1918-1919 Meeting Minutes


[MS988 Box 5, Book 6]


[Nov. 5, 1918]

On the 5th of November last, being the first Teusday [Tuesday] in the month, The Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore held its first regular meeting for the year 1918-19. It having been agreed upon at a previous business counsel to hold only [one?] meeting a month on account of the war and conditions in general.

The meeting was in charge of the Committee on Travel and Folk-lore, Chairmen, Mrs. S. Hill and Mrs. Charles Lord.

Mrs. Lord opened with a paper on Corea giving an interesting account of this island so much coveted by its neighbours China, Japan, and Russia and its final annexation to Japan in 1910. To Corea, Mrs. Lord told us, we are indebted for the first suspension bridge and the first battle-ship. She spoke of the 30 schools established there, the Budist [Buddhist] monasteries, and the large hotel which has lately celebrated its 60th birthday.

Mrs. Hill supplemented this talk with a few remarks gleamed [gleaned] from her own experience with the Corean women, mentioning in particular one with whom she had been in especial touch.

Mrs. Thurston in a Travel-Talk introduced her subject by stating that it covered but a short period and only embraced a small country. But Novia [Nova] Scotia as presented to us proved more interesting might have wider fields. From Maine the journey to her destination took 56 hours. The country she found mostly as God made it-forests untouched by man. She spoke of its wonderful harbor with its depth of clear black water, the fruit, the coolness of the nights when at home we were sizzling and suffering with the heat she was comfortably reposing under wool comforts and Hudson-Bay blankets.

Miss Dorsey’s paper on the Folk-lore of Dorset Co. was read by Mrs. Hill as Miss Dorsey was unable wo [to] be with us that afternoon.

In this paper Miss Dorsey spoke of mamories [memories] and superstitions that preserve the vital spark of a people superstitions that are fast dying out under the touch of education and enlightenment. The old tales harking back to the darker periods teem with man’s sensitivenee [sensitivity?] to the supernatural and the strong intuition and insticnt [instinct] that education dispels.

Owing to the economic situation and the club's desire to do its bit in this line the usual cup of tea and cracker which always followed the talks was dispensed with as the mebers [members] agreed to be social without the aid of the social tea.


[No minutes for the remainder of Nov. 1918]


[Dec. 3, 1918]

The Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore held a meeting on Teusday [Tuesday], December 3 1918

The Committee on Fiction, Chairman Mrs. Beverly Smith was in charge of the pro afternoon’s program.

The Minutes of the previous meeting having been read and accepted Mrs. Julius Thruston opened the program with one of her stories.

In “The Gift of the White God” we had a tale of the ancient Norseman in those days when the story of the Christ-man was first brought to these more northern regions. The conversation between the missionary and the warrior unfolded on the one hand a sorrowful recital of past and present woe and the glorious revelation on the other of a new religion. The story moved on to a dramatic climax in which the mir seemingly miraculous restoration of wife and child takes place and “The Gift of The White God” provokes strong faith in that God.

“Two Wrongs Don’t make a Right” was the stringing together of a number of incident- concerning an old lady and a young couple in whom the spirit of ‘make-believe was strong. The old lady under a sentimental exterior retained a sharp eye took in the situation and in making her will proved a practical as well as beneficent friend

“The True End” by Miss Grace Enzie, proved an interesting story on a most interesting subject, reincarnation. In it we had the account of an unfinished romance of the past - the tragedy of tragic ending of the girl’s aunt and her lover.       

The story dealt with the meeting of the neice [niece] and nephew of this ill-fated young couple, and in their love we had the continuation of the girl unfinished lives of the aunt and uncle -- the true ending of that unfulfilled love in a past generation

For economical reasons refreshments were not in evidence and the afternoon’s literary program was concluded with a friendly chat between members.


[Jan. 28, 1919]

The Woman’s literary Clib [Club] of Baltimore resumed its weekly meetings on Teusday [Tuesday] the 28 of January with a good attendance of members. The Minutes of the previous meeting having been read and accepted the President gave a short talk in which she gave a summary of the work expected of the different Committees for the rest of the club year.

