mrs. T.J. Copeland dipped into the near past and brought from out of it the school-house by the road, the teacher’s desk, the drawer of which held a wonderful depository of scholars treasures, the platform, where the embryo orator made his first appearance, the rusty stove, the lunch-bucke buckets, with their amazing contents of pie and other substantial fare, the water bucket with its public dipper, in those days when folks had to go abroad in search of germs, the copper-tipped shoes, that couldn’t be kicked out, the Bible verses, beginning with A, and following the alphabetical order, the spelling-matches, with Webster’s blue-back speller as an authority, to say nothing of Maguffy’s reader, whose pages fired the young soul with love and ambition. All this and more Mrs. Copeland drew from out the past when she said that educational leaders meant capable drivers, not speed maniacs, when there was less talk of drawing out and more of putting in. Concluding with the hope that in the future education would mean a combination of the best that was in the old and all the good that was in the new.

Mrs. Robert Bowie read a paper on “The Irish Sagas,” begining with that more ancient ?elt as found in the language written on gravestones. These stones use the letters belonging to the ogham-or alphabet of the fifth century celt consisting in lines or strokes, and which has no corresponding mss. They language is supposed to have been introduced by the Phoenician and traced back to Babylonian tablets. In St. Patrick’s time bard and saga began to recount the doings of their people, legends were later written on script, then translated into language of the people by the monk. These are found folk-lore, fairy tale, the story of the first man and woman. For the preservation of all these sagas we have to thank the monasteries.

The usual cup of tea which marks the social element of our club was afterwards dispensed and enjoyed by all.

[Jan. 30]

The Women’s Literary Club of Baltimore held its usual weekly meeting, Teusday [Tuesday] last, January 30, under the direction of the Committee on Entertainment, Miss Louisa Haughton and Miss Lena Steibler, Committee on Music.

After the minutes of the previous meeting had been read and approved, the program opened with two songs from Miss Haughton, “Sigh no More, Ladies,” and the milk-maid’s song”, taken from Tennyson’s Queen Mary.

“A Summer Festival in Tahiti,” Author Miss Sophia Bledsoe Herrick, honorary member of the club, was then read by Mrs. Elliott, after a brief explanation of Mrs. Herrick’s connection with Scribner's Magazine, and invitation, the result of some fine work in etching, to be a member of that staff.

Under the auspices of this magazine one of her trips led her across the Societ Islands, and her perty stopped at Tahiti, where the summer festival, under the French regime, of the Fall of Bastile [Bastille], was being held. The account of the gathering of the tribes, their offerings, their musical instruments, mixture of native and foreign, with the necessary Tom-tom--a simple hollow stick, the dancing, the politeness and cleanliness of the crowds, were most interesting.There was a dinner at the palace bungalow, where they partook of unfamiliar dishes and were treated with immense respect and hospitality and the government grounds, and more festivities at night when cocanut [coconut] oil was used for lighting the decorating lanterns.

Miss Steibler, Honorary Member of the Club, Sang “Fairies Lullaby,” which was much appreciated by all.

Mrs. Hester Dorsey Richardson, Founder the Club, then read one of her poems “In the Attic,” which told of a little tip-toeing, graceful child, up amongst the the wonderful belongings of the far past, handling her chapeau, gloves, comb, rouge, face pathehes [patches], mere things that gave no hint of that of that personality to which they had once added charm and served their happy purpose and meant nothing to the child save the moment’s attraction of the unusual.

Miss Louisa Haughton, also founder of the Club, recited the words of two songs Prefacing this by saying that what is too foolish to be read may be sung. Certainly Spring, with its grey drip and voice of love, and “Resurgam, “when I have closed my eyes on life and pain--Oh, love, if you should kiss my lips I shall awake again,” needed no such apology.

Miss Theophile Siwinski, a pupil of Miss Steibler’s, sang for the club two songs, “The Miller’s Daughter,” and “The Little Grey-blue Dove,” which won the great applause.

Then came the reading, by Mrs. Beverly Smith, of one of her stories, “The Descendent,” in which she so happily portrays the negro character and dialect. In this one virtue brings its own reward, for the old man, restrains any impulse to take what is not legally his and received the reward of a past genoristy [generosity], for his master’s friend coming along just before Thanksgiving recalls a gift in the shape of a broze turkey received from the old man, and discovering where desire lay, ships a descendent of the bird in time for Thanksgiving dinner.

