1911-1912 Board of Managers Meeting Minutes


NOV. 12, 1911-MAY 14, 1912
MS 988, Box 4, Book 7


Club Year 1911-1912.

Board of Management elected by Club May 16th, 1911.

President Mrs.              J. C. Wrenshall                           

1st Vice Prest.               Mrs. Alan P. Smith                  

2   “        “                              Mrs. S. A. Hill                              

Recording Secy            Miss Lydia Crane                    

Corr. Secy                        Mrs. P. R. Uhler                         

Treasurer                        Miss E. L. Mullin                       



Miss H. F. Cooper

Miss Cloud

Mrs. Wrenshall-Markland

Those holding over from the last year are

Mrs. Powell, Mrs. Sidney Turner and Mrs. Will M. Smith


Meeting of November 2nd, 1911.

The first meeting of the Board of Management of the Woman’s Literary Club for the season of 1911-12 was held at the home of the President, 1037 North Calvert Street on Thursday, November 2nd, at 11 o’clock.

The ladies present were the Pres’t, Mrs. Wrenshall, the first vice-pres’t Mrs. Alan P. Smith, the Treas. Miss Mullin, Corr. Secy Mrs. Uhler, Mrs. Turner, Mrs. Powell,


Miss Cooper, Mrs. Will. M. Smith and Mrs. Markland.

In the absence of the Recording Secretary, no minutes of the last meeting were read.

The President presented the resignation of Miss Mabel Butler which was accepted with great regret and the Secretary requested to so notify her.

The Secretary read a note from Mrs. Robert M. Wylie tendering her resignation from membership in the Club. This also was received with regret and the hope was expressed that she might continue her membership or return sometime in the early future.

The name of Mrs. William Butler 17 W. Franklin Street was proposed for membership by Miss Mary Dorsey Davis and seconded by Miss Lucy J. Latané and Mrs. F. P. Sterns.

Other names proposed as possible candidates for membership were Mrs [name missing]

Mrs. Isabella Mason non-resident suggested by the President. Miss Elizabeth Hall [?approved] of Miss Latané, Miss Lattice Satané, Miss Nellie Wilmot head of the Latin School, Mrs. J. Henry Baker and Mrs. D. Allen Willey.

Mrs. Turner suggested that there be fewer chairs in the room at the afternoon meetings, and that those be placed nearer the platform--such an arrangement being more courteous to the speaker. At the point the President urged that the Chairmen of Committees see to it that those persons interested in that Committee be invited for the af-


ternoon thus insuring larger audiences.

The Secretary was requested to order 500 cards of invitation and envelopes to match same.

The President mentioned that the rent was due and the Treasurer was instructed to pay it as she reported $283.00 in the Treasury.

Mention was made that some of the chairs needed re-sawing.

Mrs. Powell consented to continue to serve as Chairman of the House Committee and will be responsible for the Salons but not the evening meetings unless convenient to do so. Mrs. Wrenshall stated that Mrs. Armor would serve for these evening meetings of which there could probably be three as they are expensive.

Mrs. Turner advocated these evening affairs and considers them of benefit to the Club.

Miss Stiebler wrote of the plans for the Club meetings, her unable to do anything at present, [?not sure of word] take charge of the Twelfth Night. Mr. Conradi had matter in reference to a Recital and the President will have further correspondence with him about it. Mrs. Turner has friends (Mr. Chambury and Miss Marguerite Myers) who are willing to contribute their services and our Honorary Member Miss Fletcher has partly promised to come. But the entire arrangements for these evenings were left in the hands of our efficient President.

The President and members of the Board expressed deep sympathy for our newly elected vice-president


and the secretary was requested to write a few words of love and sympathy.

After refreshments and social chat, the meeting adjourned--

P. D Uhler Sec’y pro-tem.


Meeting of November 14th, 1911.

The Board of Management of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore held a meeting on November 14th, 1911 at 2:30 pm in the Library of the Academy of Sciences. Seven members were present--the President Mrs. Wrenshall, 1st Vice President, two Secretaries, Treasurer Mrs. Will. M. Smith.

