Going public

Yesterday I had the honor & privilege of speaking about the WLCB at the institution that has made this project possible: the Maryland Historical Society, located in the Mt. Vernon neighborhood of Baltimore.

The H. Furlong Baldwin Library at the Maryland Historical Society, where much of the research on the WLCB has taken place over the years. Photo courtesy MDHS.

I provided an overview of the WLCB project, including some of the major issues we’ve encountered– the historical invisibility of women! Victorian propriety! the sheer quantity of literature produced by Baltimore women! the sheer quantity of documents about the WLCB! the Virtual Library & archive! Lydia Crane!

One of the best things about the talk was that Cynthia was able to attend, and was able to contribute some of her vast knowledge of the WLCB, gleaned through many hours of transcribing minutes, during the Q&A. The other best thing about the talk was that I was able to incorporate excerpts of other team members’ writings about the Club into my talk, including Cynthia’s historical overview of the Club and how it operated, Katie’s writings about the Club library, and Clara’s thoughts about the Club members’ troubling attitudes about race and the Civil War.

I was also able to share some snippets of writings by Club members. I chose a few short poems: “Motherhood,” by Clara Newman Turner (cousin of Emily Dickinson), “A Monosyllabic Tragedy” by humorist & journalist Louise Malloy, and “Lydia” by Lizette Woodworth Reese. These, I thought, showed a range of attitudes about gender roles–ranging from adherence to the values of Victorian womanhood, to more complicated views of marriage and same-sex relationships. When I was putting the talk together, I was struck by how far we have come in the past 2 years in our understanding of these women and how they have contributed to the literary landscape, and what potential there is for this project to put Baltimore women writers, finally, on the map.

Not a lot of people came–it was scheduled over lunch, for one thing–but whose who did were engaged and interested. More than half of them, it turned out, were current members of women’s clubs!

One group of women was very curious about why the WLCB disbanded in 1941. I said that we had not uncovered any direct evidence, which is not really surprising since clubs frequently end after a period of inactivity, a process which by its very nature is not documented. They speculated that perhaps it was because an organization like the WLCB may not have been needed by that time in order to support women writers– and that there might be other organizations that could perform that work.

I actually wonder if part of it was that the Club members, gradually migrating to the suburban neighborhoods north and west of downtown, may have simply gravitated toward clubs in those areas. I suspect that some of these clubs, like Mount Washington’s Lend-a-Hand Club and the Roland Park Women’s Club, likely absorbed many of the WLCB’s members over the years.

It was exciting to see how interested present-day women’s club members were to learn about historical antecedents of their own clubs.

I was also struck by a comment made by a staff member from the Maryland Historical Society. She said that for her, what was most interesting about the WLCB project is that it showed the importance of literature in understanding the history of women’s experiences. The poetry I shared, she said, provided a glimpse into what women were actually thinking– which is impossible (or at least very difficult) to get from traditional historical sources, such as census documents, biographical dictionaries, and so on. I debated whether or not to include any literary analysis in this talk, since I was presenting at a historical society. But now I’m glad I did!

The best part about a public humanities project is actually connecting with the public. Next time, I hope to bring some students to join in the fun.

Bmore Historic Unconference!

This past Friday, September 29th, Dr. Cole and I attended the Bmore Historic Unconference at the Baltimore Museum of Industry. The Unconference’s mission is dedicated to “people who care about public history and historic preservation in and around Baltimore.” The group of people who fit this description and attended the unconference covered a wide range of ages and professions. I had never heard of an ‘unconference’ before, and the democratic system behind it was very interesting. Any participant could propose their own session and pitch it to all the other attendees at the start of the conference. Then, everyone had the chance to vote for whichever proposed sessions they were most interested in, and based on the results of the voting process, the conference organizers and leaders set up the session schedule that included the most voted-for programming. Each session also designated a note-taker, so the information discussed in each could be shared with all the attendees.

The main hall where the Unconference was held. Image from the Baltimore Museum of Industry’s website: http://www.thebmi.org/exhibitions-collections/permanent-exhibitions/

Dr. Cole proposed the session we wanted to give: “Scripto Transcription Session: Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore (1890-1920),” and it made it onto the schedule! Our initial plan was to spend the first few minutes of the 50-minute session giving an overview of the Aperio project, what we accomplished and learned over the summer, and our goals for the project moving forward. Then, we wanted to have attendees try their hand at transcribing a file containing some WLCB meeting minutes through the Scripto plugin on our Omeka site. Unfortunately, technical issues with the museum’s wifi made it difficult for everyone to do this, and we ended up talking a lot more about the details of the WLCB and the project than we had initially planned. Luckily, the people who came to our session were interested in more than just the process of transcription—we got a lot of great questions regarding the goals, demographics, and inner workings of the Club itself! Despite the internet issues, we were able to get people up and running and transcribing for us, and questions and discussion regarding the Club continued throughout this process.

A photo from the Bmore Unconference’s twitter (@bmorehistoric) of the transcription session we gave!

We also attended a very useful session right before ours about easy digital mapping techniques with Google Maps that will prove relevant in our own digital endeavors as we map Club members’ addresses over time. The final session we attended was an interesting discussion on how to best go about (if there is a ‘best way’) memorializing the sites in Maryland where lynchings occurred. There were also a myriad of other sessions we were unable to attend, covering topics including the recent removal of Baltimore’s Confederate monuments, Civil War history in general, Baltimore neighborhoods and their history, and museum and archival strategies. Overall, the Unconference was a fascinating experience! We got to share our own research and learn a great deal about others’ as well.

A reader writes

Dr. Mangiavellano just wrote to me & asked me to send you this:
I’ve enjoyed reading your posts on the Women’s Literary Club of Baltimore and following along with your questions and discoveries. I ran into Dr. Cole yesterday on campus before your walking tour and we fell into conversation about the pleasures (and frustrations) you’ve experienced in your research and transcriptions. We talked a little about the difficult of finding birth and death dates of club members–and how some of you have turned to obituaries of their husbands for information about the wives. Dr. Cole explained to me the frustrating reality that obituaries of prominent Baltimore husbands may mention wives in passing without any substantive reflection or information on them. Tremendously frustrating.
Might it be worthwhile to visit Greenspring cemetery (or wherever they’re buried) and seek out the graves themselves, I wonder? I’m sure you could contact the sexton, get a map of the grounds, and do some sleuthing. I doubt there would be GPS locations for them, but you never know. It would be an entirely different kind of research I’m sure most of you have done and I’d love to hear about it if you pursued it. Not only would and afternoon of traipsing around a cemetery help you find the birth and death dates you’re looking for, you can write up a great post about it. Win-win!
So yes, it looks like another field trip is in order– Hunter, maybe you could organize this one. The Green Mount Cemetery website has a lot of great info, and there are various maps available online. Plus, a bunch of the graves are indexed in the appropriately named FindaGrave.com (e.g., Miss Lydia Crane).