
Epson Perfection V750 ProEpson Perfection V750 Pro

The Epson Perfection V750 Pro Scanner is attached to PC2 in the Digital Lab. It can be used for scanning both black and white and color text documents or images. It also has a number of attachments that allow for the scanning of items such as slides, film strips, or film negatives. Scanned items can be saved in a variety of formats including .pdf, .tiff, and .jpeg.




Microtek Scan Maker 9800XLMicrotek Scan Maker 9800XL

The Microtek Scan Maker 9800XL is an oversized flat bed scanner that can be used for scanning black and white or color digital images. Scanned images can be saved as either .tiff or .jpeg files. The scanner is attached to PC1 it the Digital Lab.




Nikon Cool Scan 5000Nikon Cool Scan 5000

The Nikon Cool Scan 5000 is a dedicated slide scanner. It also includes attachments that allow for the scanning of film strips and film negatives. It is attached to PC 8 in the Digital Lab.