Mrs. Beverly Smith as Chairman of the Fiction class was appealed to to keep that section of the club busy. Miss Virginia cloud having kindly undertaken a class for the benefit of the fiction writer it was hoped that this committee would under her guidance would do better work and help to renew old glories and add new lustre [luster] to the club.

In the Drama section the President recommended the study of finer lights and shades and the systematic attention to the drama as seen in the best.

In The Travel Committee it was suggested to trust to the various travelled members of our club for those more interesting personal accounts of their own experience information not to be found in Baedaker.

Music with its varied and wide interest must receive attention.

In art the additional production, result of recent war, had to be studied.

And in Colonial and Revolutionary History there were many little byways and unexpected corners to be explored.

The Committe [Committee] on Folk-Lore had before it an exhaustless interest.

Added to which was the Committe [Committee] on Poetry, Chairman, our widely well-known poetess Miss Lizette Woodworth Reese, that embraces so many of our members. 

And last but certainly not least the Committe [Committee] on Bible Literature, Chairman, Mrs. Copeland

Miss Haughton suggested that A library of reference books, the neucleus [nucleus] of which had been just donated by Miss Cloud.

Our President concluded the afternoon’s talk by treating the members to one of her stories, “Fool-Proof Island,” to which she invited criticism. Needless to add that the criticism provoked was not the sort invited.


[Feb. 4, 1919]

The Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore held its weekly meeting Teusday [Tuesday] February 4 1919, in the form of a birthday salon -- to celebrate the Club’s 29th year.

The program, in charge of Mrs. Beverly Smith, Chairman of the Fiction Committee, was given as a magazine, different members contributing to its pages.

The first, an article, by Mrs. Julius Thruston, “Miss Baltimore,” in which our city, clad in the fantastic shape of a woman, steps lightly across her hills. From the river’s front to the woodland beyond; from those days, when the fear of enemies kept her in walled spaces to those broader sweeps of territory that mark, but her ever increasing boundaries today.

On the next page we turned to a poem, by Mrs. Sollenberger. “Creation.” Which spoke the nebulous beginning in that thought whie - the plasmatic form that is moulded [molded] into shape to emerge the created whole.

Turning another page there was a story from the pen of our well-known writer Miss Virginia Cloud. “Sweet Alice,” proved as absorbing as its title promised. Sweet Alice returns to the spot that marked the happy memories of her young married life from which death claimed her. The house is enlarged, the husband married again. From the poem which held the memory of husband and son she hears other voices beyond. Her son in France. As her spirit lingers in the small room so well-remembered, Donnelly the husban [husband] enters, leaving the gayer crowd. A message is brought that Alice’s son, the boy Dennis has died from wounds received in France. Alice is not far away - she must have been near the boy.

From this story we went to an essay, “Mountain-Tops and Valleys,” by Mrs. Howard Palmer, in which those who had any illusions concerning a permanent stay on the heights of the mountain tops were given a shock by getting the truth concerning this matter, namely that 9-10 of this life of ours is spent in the valleys. Some want to believe this thing of high altitudes in everyday affairs when we know no effort of the imagination can keep them in the air when their feet stick to the clay of this earth. and know it is clay.

The next page “A Song,” by Mrs. Beverly Smith with its breath of love and its concentrated beauty occupying too small a space from the viewpoint of the reader

Another story, “Aunt Bartlett’s Wedding Gown,” by Mrs. W. Thomas. Giving a tragedy of the past and a wedding in the present. Aunt Bartlett the old lady whose lover was killed at Gettysburg has her memory kindled by the talk of the war today. The gown that was to have been her wedding-dress may be needed. The village dressmaker makes it. Charlotte, the great-neice [niece], with her love-affair, is to be married. Charlotte’ mother admires Aunt Bartlett’s dress, which the old lady speaks of as a shroud. She wishe [wishes] Charlotte had a wedding gown. The girlis [girl is] to be married at six. The old lady at the last moment wishes the girl to have the dress. In her effort to be heard, and the excite attendant her heart gives way. But Charlotte’s mother has seen to it that the gown has been worn.

 On the last page came “In Lighter vein.” consisting of a few jokes.

Mrs. Charles Lord in a poem gave the Club a “Toast,” a fitting conclusion embracing past and present with all good wishes for the Club’s future

The room was beautifully decorated and chairs set about informally with ten-tables spread in the midst. The entertainment proved most delightful and novel and everybody enjoyed themselves.


