1915-1916 Meeting Minutes


[October 19 1915]

The Woman’s Literary Club held its first meeting of the coming year, October 19, Mrs. Harriet Lummis Smith, our now president presiding.

Mrs. Smith opened the meeting with a little informal talk concerning the Club and its members and some of the things to be done in the future. Chairmen for several committees were appointed. Essays and Essayists, Mrs. Julius Thruston [Thurston]; Foreign languages, Miss Virginia Bowie; Entertainment committee, Miss Louisa C.O. Haughton, and Unfamiliar record, Mrs. P.D. Uhler.

Following the business announcements came the talk and papers from the different members in which were discussed many of the current books. The first being “Angela’s Business,” by Miss Atwater[.]

She told us that the book was a study in feminity [femininity], inclined to wearisone [wearisome] dissertation, and inferior to “Queed,” the author’s first book. Angela’s business appeared to consist in angling for a husband, and the bait of outward appearance had almost proved a catch, when Mary Wing, the really worth while woman does the work.

From this angling Miss Bowie lifted us to lunar heights, and we were introduced to “The First Men in the Moon.” Miss Bowie told us of the different attitudes in which she had read the book, first the school-girl’s, then the more developed, and the present, in which she discovered the true worth of the book to be in its original, unique, and deliciously absurd style.

Next came “The Passing of the Turkish Empire in Europe,” from Miss Frances Cooper. This book, writted [written] previous to the present war, foreshadows the downfall of the empire. Considering that Turkey is now in the throes of this awful struggle Miss Cooper chose an interesting piece of literature.

The spell of Whitecomb Riley’s poems was thrown over each and all as Mrs. Copeland refreshed our memory with the trundle beds, the swimming holes, the day framed in roses. Memory’s window opened wide letting in the broken circle, the who who was not dead--but just away, stirred our longings for June days glowing with the glory of evening-time--and that other season--”When the frost in on the pumkin [pumpkin] 

Mrs. Elliot treated us to some extracts, taken from the life of the Easter Poet-Tagore, and written by Bassanta Keemer Roy. Though a man of the far east, his message is to us. She spoke of his going to school at two years old, when a restricting circle happily including a window was drawn around him. From which window the soul of this embryo poet could gaze o out upon nature--for he was a poet at five. This eastern educator and philosopher reaches out a hand to us and we feel that though “East is East and West is West--yet the twain must meet.”

From the far East we came back tp [to] “Patricia” and “The Average Man,[“] introduced by Mrs. Fenhagen. In “Patricia” she told us the charm of the book lay in the shading; The heroine being very human. There is a wide-awake clergyman and an Aunt who help to make up the book. “The Avergae [Average] Man” deals with a man and his ideals, i in which the ideals suffer when they come into contact with money. But there is a girl who believes in this average man--as there generally is, and things end happily even though ideals drop. The two books Mrs. Fenhagen told us were worth reading.

Then with Miss Haughton we wandered along “The Friendly Road,” where we met Adventures in Contentment, and in friendship. Listening to what David Grayson might say, catching some of his delightful aphorisms, Miss Haughton gave to us all a longing to know him better.

Then came the story of “The Encounter,” concerning one Persis, of the virgin mind, the girl who finds out life for herself. In this book figure a mother, who pricks most balloons with the point of her common-sense, and three German philosophers, these last differing widely in character. Persis is loved by all three, and nearly makes a mess of matrimony when the mother, true to herself, intervenes.

Miss Nicholas, in a few most entertaining words, gave the Club new light on History when, speaking from the book she had chosen, “The True History of the American Revolution,” by Fisher, she told us that much of history is fairy tale and facts are suppressed. Also that from many differing points of view we get great confusion and much conglomeration of truth and fancy.

Mrs. Hooper deferred the reading of her paper to, we hope, a near future. [3]

Mrs. Palmer, our new member, gave us an interesting and vivid description of “The Harbor,” leaving those who had not read the book with a desire to do so.

Mrs. Percy Reese followed with one of her delightfully informal little talks on “The Letters of Elizabeth Browning,” which letter gave an insight into the more personal life of the writer.

Mrs. Stabler’s “Sunny Side of Diplomatic Life,” was also full of those personal touches which always charm. This book introduced the reader to a good many known and unknown personages.

Mrs. Stephens, who came next, began by saying “History repeats itself.” In “The Lady of the Decoration,” The widow who was not sorry, studies kindergarten and goes to Japan. Here the war breaks out and the young widow takes to nursing, and we have some of her experience in the hospital.

Hopkinson’s Smith’s last book, “Felix O’Day,” was discussed by Mrs. Alan Smith who in addition to the interest she gave gave us in the book added some of her own recollections of the author.

Mrs. W. Thomas gave a brief sketch of that rather remarkable adventure of Bronson Alcott’s and a few others, as related in the book “Fruitalnds [Fruitlands],” lately written and compiled by Miss Sears.

Mrs. Thruston [Thurston], in her talk on “Historic fiction,” took us miles distant and years back. In the “Carnival of Venice[“] we were taken to Florence at its height at the time of Savanorala [Savonarola], and the Medici--theat [that] the time of the renaissance, the period of intense struggle between the earnest thinker and the pagan.

Reference was made to the renovation of the rooms, which have taken on new glory under the care and interest of a few energetic souls, A vote of thanks was accorded our President and Mrs. Fenhagen who had done so much towards the comfort and beautifying of the Club quarters.

Miss Reese, our poetess, presented the club with a beautiful little copy of some of her poems-[.]

Tea and cake were served and enjoyed after the program of the afternoon ha[d] been completed. 


[October 26 1915]

The second regular meeting of The Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore, for the coming season, was held last Teusday [Tuesday], October 26-[.]

The President opened the meeting with a few general remarks pertaining to the members and the work, minutes were read followed by the program for the afternoon, in charge of Mrs. Reese, chairman of the Committee of Fiction[.]

Mrs. Harriet Lummis Smith gave us a short piece of fiction dealing with the contrariness of human nature as more particularly exemplified in handling the affection of the young. In attempting to coerce two young people in the direction of each other some histronic [histrionic] ability is developed, but afterwards, true to human nature, when left to themselves they work out their own salvation, and spite of vaseline and tinted features and the youthful desire not to do what is expected of them, there is a happy denoument [denouement].

Mrs. Julius Thruston’s [Thurston’s] “Come Saturday,” dealt with the eastern shore. In Brother Henry and Brother Joe we were given two fine characters more at home on water than on land[.]

Brother Henry’s boat puts in at the old Homestead to find Brother Jim getting ready to dispose of his home and take to a wandering life--furniture ticketed, ready for the auctioneer’s hammer. Brother Henry sets to work to provide Jim a necessary ankor [anchor] in the shape of a wife. In very prompt manner the woman is produced, and though not at first presentation coming up to Jim’s exact idea of what he wanted, seems to fill the bill of what he needed according to his brother’s better judgement, and Jim falls into line and into love ashe is intended to. Come Saturday is the day set for the wedding.

Mrs. Howard Palmer in her Second Blooming emphasised the well-known fact that there is no age limit to matrimony. She dealt most kindly with a youthful grandmother whose second blooming proves such a surprise to the two granddaughters who are not at all appreciating their more ancient relative’s point of view. Spite of discouragement the old lady continues to blossom forth until in the end she reaches the full perfection of this second flowering, and in the glory of her charms the climax is reached as she prepares for the belated honeymoon, for, as she explains to the still unsympathetic grand daughter, she has been married for a [NEW PAGE] month.

The President made some announcements, one of which was that of a class whic[h] she is kindly undertaking for the study of markets and to which all were invited wh[o] were interested--a much-needed, and to be hoped, fully appreciated enterprise on her part. This class is to be held in the Committee Room November 4th-this coming Thursday, at 3-30.

Guests were invited to stay and partake of a friendly cup of tea with the members.


[November 2 1915]

The regular weekly meeting of The Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore was held last Teusday [Tuesday], November 2.

After the muniutes [minutes] the President made a few brief announcements, amongst which being a course of lectures to be given be the Johns Hopkins to which the Club was invited, also that Mrs. Thruston’s [Thurston’s] committee on Essays would meet as some given spot in the room after the regular program. in charge of Mrs. Philip R. Uhler, chairman of the Committee on Unfamiliar Records.

