Litchfield, Grace Denio (1849-1944)
"The Lost Rose" (The Post, Jan. 21, 1881); poetry
"The Milky Way" (Lippincott's, Nov. 1882); poetry
Only an Incident (NY: Putnam, 1883); fiction full-text
"To a Hurt Child" (Atlantic Monthly, March 1883); poetry
"One Chapter" (Century Magazine, Dec. 1883); fiction
"The Price I Paid for a Set of Ruskin" (Century Magazine, Oct. 1884); fiction
"My Lost Baby" (Youth's Companion, Nov. 6, 1884); poetry
"An American Flirtation" (Atlantic Monthly, Dec. 1884); fiction
Criss-Cross (NY: Putnam, 1885); fiction. full-text
In the Hospital (NY: Putnam, 1885); poetry. full-text
"A Mystery" (Independent, Apr. 16, 1885); poetry
"Hilary's Husband" (Century Magazine, June 1885); fiction
The Knight of the Black Forest (NY: Putnam, 1885); fiction. full-text
"The Song of the Cricket" (Independent, July 9, 1885); poetry
"Sweet Mother of My Dreams" (Independent, Aug. 27, 1885); poetry
"The Snow-Storm" (St. Nicholas, Dec. 1885); poetry
"Little Delia's Shoes" (Independent, Dec. 24, 1885); fiction
"Love, Now" (Independent, Jan. 7, 1886); poetry
"The Stray Angel" (Independent, Jan. 28, 1886); fable
"The Storm-King" (Independent, March 11, 1886); poetry
"Almost" (Independent, Apr. 8, 1886); fiction
"The Top of the Ladder" (The Wide Awake, May 1886); fiction
"Day-Dreams" (Independent, May 20, 1886); poetry
"Daisy-Song" (St. Nicholas, July 1886); poetry
"La Rochefoucauld's Saying" (Independent, Aug. 12, 1886); fiction
"Tick, Tack" (Independent, Dec. 2, 1886); fiction
"Death of the Old Year" (Independent Dec. 30, 1886); poetry
"Sympathy" (Independent, Jan 27, 1887); poetry
"The Earthquake at Menton" (publication unknown, Feb. 27, 1887); nonfiction
"Only a Match" (Independent, April 14, 1887); fiction
"To a Rosebud" (The Acorn, June 1887); poetry
"In the Line of the Earthquake" (The Wide Awake, Apr. 1888); nonfiction
"The Song of the Mosquito" (St. Nicholas, June 1887); poetry
"Tweedledee and Tweedledum" (Independent, July 14, 1887); fiction
"An Enigma" (Independent, July 28, 1887); poetry
"How It Really Was" (Independent, Aug. 18, 1888); dramatic fiction
"The Grace of Love" (Independent, Aug. 18, 1887); fiction
"My Other Me" (St. Nicholas, Nov. 1887); poetry
"My Sun-Lover" (The Acorn, Nov. 1, 1887); poetry
"Time's Warehouse" (Independent, Dec. 12, 1887); fiction
"Selina's Singular Marriage" (Century Magazine, 1888); fiction
A Hard-Won Victory (NY: Putnam, 1888); fiction
"Listening" (Independent, Feb. 2, 1888); poetry
"Master Shadow" (The Wide Awake, April 1888); fiction
"Wardrobe Talk" (Independent, April 18, 1888); fiction
"A Desecrated Memory" (Independent, June 13, 1889); fiction
"Bin" (The Wide Awake, Aug. 1889); fiction
"What the Roses Said" (Independent, Nov. 11, 1889); fiction
Little He and She (Boston: D. Lothrop, 1890); fiction
"Flowertime Weather" (Independent, March 20, 1890); poetry
"Pain" (Independent, May 1, 1890); poetry
"Swinging" (St. Nicholas, June 1890); poetry
"The Fairy Needle" (Far and Near, Dec. 1890); fiction
"Love's Young Dream" (Century Magazine, May 1891); poetry
"Song of the Goldenrod" (St. Nicholas, Sept. 1891); poetry
Little Venice and Other Stories (NY; Putnam, 1890); full-text
"An Afternoon's Drama" (Independent, Nov. 3, 1892); fiction