[Feb. 11, 1919]

The Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore held its weekly meeting last Teusday [Tuesday], February 11th 1919.

The Minutes of the previous meeting having been read and accepted, our president announced that the afternoon’s entertainment would consist of a program given by the first president of the club, Mrs. Lawrence Turnbull.

Mrs. Turnbull began by reading extracts from an address she had given the club on the anniversary of its first birthday, 28 years ago, in which was summed up the original ideas and rules of the constitution first drawn up by the organized body of women who formed the club.

Then as now it demanded the best of its members. Committee work was started to suit individual work. Science and love were to go hand in hand. Love as the fulfilling of the law to be the ruling guide.

Mrs. Turnbull read some extracts from one of her books, the story of the boy who knew no evil and his strange idealization of the great Napoleon resulting in. The artist-boy creating a masterpiece out of his dreams - a human face with the soul of an angel. The death of the boy and the effect wrought on the man of war whose life had meant death and destruction wherever he went on seeing himself as he might have been.

Mrs. Turnbull also treated us to a few little personal recollections of her friend, Sydney [Sidney] Lanier, alluding to the centenial [centennial] ode that wont he offered prized and other works, and the man himself, his personality and his home life.

The meeting was then adjourned and Members lingered for a few minutes to meet Mrs. Turnbull and thank her for a very pleasant afternoon.


[Feb. 18, 1919]

The Woman’s Literary Club held its usual weekly meeting last Teusday [Tuesday], Feb. 18 with a  very good attendance. 

The Committee on Colonial and Revolutionary History, Chairman Miss Harriet Marine, was in charge of the afternoon’s program.

The Minutes of the last meeting having been read and accepted, Miss Marine began by reading. The title of the paper, “Heirlooms,” which related to various letters collected from many sources and dating to pre-revolutionary years. Amongst these were some from the Fairfax family - an old bill of Godds shipped from London to Virginia. And yet another from a gentleman in London giving an account of an unfortunate brother of th [the] writer. And on dating from Virginia voicing a modern demand for the services of a good cook, for which domestic the gentleman was willing to pay 15lbs per annum.

Miss Nickolas [Nicholas] then gave the club a short account of “The Last Colonial Governor of Virginia, beginning with the story of two chairs that had been in her possession but had not passed into that of the direct descendents [descendants] of the governor, John Murray, Earle of Dunale, to whom the chairs had belonged. From the chairs Miss Nicholas proceeded to some interesting facts connected with this gentleman who had happened to come into prominence when America was conetmplating [contemplating] doing away with England’s unnecessary rule.

“In a Word.” Mrs. Copeland ran the note of patriotism up the ascending scale from the child’s idea of what it meant to the ever widening compass that found the fulle chord of meaning in 1918. When with Tennyson she dipped into the future and caught its echoes vibrating in that dream of universal peace, “Till the war-drums throbbed no longer And the battle-flags were furled In the parliment [parliament] of man, the Federation of the World.” 

“A Glass of Wine,” from Mrs. Thruston, gave the varied experiences of a small cellerette [cellarette] which came to Virginia in 1627, and started on its American career in the country of Powhatan on Pertent creek. Teh [The] cellerett’s [cellarette’s] story career ended in the peaceful quarters of a place beside Mrs. Thruston’s desk and from a kee a repository for wine it has now become a repository for old papers, belonging as it does to a connoisseur of words rather than wine. 

Miss Virginia Cloud concluded the program with one of her poems - “The Rivers of our Own Land, that wind from sun to sun.["]


[Feb. 25, 1919]

The Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore held its weekly meeting Teusday [Tuesday] last, Feb. 25th. It being the last Teusday [Tuesday] in the month the afternoon was devoted to the discussion of books, and under the revival of an old rule this last Teusday [Tuesday] of each month is to be kept in the form of a salon, which means refreshments and departure from a regular Committee on a particular subject.

Mrs. Hoffman took Booth Tarkington’s “The Magnificent Amberson’s,” to speak about. A book which showed up the empty pomp of mere money without the character to back it. 

Mrs E. M. Sollenberger took one of her friend’s, the well-known writer, Mrs Helen Martin, books to talk over. “Maggie,” told in the first person from the view pont of the child was, she said, an interesting study in hereditary.