Mrs. Robert Bowie began with her report of All Soul’s Day of which she is in charge. 21 graves of artists and authors had been decorated, she spoke of the condition of Westminster churchyard making a request for volunteers to aid in the work. A letter of thanks had been received from Mrs. Atwater for the never failing remembrance of Bishop and Mrs. Paret’s graves on All Soul’s Day.

The first paper, Exiled, written by Miss Mary Forman Day and read by Mrs. Uhler was the account of a Polish family. Miss Day referred to an interesting story “Winged Hussars,” in Scribner’s magazine for Dec 1912, showing the strong national strain in the descent of an exile.

The paper dealt with the fate of four brothers in the terrible strife between Russia and Poland following then through the reverses and strain of the exciting times relating to [illeg. kos?] with the accompanying thrills and adventures more entertaining in the narration than in the experience. The scattered family were forced to flee in all directions. Miss Day traced these unfortunate Poles down to the present time, ending with the tragic story of one of the descendents, the Polish gentleman and lover whose voice at the moment when he is taking his own life arouses the object of his hopeless passion.

Fin MacCool, to whom Miss Louisa Haughton introduced us, proved a most interesting gentleman, and one I don’t believe any of us had met before. To get at this same person she had to wade through a great deal of lively legend bordering on the fabulous, from which obscurity she managed to extricate an individual 


[Nov. 2, 1915]

The regular weekly meeting of the Woman’s Literary Club was held last Teusday [Tuesday] November 2.1915

The President opened th

personal - How quickly we are [illeg. Sefed?] wh [8] of some historic note. In Fin we have the original head of the Fenians, a man of prodigious size, endowed with all the qualities essential to the man of his times. We were told how he was taught to swim and run, with various other accomplishments, besides learning how this same Fin is responsible for bestowing the title of wisdom on the tooth belonging to our later years; the venturesome Fin having placed to too hasty finger on a freshly cooked fish, in the swift pain of the moment was led by some strange instinct to tap this particuliar [particular] tooth, the result being instant relief. For which he bestowed on it the name Wisdom.

There was also the story of the wily wife, who when overtaken by some of their numerous enemies passed her sleeping husband off as her babe, therby [thereby] terrifying those who thought to deal with people their own size.

Miss Bowie’s Legends of Old Price [Prince] George’s dealt with stories handed down through several generations of her own family and more particularly related to her people. From her father she learned those more interesting details which escape history. There was the account of her great-grandfather’s watch being snatched by an over-bold soldier of revolutionary time, for which rash deed the man indirectly paid his life. Also the story of the medical ancestor, especially skilled in the handling of malaria fever, how, in those adventurous, warring times, he was carried off by the enemy, who, finding him more useful as a doctor than a prisoner availed themselves of his skill. Also the thrilling account of a duel where the father figured to the disaster of his son, and for whose death the older man’s more vindictive nature was wholly responsible; followed by the story of the Stagnant Pool where the vision of two prophetic hands of widely different age lifted above the water in dire omen [illeg. lastur?] speedily fulfilled in the two funeral trains, coming in from different directions winding along the quiet valley road to meet in the [cut off, san?] graveyard.

After this entertaining program we were regaled with the usual cup of tea which never fails to stimulate the social element in each and all. 


[November 9 1915]

The regular weekly meeting of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore was held last Teusday [Tuesday], November 9.

After the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting, the President made a few announcements.

Miss Lizette Woodworth Reese, chairman on committee on poetry, who had charge of the afternoon’s programme, began with a Paper, “The Shepherd Pipers.” Speaking of the uplift of poetry she ran along the ascending scale of these various Pipers who have touched us with their fancies and their higher imaginings, from Colin & Amarallyis [Amaryllis] to the present piping notes from our own poets. There were Peele and Green, with their quantity of dramatic rubbish amongst which shone a few gems, Jno [John].Fletcher, Robert Herrick with his Devonshire Daffodils, the man whom ugly rumor touched, but whose soul not even the laxity of London could rob of its poetic beauty, Cowley--all along the line of Piping Shepherds who in the eternal glory of their unquenchable spirit help to lift mankind from its too material plane on to a higher.

Mrs[.] Sollenberger recited two fine original poems. In “The Master,” there was the acknowledgement of that superior spirit which had been the uplift of another. And in “Renunciation” where the spirit reaches those heights in which it loses itself and says farewell to all which makes life.

In “Some Poems of This Year,” Miss Latane brought into more evident notice the names of some of those poets of such present date as not to be so well known. There was Robert Frost, with his “North of Boston,” a book of poems which showed unusual form and force. In “The Death of the Hired Man,” and “The Home Burial,” she told us were vividly pictured scences [scenes], belonging especially to the human--the parents after the burial of their child “making their way back to life![“]

Wilfred Wilson shows too great monotony in suffering. Miss Latane spoke of the depths stirred by the present war, the cleansing effect of its awful fire-- [10] in which primitive virtues find expression and release.

The was Rupert Brookes [Brooke], who kept to no school, but who’s “Love would be merely you,” rings in our ears while the young poet lies dead on the battlefield; and George Stirling, who has taken the French Waiter--”Henri.”--”Gone with the cannon and the kings,” and given this man to us in verse which cannot die.

Miss Latane referred to several poems in this year’s numbers of Littel’s concluding with prophetic belief in the greater poems of tomorrow compared with these lyrics of today.

The usual cup of tea was proferred [proffered] to member and guest, and a delightful programm [program] was concluded in this friendly fashion. 


[Nov. 16, 1915]

The regular weekly meeting of The Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore was held last Teusday, November 16th.

After the reading of the minutes the Presidaent [President] gave some announcements, there was an invitation from the Photographic Club to the members of this Club, notice of a lecture to be given by Dr. Dohme, concerning chemistry, also a lecture under the Maryland Peace Society, to be addressed by Norman Angel, and Mrs. Addison Cooke’s talks on current topics, given every Thursday morning at the Arundell Club at eleven.

The Committee for the day was on Foreign Language--Chairman Miss Virginia Bowie.

The program opened with a translation from the Italian, given by Miss Bowie--”Tonet and His Aunt,” the story dealing with the present. The Aunt, humble-minded, unworldly, and the boy of her adoption are suddenly brought into closer touch with the stirring events of the times by the advent of the soldiers who take up their abode at the little Inn kept by the aunt. The influence of these men shows upon both the aunt and the nephew. The woman’s more impersonal, narrower views on all that pertains to war and those who fight, are, under the sympathy with the individual slowly transformed until she looks upon these soldiers no longer as a collective terror but as very particular boys and men with whose mothers and sweethearts she has come inttouch [in touch] through the medium of letters. The boy, stirred and thrilled with the new note of life, is roused to great interest in these men who are fighting for their country, to him they mean even more than they do to the aunt--in the crippled boy the heart of the man is stirred.

After they have gone, comes the strange visitor in the shape of an old woman. After the hospitable reception and somewhat unguarded conversation there come [came] a sudden suspicion on the part of the boy as he catches sight of the hairy, unwomanly hands. The realization that they are entertaining a spy gives him the spur necessary for the subsequent capture. But the poor old Aunt, faithful to her promise to remain at her post is found at the last moment proshale--before the crucifix--dead[.] [12]

Miss Louise [Louisa] Haughton gave us two songs by Adelin Fermin, translated one from the French, the other from the German, in which she said it was very difficult to extract the exact form of meaning from foreign languages, but her translations met with such approval that the only thing left to be desired was that the only thing left to be desired was that she could have given them to us in song rather than reading.

Mrs.William Westley Guth gave us the translation of a short story in German, [“]Wiedersehen.” which proved a subtle study in the attitude of the two characters depicted, a man and a woman, who met after not having seen each other for seven years. The scene in laid on a steamboat in Switzerland, and the Swiss music helps to strengthen the atmosphere thrown about these one-time lovers--their conversation reveals the fact that he is happily married and that she has her own interests. But the spell of the past helps to lend excitement to this meeting, and leaves the man at least with a sense of present happiness--how it was with her we did not hear, all we were told was concerning the man’s feelings as he watches the boat, with her on it, slowly leave[.]

There was the usual cup of tea, enjoyed by members and guests of the Club.


