Welcome to East Asia Online! This site collects links of archival resources and bibliographical information that might interest scholars, students, and readers of East Asian studies. This site also includes a list of primary sources collected through years of archival research by Yu.
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China, biography, missionary, Taiwan, Japan, colonial era, immigrant, Cuba, South America, images, Laos, Christianity, Mao, history, cultural revolution, Republican China, periodical, literature, gender, women missionary, maoist, poster, propaganda, visual arts, film, Dunhuang, Buddhism, manuscript, Zhang Ailing, Korea, Indochina, bibliography, archive, classics, Ming, Qing, late imperial China, opium war, Jin shen lu, poetry, women, Asian American, civil rights, map, war, gazetteer, rare book, medicine, religion, Singapore, medieval, Zen, Shanghai, newspaper, contemporary, village