1913-1914 Board of Managers Meeting Minutes


OCT. 21, 1913-MARCH 19, 1914

MS 988, Box 4, Book 7


[1913-1914 Season][1]

Special Meeting October 21st, 1913.

A special meeting of the Board of Managers of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore was held at the Club rooms, Tuesday October 21st at three o’clock. Those present were Mrs. Wrenshall, Mrs. Alan Smith, Mrs. Powell, Miss Cooper, Mrs. Markland, Mrs. Hill, Miss Mullin and Mrs. William Smith.

Mrs. Wrenshall explained that the reason for calling the meeting was to consider the question of the propriety of adjournment because of the death of Dr. Uhler. Mrs. Wrenshall and other members of the board expressed the feeling that Dr. Uhler’s peculiar relation to the Club, his friendship and interest extending over a period of twenty-two years rendered this mark of respect peculiarly fitting. It was decided to submit the propriety of adjournment to the vote of the Club, and in case the vote was favorable, to postpone


the Book-talk for one week, provided Miss Reese whose program had been appointed for that day, was satisfied with the arrangement. The Board then adjourned to the main club room.

Meeting of November 6th, 1913.

The Board meeting of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore took place at eleven o’clock on Thursday, Nov. 6, 1913 at the home of the President, Mrs. John C. Wrenshall, 1037 North Calvert Street.

Mrs. Wrenshall presided. The others present were Mrs. Alan P. Smith, Mrs. S. A. Hill, Mrs. Fayerweather, Mrs. Markland, Miss Cooper and Miss Mullin.

Mrs. Wrenshall read a note from the Recording Secretary, Mrs. William M. Smith, stating that illness would prevent her presence. In the absence of Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Hill moved that Miss Mullin be asked to take the minutes.

The minutes of the last regular Board meeting held May 1, 1913 were read and approved.

Mrs. Wrenshall then showed the Club Booklets containing the printed Constitution, work that had been done under her supervision during the summer. The Booklets were admired both as a whole and in detail and Mrs. Wrenshall’s foresight in having two hundred copies instead of one hundred as originally planned was warmly commended.

The minutes of the special Board meeting held


on Tuesday October 21st, 1913 in the Committee Room 105 W. Franklin Street to take action upon the death of Dr. Philip R. Uhler and said minutes adopted at the general meeting of the Club which took place on November 2 1913 were now re-read and in accordance with instructions then received the Recording Secretary Mrs. William M. Smith this morning submitted to the Board the Resolutions she had drafted for the Club. Resolutions that expressed not only our sympathy, but our deep appreciation of Dr. Uhler’s public spirit and private character. It was decided that the Resolutions should be printed before they were sent to Dr. Uhler’s family. The exact form in which they were to be presented was left to the discretion of the President.

Mrs. Wrenshall next read a personal note she had received from Mr. Francis Grierson, dated Twickingham, August 1913 presenting her with his latest volume “Parisian Portraits.” Mrs. Wrenshall called attention to Mr. Grierson’s reputation and his great versatility. As he spoke in this letter of coming to visit America, Mrs. Wrenshall suggested that it might be interesting to have him at the Club. It was accordingly proposed and seconded that Mrs. Wrenshall should communicate with Mr. Grierson and make any arrangements she thought desirable with him and fix the date of the entertainment without again consulting the Board.

Mrs. Wrenshall reminded the Board that since


Miss Lydia Crane had been made Honorary Secretary and Mrs. William M. Smith a member of the Board had been elected Recording Secretary in her stead, the question arose was there or was there not a vacancy on the Board? After a very brief discussion it was unanimously decided that Miss Crane’s new position as Honorary Secretary had been created for her solely to relieve her from duties that had become onerous because of the condition of her health and eye-sight, not that her place on the Board, which she had filled from the very inception of the Club should be kept for her in hopes that returning health would soon enable her to be present and give the Board the benefit of her advice. Counsel that in years gone by had always been sought and never been wanting.

Mrs. Wrenshall reported that Miss Mary Stewart Reid had written that she would like her membership in the Club to hold over until the spring, because she found it would be impossible for her to attend earlier in the season. Mrs. Wrenshall said that she had tried to explain to Miss Reid that all resident members must be on the regular list and pay ten dollars a year. Miss Mullin told that she had met Miss Reid on the street and assured her that the Constitution did not provide for any such case. As Miss Reid’s correspondence was too vague to be construed as a resignation the Treasurer was instructed to send her the semi-annual bill as usual.

Miss Mullin was also asked to write a personal note


to Mrs. Bernard Duke (once Miss Marie Turner) and remind her that it was two years since we had heard from her at the Club. Miss Mullin was to ask Mrs. Duke to give another of her charming papers and say to her that the Chairman of any Committee would welcome her on the program.

The Treasurer was instructed that as Mrs. Fayerweather was leaving town for the season her membership was to be changed for the year to the non-resident list.

