1910-1911 Board of Managers Meeting Minutes


OCT. 3, 1910-APRIL 6, 1911
MS 988, Box 4, Book 7



Club Year 1910-1911.

Board of Management Elected by the Club May 17th, 1910,--for this Club Year.

President:                                                Mrs. John C. Wrenshall.

First Vice President:                         Mrs. Jordan Stabler.

Second Vice President:                    Mrs. Alan P. Smith.

Recording Secretary:                       Miss Lydia Crane.

Corresponding Secretary:            Mrs. P. R. Uhler.

Treasurer:                                               Miss Elizabeth L. Mullin.



For two years. Holding over from the last year.

Mrs. G. K. McGaw.                               Miss Annie Hollins.

Mrs. Sidney Turner.                          Miss Virginia W. Cloud.

Mrs. W. M. Powell.                              Miss H. J. Cooper.

Board Meeting, November 3rd, 1910.

The Board of Management of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore held a meeting on November 3rd, 1910, at 11 A.M., in the home of the President, Mrs. Wrenshall, at 1037 North Calvert Street. This meeting, the first one of the season of 1910-1911, was attended by the President; Second Vice President; two Secretaries, Treasurer; and two Directors, Mrs. Powell and Miss Cooper.

The Recording Secretary read the minutes of the meeting of May 5th,--the last one of the former Club Year.

The Treasurer reported beginning the year with $176.80. Though this is the least with which we have ever began a year, we were reminded that the dues were coming in, which would--of course--increase our


funds. In this connection it was reported that we had two deaths and several resignations.--but also several new members. There have been delinquents in the matter of dues; some members seem to ignore them, even while they continue to attend the meetings and to show interest in them. Others do not come,--nor pay.--and yet do not resign.

The President showed us the article of our Constitution: “On Dues.” After discussion,--it was agreed that the best notification on this subject, could be made by having printed on the bills sent out the section of our Constitution “On Dues,”--leaving the consciences of the delinquents to do the rest. This was agreed upon as the best action, for the present,--at any rate.

The question of having refreshments at our evening meetings was taken up. It was agreed to have simple refreshments at our evening meetings; but that it was not necessary to have that at our regular literary meetings.

Mrs. Uhler gave for consideration the name of a probably new member; that of Mrs. Edith Howell Armour, 2008 Linden Avenue. She had published poems,--but not her stories, as yet.

Our former member, Miss Henrietta Pendleton, had written to suggest the name of Mrs. Harry Bowen, the wife of a florist: but; told of this lady as being about to change her residence,--without giving further information with regard to her.

Mrs. Jordan Stabler spoke of a German lady,


of noble connections, and of literary tastes, living now in a rather restricted environment,--Mrs. Hahn-Zunft. Her husband, a graduate of the University of Breslan is a clergyman, on a small salary in a poor neighborhood of this city. She has been to some of our meetings, and was delighted with them. She could it was said join our translation section. Mrs. Stabler if this lady could be a member, she would take pleasure in paying her dues for the coming year. The Board agreed to Mrs. Stabler’s proposition.

The President spoke of a letter she had received from Mr. Day Allen Willey, a journalist, connected with Everybody’s Magazine,--offering to give a lecture before our Club on a literary subject. He had sent her the offer by the Sunday Magazine of prizes for stories. The President gave an interesting account of Mr. Willey. It was agreed to accept his proposal.

The President spoke of the prospect of having a musical entertainment by Mr. Harry Patterson Hopkins; and, later, perhaps, a “reading” or a “talk” by Miss Fletcher.

It was proposed, and agreed, that, instead of sending written or card invitations to our evening meetings, our members should give to their friends verbal invitations, and notify Mrs. Uhler of the number invited.

Mrs. Wrenshall then spoke of the list of invitations to be given for the meeting of November 29th,--


when our first President, Mrs. Turnbull, is to give us a Review of the Life of Daniel Coit Gilman, by Fabian Franklin. This list was duly agreed upon.

Mrs. Wrenshall spoke of having received a letter from London, requesting a list of our members.