Next on the program came a duet from Miss Steibler and Miss Haughton-- “I would That My Love,” a song familiar to all.

Miss Ethlyn Evans concluded the program with one of her monologues. “The Shop Girl,” In which the girl, one of Bernheimer’s staff is seen behind the counter-- as she is.

Miss Siwinski, added Poland’s National Anthem, to our entertainment.

[Feb. 6, 1917]

The usual weekly meeting of the Women’s Literary Club of Baltimore was held Teusday [Tuesday] last Feb. 6th under the committee of Art. The program being arranged by President.

The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and approved, Mrs. George Croll gave the club a talk,”From the Designer’s Point of VIew,” outline the field of design and referring to the Decorative Art Society of Baltimore, with which she was at one time associated as designer, and its work in many and various directions, from beautifying the apartment of san actress in Paris to designing a robe for the Cardinal in Baltimore. Mrs. Croll explained the free-hand design which absolutely bar any idea of imitation the drawing and subsequent application. She spoke of the difficulties in transferring same to satin and damask, explained the origin of the double color scheme and referred to the various unexpected sources from which a designer necessarily draw ideas.

In “Art in Ancient Pompeii,” Miss Victoria Elisabeth Gittings carried the club back to the times when the Emperor Nera and Cicero occupied villas on this ancient site which of late years has been associated with so much time that it interesting. In 1740 treasure seekers awakened to the fact of what these ruins held, until it became a subject of punishment to expatriate [expatriate] these things. Future restoration, after two thousand years, became a possibility and treasures must be kept. Miss Gittings spoke of the original inhabitant as a mixture of simple and cultured taste, the Hellenic influence as seen mixed with the Roman, the humble artisan, the domestic and general features of his art--the homes, paintings, pottery and statuary, also the unique designs and elaborate decoration of trifles.

“Justic For Rubens,” contained the plea from Miss May Haughwout, of some of the main facts contained in the history of Peter Paul. Miss Hughwout [Haughwout] began by giving to the painter’s mother credit for the son and artist--most great men have great mothers however much more credit men may get for influencing the world. Born in ANtwerp,the family later, on account of religious views, were forced to leave. In Cologne the father came under German law and suffered imprisonment for far less creditable [credible]act than Calvinistic tendencies. But was helped out of this difficulty by his wife. The early influence of the practical Femish on the little Peter Paul is followed by eight years of the Venetian in which he studied art. Here his luxurious surrounding, and subsequent royal embassy to Spain is interrupted by his mother’s death. At 32 he settles again in Antwerp, marrying Isabella Brant. His genius as diplomat and artist was exemplified by Miss Haughwout. She further referred to his strength or imagination and technical power and immense number of paintings. All which, despite the fact that he could never be said to paint on his knees, places him where he belongs in the catalogue of great men.

The usual cup of tea was served after the program to which everyone was invited.

[Feb. 13, 1917]

The usual weekly meeting of the Women’s Literary Club of Baltimore was held Teusday [Tuesday] last, February 13th under the Committee on Drama, Chairman Virginia Woodward Cloud.

The Minutes of the previous meeting having been read and approved the Program for the afternoon opened with a paper by Miss Ellen Duval, “Where Drama Have Been Quarried.” Beginning with a brief sketch of Boccacio’s life, the illegitimate son of A Florentine father and a French mother and the Lady Fiametta who seems to have had such an influence of his writings, miss went on to speak of the Decameron, the work on which his immortality rests. This book, a collection of one hundred short stories supposed to have been told by a party of seven ladies and three gentlemen, sequestered safely in some old villa outside Florence at the time of the plague. They depict the manners of the day and are invaluable as an historic landmark. Chaucer, Shakespeare, and many others have drawn from this rich quarry material to work upon, often finding in these old tales with their undying plots inspiration for still better stories.

Miss Lizette Woodworth Reese next gave the club two of her beautiful poems. The Reveries of a girl-- “I had a lover once, but he forgot,” and “The Violin in Spring--” when daffodils appear and good folks fare forth two by two with its upward flight to the home not made with hands above the crumbling headstone that marks where the lover sleeps.

“The Other One-- A One- Act Play,” written and read by Miss Virginia Woodward Cloud, was the story of a spiritual woman in very material surroundings. Lalagie is seen in the little cottage alone, save for the Eliza’s baby. Sitting with it in her arms this windy evening she fancies the dance of the leaves, feels her dead child’s arms about her, listens to her voice, mixed with those voices of the woods. She is here when Mollie and the husband return. They spy the baby in her arms and are about to utter loud indignation when it is discovered that Lalagie is not there-- she has gone to join her child.