The reading of the minutes were omitted.

The name of Mrs. William Butler was announced as a candidate for membership in the Club. She was proposed by Miss Mary D. Davis, and endorsed by Miss Latané and Mrs. Stevens. Mrs. Butler was unanimously elected.

The President read a request from Miss Remington for a list of the members of the Club to be included in the year’s “Blue Book.” Our list it was announced was about to be revised and the question of this revision brought up before the Board the whole subject of retaining or dropping the names upon it of those who without having formally resigned are not fulfilling the requirements and obligations of the Club membership--with regard to payment of dues or to attendance or to participation and interact in our work.


But as Miss Remington wanted the list of members immediately it was finally agreed to send her the same as it stands now, to be subject to a careful and full future revision. The standing financial and literacy of some members was discussed.

It was announced the Mrs. W. C. A. Hammel had fixed her residence at Greensboro N. Carolina but still willingly attributes to our programme. It was agreed that Mrs. Hammel should be made an Honorary Member of the Club.

*Several names were mentioned of applicants or aspirants for membership with us. Among these was Miss Shepherd, daughter of Dr. Shepherd Educator and Author, who has recently published a book on Maryland Authors.

After further comments and suggestions the hour for the full meeting of the Club having arrived the Club was adjourned.

*And also that Miss Haughton’s name was again transferred to the Honorary list, as she is unable to take active part in our exercises.


Meeting of December 13th, 1911.

The Board Meeting of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore was held at the home of the president Mrs. John C. Wrenshall, Wednesday, December 13th at 10:30 o’clock. There were present Mrs. Wrenshall, Mrs. Alan Smith, Mrs. S. A. Hill, Mrs. Uhler, Mrs. Turner, Mrs. MackCaud, Miss Cooper and Mrs. Will. M. Smith.

Mrs. Uhler reported regarding the delinquent members who had been asked to state whether they wished to continue their membership. Miss Perkins, Mrs. Penrose and Mrs. Douner had replied that they no longer considered themselves members. The others had not responded.

A letter was read from Mrs. Hammel expressing her pleasure over her election as an honorary member. A appreciative letter was also read from Mrs. Charles J. Mason of Clearspring Md. who writes under the name of Jeabel Mason, accepting an invitation to become a non-resident member.

The name of Miss Lilian McGregor Shepherd was passed upon for membership in the Woman’s Literary Club. The name of Mrs. Charles Goodwin was also passed upon provincially, Mrs. Goodwin’s name not having been presented to the Board in the manner presribed

The entertainment for the Twelfth Night Festival next came up for discussion. Mrs. Wrenshall read a letter from Miss Stiebler accepting the responsibility for the musical program, though the exact nature could not be determined at that time. The Corresponding Secretary was directed


to order 250 invitations for the evening meetings of the Club.

Mrs. Markland expressed her willingness to assume the responsibility for the Twelfth Night decorations and Mrs. Uhler was asked to order wreaths, holly, and red crepe paper, candlesticks and vases. The refreshments decided upon were sandwiches, biscuits, oysters, coffee, ice-cream, cake and lemonade.

A new feature suggested by the President was the Christmas box. Mrs. Smith was authorized to purchase 150 small gifts which were to be wrapped and distributed in the Christmas box. At the close of the meeting refreshments were served.

Meeting of February 1st, 1912.

The February meeting of the Board of Managers of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore was held on the first at the home of the President at eleven o’clock. Those present were Mrs. Wrenshall, Mrs. Alan Smith, Mrs. Hill, Mrs. Uhler, Miss Mullin, Mrs. Powell, Mrs. Markland and Mrs. William Smith.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted, after the bills in connection with the Twelfth Night Festival were considered. Though the bills were not all in, it was evident that the expenses had come within the one hundred and fifty dollars limit, which the Board had set for the expenditures on that occasion.