[Nov. 23, 1915]

The regular weekly meeting of the Woman’s [Women’s] Lierary [Literary] Club of Baltimore was held last Teusday [Tuesday], November 23, 1915.

After the reading of the minutes the President made a few announcements, reminding those interested of the meeting to be held next Thursday for the study of markets, and which she is kindly conducting this winter.

The Committee on Current Criticism, chairman Miss Lucy Latane in charge of the afternoon’s entertainment, gave us what she has led us to always expect from her committee, an unusually fine programme.

Mrs. John R. Hooper, reviewed William Locke’s last novel, Jaffrey. The book deals with four men and one woman, the more complicated situation of five instead of the well-worn three. The scence [Scene] shifts from the Balkans to England, leaving the interesting Lyosia, who has married one of the four, to follow. The story of Adrian his ambition and his book come in, as does also Jaffrey, the hero, who walks through these pages with the independent gait of Locke's men, to find the woman whom he is seeking as a mate in the big-hearted, and rather experienced Lyosia.

Mrs. Hooper spoke of the author’s ability in handling such diverse characters, in their almost impossible situations, his beautiful touches, and power of expression as shown in the master-hand which could produce from such mixed material a perfectly clean, good story.

“An Old-fashioned Novelist,” Written by Miss Lizette Reese, was read by Mrs Unler.

Miss Latane said that the books generally reviewed belonged to the last two years, but this rule was waived in favor of Miss Reese, who was presenting an old friend rather than a new one who was ofetn [Often] overlooked in the crowd of more mobern [modern] writers.

He it said we were only too glad to renew our acquaintance with Anthony Trollope, and his mid-victorian characters, amongst which were so many clergymen.

In Barchester Towers we were once more presented to those well-known folks, the Bishop Crawley, Mr. Harding, getting each day a little older, his son-in-law, Archdeacon Brantly, and the worldly, hot-blooded Mrs. Proudie, a woman more so real, that one felt ashamed of classing her amongst those belonging to the past. I am only too sure that we all felt grateful to Miss Reese for the few minutes spent in the company of these old friends.

Mrs. Howard Palmer’s paper was on Joseph Conrad and his work. She began by quoting a well-known critic who said that commercialism is largely responsible for today’s fiction, that stories out by a certain pattern have been found to fit the average mind-- so why run the risk of enlarging measurements? But in this statement Joeph Conrad can not be included.

Born in Poland, the son of cultivated parents, he goes to Russia, and after passing through many changes at seventeen finds himself at last about to realize the dream of his life an follow the sea. The impulse to write comes later, springing suddenly into birth whilst he is under the shadow of old Flaubert’s town.

Mrs. Palmer spoke of his rare sympathy and insight into human nature, especially in one of his latest characters, Flora, a woman always driven by those forces which Conrad believes [beliefs] underly [underlie] our every act, his unfettered genius which leaves creeds and questions and gets down to eternal verities-- the strength of the sea which he loves and which is in the man.

Everyone was cordially invited to partake of the friendly cup of tea after the program has been concluded, and to which we are all so glad to welcome our visitors.


[NOV 13, 1915-DEC. 1915 TO COME]


[Jan. 11, 1916]

The first regular weekly meeting of the W.L.C. of Baltimore, after Xmas, was held Teusday [Tuesday], January 11th 1916.

After the reading of the Minutes the President made a few announcements

The programme for the afternoon was in charge of the Committee of Fiction, Chairman, Mrs. Percy M. Reese.

The first story was read by Mrs. W. Thomas. “Tim’s Mother,” A title not exactly suggestive of the story which dealt more with the idea of motherhood than that of the mere parent. Norah Fitzpatrick, the poor washerwoman, whose son has been shot in the excitement of a Strike, struggles, for a moment with this thought of revenge, the means of which is in her power. Next minute the mother in her, that higher nature which would save and not destroy, triumphs, and the suspicion of tragedy which the story, suggests, dissolves into a natural ending.

In [“]The Conspirators,” Mrs. Harriet Lummis Smith gave an interesting and most entertaining story of a girl’s clever scheme of averting fate in the shape of an undesireable [desirable] husband, and a rather limited chance for marrying anyone else, by quietly taking the bull by the horns and asking her Uncle’s guest to play the role of accepted lover. This gentleman, some twenty years her elder, and meeting her relative’s approval, seems to be her only chance. His masculine sympathy is evoked and he consents to aid the attractive young woman. Playing the role of lover brings the natural consequence-he falls in love, but thinking there is no chance for him, takes to his bed, when a kindly intentioned old aunt steps in and the curtain falls on a happy ending-the girl kneeling at the bedside and confessing she has found the man she really loves.

“The Fist Pools of Heshbon,” a story by Miss Louisa C. [O.] Haughton, deals with a man who, marrying in haste, seems to be repenting at leisure, when he is confronted by a vision of some woman whose eyes exter a strange power over him. The occult suggestion gave the story a weird fascination. The woman haunts him, provoking the masculine desire to know more of her. Gradually the wife, the daughter of a mystic parent, is favored with a rude interest, in which her eyes are found to be of the same hue as that of the mysterious stranger, to be followed by surprising from the wife the song he has just heard from this other woman. The husband’s eyes, grown jealous, detect the man beside the piano. There is an outburst of ugly temper, which betrays the right sort of feeling that is developing within him. To be followed later by a good matrimonial climax, when he discovers that it is his picture which she is kissing.

Tea and cake were served to all after this programme.


[Jan. 18, 1916]

The regular weekly of the W.L.C. of Baltimore was held last Teusday [Tuesday], Jan. 18th 1916. Following the reading of the minutes were a few announcements from the President, and after this came the program from the afternoon which was in charge of the Committeee [Committee] of Travel--Chairman Mrs. Lord.

Mrs. William Westley Guth opened the program with a paper entitled, “A Glimpse of Raphael’s Home” giving to us a picture of giving us a picture of the abcient [ancient] town of Urbino in Central Italy where the artist was born; the house in which this interesting event took place still standing, and in which there is a slab to indicate the room in which he first saw daylight.

Raphael’s father died when the boy was 11. There is a fresco of a mother and child supposed to have been done by the father, also an artist, which is thought to represent the child and his mother.

Mrs. Guth gave some interesting details connected with this great painter’s birthplace, spoke of the magnificent ducal palace, now housing the fine art institution, its many churches, and the imposing statue of Raphael, remarkable for its fine delineation of the garments of that day.

Miss Virginia Bowie in her paper, “From the Adriatic to Buda Pesth,” carried us through that part of the country made douby [doubly] interesting to us all by this present war. From Scylla and Charybdis, past dead cities, by Triete [Trieste], where the unfortunate widow of the unfortunate Maximillian still lives, and up through Austrian Hungary, along the boundary line of Poland, by lake and mountain to at last reach the region of Buda Pesth the beautiful, with Bud on one side of the Danube and Pesth on the other--where the spirits of dead yesterdays breathe o’er them. Miss Bowie’s personal touch in the mention of some of her own experiences on this trip made the paper most entertaining.

Mrs. Charles Lord in her “Personal View of the Two Great Expositions,” carried us across our own continent to give us a glimpse of California’s Great exposition as seen by her, having spent several months in that part of the country. She spoke of the art and architecture of the modern world as there represented by the best artosts [artists] of the day--took us through the jewelled city, the various courts, flower gardens, in all of which art and nature played their part. Leaving the Expositions Mrs Lord also spoke of her travels in Southern California, it’s historial and natural interest.

The usual cup of tea was enjoyed by all.


[Jan. 25, 1916 Salon]

Miss Louise [Louisa] Haughton, Chairman of Committee on Entertainment, held the January Salon on last Teusday [Tuesday], 25th of the the month. After the reading of the minutes the President made a few announcements, including the prgrams [programs] for the coming month. After which Miss Louise Malloy gave the club an informal but delightful talk on “Persons I Have Interviewed.”.

Miss Malloy commenced by saying that most persons were interesting and few without ideas, though some might take time to get hold of what they possessed.

Beginning with Jas. Hackett, a man accessible and easy to interview, and connected with whom she gave us a little incident illustrating how the individual can get historically mixed with his ancestors, she spoke next of Sothern-the actor of ready speech, looks and ideas, and digressing for the moment, apropos of Sothern, to say, how, when least expected one was apt to run across thought and philosophy.