”The Dramatic Moment in History”dealt with the scene in life of St. Paul when under the order of Festus he is brought before King Agrippa, to whom Festus declares Paul’s cause. And Paul afterwards is allowed to speak for himself which he does with such effective strength as to cause the king to say-- “Almost thou persuadest me to be a christian.”

Miss Cloud gave to this incident all its dramatic value, with its setting of soldiers, kingly retine, and fettered prisoner.

The social cup of tea was afterwards dispensed and enjoyed by all. [6]

[Feb. 20, 1917]

The usual weekly meeting of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore was held Teusday [Tuesday] last, February 20th under the charge of Comitte [Committee] on Colonial and Revolutionary History, Chairman, Miss Harriet P. Marine.

The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and accepted the program opened with a paper from Miss Marine, “Colonial and Revolutionary Art.” In which she referred to the three volumes under this title, written by Mrs. Virginia Holt, and consisting of essays and poems on the art of that period. Miss Marine spoke of the many works of sculpture and architecture, handed down from those days such as Bunker Hill monument and some others showing that art is truly an expression of character.

Miss Virginia Berkley Bowie’s paper, “The Aftermath of the Battle of Yorktown,” dealt with the actual state of affairs after the final victory, its effect on the army and country To the fact that war was practically at an end and the era of revolution closed. Miss Bowie related two or three incidents characteristic of the nation’s head and the uncertain times that develop both strength and weakness in people.

In “Some Spots in Baltimore Which Should Be Kept Sacred,” Mrs. Julius Thurston mentioned two places liable to be swept aside or forgotten in the march of time. One being the small house, corner of Pratt and Albermarle, where the first American flag was and, and which afterwards flew from Fort McHenry, and now, because of this city’s indifference to its possession was in the Washington Museum; and the old Carroll house, also on Pratt St. where the Carrol signer of independence lived. She also spoke of the Tablet back of O’Neill’s store marking the old highway, Homewood, Fort McHenry, and Lexington Market, which last has been spoken of as the largest market in the world and farther honored by being immortalized by Miss Lizette Woodworth Reese in her “Tales of the Market Folks”

The afternoon’s program was finished off by the usual social cup of tea enjoyed by all.

[Feb. 27, 1917]

The usual weekly meeting of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore was held Teusday [Tuesday] last, February 27th, 1917. The afternoon’s program being in charge of the “House & Home Subcommittee: program arranged by Miss Louise Haughton.

The Minutes of the previous meeting having been read and approved, the President made a few announcement, the chief one being a lecture to be given on Thursday evening in the club room by Mr. Barret, director-general of Pan-American Union.

Mrs. Fayerweather then read a paper, “Spring Garden Talk”, in which she alluded to the first garden and the happy choice of such atmosphere as being the most satisfactory abode for man. “All gardens are God’s garden,” she told us, dwelling on the healthy contact with earth, the delightful weariness of stooping, the joy of the contact with growing things giving the club some practical hints on potting and planting, also the benefit of her own experiences as a gardener.

Miss Marian V. Dorsey, in a paper, “Old Blue,” began by giving many interesting incidents in connection with this prime favorite of even royalty. She told us of the religious significance of this color in various shades, from the cerulean tint of the ancients, to the popular Blue Canton. Speaking of the Staffordshire ware she related the story of Washington’s order for “wash-hand juglets and pint sneakers. There was the willow pattern with its historical decoration that came in more popular vogue after the battle of Yorktown. Miss Dorsey also spoke of the time when a child she used to visit her grandfather and the pictures at the bottom of the bowl proved more interesting than the fruit that was in it. Also Walpole’s collection of chins which she told us took twenty seven days after that gentleman’s death to dispose of.

Miss Louisa Haughton then gave the club a talk on the subject “Dress”. Beginning with the corset and its relation to dress, its triumph over the human figure; voicing the French opinion that women should be made to fit their clothes instead of vice versa. In which juggernaut of fashion the waist is the victim. Miss Haughton gave us some valuable hints as to line, color and effect of artificial light. She spoke of the difference - French distinction between ball and dinner dress, the superiority of Tailor over the European, shoes, the reason for their many colors; and finally advised every woman to make the best of herself in the matter of dress, quoting her music-master’s advice in the respect as to the impression she creates and the handicap of having to overcome this bad impression before making any headway towards creating a good.