The accounting of the Committee for the decorating of the graves of authors and artists of Maryland was presented at the meeting. It was decided that in the future years the wreaths should be of laurel instead of smilax, ordered a sufficient time in advance to admit of the order being satisfactorily filled.

The name of Mrs. Goodwins, proposed for membership in the Club by Mrs. Robert Bowie and seconded by Miss Nellie C. Williams and Miss Mary Dorsey Davis was accepted by the Board.

It was moved and carried that a printed form of application for membership be secured and placed in the hands of the Corresponding Secretary.

A letter was read from Mrs. Jordan Stabler, presenting the resignation of Mrs. Hahn--Zumpt.

The question of securing Dr. Hooker for a lecture at one of the evening meetings was considered, though no action was taken.

It was moved and carried that tea be served at the conclusion of the Club programme during Lent.

At the conclusion of the business of the morning, the Board enjoyed a social chat over the refreshments served by Mrs. Wrenshall.

Meeting of February 29th, 1912.

A meeting of the Board of Management was held at the home of the President, 1037 North Calvert Street on the above date at eleven a.m. The ladies present


were Mrs. Wrenshall, Mrs. Alan P. Smith, Mrs. Markland, Miss Mullin and Mrs. Uhler.

The meeting was somewhat informal and owing to the absence of Mrs. Wm. M. Smith there were no minutes of the previous meeting.

The programs, bills and receipts were discussed. The blanks of application for membership were received and approved.

Mrs. Uhler was requested to write a note to Mrs. Wm M. Smith from the Board expressing our love and sympathy in the great grief that had [?not sure of word] her in the loss of her mother.

Mrs. Wrenshall reported that the expenses of the Twelfth Night Festival totalled $111.53.

The name of Mrs. William F. Satchell, the St. Paul Apartment, having previously been proposed by Mrs. Percy M. Reese, and seconded by Miss Lillie Schnauffer for and Miss Bartlett, came up for election. Mrs. Satchell was duly elected and the Corresponding Sec’y requested to notify her.

The name of Mrs. Hoofman, the daughter of our former member Mrs. Spilker was proposed for membership.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned.


Meeting of April 10th, 1912

A meeting of the Board of Management was held at the home of the President, Mrs. J. C. Wrenshall, on April 10th 1912 at eleven in the morning.

Those present were Mrs. Wrenshall president, Mrs. Alan P. Smith first vice-president, Mrs. S. A. Hill second vice-president, Miss Mullin treasurer, Mrs. Uhler, Corr. Sec’y, and Miss Cooper, and Mrs. Markland, director.

The minutes of meeting of February 24th were read and approved.

Various bills were discussed and received to be paid.

Mrs. Wrenshall spoke of the high grade of literary work done by Miss Emily Emerson Lauty, her great interest in the welfare of our Club and her wish to help the Club when possible. Mrs. Markland proposed that Miss Lauty be invited to Honorary Membership in the Club. Mrs. Alan Smith seconded the proposition which was carried unanimously--the Cor. Sec’y to notify Miss Lauty of the action of the Board.

The name of Mrs. Thomas L. Berry, 322 Hawthorne Road, Roland Park was proposed by Mrs. Robert Bowie, seconded by Mrs. Charles Sadiler, and Miss Latané for active membership. Mrs. Berry was unanimously elected.

A discussion followed on the advisability of condensing the business meetings--the reports of


Chairmen[1],--to hold two instead of three meetings--the reports of Chairmen and nominations to be the program for the first meeting, and the election at the second meeting, the closing Salon to be held the third Tuesday in May.

It was decided that the Executive Board try it for the year as an experiment and ask the Club as a whole to ratify the action at a later date.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned and a meeting of the Board of E. A. Poe Memorial followed.

Meeting of May 2nd, 1912.

The monthly Board meeting of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore was held Thursday, May 2nd at the home of the President. Those present were Mrs. Wrenshall, Mrs. Alan Smith, Mrs. Uhler, Mrs. Markland, Miss Cooper, and Mrs. William Smith. The minutes of the April board meeting were read by Mrs. Uhler and approved.