The resignation was presented of Mrs. Frederic Tyson,--as a member of the Club, and also as one of the Board of the Poe Memorial Association. The question arose whether Mrs. Tyson should not be asked to reconsider her action in resigning; and it was agreed that this reconsideration should be requested.

Miss Mullin spoke of the membership of Mrs. R. K. Cautley. Since her withdrawal from her full membership she has not been sent a bill. It was reported that there seemed to be some uncertainty about Mrs. Cautley’s future movements, and present location: and it is believed that she is coming back to America.

After some informal discussion of future programmes, the meeting was adjourned.--to give place to the affairs of the “Poe Committee,” and later to enjoy the hospitality of the President.

Meeting of December 1, 1910

The December meeting of the Board of Management of the Woman’s Literary Club was held on the above date at the home of the President, 1037 North Calvert Street. Members present were the President, Mrs. J. C. Wrenshall, 1st Vice President Mrs. Jordan Stabler, 2nd Vice president Mrs. Allan Smith, Corresponding Secretary Mrs. Uhler, Treasurer Miss Mullin, and Managers Miss Hollins, Miss Cooper.


In the absence of the Recording Secretary Miss Crane Mrs. Uhler took the minutes. The President read the minutes of the November meeting which after slight corrections were approved.

The names of ladies proposed for membership were discusses--first Mrs. Harry [?Boww] suggested by Mrs. Pendleton. As Mrs. [?Boww]’s name was not proposed in due form and she was not known to any one present no action was taken.

Neither was the name of Mrs. Hahn-Zumpt proposed in due form so her name was held for future election.

Mrs. Edith Hervall Armor, 2008 Linden Avenue having been proposed by Mrs. Percy M. Reese and seconded by Mrs. Hooper and Mrs. MackCaud was duly elected.

The Treasurer reported $179.35 on hand--the rent paid and not all dues yet in. This small amount requires that economy be used in making expenditures.

A short discussion followed in reference to delinquents, but the matter was laid over for a future meeting.

Mrs. Wrenshall spoke of a communication from Mr. James Young the actor, in reference to the delivery of a lecture or reading before the members. This in connection with the coming of Mr. Harry Hopkins for his recital was discussed and the entire [?not sure of word?] of both entertainments were left in the hands of our President, the Board feeling sure


that the best possible arrangement would be made.

The name of Mrs. Oliver Hoblitzell Madison was proposed for active membership.

Meeting of Tuesday, December 13th, 1910.

A called meeting of the Board of Management of the Woman’s Literary Club was held on Tuesday, December 13th before the regular meeting of the day in the Library of the Maryland Academy of Sciences. Those present were Mrs. John C. Wrenshall President, Mrs. Jordan Stabler 1st Vice President, Mrs. Alan Smith 2nd Vice President, Corresponding Secretary Mrs. Uhler, Treasurer Miss Mullin, and Managers Mrs. Powell, Miss Cloud, Miss Turner, and Miss Hollins.

The minutes of the December meeting of the Board were read and approved. The Chief business discussed was the plans for the Recital by Mr. Harry P. Hopkins on the evening of December 29th and those for the Twelfth Night Celebration on January 3rd.

Mrs. Wrenshall urged that the members send the lists of guests to the Corresponding Secretary before the 16th.

Owing to lack of funds, Mrs. Wrenshall suggested that the refreshments for the Twelfth Night Celebration be of a simple character, coffee sandwiches, ice cream and the large cake and that the total expense for the entire affair should not amount to more than $50. In the decision of our President all cordi-


ally agreed.

Mrs. Frederick Hahn-Zumpt proposed by Mrs. Percy M. Reese and seconded by Mrs. Charles Lord and Mrs. William M. Smith was unanimously elected to active membership. Mrs. Zumpt’s name had been before the Board for some weeks.

The name of Miss Janette [?Rechle] was proposed and also the name of Mrs. William K. Bartlett was proposed by Mrs. Reese, and seconded by Mrs. Haman and Mrs. William M. Smith. Those ladies who knew Mrs. Bartlett expressed the opinion that she could be a desirable member and the election would take place at the January meeting of the Board.

P. D. Uhler, Secretary pro tem.

Meeting of January 5th, 1911.