The afternoons program concluded with the usual sociable cup of ten to which guest and member always remain.


[Mar. 6, 1917]

The Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore held its usual weekly meeting Teusday [Tuesday] last,March 6th,1917, under the charge of the Committee on Fiction, Chairman,Mrs. Percy Reese.

The Minutes of the previous meeting having been read and approved the program opened with a story be Mrs. Julius Thurston,”When Henry’s Leg Went Away.”

Henry, the victim of last year’s accident, taking advantage of what he reckons to be an auspicious time, send [sent] his cork leg to be mended. His sister and himself have both drawn their inferences concerning a certain Bess who visits here and before his accident had smiled on him. In the sister’s too zealous guarding of her brother’s feelings she contrives by aid of the leg to keep him in the safety of his own room. In which time her own suspicions are aroused concerning a young doctor whom she considers too attentive to Miss Bess. A surprise party helps to put things into right shape for the interested quartet,and “enry [Henry] recovers his lady and his leg, and his sister her lover.[“]

Mrs. George Croll next read “At the Candy Counter,” the story of a girl and one of her customers the young man Jim. Comlication [Complication] in the shape of a drunken father threatens to darken horizon of love’s young dream, and in her faithfulness to her underser[v]ing parents the girl gives rise to jealous suspicions on the lover’s part. This is presently dispelled by a brutal act of the father’s, when feeling duty at an end the girl goes straight to her lover.

In a “Short Story,” “The Scare-crow,” told in one scene the graphic story of the Painter and Daddy Mudge’s scarecrow; with the sheriff of Pocomica and his dog Beans in quest of their lawful prey, the young man who fatally shot someone last night. The Scarecrow provokes some humorous comment and suggestion of exchange for the dog. The coffee in the painter[‘]s cabin at the foot of the hill, takes the sheriff off in that direction on his way to scour the woods.

The scarecrow drops its arms and takes the form of the young criminal whom the artist has helped escape. And the question has now to be answered--what to do next? Again the coffee and cabin prove a solution--the sheriff has been there and gone.

Miss Cloud gave us also “A One-act Play--A Little Precipitation.” Where Miss Festina Ballingford, President of the Woman’s Protective Society and her brother are in a room overlooking the street. She awaiting a criminal he reading a letter. from some distant connection concerning his son, one Bruce Bellingford, in the hope that he and Festina may hit it off matrimonially.

The brother leaves the letter on the table, goes off, and Bruce enters. Festina pounces on him as her criminal, phones the dective [detective]. There is a general mix up. Detective goes off with his protesting prey. The brother returns, uses some brotherly language when the real criminal enters. A bunch of red roses later helps to restore Festina’s spirits.

The usual cup of tea was afterwards dispensed and enjoyed by an unusually good attendance. [2]

[Mar. 13, 1917]

The Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore held its usual weekly meeting, Teusday [Tuesday] last, March 13th 1917, under the direction of Committee on Essays and Essayists, Chairman Mrs. Julius Thurston.

The afternoon’s program opened with the reading of an essay by Miss Elizabeth Roberts, “The Making of an Almanac.” Concerning this small phamlet [pamphlet] many interesting facts were given. The first on record dating back to the time of Ramses, and now in the British museum. The earliest printed almanac was published in the fifteenth century. Since then this popular form of literature has gone through different phases through various nationalities, never losing that first point of interest attached to the astrological, prognosticating character belonging to the original. Added to these alluring features it has simple instructions. warnings and predictions. Boston owed its almanac to a man by name of Pierce, to be followed in those Colonial times by many other [others] among which was Poor Richar [Richard’s][.] These almanaca [almanacs] had a wide circulation, supplying a very evident need of the times. for some sort of literature.

“The Pictorial Quality of Words,” written by Miss Emily Lantz, and read by Mrs[.] Thurston, held great interest for the members of a club where words are of the most supreme importance, the colors with with we essay to paint our pictures. Beginning with this picture power of words, Miss Lautz spoke of the power of the simpliest [simplest] and their effective worth. She referred to the fine shading that marks the different meaning of the words that appear so sililiar [similar], as between sentiment and sentimentality, the interest attached to hunting up the exact word to express meaning, and the wonderful adaptability of these same words to produce in the mind’s eye the picture that is in our own--so that that those who read may not only understand but see.