The very human characteristics in the various celebrities Miss Malloy exemplified in various ways, such as the lady actress, who when caught in Kimono and undressed hair showed such disturbance as to be unable to get her thoughts off her appearance, deeming that the outer raiment gave the impression most necessary in these interviews. Miss Loftus, with her dislike to being interviewed, Miss Murdock with the bubbling enthusiasm of the school-girl, Grace George, sensible, but averse to giving her views on subjects, a lady, to whom when introduced and told that she must talk, wanted to know what the world cared about her views. And--”Oh yes she had read interesting reports of previous interviews--nothing she had said.”

Miss Malloy spoke of Miss Marlow being a hard student, how when playing Ophelia, she took the trouble to give the medical interpretation of insanity as here represented. This together with several anecdotes connected with this actress, the professional jealousy which led to the seperation [separation] from Robert Tabor, a man of talent, but no star and who was not able to stand the superior qualities in his wife, her own interview when she found Miss Marlow endeavouring to counteract, with the aid of an electris [electric] pad, the cold effects of the stone seat used in one of the scenes in Rosalind.

Miss Malloy spoke of Richard Mansfield’s philosophy of the dram, his explanation of the suit then pending, concerning the woman who had sat in his presence- as not the act but the particular chair. Dan Froman, the gentle student, always courteous Forbes Robertson, and William Norris of musical comedy-one hard to fit with a rold, and in connection with whom she gave us two amusing anecdotes, one with the odor of fish, the other with old clothes. To speak next of children belonging to the stage and of one child especially with her request to have something put in the papers about her. And the Italian “Wap,” reported to be smoking and throwing his live “buts” around, who was discovered to be none other than Caruso. And George Wilson, the fibre King about whom the old woman said, “No matter when looked at the little man he was always a’doing something.”

After this talk from Miss Malloy there were several songs from some of Miss [?] pupils, at the conclusion of which everyone was invited to stay and partake of friendly cup of tea, and so ended our January Salon.


[Feb. 1, 1916]

The regular weekly meeting of the W.L.C. of Baltimore was held last Teusday [Tuesday], Feb. 1st 1916. After reading of minutes the President made a few announcements, amongst which was notice of the metting [meeting] of class which she is conducting for the study of markets, etc., the resignation of treasurer and the appointmant [appointment] of MRs. D. Hoffman.

The committee on education, chairman, Mrs. Robert Bowie, had charge of the afternoon’s program which was opened with a paper, or rather talk, from Mrs Hoffman “Modern Education From a Mother’s View-Point.”

Mrs. Hoffman spoke of education as preparedness, that the world was full of people prepared. The mother’s desire for her child-that it should get the best out of life-the joy of youthful endeavor-the unpreparedness of parents-how desire develops with the child’s advent, of the new methods of education, the Montessori ideas that a child’s natural inclinations should be allowed, that treatment should accord with temperament. Mrs. Hoffman said that houses were not made for children, that its furnishing in no ways accorded with their needs. She referred to that modern prodigy of youthful developement [development], Winifred Stone, her list of accomplishments at the age when the brain in the normal child can hardly be termed a brain, preferring herself the sensible, contended, less wonderful specimen. She referred to the public schools, her idea of what a Board should be-progressive men who knew what to accept and what to refuse in the way of modern cult. Spoke of compulsory and mechanical education, the value of science, concluding with some more personal experiences, gleaned from “Mothers Metting [Meeting],” concerning women and cabbage, and their too literal interpretation of food value as expounded to them through Miss Lent.

Miss Katharine [Katherine] Pearson Woods spoke of “The Ancient Art of Stpry [Story] Telling Applied to Modern Education.” Commencing with the definition of stpry [story] as an appeal to emotion rather than intellect, she gave us the necessary adjuncts to construction-hero, action, plot-solution. The ancient art began with the cave-man who with the aid of nature and his own rude invention drew the story from his surroundings, followed by the eastern lore. Then came the Homeric age with its historical myths adapted to the popular heroes of that time, with its religious instruction, and so down the line of bard and professional story-teller, through wich we can trace the Arthurian ballads and many others of our day, how the story telling art has been revived for educational purposes as seen in the Sunday school, kindergarten, libraries. Also the question, why should children have stories always with this educational application? Citing the child’s plea, “Please don’t be instructive.”

From which Miss Woods deducted the necessity of getting down to the point of personal interest--if it is bricks start with bricks. The main value in fiction being the thing that sticks-which is interest--and interest if more often gained through the appeal to emotion that to intellect, and the developing of personality in the child more to be considered than that of any mere system.

Miss May Haughwout gave us next a paper on “The Value of Voice Training in Education.”

Theory is inadequate, true education includes the practical and theoretical, the vocal interpretation of feeling and thought, she told us, and effects preceding causes give false results. There are no mechanical rules in fine arts, we must employ our brains, spoken language gives forms of emphasis. Voice texture is controlled by the mind, training is a mental process, a knowledge which might help all speakers, the technique being less mechanical than piano playing and quite as necessary. Vocal expression, she told us is helped by analysis, it cultivates the memory, broadens the view. Expressing the thoughts of others helps us to to think--accurate speech must be the result of accurate thought. It helps us interpret literature, and appreciate nature. Action and expression is a healthful study, by it Miss Haughwout said our entire nature, physical and mental, it benefited.

This interesting paper ended the afternoon’s program, one of the most enjoyable of the year. The President extended a cordial invitation to all to remain for the usual cup that never fails to give the finishing touch to the afternoon’s entertainment.


[Feb. 8, 1916]

The regular meeting of the W.L.C. of Baltimore was held Teusday [Tuesday] last, Feb. 8th. After reading of the Minutes there were a few announcements made by the President, after which the regular program for the afternoon, in charge of Committee on Art-Chairman Mrs. Wrenshall Markland, was given.

Mrs. Charles W. Lord spoke of Impressions on Art at the Panama-Pacific Exposition, in which she told us of the 150 romms [rooms] comprising the Art Palace, their situation, the mellow perfection of the Italian and Grecian, with their suggestion of broken pillars, the foliage carrying out this impression of age. There were the Morrish [Moorish] doorways, the medeival [medieval] splendour heightened by the sunset glow reflected in the water. Mrs. Lord spoke of the masters as exhibited in the central rooms, from Ronney and Gainsborough down to the present day masters of art. She spoke particularly of Miss Bremmers, her startling vividness. There was also the Boston school, full of vibrant, modern effect, the English, French, and Scandinavian--all splendidly represented, this last strong and vivid, with its massed light and shade also the wonderful effect produced by that modern artist Gerald Cassidy with his portrayal of the Indian--the burnished brass and glow of sun.

Mrs. B. Howard Haman gave her Third Annual Sketch of the Galleries and Museums of Europe, in her paper “The Musee de Cluny.” Which she said is one of the trio of art centres. This musee was originally the site of a Roman Palace, built 290. Only one room of which remains. The ceiling of this is decorated with the prows of ships, and is the origin of the Paris coat of arms. In 910 the building, then in ruins, was purchased by a branch of the Benedictines and rebuilt. The equisite [exquisite] effect of carving, entrance to court, and towers, all harmonious and charming, make of the building itself an art museum. This hotel de Cluny was left as a royal residence and holds much historical interest. In the 19th century it passed into the hands of a private individual to be purchased after his death by government and converted into an art palace. This palace in the heart of oldest Paris, with its remains of the great hall of the Roman baths, and its wonderful collection of art treasures still abides in the midst of teaming modern life, and the hideous strife which threatens destruction to so much that is beautiful.

Mrs. W. Markland’s paper, “A Study of the Probable Effects of the Great War on the Future of Art,” was read by Mrs. Uhler, being first of s [a] series of papers. This began by some given explanation from recent critics, concerning the statue, Discoblus [Discobolus], that it is a presentation in the concrete of the State of Athens.

From this the writer goes on to the speculation of what great work may be inspired by this present war-something that will survive the ages as has this Discobolus, and what form it will take, voicing the fear that the work to be done will not be worthy to succedd [succeed] that which has vanished--she questions whether the world spite of this terrible war is really in such a sorrowful way--night must give way to dawn and man is awake waiting the vision.

Man’s destruction awaits man’s reconstruction. In the crucible of war all petty distinctions are consumed--soldiers are brothers--men must work together.