A letter from Mrs. S. A. Hill read by the President brought up the question of getting out a revised copy of the Constitution and bi-Laws of the Club. The question was discussed pro and con but no definite decision was reached.

Mrs. Wrenshall called attention to the fact that the post cards containing the notices of the business meetings, should not be sent to non-resident


members, as they are not entitled to vote.

The bill for the flowers, sent by the Club at the death of Miss Shackleford, called out an explanation by the President. Though Miss Shackleford was not a member of the Club at the time of her death, no for some years previous, she had always maintained a profound interest in its welfare, and the flowers seemed a very fitting courtesy.

As the following Club meeting would be a business meeting for the nomination of officers and directors for the year 1912-13, the illness of the Recording Secretary and the proper action of the Club under the circumstances was next discussed. It was unanimously agreed that in view of Miss Crane’s long service, her renomination and election was as little as we could suitably do by way of showing her our appreciation of her loyalty.

Mrs. Wrenshall spoke of the possibility that the Club might be asked to help meet the expenses of re-decorating the walls of the Club room and voiced her objection in view of the fact that we are renters [?not sure of mark/symbol] position in which she was sustained] by all present.

Three names had been suggested for membership in the Club, though owing to some mistake they were not sent in in the prescribed manner. Miss Perkins was proposed by Mrs. Fayerweather, Miss Reid by Mrs. Armor, and Miss Hill proposed a friend whose name failed to reach the Board.


It was decided to hold a short Board meeting May 14th to act upon the names.

At the conclusion of the business of the morning, the President entertained the members present in her usual delightful fashion.

Meeting of May 14th 1912.

A special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore was held at half past two o’clock, Tuesday, May 14th at the Club rooms. Those present were Mrs. Wrenshall, Mrs. Alan Smith, Mrs. Uhler, Miss Mullin, Miss Cooper, Mrs. Markland, Mrs. S. A. Hill and Mrs. William Smith. The minutes of the previous Board meeting were read and approved, and the President explained that the failure of certain names to reach the Board in the prescribed manner was responsible for the special meeting.

The following names were presented for the Board’s action--

Miss Mary Stewart Reid 1207 McCulloh Street, proposed by Mrs. Edith H. Armor, seconded by Mrs. Edward Stabler and Mrs. Percy M. Reese.

Mrs. William Moore 2135 Linden Avenue, proposed by Miss Harriet Marine, seconded by Mrs. Bowie and Miss Nicholas[2] Long and Mrs. Fayerweather.

Mrs. O. C. Martinet West Arlington, proposed by Miss Harriet Marine seconded by Miss Bowie and


Mrs. Fayerweather.

Mrs. F. J. Copeland, 2433 Madison Avenue, proposed by Miss Harriet Marine seconded by Mrs. Bowie and Miss Nicholas.

The names were all accepted unanimously.

The President brought up the matter of contributions to the Titanic Memorial and appointed the Club treasurer to take charge of any contributions, and forward them to the committee in charge of the undertaking in Baltimore.


Club Year 1912-1913.


Board of Management elected by Club May 14th, 1912.

President                         Mrs. J. C. Wrenshall

1st Vice Pres.                Mrs. Alan P. Smith

2nd V. “                              Mrs. S. A. Hill

Rec. Sec’y                         Miss Lydia Crane

Corr Sec’y                        Mrs. P. R. Uhler

Treasurer                       Miss E. L. Mullin



Mrs. Wm. M. Powell

Mrs. Sidney Turner

Mrs. Wm. M. Smith

Those holding over from the last year are

Miss H. F. Cooper

Miss Cloud

Mrs. Wrenshall Markland.



[1] “Reports of Chairmen” is crossed out.

[2] “Bowie and Miss Nicholas” is crossed out.





“1911-1912 Board of Managers Meeting Minutes,” The Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore, accessed February 23, 2025, https://loyolanotredamelib.org/Aperio/WLCB/items/show/13491.Item