Mrs. Don Hoffman gave us an essay on that very timely, very popular subject, coining a word to suit the occasion, “Gardenitiis,” the gardening dear to most people’s hearts. A garden she said was as different from loving flowers and having them around as it is from seeing other people’s children and having some og [of] one’s own. The garden where one digs and plants, watches for results[,] and sees the unfolding of leaf and bud holds a deeper interest than the outsider imagines. A seed catalogue becomes more absorbing than current events or styles. Mrs. Hoffman spoke of a flower’s value in poetical description the more spiritual significance attached to seed time and harvest--the flower which to understand is to know God.

Miss Anne Greenfield gave the club a paper on “Diffidence.” Read by Mrs[.] Thurston. Self[-]consciousness we were told is an attribute of the human race, complex in its nature and embarrassing in ts [its] results. Ordinary diffidence worries over the opinions of others, and tortures itself with their point of view, often interfering with the proper conduct of life. The cause may sometimes be traces to some youthful fright, or inherited from some unfortunate ancestor cursed with this same misfortune. To have a good conceit of oneself is a wonderful help, for diffidence or self-consciousness is a plague to the possessor and a hindrance to enterprise.

The afternoon’s program was followed by the social cup of tea to which guest and member always reamin [remain]. 


[Mar. 20]

The Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore held its usual weekly meeting Teusday [Tuesday] last March 20th, under the direction of Committee on Current Criticism, Chairman Miss Lucy Temple Latane.

The Minutes of the previous meeting having been read and approved, Mrs. Thomas S. Berry opened the afternoon’s program with a criticism on “Life and Letters of John Hay.[“] These two volumes she said contained much of the personal in the many spontaneous letters. A mixture of Scottish and New England parentage, born in Indiania [Indiana], John Hay, author and diplomat graduated at Brown University, soon after this he became private secretary to Licoln [Lincoln]. He was a keen observer, an admire [admirer] of the beautiful[,] and a favorite with ladies. Secretary of legation in Paris in Napoleon 3rd’s time, afterwards at Madrid and Vienna, John Hay proved himself to be the man for the place. Mrs. Berry referred to many of the letters in which his own private life was revealed and notable persons commented on.

Mrs. Fayerweather gave the club a talk on John Muir, “My Boyhood.” in which the great naturalist’s youth was shown to be far from idealistic. Born in Scotland, subject to harsh Calvanistic [Calvinistic] bringing up, at fourteen he goes with his father to America. In Wisconsin they make their home in a log shanty built with their own hands. Here many new lessons are learned by the boy from the book of nature. . The drudgery and long hours of life in that primitive time quickened the inventive faculties. The feeling that everything depended on his own efforts pushed but boy forward. His success was hard-earned, but it was success as we all know.

Miss Emily Paret in “Lady Connie,” gave first a brief sketch of this story by Mrs. Humphrey Ward. The scene is laid in Oxford. The book, Miss Paret said unlike most other books by this author deals with no political situation. In the studious atmosphere of this old town the story is developed. The characters belong to the place. The Hoopers Lady Connie’s relatives, Miss Paret spoke of as being the best drawn. She said the book had many weak points and several incongruous notes, and that it was written in a lighter vein than most of Mrs. Humphrey’s former works.

“The Leatherwood God,” on of William Howell’s latest, was next reviewed by Mrs. R.G. Wyckoff. The book, she spoek [spoke] of as a study in pscychology [psychology]. The Leatherwood God a man who by force of his own unusual character and occult force works on the weakness of his fellow creatures who recognize this mysterious creature as a miracle worker[.] The story was given and the different characters commented up. Dyax, the hero, and several others. This Dyax, Mrs. Wyckoff said had audacity but lacked the courage to become the great leader he would be, The Book, she said had many reasons for popularity, it was founded on fact and it was unusual, though there we[re?] great diversity of opinion regarding it[.]

Mrs. Julius Thruston [Thurston] took a writer of our own town and discussed his latest work. “El Supremo,” by Edward Lucas White, she spoke of as a master-piece. A South American tale it is full of vivid pictures overflowing with the interest of the writer. The time dates 100 years back. The characters being the man who assumes dictatorship of Paraguay, and many others when Mrs. Thurston said were historic. She spoke of the wonderful love scenes, the costumes depicted, the mode of battlings, with many other notes of interest that helped to make the book what it was[.]

The afternoon was concluded with the social cup of tea that makes our cl ub the veritable meeting place of friends. 