As poet, dramatist, man of the street and prince, those who survive will no longer wrestle with theories, having looked upon great truths they will have learned solemn lessons.

Mrs. Markland spoke of such periods of transition as exemplified in the Bayeaux [Bayeux] tapestry and the frescoes of Gozzoli, as examples of being diametrically opposite representations of the marked periods in history-the one meagre, but faithfully portraying the half dozen acts essential to the making of Europe, the other full of artistic splendour and intellectual vitality amrking [marking] the period of the Medeci [Medici].

Mrs. Markland quotes Mr. Belloc as saying that we shall be ignored by posterity thro’ [through] our lack of pictorial symbol, but gives as her opinion that what has been going on in art during the last few years has been but a preparartion [preparation]--that the flower will bloom in perfection when we are dust, that in the courage and faith so evident in the work of today lies the best promise for the future of art.

The meeting concluded with the usual social cup of tea.


[Feb.15, 1916]

The W.L.C. of Baltimore held its regular weekly meeting Tuesday Feb: 15 1916. After reading of minutes, which were approved and accepted, the President made a few announcements. This was followed by this afternoon’s progress, in charge of the Committee on the Drama, Chairman, Miss Virginia Woodward Cloud.

The first paper, “Behind the Arras of History,” written by Miss Ellen Duval, was read by Miss Latane-Scene: The cell of the Due d’Orleans “Philippe Egalite” on the eve of execution—time 1723. Place, a cell in Paris, Persone-Orisoner and guard. Jacques le Rue, sentry has followed his master and now suggests a plan of escape. The duke tell him good blood neither lies nor blenches.

Two men appear, dress reveals rank of the little Monsier, the one who comes on especial errand. The opinion has been advanced that the clay of the old dominion would not make good bricks, but the man Robespierre has his own idea on the subject. He says “We realize in others what we fail to accomplish ourselves,” and so unfolds the plan -his idea of the new regime, himself the head of it. This makes a way of escape for the duke, for it is his daughter whom Robespierre would wed.

The scene ends with the proud refusal of the Due de Orleans to entertain such thought –to purchase safety by this sacrifice of his daughter.

“Sylvia’s Love Poems,” by Miss Lizette Woodworth Reese, were read by Mrs Uhler. The first dealt with Sylvia’s secret-a poem all too short- which revealed the her secret – “I loved and am forgotten.”

The second poem, “Longing,” was the confession of the hunger for the days that were—for the little maid short-skirted—for that which has been but could never be again. Choice specimens of equisite [exquisite] verse from our poet lauerette [laureate].

Miss L .May Haughwort then treated the club to some original monologues.

The first a home-sick girl at boarding school, in which the young miss of sixteen voices her state of mind into the sympathizing ears of Miss Nettie, giving the teach a full acount [account] of her family with an interesting uncle thrown in

The second dealt with the girl who brags-as seen amongst school-girls. This young specimen of womankind is confiding in her school mates, giving them an account of her love-affair which holds all the thrill necessary for that age. Whilst the third and last monologue was the clever representation of the well-known book-agent—a fac simile of an experience of her own.

These very entertaining monologues ended the very attractive programme 

The usual cup of tea gave the social touch to a delighful [delightful] afternoon.


[Feb. 22, 1916]

The W.L.C. of Baltimore held its usual weekly meeting last Tuesday, Feb. 22 It being an appropriate date for the Committee on Colonial and Revoluntary [Revolutionary] History which does not often strike on just the 22nd for its meeting. The Chairman of this Committee, Miss Harriet Marine, after the reading of Minutes, and the President announcements, opened the program herself with a paper-a poem in blank verse, “The Princess of Piscataway.” 300 years ago in Southern Maryland, where the spirits hold communion at twilight on the familiar Patuxent River, is the scence [scene] of the story of this princess and her suitors. A princess woed did not mean a princess won an even the nine foot love with his turtle pipe was not for her—it is the pale face she must have, and he arrives on the ship which lands at St. Mary’s. The princess is left with mistress Brent, and Fitzhugh wins the maiden. But the pale face turns out mercenarily human, and discovering that his wife’s father is not going to make his wife heiress of his wealth, deserts her. The end is tragic, for his boat tossed by the fury of the Indian God, Bay Foam, send him to his doom.

“Some Washington Monument Researches and Their result,” from Miss Marian Dorsey, unearthed some original records which were at variance with the ones which have been accepted and which provided statement for bronze tablet, and which she hoped to correct. These original records cover a period extending form 1815, in which the bills testify to the fact of the shaft of the monument was not, as has been believed, the donation of any one individual. The Investigator quotes from a letter of the sculptor, Causici, concerning excessive charge for marble.

These letters, records of purchase, the Investigator hoped would be brought to light before the centennial, but the statement was made that Chas. Ridgely donated the marble of shaft. She then wrote to Washington M.C.C. calling attention to these original records—and corrections were made in inscription, Gen. Ridgely being mentioned as donor of base. Mrs. Taylor’s name was omitted.

Miss Dorsey regretted that this 16 ton of flawless purity had not, as she always imagined herself, been donated by a Maryland woman.

Miss Virginia Bowie in “The Mother of Her Country,” gave us a graphic picture of Father George’s wife, the domestic ideal of that gentleman’s hearth as fulfilled by Widow Custis.

The eldest daughter of a large family, Martha married early and after ten years was left a widow at 25, to be consoled at 27 by the Father of His Country.

Mrs Washington proved herself an anxious wife and mother, of self-denying mature, dressing simply and knitting assiduously, living up to rules which visitors had to regard. There was an instance of youthful temerity in the case of two girls who disregarded the rule to dress at three, and being caught by some august visitors where forced to remain during the dinner, as Mrs. Washington wisely said, “What was good enough for the General was good enough for guests.”

Her habit of early rising was exemplified by the story of the artist who is to paint her picture being told to come at sevenA.M., and thinking this rathe [rather] early waits awhile, to find when he gets there that the lady has been up for hours.

She died 18 months after her husband’s death.

Mrs. Julius Thruston read us one of her stories, dealing with the flag and its origin. In “Dietrow’s Flag,” we had the account of an Italian getting ready to sail for his country’s defense. The house in which he and his mother life is the one in which the flag used at Fort McHenry during the war of 1812 was made. The day of its celebration is here. Crowds come, and Dietrow is interested and excited—why this flag? What does it mean? Down on the wharf he ponders over the question—This is his country—he must stay here – they may need him. And he decides to remain. 

The usual cup of tea was enjoyed by all.


[Feb. 29, 1916]

The Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore held its usual weekly meeting last Tuesday, February 29th 1916. The Committee on Entertainment, Chairman Miss Louisa C. Haughton having charge of the afternoon’s program.

After reading of The minutes of last meeting, The President made a few remarks and announcements, which was followed by a one-act play, written and read by Miss Virginia Woodward Cloud.

“The Deserter,” the scene of which is laid on Christmas eve 1777. It is a cold, windy night. Margaret Hearn and her two children are near the fighting line. The woman is making a very small cake for tomorrow—she is talking to the children –things are scarce—there is little for tomorrow—their father is with the General. She does not see the face which is looking through the window at them. The children are led into the next room and put to bed. Margaret returns to find a stranger on her hearth- A boy, frozen and half-demented with fear and cold and hunger—Adam Hold, a deserter. Her woman’s heart pities his plight, though she cannot uphold his act. At the sound outside she puts him into the room with her children. Two men enter, the leader speaks. Out of the fullness of her heart the woman speaks -it is the General for whom she would serve, her country she would help. Presently he asks for her children. She brings them out. Where is the third? –It is Adam Holt for whom he looks. Knowing the deserter’s fate, she pleads- he is but a boy—and cold. The boy comes out. The man commands him to take his stand against the wall—He tells him a man may do what he will with himself save part with his honor—that one cannot belong to two countries, two companies, or two Gods—that the spirit that wins against the world is one that does not flinch. The boy comes to himself-the spirit of manhood returns—he is not afraid any more—death does not daunt him!

Then comes the revelation-it is the General himself. The boy is pardoned Margaret’s husband promoted and parolled furloughed for a short time.- the happy ending heightened by a basket of provisions for Christmas.

And so ended the play, its brevity its only fault, for I am sure that there was not one in the audience who did not wish it longer.

Visitors and members all enjoyed the social cup of tea afterwards.