"In Life's Tunnel" (Century Illustrated 1893); fiction. full-text
Mimosa Leaves (NY: Putnam, 1895); poetry. full-text
"Courage" (originally published in the Independent, Aug. 1893; Dial, Feb. 16, 1896); poetry
In the Crucible (NY: Putnam, 1897); fiction. full-text
The Moving Finger Writes (NY: Putnam, 1900); fiction. full-text
"Song" (Century Magazine, May 1901); poetry
"The Bend of the Road" (Century Magazine, Feb. 1902); poetry
The Letter D (Indianapolis: Dodd, Mead, 1904); fiction. full-text
Vita: A Drama in Five Acts (Boston: R. G. Badger, 1904); full-text
"Song of the Sunrise" (Independent, Feb. 2, 1905); poetry
"The Closed Door" (Independent, Oct. 24, 1907); poetry
"Birthday Song" (Century Magazine, Dec. 1907); poetry
Narcissus and Other Poems (NY: Putnam, 1908). full-text
The Supreme Gift (Boston: Little, Brown, 1908); fiction. full-text
Baldur, the Beautiful (NY: Putnam, 1910); poetry. full-text
"Icarus" (Century Magazine, July 1910); poetry
The Nun of Kent: A Drama in Five Acts (Putnam, 1911). full-text
"Semele" (Century Magazine, Jan. 1913); poetry
Collected Poems (NY: Putnam, 1913). full-text
The Burning Question (NY: Putnam, 1913); fiction. full-text
"Where Am I While I Sleep?" (Century Magazine, March 1913); poetry
"Sleep" (North American Review , April 1913); poetry
"A Last Message" (Century Magazine, May 1913); poetry
"The Hermit Thrush" (North American Review, Nov. 1915); poetry
The Song of the Sirens (NY: Putnam, 1917); fiction. full-text
"To a Thistledown" (Art World, March 1917); poetry
"The Little Brown Bungalow" (The Art World, 1918); fiction. full-text As a Man Sows and Other Stories (NY: Putnam, 1926)
Litchfield, Grace Denio (1849-1944)
What They Wrote: The Virtual Library Atwater, Emily Paret (1873-1951) Bowie, Virginia Berkley (1880-1976) Briscoe, Margaret Sutton (1864-1941) Cautley, Lucy Randolph (1854-1937) Cloud, Virginia Woodward (1861-1938) Colvin, Mary Noyes (1850-1926) DeValin, Laura (1843?-1913) Dorsey, Marian V. (1858-1947) Duvall, Ellen (1854-1944) Early, Maud Graham (1842-1905) Easter, Marguerite E. (1840-1894) Evans, May Garrettson (1866-1947) Graham, Elizabeth Turner (1837-1920) Haughton, Louise C. Osburne (1866-1951) Ladd-Franklin, Christine (1847-1930) Lantz, Emily Emerson (1862-1931) Latimer, Elizabeth Wormeley (1822-1904) Litchfield, Grace Denio (1849-1944) Lord, Alice Emma Sauerwein (1848-1930) Malloy, Louise (1858-1947) Mullin, Elizabeth Lester (c. 1874-1952) Redgrave, Corinne Robert (1866-1958) Reese, Lizette Woodworth (1856-1935) Richardson, Hester Crawford Dorsey (1862-1933) Sioussat, Annie Leakin (1856-1942) Smith, Harriet Lummis (?–1947) Sollenberger, Ella Morrow (1876-1951) Szold, Henrietta (1860-1945) Thruston, Lucy Meacham (1862-1938) Tiernan, Mary Spear (1835?-1891) Trail, Florence (1854-1905) Turnbull, Francese Litchfield (1845-1927) Turner, Clara Newman (1844-1920) Tyson, Florence McIntyre (?–?) Vanderpoel, Adaline (1830-1912) Whitney, Anne Weston (1849-1909) Whitelock, Louise Clarkson (1851-1928) Woods, Katharine Pearson (1853-1923) Wrenshall, Katharine H. (Markland) (c. 1880-after 1916) Wrenshall, Letitia Yonge (Mrs. John C.) (?–1924) Zacharias, Jane (? – 1906)