[Mar. 27, 1916]

The Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore held its usual meeting Teusday [Tuesday] last March 27, the Committee on music, Chairman, Miss Lina Steibler, being in charge of the program for the afternoon.

The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and accepted the president alluded to the fact of Sunday being being the anniversary of the 27th birthday of the club and spoke of this afternoon’s entertainment as being appropriate to that occasion.

The program consisted of a number of songs given by the various musicians under Miss Steibler’s direction. These ranged from tenor to bass, soprano and mezzo soprano. Amongst which was a French song, a sothern [southern] dialect song, an Aria from Verdi’s Requiem, concluding with the ever popular tenor solo, “The Road to Mandaly.” The President expressed the appreciation of the club for the afternoon’s entertainment, especially as Miss Steibler was suffering from the grippe, and the effort made was at some cost to herself.

Guest and member were afterwards regaled with the cup of tea which marked the conclusion of the festive occasion. 


[Apr. 3, 1917]

The Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore held its usual meeting Teusday [Tuesday] last, April 3rd, the Committee on Travel, Chairman Mrs. W.C. Lord, being in charge of afternoon’s program.

In “Picturesque Brigue,” Mrs. Percy M. Reese gave the touch of added interest in recounting her own impressions of this little Swiss town. She spoke of its hotel, “The Crown and Post,” its unpavemented streets with the heavy grey buildings, the sturdy thrift of the people, their unsmiling countenance and polite manners, awarding the palm of beauty to the women rather than the men.

“Somewhere in Russia,” was the title of the very entertaining story given by Miss Louisa Haughton, in which was recounted the very exciting adventure in connection with a supposed baby. As related by Miss Haughton in the first person it left the audience guessing whether the whole thing was a figment of the author’s brain or a personal experience i

“Europe Then and Now,” by Mrs. Charles W. Lord dealt with the times in which we now live, on the eve of serious changes, and the Europe as known by the traveller. Russia in revolution, northern France in dust, St. Marks done up in sand bags for fear of destrution [destruction], as compared to the past most remember, before autocracy and democracy locked in this last struggle.

From this warfaring present Mrs. Lord brought us back to our own spring-time with a short talk, “Spring Flittings,” concerning our feathered friends--the robin, the song-sparrow, the cardinal with its two notes, the thrushes who come later, the tufted tit-mouse and the rain-crow who gives the weather signal. Mrs. Lord, added to her knowledge of bird life, has the gift of imitating their notes and gave us the familiar little cry of--”Theodore--Right here, cheep, cheep, cheep--[”] and “Peter-Peter Peter as heard in the mornings in the country.

The afternoon’s program concluded with the social cup of tea enjoyed alike by member and friend, 


[Apr. 10, 1917]

The usual weekly meeting of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore was held Teusday [Tuesday], April 10, 1917. The Committee on Poetry, Chairman Miss Lizette Woodworth Reese was in charge of the afternoon’s program.

The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and approved the President made a few announcements concerning lectures to be given in the near future, and the “Home Preparedness Campaign,” in which every woman should be interested.

Miss Lizette Reese then read one of her entertaining papers, “Rhymes and Jingles,” reversing the general order of things and giving a prose dissertation on poetry, if such it may be termed, instead of treating the club to some of her own poems[.]

Dealing with literature as found in that classical collection, “Mother Goose[“] Miss Reese sewpt [swept] aside all supposed authors of these well-known rhymes tracing their origin back to more interesting and more authentic sources, giving them the significant historical value, of which most have lost sight, belonging to them. Under her handling the well-known characters of Old King Cole, Jack and Jill, and many others took on their rightful import as belonging to a far away past that marks them, as having survived the ages to be truly classical. Miss Reese alluded to the light tinkle of words that characterises the collection--words for children to brood over--as Miss Muffet and her tuffet--what is a tuffet? Also the sacrilege of any attempt on the part of modern materialist to revise these jingles so beloved of old and young man’s primer of secular knowledge.

Mrs. Ella Morrow Sollenberger gave us three of her poems, “Driftwood, Heritage, and Love’s Child.” The only comment on which that could be made was that they were all too short--Driftwood with its appeal to the sea; Heritage, the Mother’s compensation for the loss of the child’s father in the child--his counterpart; And Love’s Child, where pain is merged love.

Miss Virginia Woodward Cloud, who was to have finished the afternoon’s program with “Narrative Verse:[“] and “Song Lyrics,” was we were soory [sorry] to learn not able to be present.