The first meeting of the Board of Management for the year 1911 was held as usual on the first Thursday of the month at the home of the President 1037 North Calvert Street at 11 o’clock.

The ladies present were Mrs. Wrenshall, Mrs. Alan P. Smith, Miss Crane, Mrs. Powell, Miss Cooper, and Mrs. Uhler.

At the request of Miss Crane, Mrs. Uhler took the minutes.

Minutes of called meeting of December 13th were read and approved.

Saddened as we all were by the sudden death of our honored and beloved member Miss An-


nie Hollins who passed away on January 3rd the first thought was how we could best show our love and appreciation. It was decided that a bouquet of violets and palms should be sent for the funeral--violets the club flower and palms for victory.

Knowing that the [?not sure of word] Club would desire to take part in any resolution passed the President requested our Vice-President Mrs. Alan P. Smith to prepare resolutions and present them for endorsement at the Club meeting on Tuesday January 10th.

Mrs. Wrenshall read a letter from Mrs. Tyson expressing her thanks for our wish to have her remain with us, but declining.

Mrs. William K. Bartlett proposed by Mrs. Percey M. Reese and seconded by Mrs. Lord and Mrs. William M. Smith was elected and the Secretary instructed to notify her of the election.

The resignation of Mrs. Daniel Pope was presented and accepted with deep regret. As Mrs. Pope’s resignation was due to illness the Secretary was asked to write to her that if she could not reconsider her decision now, she could do so when her health was restored.

The names of Mrs. Harry Wilson of Roland Park and Miss Victoria Elizabeth Gittings were mentioned as probable members.

Mrs. Wrenshall spoke of the plans for the remaining “Evening Meetings” Mr. Roderick of Washington has offered for February a reading of Twelfth


Night. The President has seen Mr. Roderick and was favorably impressed, and his references are good. He donates his services, so the expense for the entertainment will be slight.

For the March entertainment there is a possibility of having the [?not sure of word] [?Conrade], but this is not definitely settled.

The Twelfth Night entertainment held on January 3rd had been an unqualified success and the members of the Board felt that it was entirely due to the efforts of the President and Mrs. MackCaud who worked untiringly.

Mrs. Powell, who goes abroad at the end of January expressed her regret at leaving us, but hopes to be back at the end of September and again take up her duties. During her absence the house keeping duties will be divided among the Club members--Mrs. Bowie doing it at present.

After a chat over the coffee, adjournment.

Meeting of February 2nd, 1911.

The February meeting of the Board of Management of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore was held at the home of the President, 1037 North Calvert Street on February 2nd at eleven a.m.

The members present were the President, Mrs. J. C. Wrenshall, second vice-president Mrs. Alan P. Smith, treasurer Miss Mullin and the two secretaries, Miss Crane and Mrs. Uhler.


The minutes of the January meeting were read and approved.

The resignation of Miss Susie Norris Jones was presented and accepted with deep regret. Miss Jones’s resignation is due to continued ill health and absence from the city. The Board requested the Corresponding Secretary to extend to Miss Jones the courtesy of the Club whenever she was in the city and the President requested that her special regrets should be included.

Mrs. Wrenshall read notes of appreciative acknowledgement for flowers and resolutions from Miss Kirk and Mrs. Miller for those sent for Miss Hollins and from Mrs. Robinson for those sent to honor Mrs. Paret.

Miss Gettings 231 West Preston Street proposed by Mrs. MackCaud and seconded by Miss Marie Turner and Miss Lillie Schuauffer, and Miss Janette G. Sickle 2410 North Charles Street proposed by Miss Marine, and seconded by Mrs. S. A. Hill and Mrs. William M. Smith, having been proposed at a previous meeting, were elected.

The name of Miss Cora King was suggested for membership. Miss Porter of Eutaw Place expressed a desire to come into the Club.

Mrs. Wrenshall read a letter from Miss Stiebler mentioning the probability of two lady singers for the March evening meeting. The arrangements were left in the hands of the President.

The report of Mrs. Bowie who had been acting on the House Committee in the absence of Mrs.


