The Project

Portada: Ansias de volar


Welcome to Women and Spanish Kiosk Literature (1907-1939): A Digital Archive. The present project seeks to understand women’s participation in Spanish kiosk literature from a digital perspective. It grew out of my doctoral thesis, "Feminine Bestsellers": Gender and the Question of Modernity in the Spanish Short Novel, 1907-1936, in which I examined the ways in which women writers used kiosk literature as a means to explore the complex relationship between constantly-shifting notions of gender/gender relations and anxieties surrounding Spanish modernity more broadly. During my years of research--from UCLA to the Biblioteca Nacional de España to the Pebellón de la República CRAI Library in Barcelona--I have digitized these works. Now, I wish to share them with a broader community of scholars.

The Numbers

Among the thousands of individual works of kiosk literature published in Spain between 1907 and 1939, more than 350 were produced by women. It was a medium through which these writers represented and engaged with the most pressing social, political, and cultural questions surrounding women’s roles in an increasingly modernized society.

This project is principally a digital archive. All of the scans I've collected throughout my research that are under public domain are available here. Any work not currently under public domain, can be accessed by contacting me.

The Project