[Mar. 7, 1916]

The regular weekly meeting of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore was held last Teusday [Tuesday], March 7th with a fair attendance of members and friends.

After the reading of the minutes, the president made a few brief remarks and announcements in connection with the Club and its work. The program for the afternoon in charge of Committee on Fiction, chairman Mrs. Percy M. Reese was then opened with a story from Miss Carolina Bansemer [Bausemer].

In “Jacobin and Fantail,” we had the very pretty little love story of the two pigeons, who, contrary top every tradition and expectation, insisted on mismating with each other. The course of true love met at first its trials in the strenuous opposition of the birds’ owner, the small boy, who, finally exasperated by the persistency of this misdirected affection, throws a handful of corn and consent towards his pets when affair run more smoothly. The advent of a hawk, however, swoops bliss aside, and the Jacobin in tragic, human fashion, mourns the supposed loss off his mate But the climax brings the unexpected discovery of the Fantail, who, in frightened despair had taken refuge through the open window of young Abe’s room, and in the end the separated lovers are happily reunited.

Mrs. Sollenberger gave us a delightful informal talk about her friend, the well known writer, Mrs. Helen R. Martin, in which she spoke of her work, herself and her methods, giving us that most interesting of all the personal touch-- gleaned first-hand. Mrs. Martin’s work, she told us, has distinct historical value, as the field she has discovered of Pennsylvania Dutch is being slowly absorbed into the great melting-pot. Her home in Harrisburg, her methods of obtaining material by really living with those she studies, the dramatization of Barnabetta, under the name of ‘Erst-while Susan, the sketch of Mrs. Kuhns, the most interesting character in the beginning makes the most unprecedented departure from all general reason for marry-ing and enters that estate so she can help the child of the first wife, Barnabetta

Miss Virginia Woodward Cloud followed next, and gave us two of her rare stories.

The first, “The Sword of Solomon,” dealt with the story of ‘wash-up-’ a child found in the arms of a drowned man, and the fierce adoption of this baby by the woman, Big Dalia. The child is hers! The island accepts him as such, but there are a few, the Captain amongst them, who remember. When the boy is about 12 a women visits the island seeking information concerning the report of this child having been washed up some years ago. She questions Captain. Big Dalia come along, the boy so unlike those of the island with her. The stranger’s attention is caught-- whose child is he? Big Dalia answers fiercely that he is hers. Then come the appeal to the Captain-- Whose child is this boy-- The women’s who bore him or the woman’s who loves him?

And like the Solomon of the old the Captain used the sharp-edged weapon to settle between the strength of the flesh and the strength of love-- and love prevailed.

In the 2nd story, “Her Arabian Night,” we had the account of a humble-minded little village woman, Molly Ann Johnson, who, most unexpectedly, falls heiress to an uncle’s fortune. Uncle Ed dying without other apparent heirs, Mollie adjusts herself to this new order of things and is happily spending and enjoying her newly acquired wealth, when Ed Shack, a would-be lover, the farmer’s supposed son who fetched vegetables from his farm for Molly-Ann, Mr Shack recognizes the photo of Uncle Ed, on Mollie’s table, as that of his father, explaining how he came to be in this part of the world. Mollie’s chagrin at having spent what belongs to him is speedily turned into another sort of feeling, when the real heir under the strength of his changed circumstances, settles the question of ownership, byu asking Mollie to marry him.

The usual cup of tea and cake was then dispensed and enjoyed by all

In her disposition Romance has attached itself to our bovine friend. Her serenity is symbolized in Isis. An attempt to deify her was made when, on account of shortage in precious metal, the children of Israel compromised on the calf.

Her excursions into literature are brief but skittish, when she take on humor and sheds dignity, as in her remarkable gymnastics feats. Here, also, she shows a lawless character in which poetical imagination seem to revel.

In foibles and temperament she is strictly feminine. While a public benefactor her mission is shiefly to children and foster babies.

Miss May Haughwout, taking us across the English channel, said in commencing that our anticipation are seldom realized-what we think is going to happen doesn’t always happen, and when it does realization often oversteps itself.

Her first trip across the dreaded water she came off triumphant, proving herself, as she thought, a good sailor, when, even the stewardess had succumbed. To be told afterwards that the water had been calm, and that the stewardess had indulged in some untoward delicacy which accounted for her overthrow.

The 2nd and 3rd time it was much the same, but--and hereeon [here on] hangs the tale, taking the four and half hour trip from Rouen to Dieppe, the channel made good all that had ever been told of it. In every expectation it came up, and, passed the notch, stolid Teuton, and stoical Englishmen, and proud American succumbed. The final procession of miserable objects that tottered from the gangway were evidence enough to damper the ardor of any that might be contemplating a return trip.

After this most entertaining program the usual cup of tea was dispensed[.]


[Mar. 14, 1916]

The Regular weekly meeting of The Woman’s Literacy Club of Baltimore, was held Teusday [Tuesday] last March 14 with a more than usual good attendance.

The meeting opened with reading of minutes of the week before. After this the president made a few announcements including meeting of Fiction class to be held next afternoon at the residence of Miss Juliet Reed

The program for the afternoon was in charge of the committee on essays. Chairman Mrs. J. Thurston [Thurston], and was opened by a paper from Mrs. J. Howard Palmer, as chairman Mrs. J. Thurston [Thurston], and was opened by a paper from Mrs. J. Howard Palmer, as Mrs. Moore, first on program, had not yet arrived.

In “Undigested Opportunities”, Mrs. Palmer began with the homely illustration, familiar to all housekeepers, of Company to dinner and nothing in the house.

Which, being interpreted, meant, plenty of good plain fare, but nothing in the way of frills for satiated stomachs.

The plainer fare consists of underappreciated blessings. The shelf that holds Balzac can get along without Arnold Bennet. Social opportunities generally mean many acquaintances and few friends. In the overlooked middle class is to be found the vital forced of life. Overloading, in anydirection [any direction], retards digestion, quantity lessens quality, and even progression. As understood by constant change, may be retrogression.

Mrs. William Moore, “And Spring Comes,” gave to us the many unmistakable signs of the season. [“] Winter”, she said, “may have its beauties, but they are not those of nature, it is spring in which the miracle is made manifest, when birds and flowers come, and the wonder grows in the nest and brook, and the world made fragrant is ours. With that more material side the season shows, when housekeepers scrub and clean, the organ-grinder and monkey appear, and the sounds of children fill the streets

Miss Lantz’s paper, read by Mrs. Thurston [Thurston], “The Universal Foster Mother,” was a eulogy on our friend the cow. An animal, “she said,” which is generally kept in the background when there is so much to warrant her being in well to the front.


[Mar. 21, 1916]

The usual weekly meeting of the W.L.C of Baltimore was held Tuesday [Tuesday] last March 21. With a fair attendance of members and friends.

After the reading of Minutes the president make some announcements of lectures to be given, especially the Turnbull lectures, beginning March 29th. The afternoon’s program was in charge of the Committee on Current Criticism, Chairman, Mis Lucy Temple Latane.

Miss Latane opened the program with a criticism on “The Song of the Lark,” a recent novel by Willa S. Cather.

The book, Miss Latane told us was without plot, being more of a character shetch [sketch]. The writer, of swedish descent, takes for her heroine the daughter of minister, belonging to the third generation of those swedes who first settled in the small western town- Moonstone.

All the characters, Miss Latane said were extremely well drawn, the mother and the narrow-minded father, also a sister, and a decadent German artist who recognizes the spirit of the artist in the girl.

There are two lovers, the one whose death opens a way for the girl’s career to become a possibility. With his saving she makes a start. The other, a man whom she afterwards marries, when the obstacles in the shape of a wife is removed. Miss Latane spoke of the second part of the book, relating to the full blown rose, as being less interesting than that of the first which dealt with the budding growth, alluding to that shallower part of the girl’s nature, which, after passing through deep waters, remained unscathed.

In “Life and Gabriella,” Miss Ellen Glascow’s last novel, Mrs. Sollenberger spoke of her personal knowledge of the writer through her friend, Mrs. Helen Martin, and said that the book might better be titled, “Life and Ellen Glascow;” as in Garriella [Gabriella] we have the portrayal of the writer herself. The book, we were told, dealt with the south of the past, the older ideals--and the women of today-the national woman, whose development consists of three series. - Inability to deal with life, surmounting of difficulties, and the process of this evolution. The book itself is a calendar of courage, with its quotations from Gabriella, the conqueror’s view of life. The large cast of character move along in steady accompaniment to the development of the start, Gabriella, and her theories of things in general and the sister Jane- the conqueror, the other victim.