Mrs. Lord then followed with the very interesting autobiography of Amelia Barr. “All the Days of My Life,” written at the age of 81.

Mrs. Virginia Bowie, in “The Unknown Guest,” by Mataerlinck [Maeterlinck], set forth in a few words the gist of the book, namely the wonders of the subjective mind.

Miss Marine, next on the program, spoke of one of Baltimore’s authors, John Kennedy, the man who had done so much in the way of encouraging art and progressuplift. His books she spoke of as being true to history and tradition and made wonderful pictures of the times with which they dealt.

Mrs. Copeland gave as a preliminary warning to her chose book, if in doubt don’t read. “Churchill’s Dwelling Place of Light” being rather a treatment of sordid subjects which are being rather overdone in this twentieth century.

Miss Virginia Cloud commented on that last very popular book, “The Education of Henry Adams," an autobiography full of humorous philosophy and ranging from Boston to London and then to Washinton [Washington].

After the program guests and members were treated to a collation of sandwiches and cakes. Needless to say that the afternoon, spite of unpropitious weather proved most enjoyable.


[Mar. 4, 1919]

The Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore held its usual meeting last Tesuday [Tuesday] March 4. The Committe [Committee] on Fiction, Chairman Mrs. Beverly Smith being in charge of the program. 

Mrs. J. H. Palmer began with, “Unmasking Fenella.” A stpry [story] dealing with the modern young woman with who has literary taste. The clever Fenella has managed to so completely camouflaged the real self, but with the kindly aid of the editor to whom she has submitted some of her undesireable [undesirable] specimens and who recognizes her talent., she is unmasked and becomes so much the real woman as to forget her art. 

Mrs. Sollenberger, in the story of “Private Max” gave the entertaining story of a small patriot and very enthusiastic soldier whose soul is devoured with admiration for the men who make up the Fifth Regiment. It was when the regiment marched away that Private Mac realized what it meant to be a real soldier and keep a brave front and to wave the flag at his departing friends. when he felt more like weeping.

 “Because of Bob,” by S. H. Thomas, was an account of a war bride who after the glamor and excitement of having captured the heart of the man whoes [whose] family have taken no notice of her live on the avenue begins to realize with the advent of a baby that things are not as she thought they would be. Because of Bob and Bob’s people who have taken no notice of her she is full of vague discontent with herself. Then Bob’s mother sends for her and she learns of her husband’s death on the

“What Sally Saw,” by Miss Bansemer was the story of two women Sally, the wife of a prosperous man, and Maisie the woman who has married the man Sally might have had had she possessed the courage to face poverty. By chance the aid of Maisie the man makes good, and the story dealt with a shopping expedition of which Sally takes charge to see that Maisie buys the right sort of clothes when Sally’s eyes were opened.

The afternoon’s program was followed by the usual friendly chat between members and friends.


[Mar. 11, 1919]

The Woman’s literary Club of Baltimore held its weekly meeting last Tesuday, March 11. The Committe [Committee] on Unfamiliar Records, Chairman Mrs. Phillip Uhler, being in charge of the afternoon’s program.

After the minutes of last meeting had been read and accepted Mrs. Uhler, read a paper written by Mrs. Markland on “The Unfamiliar Record.” Being a few thoughts on its beauty. As seen through the modern drab that has a tendency to strip life bare of finer shades the beauty hid in concealed corners of the past gleams with additional light. Mrs. Markland spoke of the individual through all ages, ever stumbling but never losing courage, the vision o the beautiful that must needs to be wide and deep to echo along the centuries in those songs and legends that seek the heights beyond, the mystic who translates the real into the ideal and in his turn builds better than he knew. 

In “Mary’s Delight,” Miss Grace Enzie gave the club an interesting account of that old mansion dating back to the seventeeth [seventeenth] century and which after passing through several hands, and getting its name from one of the owners who had indulged in a second wife and had paid her the compliemnt [compliment] of naming it for her, was purchased by Miss Enzie’s grandfather. “Mary’s Delight,” under one of its former owners was used as a hospital, nor was it lacking in the usual complement of interesting “Hants,” for it boasts a ghost, a box of bones and a spooky middle room. 