Mrs. Wrenshall called attention to the fact that the books and other records of the Club could hardly be considered secure from loss, or fire, under present conditions. The advisability of putting them in a safe-deposit box was discussed, but as it is often necessary to consult some of them that propositions was not considered expedient. It was proposed by Mrs. Mullin and seconded by Mrs. Alan Smith that Mrs. Wrenshall and Mrs. Markland should buy a trunk and make what arrangements they deemed wise for the immediate security of these papers. The question of purchasing a safe to be considered later.

Mrs. Wrenshall announced that she would be out of town the first Thursday in December and asked that the Board meeting be deferred. Accordingly Monday, December 8th was fixed upon, and after enjoying Mrs. Wrenshall’s hospitality the meeting adjourned until that date.


Meeting of December 8th, 1913.

The December meeting of the Board of Management of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore was held Monday December 8th at the home of the President, the post-ponement being due to a professional engagement of Mrs. Wrenshall on the regular date. The minutes of the November meeting had been taken by Miss Mullin in the Secretary’s absence, and were read and approved.

Miss Mullin reported that because the Photographic club now occupied quarters adjoining ours, the rates of our insurance had been doubled. She had also been commissioned to request Mrs. Duke to favor us with one of her delightful papers, but reported that as Mrs. Duke was just moving the time seemed inopportune for the request.

Mrs. Wrenshall again brought up the matter of a reception to Mr. Grierson, which had been broached at the previous meeting of the Board. Mr. Grierson seemed pleased at the suggestion and said that a date early in January would please him as he was leaving for the week soon after. The idea of inviting him for the Twelfth Night Festival was considered, but did not meet with favor as it was considered important to preserve the unique character of an entertainment which had come to stand for something quite definite in the community. It was decided that the reception to Mr. Grierson should


be at least ten days from the Twelfth Night Festival and that the expense should not exceed fifty dollars.

[?Bridges’s] bill for November, including the printing of 200 copies of the Constitution, was pronounced excessive by Mrs. Wrenshall.

The difficulty in which our janitor had become involved in protecting the property in the building was laid before the Board by Mrs. Wrenshall. While no action was taken the feeling was expressed that the Club should be ready to assume at least $25.00 of the expense to which he had been put in proving his innocence.

The name of Mrs. Carl Rutledge proposed by Mrs. Laney Hill and endorsed by Miss Latané was placed before the Board in application for membership.

The plans for the Twelfth Night Festival next came up for discussion. It was the general feeling that we could not do better than follow our custom of previous years, though Mrs. Wrenshall expressed her intention of having a briefer musical program than last year. A duplication of the menu and the leading features of the 1913 programs was decided on.

Mrs. Wrenshall read the letter she was about to send Dr. C. W. Gallagher expressing the sympathy of the Club for his recent bereavement and our own deep sense of loss.

At the conclusion of the business meeting refreshments were served.


Special Meeting December 18th, 1913.

A meeting of the Board of Managers of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore was held at the home of the President December 18th at eleven o’clock. There were present Mrs. Wrenshall, Mrs. Alan Smith, Mrs. Hill, Mrs. Powell, Mrs. Markland, Miss Cooper and Mrs. W. M. Smith.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Mrs. Wrenshall announced that nothing had been heard from Mr. Grierson, so that nothing further could be done regarding the proposed reception.

A letter was read from Dr. Gallagher expressing his thanks for the flowers sent by the Club on the occasion of his wife’s death, and also for the letter of sympathy he had received. He spoke especially of Mrs. Gallagher’s fondness of the Club and her enjoyment of the programs.

The question of the Twelfth Night Festival received full discussion. It was decided that the refreshments should be the same as last year. As another use had been found for the peacock it was suggested to have a small decorated Christmas tree on the supper table and Mrs. Hill was asked to procure a tree. It was decided to have two carols sung, the remainder of the program to be left to the discretion of the committee on music, though it was suggested that some of the old English ballads would be especially appropriate.

At the conclusion of the discussion the Board enjoyed Mrs. Wrenshall’s hospitality.


Meeting of February 3rd, 1914

A special meeting of the Board of Managers of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore was held Tuesday, February 3rd, at 3 o’clock, at the club rooms. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Mrs. Wrenshall stated that Miss Cloud’s bereavement in the death of her mother made it advisable to take action without waiting for the regular meeting of the board. It was decided that the Club be asked to endorse the resolutions of sympathy adopted by the Board, and that the Recording Secretary write Miss Cloud.

The matter of the reception Mr. Grierson was mentioned, and Mrs. Wrenshall said that as nothing further had been heard from him the matters would be dropped.

The names of Mrs. E. D. Hoffman and Mrs. Carl Rutledge which had been placed before the Board some time previous were acted upon. The name of Mrs. Hoffman, 2419 Madison Avenue, was proposed by Mrs. Charles T. Sadtler, and endorsed by Mrs. Sidney Turner and Mrs. Percy Reese. The name of Mrs. Rutledge 406 Forest Road, Roland Park was proposed by Mrs. Laney Hill and endorsed by Miss Latané and Miss Bansemer. Both names were passed upon unanimously and the Secretary directed to notify these two new members of their election.