Mrs. Harriet Lummis Smith, in her handling of the Recent Fiction of H.G. Wells, beginning with “Bealby,” which she said was Wells on a vacation, no problems, no morals, only the amusing account of the small boy with ambition above his station. In this book, she said, Wells showes [shows] a humorous side which if developed might have proved of equal asset as his other sidedness.

In “Sir Isaac Harmon,” we have, she told us, the woman’s point of view, as seen through lady Harman’s eyes. This lady’s marriage appeared to be the result of a combination of forces to which she was an outsider. At 24, the mother of 4 children, the battle between the man and the woman begins. The vain, vulgar, swaggerin husband, true to the primitive instinct which looks upon the wife as natural property, deals with her according to his light-loading her with jewels and chains.

The inevitable lover appears, but Lady Harman, true to a woman’s instinct regarding marriage, considers her husband as her job, and sticks to her part of a bad bargain. Her unnatural touch is shown in her lack of affection for her offspring, which is partially acusable on the ground of their being essentially children of their father. In everything else Lady Harman is a woman’s woman.

Benham’s Research, dealing with that gentleman’s idea of kingship in a world which is any man’s who chooses to go in and possess it, shows the aristocracy of his conception, Life in the Balkan states, where the bully assassin, bent woman, and insect prevail, and his own concrete philosophies concerning things in general and men and women in particular this with the touches of rollicking fun here and there, and the additional human touch inserted in the flip-flap of the great man’s shoe strings, concludes with that last wise injunction, given in the old practical adage concerning sweeping before one’s own door.


[Mar. 28, 1916]

The usual weekly meeting of the W.I.C. of Baltimore was held Teusday [Tuesday] last, March 28th 1916, with an extra good attendance of members and friends. Miss Lena Steibler Chairman of Committe [Committee] on music, furnishing, with the aid of her pupils, the afternoon’s entertainment.

After reading of Minutes, and a few announcements given by the President, the program opened with an instrumental prelude, followed by various songs, in various languages, in soprano, barytone [baritone], tenor, and alto. Miss Louisa Haughton aided the entertainment greatly by several songs, whilst Miss Virginia Woodward Cloud in her lyrical interpretation of her own equisite [exquisite] verse, gave to a most appreciative audience something that they would not be likely to forget

Miss Steibler accompanied at the piano, did her share to entertain the audience

This most pleasant program was followed by a social cup of tea, enjoyed by guest and member alike.


[Apr. 4, 1916]

The Regular weekly meeting of the W.L.C. of Baltimore was held Teusday [Tuesday] last, April 4 1916, with a fair attendance of members and friends. The program for the afternoon in charge of committee on Foreign Travel Chairman Mrs. Charles Lord.

The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved, and the meeting opened with a paper, “Leaves from a Student’s Note Book,” written by Mrs, Clem Goodrich and read by Mrs. Harriet L. Smith.

The Leaves proved an interesting personal account of the landing at Boulogne, the trip to Paris, mode of transportation, and the Latin quarter to which various incidents were attached. Life, as illustrated by the method of delivering dairy product, more picturesque than practical, with the genuine article insured by the milking of the animal at the door; bread, as purchased by inches; the idead [ideal] domestic, with her fely-slippered mode of polishing floors and her unusual capacity for work, the difficulties attaches to bathing-the arrival and departure of the tub-- the swallow boats the parade, in which a push-cart was called into requisition, each and all aid in the visualizing the delightful account of Mrs. Goodrich’s experiences abroad.

In “The Chinese Dragon,” Mrs. Lord gave the club an account of the very recent and interesting discovery of the unearthing of a cave filled with these prehistoric animals, supposed to have been trapped in this their hiding-place 3000 years B.C. This discovery, relating as it doesto the secret dynasty of China, was rendered yet more interesting by the connecting link between Mrs. Lord and the discoverers, her sister having been invited to join the exploring party, which to her regret she had declined. The dragon in China stands as symbol of strength, cunning and wisdom, and the discovery of this save of fabled monsters- 70 ft. in length, caused the excite interest. Mrs. Lord read some extracts from an article in the N.Y. Times, alluding to the discovery, also the letter from her sister, describing the save and rock at entrance, also the natural causes leading to the unearthing of these animal. She also alluded to the dragon as seen at the San Fransico [Francisco] Exposition.

Mrs. Lily Tyson Elliott in her “Where the East and West meet:” gave the club the benefit of her six week’s glimpse of the East. She spoke of the mystery of the Oriental mind, its interpretation of the Divine, its [it’s] more subtle psychology, its life of thought rather than action. Quoting Tagore she spoke of its music, its music, its devotion to the song rather than its rendering. She told us the story of the poet’s winning the Noble [Nobel] prize, his plea for brotherhood at a London Banquet, his statement in regard to his country men's attitude towards the other sex-- that there was never a woman dishonored or a child disowned.

Mrs. Elliot’s most pleasant and informal talk was yet farther [further] enhanced by the several pictures which she was kind enough to bring.

The usual cup of tea was enjoyed by all.


[April 11, 1916]

The regular weekly meeting of the Women’s Literary Club of Baltimore was held April 11 1916, with fair attendance.

The minute of the previous meeting having been read and accepted, the afternoon’s program, in charge of Miss L. Haughton, was opened with a paper by Mrs. Jeanne Bennet.

In “Art in Photography,” Mrs. Bennet commenced by saying that photography was divided into two classes, the utilitarian and the aesthetic, with an intermediate class which dealt with the copying of art and the portrait.

This division means that one deals with facts[,] the other emotions. Facts are purely mechanical but the portrayal of emotion means knowledge and sympathy. Artists are confronted with their own difficulties, and art being shackled by material fetters necessitates training.

The photograph depends on the expression of the subject requiring rapid decision. A faithful representation of feature is not enough; to portray the ever changing human face the photo must represent personality.

Mrs. Bennet brought with her a good many specimen of her work. These were handed around for the club to the better see just what her artistic handling of photography means. After her talk he gave every one a chance to satisfy any curiosity on the subject of photography, kindly answering all questions put.

After this most interesting talk, Miss L. Haughton made a slight departure from the usual line of work.

Her novel suggestion of forming a committee under this name met with hearty response. Quoting the well known lines concerning man’s ability to get along minus anything save cooks, she spoke of the kitchen as a sink, referred to the general waste in food and fuel, and woman’s unbusiness-like handling of this her business of housekeeping.

The effect of clothes, the house in connection with eye and nose--beauty as going hand in hand with economy -all this was spoken of by Miss Haughton also the literary possibilities of the following out these suggestions- as [passing?] on individual taste by writing out favorite recipes and specialised menus with their food value and cost. Also the literary possibilities of such suggestions. Miss Haughton made a general appeal to the members of the club for these papers, none to exceed 15 minutes.

The usual cup of tea was enjoyed by all[.]

[April 18, 1916]

The usual weekly meeting of the W.L.C. of Baltimore was held Teusday [Tuesday] last with a good attendance. The Committe [Committee] on Fiction, Chairman Mrs. Percy M. reese having charge of the afternoon’s programme.

The Minute of last meeting having been read and approved, Miss Emily Atwater began with a story, “The Capatilist” [Capitalist]. This dealt with the experiences of a small boy in connection with a dollar--the gift of an uncle. Eddie finds himself suddenly an important member of spciety [society] by this acquisition of wealth. But the dollar is accompanied with the usual responsibility attached to money in the question regarding outlay. His friends offer suggestions.

Eddie compromises on the “Movies.” Which reduces the dollar. The “Movies” engender a thirst that must be quenched--sodas follow. The climax is reached with the boys in search of farther excitement suggest the lassoing of an inoffensive peddler of tin-ware to which Eddie falls an easy victim in his desire for glory.

His afternoone [afternoon] ends in the exchange of his last quarter for the wholly undesireable [undesirable] egg-beater--but the Italian has to be placated.