Miss Virginia Bowie then treated us to a paper on the “Dress of Our Ancestors, giving us a vivid description of the discomforts of the young of those past periods when arrayed in stiff brocade and done up in stiffer stays they wore their dresses the length of such length as to touch the floor. The boys did not fare much better than their sisters. Until the ages of six they wore nankeen robes after that they were put into the costumes of their fathers. The baby alone escaped the tortures of fashion and was dressed in loose robes. The most sensible article belonging to the one-year old when learning to walk was the pad tied about its forehead to prevent too serious bumps.

After the program guest and member lingered for the usual social chat.


[Mar. 18, 1919]

The Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore held its usual weekly meeting last March 18. The Commite [Committee] on Drama, Chairman Miss Virginia Cloud being in charge of the program.

Our first speaker, Miss Ellen Duval, whom we do not often have the pleasure of having with us, gave us a talk on the Spanish Playwrite, Jaccinto Benevente. Miss Duval preluded [precluded] her remarks by saying that only three nations, the Greek, English, and Spanish can boast of having produced great dramatic writers. This last Spanish playwright she told us an exception to that essence of moderism [modernism] which rejects the past. Alluding to his works, “The Prince Who Learned Everything from Books,” The Governor's Wife,” and “Saturday Night,” she said that he was a master of dramatic dialogue with an unrivalled power of characterization.

Miss Virginia Bowie’s “Interpretation of Maeterlinck’ Joyzelle,” touched on the vague knowledge struggling for expression, the present lift in the spiritual as the influence rather of the collective mind than that of the individual, and of Maeterlinck’s interpretation of the subjective as pointing out stupendous possibilities in that direction.

Miss Virginia Cloud then read one of her short stories in which a woman proves in a most interesting and intensely absorbing piece of fiction what she can do when it is up to her to do it.

“The Hant” a one-act comedy,by Miss Duval wasnext given by that lady. Scene the callat of an old house, persons a mulatto butler and his master with the ‘hant’ floating somewhere in the background. This ‘hant’ after upsetting the servant’s equilibrium and incidentally that of a bucket of ashes, acts of Mr. Witherspoon’s nerves and the two are in a pretty bad way when they find themselves attracted to the old fire-alarm. Which brings to light a hidden fortunes and explains the reason of the ‘hant’ hanging around.

“The Gay Marquise,” another one-act play, was next read by the author, Miss Cloud. The play had for its setting an old chateau and for its actor two young [1] nurses and a doctor. Around this place has been recently enacted one of war’s tragedies. The spirit of the girl, Denise, and her lover are senses by the girl Antoinette. The chatelaine and an old bell-cord are responsible for the rest-the lifting of the curtain on the past. 


[Mar. 26, 1919]

The Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore held its usual weekly meeting Teusday [Tuesday] last March 26. As it was the last meeting of the month the afternoon was devoted to the discussion of books, Mrs. Haffman being in charge of the program.

Mrs. Hooper began by speaking of a book that came out a year or two ago, “A Modern Madonna,” by Caroline Abbot Stanley. The story of the book as told by Mrs. Hoffman proved intensely interesting. It dealt with a law that has since the publication of the book, been repelled, which allows a man to will away his unborn child. Mrs. Hooper spoke of the smoothness of the writing, the glimpse into a very modern Washington, and particularly the spiritual development of the heroine.

“A Woman’s Woman,” as next discussed by Mrs. Uhler was a very up-to date novel dealing with a very natural family that the century has produced. Mrs. Denise Plummer starts as a comfortable 19th century bride who later, grasping the fact of her family’s attitude towards her takes matters in her own hands and turns the situation closing in about her completey [completely] the other way, twisting the reader's sympathy this direction and that, until in the end one feels sorry for the entire lot of them.

Mrs. Dickey then read a paper on the story of the day, “The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse,” which she said was a wonderful place of history given in dressed up characters of fiction. The emotional effect of the book was marvellous especially the chapter describing the invasion of the Huns into France, which she spoke of as being superb piece of work. The most human character in the book was, Mrs. Dickey said, the old Spaniard.

Some hitch in the domestic part of the club prevented the usual refreshments that are generally the accompaniment of the last Teusday [Tuesday] in the month. The program however compemnated [compensated] for any deficiency in that line.