Powell was presented. Mrs. Bowie will be unable to act after February and Mrs. Uhler was requested to attend to the work temporarily. The Treasurer was requested however to send to Mrs. Bowie the March $10 for the housekeeping.

The resignation of Mrs. George K. McGaw was presented and accepted with deep regret. The resignation of Mrs. Jordan Stabler as first vice-president was presented and accepted also with much regret.

To fill these vacancies in the Board, Mrs. Alan P. Smith was unanimously elected to fill the first vice-presidency, and Mrs. William M. Smith to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mrs. McGaw,--the second vice-presidency to be filled at a future meeting.

Mention was made of the possibility of the presentation of a patriotic play on February 21st by students of Academy of [?not sure of word] under the management of Miss Marine.

After a chat over cake and coffee the meeting was adjourned-- P. D. Uhler sec’y pro-tem.


No meeting in March.


Meeting of April 6th, 1911.

The Board of Management of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore held a meeting on Thursday morning April 6th 1911 at the home of the


President, Mrs. John C. Wrenshall. There were present the President, two Secretaries, Treasurer and two Directors, Miss Cooper and Mrs. William M. Smith.

Mrs. Uhler Corresponding Secretary read her minutes of the meeting of February 2nd which were approved. The resignation of our member Miss Jones was presented and with regret accepted.

Several bills for the general expenses of the Club were submitted by the President and given to the Treasurer for settlement. Various items of housekeeping expenses were reported.

It was recalled that Mrs. Bowie who had been in charge of the housekeeping department for some time had been obliged to withdraw some time ago from that work and Mrs. Uhler had since been in charge of it. Mrs. Uhler’s work and accounts had been found evidently satisfactory as were also her proposals for the future meetings. Mention was made of assistance given by Mrs. Fenhagen--a comparatively new member.

Miss Cooper spoke of the Bulletin Board in her [?charge] and explained details with regard to it.

The next subject taken was that of the immense number of letters written by our President for the Club this year and similar work devolving upon her,--with only a few days of copying done by Miss Barton, to assist her. The Board gave its unanimous decision that our President should


have all the assistance she could obtain in her arduous efforts for the benefit of the Club.

The President read to the Board a letter to herself from our member Mrs. Powell dated “Rome, Italy” March 22nd. It was very entertaining and showed continued interest in the Club.

The President called attention to the two vacancies on the Board of Management, particularly with regard to our being without a second Vice-President. The filling of this office had been urged by Mrs. Alan P. Smith now our first Vice-President, when she was lately about to leave Baltimore for an absence of some length. It was unanimously agreed that this place should be immediately filled.

Mrs. Uhler then nominated Miss H. Frances Cooper as our second Vice-President. After some remonstrance by Miss Cooper, Miss Mullin seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously with the exception of Miss Cooper abstaining from voting.

Mrs. Uhler spoke of the advantage to the Board of having Mrs. Wrenshall Markland as one of the members. The proposal met with unanimous approbation, and expressions of our grateful appreciation of Mrs. Markland’s valuable services to the Club and the suitability of her receiving honor from it.

Suggestions were made with regard to future meetings especially on the subject of the


music to be provided for the closing Salon.

Methods of enforcing the rules of the Club and especially of calling the attention of all members to them were explained and approved.

The Board adjourned, but informal discussion continued around the hospitable table of the hospitable President.

Club Year 1911-1912.

Board of Management elected by Club May 16th, 1911.

President Mrs.              J. C. Wrenshall                           

1st Vice Prest.               Mrs. Alan P. Smith                  

2   “        “                              Mrs. S. A. Hill                              

Recording Secy            Miss Lydia Crane                    

Corr. Secy                        Mrs. P. R. Uhler                         

Treasurer                        Miss E. L. Mullin                       



Miss H. F. Cooper

Miss Cloud

Mrs. Wrenshall-Markland

Those holding over from the last year are

Mrs. Powell, Mrs. Sidney Turner and Mrs. Will M. Smith







“1910-1911 Board of Managers Meeting Minutes,” The Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore, accessed February 23, 2025, https://loyolanotredamelib.org/Aperio/WLCB/items/show/13490.Item