The one gleam this [domestic?] utensil affords- that it may prove a diversion from maternal censure is dispelled by his mother’s informing him that she is already overstocked in that line.

In a series of three stories dealing with the question why he left her from three different points of view--was first a story by Mrs. [Sollenberge?], read by Mrs. Beverly Smith. This gave a very entertaining account of a high-tempered mistress and her colored retainer-Nelson. Miss Bena’s last outbreak proves too much--the outraged man leaves never to return. After an uneasy night spent under his old mother’s roof, he seeks an intelligence office--to which Miss Bena has also resorted. The choleric mistress and her much-tried waiter slip quietly back into their former relations. Miss Bena’s remorse taking the shape of an extra supply of provisions sent to the old mother next day.

In the story of the moral lapse of a young minister, Mrs. Thomas duly made explanations concerning why he finally came to himself and left the object of his passion--. In a moment of temporary weakness, due partly to the inroads of a fever, he writes to his bishop--asking to be unfrocked. The letter is intercepted by his sister. He finds that his own will has been incumvented [circumvented] by a stronger; in the end he acknowledges himself worsted, and realises that his work as a minister is not ended.

In the third os [of] this series, Mrs. Thruston [Thurston?] gave an amusing account if the darkie, who true to irresposibility [irresponsibility] of his race, leaves his wife and swarm of children. The man finds himself the object of attraction to another woman, to whose frequent invitations he finally responds.

Some natural instinct comes to his rescue before yeilding [yielding] to these seductions. With a pholosophy [philosophy?] of his own he begins to comapre [compare] the two women--his wife and this latest immorata. Weighed in the balance the last is found not to be as desireable [desirable] as the first--and so things adjust themselves

The usual cup of tea followed this programme, the last fiction of this season.


April 25th 1916

The Woman’s Literary Society of Baltimore held its last regular meeting for the season of this year--1916, under the auspices of the Special Shakespeare Committee: Miss Lousie [Louise] Haughton, and Miss Lizette Woodworth Reese.

The minutes of the former meeting having been read and approved, Miss Mallow opened the program with an informal talk on Shakespeare’s heroines, in which she have the club the benefit of many interesting facts gleaned from personal experience with these particular stars,--those who have essayed the Shakespeare role successfully.

Alluding to the more practical side as roles to be avoided or sought as a business, she spoke of Juliet as a combination of tragic and emotional, therefore most difficult. The three favorites, Juliet, Viola, and Rosamond; giving Miss Marlow the preference as the best living interpreter of Shakespearean characters.

Miss Mallow [Malloy] referred to the advantage and disadvantage of age in art--too great self-reliance as unpopular on the stage. The several comedy characters, Ophelia as interpreted by Miss Marlow, also Katharine [Katherine] in Henry VIII. With the concluding fact of the present shortage of stars in this particular line.

Miss Lizette Reese treated the club to one of her fine poems. In Warwick with its ghosts of the past--its April weather--jonquils and the village Shottery, we were back in that region where the memories of Shakespeare lie thick along the way, where sweet Ann [Anne] Page and Ann [Anne] Hathaway follow with a hundred others in the shade of the Master.

In “Shakespeare’s English Kings,” Miss Ellen Duval drew our attention first to the difference between the several plays as history and tragedy. In history it is no longer the man who claim chief interest, but the nation. These historical plays depiction the actual making of England, running over a period of 350 years, beginning with King John and the freeing of England where common hate unites as strongly as common love, to Richard 2nd. These four reigns show peace at home and conquest abroad.

Miss Duval spoke of the dramatic unity of England in the reign of Elizabeth. Mary said she was underated [underrated] for lack of understanding. She alluded to Shakespeare’s views as being more general than historical--pictures from life with very human kings--powerless against the man--each with his own weakness--an appeal or warning. The sense of divine right as possessed by these royal peronages [personages?] expressed as infatuation of themselves--power as engendering longing for power.

Shakespeare art, Miss Duval said, is shown in omitting and retaining.

Also his marvelous compression -Richard 2nd and lollardy, striking features absent. The beginning of contest between labor and capital, and lastly, Shakespeare as reinforcing history in that humanness which is more than history.

The usual cup of tea was enjoyed by all.


[May 2, 1916]

A business meeting, to which members were only admitted, was held by the W.L.C. of Baltimore Teusday [Tuesday] last, May 2nd, 1916

Reports of chairmen of standing committees were read.

Committe [committee] on Art, Chairman, Mrs. Wrenshall Markland, reported one program, held February 8, 1916 three papers.

Colonial and Revolutionary History, Chairman, Miss Harriet Marine, reported one program, four papers. February 22nd.

Current Criticism, Chairman, Miss Lucy Latane, reported two programmes--November 23 and March 21.

Drama, Chairman, Miss Virginia W. Cloud, reported one program. Feb. 14th.

Education, Chairman, Mrs. Robert Bowie, reported one program. February 1st.

Entertainments, Chairman, Miss Louisa Haughton, reported 5 program--November 30. Dec. 28th. Jan. 25. Feb. 29th. And April 11th.

Essays and Essayists, Chairman, Mrs. Julius Thruston [Thurston] reported one meeting and 2 programs, one on Dec 4th and one on March 14th.

Fiction. Chairman, Mrs. Percy M. Reese, reported 4 programs, October 26 1915. January 11th 1916. March 7th April 18th.

Foreign Languages, Chairman Miss Virginia Bowie, reported one program. November 16th 1915.

Foreign Travel, Chairman Mrs. Charles W. lord, reported two programs. January 8th April 11th.

Literature of the Bible, Chairman Mrs. Alan P. Smith, reported one program. December 14th 1915.

Modern Poetry, Chairman Miss Lizette Woodworth Reese, reported two programs--one November 9th 1915, the other being consolidated with a program of Miss Haughton’s.

Music, Chairman, Miss Lina Stiebler--one report not given.

Study of the Literary markets, Chairman Mrs. Harriet Lummis Smith, reported 9 meetings.

Unfamilair [Unfamiliar] Records, Chairman, Mrs. Philip R. Uhler, reported one program November 2nd 1915.

Nomination of officers for the ensuing year were made. During the time spent in necessary consideration of this election, outsiders were entertained by an original story of Miss Ellen Dubal’s--read by herself.

Tea and cake was afterwards served.


Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore

May 16 1916.

The closing meeting of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore for the season 1915-1916 was held in the rooms on Franklin Street on the afternoon of May 16. Two meetings for business had intervened since the last program so the minutes read were those for April 25, recalling to our minds the interesting papers of that afternoon--our Shakespeare commeration [commemoration?]. Also the Secretary read to the club the “resolutions passed by the Board upon the death of our former secretary, Miss Lydia Crane:

“At a meeting of the Board of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore held on Teusday [Tuesday] May 9 1916, Mrs. Alan P. Smith was appointed to prepare a minute upon the death of their valued member, Miss Lydia Crane, and that the said minute should be put on record of the club and a copy sent [to] her sister, Miss Josephine Stone Crane.”


“In the death of Miss Lydia Crane the club feels it has lost one of its most helpful members. She was its faithful Secretary from 1892 until a few years before her death when it became necessary on account of delicate health for her to retire. Her wise counsel did a great deal towards keeping the aims of the club intact and encouragi [encourage] exact and noble thinking among our women.

She was respected by all members of the Club and we feel in her passing we have lost one who will always be held in loving memory.”

The President in a few words gave good wishes for the summer. She said that the opening meeting, Oct. 17, later changed to Oct. 10, would have a program made up of incidents of the summer, recorded by various members, instead of the Book-Talk of former years. All were asked to bear this in mind and to tell, within the limit of 500 words, some happening of the summer.

Next came the beautiful program of the kind we have come to expect when Miss Steibler [Stiebler] has charge and brings forward her pupils. There was great variety in the song as well as in the voices, and together with the violin solos they were thoroughly enjoyed.

The musical features were followed by two monologues, one of them original, cleverly given by Miss Evans, a recent member of the Club.

The President thanked Miss Haughton and Miss Steibler [Stiebler] to whose united of forts the afternoon’s program was due, and the Club adjourned till the fall.

Refreshments served at the close held all together for a social half hour. 



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“1915-1916 Meeting Minutes,” The Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore, accessed February 23, 2025, https://loyolanotredamelib.org/Aperio/WLCB/items/show/13480.Item