[Apr. 1, 1919]

The Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore held its weekly meeting last Teusday [Tuesday], April 1st, the Committee on Translations, Chairman Miss Virginia Bowie having charge of the afternoon’s program.

The President, Miss L. Haughton referred to having represented this club at the anniversary of the Arundel Club, an offshoot of this, and spoke of that club’s attitude towards the Literary Club.

The program was opened by Mrs. G. Fast, one of our young new members, who gave us a translation from the Scandanavian [Scandinavian] writer Selma Lagerlof. “The Story of a Story[“] was the writers story of herself, how she came to be a novelist, letting the public in to the secret charm of the old home, the winning of the prize, and all the varied attempts and failure of her earlier literary career until she found herself and wrote in her own style.

Miss Bowie then gave us some of the letters received from her “soldier sons” during the recent war. Giving the account of how she had come into the office of gomother [godmother] to seven French and Belgian soldiers and how the correspondence began. The letters of Jean Batiste proved most interesting, proving how firmly Miss Bowie had established herself in the heart of the little Belgian.

The program concluded members and friends lingered for their usual social chat.


[Apr. 8, 1919]

The Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore heald a weekly meeting last Teusday [Tuesday], April 8 1919. The Committee on Travel, Chairman Mrs. Charles Lord, having charge of the afternoon’s program.

Mrs. Lord opened the program with a talk on our Western Wonder, stopping at Watkinss [Watkins] Glen and the Aunsable [Ausable] Chasm on her way West to the Colarado [Colorado] Pass and the stupendous marvels of a creation nat yet completed. The facades and steps in sand mountains through which rivers have torn their way, the violet depths of chasms, all of which makes one stop thrilled with the glory yet to be revealed.

Miss Grace Enzie then spoke of the monarch, “King Cole,” as she made his accquaintance [acquaintance] in the small town, Hazeltown [Hazelton], set in the foothills of the Blue Ridge, once under the sea-level, from whence its coal mines, now 2,000 ft. above its level. Miss Enzie gave us a descripition [description] of this Pennsylvania Dutch town, with a population of 30,00 [3,000], a queer, primitive sort of folks full of the lust of greed and fight.

Miss Haughton supplemented these travel sketches in out country with some reminiscences of her travels in Europe, especially the Paris she remembered from the dressmaker’s point of view, giving us some very interesting experiences, interlarded with amusing anecdotes apropos of her voyage and over and back and the time she was there. Introducing her audience to the Parisian makers and venders of styles the modiates and models with whom the ordinary traveller never gets in touch. Those inner glimpses of the world of fashion helped us to realize what an intricate and wonderful things style is.

The trip to Paris concluded the program the program came to an end. 


[Apr. 15, 1919]

The Woman’s Literary Club held its usual weekly meeting, Teusday [Tuesday] last, April 15 The Committee on Essays. Chairman Mrs. J. Thurston, being in charge of the afternoon’s program.

Mrs. Thurston opened with an essay, “Poetry Hunger,” which she preluded [precluded] with the quotation, “Dream of mountains as they in their turn Dream of things eternal. [“] Our bookshelves with the volumes of old poets no longer satisfy us. The color of our moods and minds have changed. Browning, Tennyson and Jean Ingelow belong to a world that has passed. The federation of this world is being shaped, spiritual brotherhood is recognized, the upper and the lower crust of humanity are working together and the poetry of today must ring the cadence of today.

Mrs. Sellenberger then gave us an essay on Women, “Over Forty.” This being the high-water mark which once attained the rest doesn’t count at least not in the same acute way. She alluded to the immature woman who has passed this decade but holds on to the desires and tatses [tastes] of another. The strength of high as opposed to the more befitting low tones. The old lady, as we knew her in the past, an extinct species now, and the great gifts accorded to each age as reached if one would only gracefully accept them.

“A Series of Remarks,” by Mrs.Beverly Smith bid us remember the past. The warmest haters being the first to forget she said that we as Americans must hold fast to some of the lessons extracted from the discomforts of the war period. The cold plunge or worse the cat wash, the constant cornmeal diet, the empty sugar box the cheap cuts of meat and the servantless kitchen, and the frantic efforts which we each and all coped with unusual situation must something for the general uplift of humanity now.