The resignation of Miss Mary Stuart Reid was accepted and the meeting adjourned.


Meeting, March 5, 1914.

The regular meeting of the Board of Managers of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore was held on Thursday, March 5th at the home of the President. Those present were Mrs. Wrenshall, Mrs. Alan Smith, Mrs. Hill, Mrs. Uhler, Mrs. Markland, Mrs. Mullin, and Mrs. William Smith.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Mrs. Wrenshall gave an itemized account of the expenses incurred in the Twelfth Night Festival, the items totaling $141.40.

The resignation of Mrs. William Powell was presented and the Corresponding Secretary was instructed to express the regret of the Board at the action and the general wish that she reconsider. The names of several members of the Club were mentioned for the office of house-keeper, provided Mrs. Powell held to her decision and it was further re-commended that for better efficiency, a housekeeping committee be arranged, under the supervision of a Chairman.

The resignation of Miss Frances Cooper from the Board was presented. As Mrs. Wrenshall had already urged Miss Cooper to reconsider the step, the Corresponding Secretary resignation was accepted with regret.

The resignation of Mrs. Alexander Hodgdon, an out-of-town member, was announced by Miss Mullin.

Mrs. Uhler announced that though she would not resign from the Board, it would be impossible for her


to discharge the duties of Corresponding Secretary after the completion of her present term of office. Several names were discussed with a view to filling the vacancy arising.

The name of Mrs. George Morrow, proposed for membership by Miss Harriet P. Marine and seconded by Mrs. Copeland, and Mrs. Martenet, was placed before the Board. The name of Mrs. Thomas W. Benham was also mentioned as a probable member in the future, though severe illness in the family would prevent her coming into the Club at present.

Mrs. Wrenshall spoke of the difficulties she had encountered in securing suitable newspaper notices for the Club’s programs. In the case of the Sun the difficulty had been tempo-rarily met by sending a notice fully written out to the Sun office on Thursday afternoon.

The question of keeping in touch with our out-of-town members received considerate attention, along with the question of reaching out to centers of the vicinity, and so making the influence of the Club felt throughout the state. Mrs. Wrenshall read letters from Mrs. Mason an out-of-town member several of whose poems were read at the program of March 3rd, and from Miss Stokes who though not a member recently presented to the Club a copy of her book of poems “On a green slope.” Appreciative letters from several who had attended the Twelfth Night Festival were also read. At the conclusion of the business of the morning, the ladies present enjoyed in Mrs. Wrenshall’s hospitality.


[Meeting of March 19, 1914][2]

A meeting of the Board of Managers of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore was held Thursday, March 19, at the home of the president. Those present were Mrs. Wrenshall, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Hill, Mrs. Markland, Mrs. Uhler, and Mrs. W. M. Smith. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. In speaking of her lecture given the previous Monday, Mrs. Wrenshall mentioned that it was given on the invitation of the Academy of Sciences.

Mrs. Uhler reported that she had written Mrs. Morrow stating that her name had been placed before the Board and would be acted upon at the first board meeting. Mrs. Uhler also reported, that Mrs. Powell, though expressing regret at severing the associations of so many years, persisted in her resignation.

The name of Mrs. Morrow was acted upon and unanimously accepted. It was agreed that since Mrs. morrow entered the club so late in the year, her dues should not begin till fall.

The question of filling vacancies on the Board came up for discussion. Mrs. haman who had been approached regarding coming on the Board, stated that it would be impossible for her to serve. As Mrs. Uhler felt that it would be impossible for her to serve as Corresponding Secretary after the present year, her resignation was accepted, and Miss Lucy Latané elected to the office. Mrs. Uhler was the elected to fill the vacancy on the board caused by the resignation of Miss Frances Cooper, whose term expires in 1915. To fill the place left vacant by Mrs. Powell’s resignation, Mrs. T. J. Copeland was elected. It was also voted to elect Mrs. Bartlett to the Board, on condition of her accepting the office of house-keeper, the other members of the house-keeping committee to be Mrs. Markland and Mrs. Uhler.

Mrs. Markland who at the request of the Board, assumed the duties of house-keeper from the time of Mrs. Powell’s resignation, Jan 20, gave her report. Beside the dollar paid to the maid, the expenses of the refreshments had averaged fifty cents a week.

Some appreciative letters were read from those who had attended Mrs. Wrenshall’s lecture and the Twelfth Night Festival after which the Board members enjoyed Mrs. Wrenshall’s hospitality.


[1] “Election May 1913” is written faintly at the bottom of the previous page in the notebook, but the usual election results are not listed.

[2] This is a type-written page folded and wedged in the 126-127 pages. Though there’s no year, it’s safe to say this is the next meeting after the March 5th one, above.





“1913-1914 Board of Managers Meeting Minutes,” The Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore, accessed February 23, 2025, https://loyolanotredamelib.org/Aperio/WLCB/items/show/13493.Item