The afternoon concluded with the usual cup of tea.


[Apr. 17, 1917]

The usual weekly meeting of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore was held Teusday [Tuesday] last, April 17 under the direction of Committe [Committee] on Fiction, Chairman Mrs. Percy M. Reese.

The minutes of the last meeting having beend [been] read and approved and a few announcements made the afternoon’s program began with a story by Mrs. Harriet Lummis Smith.

“As it Was Written,” Mrs. Smith told us was based on true incident. The story opens with the scene a party of men and women, gathered together, after lunch. This crowd rather blase on ordinary amusement, turn their attention to the ouija hoard [board], Roco, the propheysing [prophesying] qualities of which seem to have made an oppression on the hostess. The guests are inclined to treat the uncanny Roco with sckeptical [skeptical] levity, but Roco begins to dealing out some astonishing information, referring to the secrets of the subconscious self of several in the party. The sequel of this experience with Roco give s [gives] the subsequent incidents, all of which happened with such spooky accuracy so to prove roco , whatever power might be invested therein, to be no fake.

In “Colonel Van Winkle’s Cue,” Miss Emily Paret Atwater gave the amusing account of some shifting scenes in the history of an oil painting, pounced upon by an admiring grandneice [grandniece] as that of a celebrated revoluntionary [revolutionary] relative. This picture not stirring the same amount of admition [admission] in the breast of the grandneice’s [grandniece’s] husband the work of art proves an element of dicord [discord] in the family, until the artist from whose studio the portrait has been taken appears after the last desperate effort on the part of a desperate husband to rid the house of the obnoxious picture. The cue of the supposed Colonel Van Winkle proves a wonderful help in placing the gentleman where he belongs, but the descende nt [descendent] of the Colonel refuses to be comforted with the portrait kijdly [kindly] offered of the colonel himself not admiring her great uncle’s ill favored visage with the wart on the chin.

“The One Woman,” next read by Mrs. W. Thomas, dealt with the case of a man who beling [being] very much in love with one woman let himself be married to another. As told in the first person by the friend of the man, the easy-going, kind-hearted Billy is seen with all his weaknesses and attractiveness, and one can realise just how such a man lets himself be married to the wrong woman. Later fate, in the shape of death releives [relieves] him of the stong-minded [strong-minded], practical partner who has become such a necessity to his weaker self the woman who has developed not his strength but his weakness. The sister a less capable, more dependent woman appears, and it left to the imagination what happens next.

The afternoon concluded with the usual sociable cup of tea to which all are always cordially invited to remain.


[Apr. 24, 1917]

The usual weekly meeting of the Woman’s Literary Club was held Teusday [Tuesday] last, April 24, under the management of Committee on Entertainment, Chairman, Miss Louisa C. Haughton.

Mrs. J. Howard Palmer opened the program with a story, “The Winner in the Race,[“] dealing with the prbelm [problem] of an old woman, late Postmistress of the small village, facing a future that held the alternative of poorhouse or jail. With her love of life the dul [dull] atmosphere of the former was appalling, the jail offered a livlier [livelier] outlook. To compass the question of how to gain an entrance to this later haven the honest soul of the woman entertains the thought of some possible crime. In trying to accomplish her end she meet [meets] with an accident that solves the question of outliving means and brings her in the winner in this race of poverty and life.

Miss Cloud then gave ud [us] two of her poems. In “When the Regiment passed,” the words brought the sound of marching feet, drum and bugle, filling her hearers with that magnetic appell [appeal] that stirred the heart of the boy. Whilst “The Palace,” with its apple boughs and sunshine, a palace in which dwelt a king and queen of whom the world knows not, gave us a sense of some blissful spot coveted by all who know the true worth of such spots.

“The Easy Tour” written by Miss Haughton and read, in her absence, by Mrs. Uhler, told the tale of a young man of too susceptible passions, who in his frequent love-makings get [gets] himself into trouble. The several young women with their souvenirs of his love happen to meet in the home of his latest--the one he loves the best of all. But being discovered in time he finds himself left in the cole, four girls, one of whom he really loves being none the worse for their experience--and he alone the only sufferer.

The program concluded with the usual cup of tea.







“1916-1917 Meeting Minutes,” The Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore, accessed February 23, 2025, https://loyolanotredamelib.org/Aperio/WLCB/items/show/13481.Item