The program concluded with these remarks.


[Apr. 22, 1919]

The Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore held its weekly meeting Teusday [Tuesday] last, April 22. The committee on the Literature of the Bible,” being in charge of the afternoon’s program.

Mrs. Hooper began with a paper on “The Women of the Bible.” In which she said that the spiritual or religious element plays a greater part in women than in men. Touching on the different characteristics of these women as found in the Bible she showed the diplomatic, military and sacrificial spirit in women, their weakness and their strength as seen in the many characters found in the Bible.

Mrs. Copelan[d], in “Why Read the Bible, and How.” began with quoting the in junction [injunction], “Search the Scriptures,” and from the pointed out the various reasons for so doing. People being more religious at heart than they are anything else, can find more satisfaction in these pages than in any others. For prophesy [prophecy] and its fulfilment today as seen in the progress of science. For the personal message of God. For essays and poetry, history[,] architecture and geology, for all life’s deeper meanings, its hidden truths, Search the Scriptures.

Mrs. Thurston then supplemented Mrs. Hooper’s talk by “More Women of the Bible” touching more particularly on the women as found in the New Testament. Lydia, the seller of purple, the business woman, whose husband sat among the elders.Dorcas, Dorcas, full of charity and good works who constructed garments for the needy, and did not confine her benefits to her immediate relations. Mary, the mother of sorrows, and her cousin Elizabeth. Martha and her sister Mary with their different characteristics,from which, Mrs. Thruston took us back to the old Testament and gave a brief summary if the various types as found there. [7]

The Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore held its last weekly meeting for the month of May in the form of a salon. Mrs. Harriet Lummis Smith, former president of the club, presiding, and also furnishing the entertainment for the afternoon by reading portions from her latest novel.

The story dealt with a girl possessed of enterprise and energy to say nothing of a crowning glory of red hair, and a blind man, who fortunatelt [fortunately] towards the end of the tale regains his sight, In the short space alletted [allotted] to the reading the interest of the club was sufficiently roused as to provoke the desire to learn more fully of the doing of these two interesting characters, and to hope that all would soon have the pleasure of persuing [pursuing] the same in book form.

The program concluded with the usual refreshments accompanying a salon, and the more than usual eclat consequent on entertaining. 


[May 20, 1919]

A meeting of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore was held May 20. The program under the direction of Mrs. Beverly Smith being given in the form of a magazine the second given this year. Mrs. Howard Palmer, in “The Hidden Voice”, gave an interesting little sketch in psychology, concerning the man who having lost his hearing in the war is suddenly cut off from a world of sound.

Mrs. Sollenberger then read an amusing account of a German nurse who having married a Frenchman has lost her taste for the race. And by her indiscreet remarks based on her knowledge of one Frenchman, almost gets into trouble with the police.

“A Day of Life,” by Mrs. Thurston, was a story of the young husband who, thanks to high wages, gets a chance to really enjoy himself in his own way. That his wife is broad-minded and big enough not to interfere with his day of life made the story one of most human interest.


[May 27, 1919]

The Woman’s Literary of Baltimore held an informal meeting Teusday [Tuesday] last, May 27 in which the discussion of books and some especially interesting stories that had lately been published in the leading magazines were spoken of by the members present. Amongst these were “The Devil’s Cradle,” by the author of “The Salt of the Earth,” “The Arror [Arrow] of Gold,” one of Conrad’s novels. “The Unknown Aisle,” “Fighting Shepherdess.[“]

Mrs. Uhler spoke of a recent play, “Through the Ages,” which she had been very interested in seeing the week before.Mrs. Beverly Smith alluded to a book of short stories, “Studies in Wives,” by Mrs. Belloc Lowndes. Also a short, very original story,published in Colliers concerning a resourceful soldier and the result of a unique idea to effect a cure.

Miss Haughton drew our attention to another novel, “The Widow of a Great Man,” by Gautier.

With but few present the afternoon’s entertainment triumphed over numbers and mproved [improved] what a few could do when they had to do it. 





“1918-1919 Meeting Minutes,” The Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore, accessed February 23, 2025, https://loyolanotredamelib.org/Aperio/WLCB/items/show/13483.Item
