1917-1918 Meeting Minutes


[MS 988 BOX 5, BOOK 5]

[October 16, 1917]

The Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore held its regular weekly meeting Teusday [Tuesday] last, October 16. The Committee on Fiction, Chairman, Mrs. Percy M. Reese being in charge of the afternoon’s program.

“Her only Dependence,” by Mrs. Julius Thurston was the story of the unusual mother-in-law who has come to depend on her incapable, pleasant son-in-law to such an extent that the thought of his being drafted into the war and leaving her lies heavy on her soul. Walter’s number appearing on the official list the mother-in-law becomes desperate and does the only thing within her power to save him that of transferring her property to over to him, and making herself and daughter really dependent on him. The turn of the fortune gives the young man an opportunity to enjoy things. The money disappears. There has been a mistake in the figuring of the number drawn. The only sensible one in the family, the wife and daughter, returns from doing her bit and takes charge of the situation to relief of all.

A Twentieth Century Revision by Mrs. Thomas, dealt with a war-time version of the two sons- one who said I Go [go] and went not, and the other who said, “I will not,” and went.

“Oh, Viola,” by Mrs. Beverly Smith, was the breezy account of a factory girl’s after receiving a serious shack in an accident. Convalescing at Atlantic City. From here she give the story in a series of letters written by Etta to Viola in which she confides all her experiences, joys and sorrows concerning a certain young black man,Buck. Through the disinterested efforts of a young man she has happened to meet on the board-walk Buck is finally discovered and brought to light and everything that which threatened to end in a tragedy winds up instead within the sound of marriage bells.

The afternoon’s cup of tea was afterwards dispensed and enjoyed by guest and member.


[Oct. 23, 1917]

The Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore held its usual weekly meeting last Teusday [Tuesday], October 23, The committee on Unfamiliar Records, Chairman, Mrs. Philip R. Uhler, being in charge of the afternoon’s program.

Miss Harriet P. Marine, in a paper entitled, Maryland, A Mother State, brought to our more particular notice the maternal qualities in connection with this land we ought to love the best. Regretting that in spite of its many historical advantages,literature leaned northwards to the ignoring of this important centrepiece in the building of a country. Ms. Marine reminded her hearers of the four hundred Marylanders that were sacrificed to save George Washington, repeating the statement of the revolutionary General. That it is upon you and your Maryland troops that George Washington depends.

“The Old Lighthouse at Cape Henry,” was the interesting account of the ways and means, dating from the landing of the Spaniards on the coast, of the lighting in those particular parts. The pine knots used by pirates to mislead mariners, the origin of the name of Nag’s head, the erection in 1798 of the old lighthouse, down to the present one when there is one of the finest along the coast, standing just in front of the old lighthouse.

Miss Bowie gave us “Seem Curious Happenings in Colonial Days,” a mixture of comedy and tragedy, dealing with the small vanities of the Madam Johnson, formerly a Dutch widow, who, doubtless be the law of contrast, fell in love with the puritan pastor, stranded in that country on his way to America. His flock being offended by her mode of gay apparel as opposed to their plainer garb voiced their displeasure through the medium of the pastors brother. These disputations, concerning the lady’s light behavior and her crisping pins and wimples, lasted Miss Bowie told us, eleven years. Showing how serious a matter dress really is.

Miss Bowie gave us another illustration of the weakness of human nature in the person of the Witch-Craft Judge Sewell , his hatred of wigs, the result of this stubborn antipathy, and some amusing accounts of the wearing of pantellete by the ladies of that period.

The program concluded by the usual social cup of tea. 


[Oct. 30, 1917]

The Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore held its usual weekly meeting last Teusday [Tuesday], Oct. 30. The Committee on Poetry, Chairman, Miss Lizette Woodworth Reese, being in charge of the program.

After the reading of the minute of the previous meeting, the President made a few announcement. The first paper, “War Songs,” was given by Mrs. Harriet Lummis Smith.

This dealt first with war song as opposed to war poem, the silencing as well as making of many a poet in this present war, the noticeable fact of many unknown names of these poets, and the lack of martial spirit in their work which war has with its fearful realities silenced. Mrs. Smith spoke of the origin of Yankee Doodle and Dixie, giving her preference to the latter. She also alluded to England’s scarcity of the sea-posts for which the U boats may be responsible, and the different strains to which the armies in the past and those in the present march to battle, comparing the slow grandeur of the hymn to the gay note of [Goodbye] Hullon Broadway [,Hullon France-etc.]

Miss Emily Atwater not being her present poems were read by Miss Louisa Haughton. “The Two Graves, one where the roses grew, the other far away, the grave of the soldier lad. The one close by, the other she knew not where. And “The Abandoned Church where the noisy clamor of the world seemed dim and far away, but where the voice of God was still.

In “Some South American Poets,” Mrs. Julius Thurston alluded to the literature of the South as a delayed sunrise. She spoke of its colonial period as having lasted a century longer than that of the north. Its poets, she said, felt what they wrote quoting those verses from one who had impressed her most. She spoke of the strength on our Teddy inspired by the reverse of the admiration for that gentleman.

Mrs. Ella Sollenberger read three of her poems. In sympathy there was the soul’s sense of perfect understanding. “Genius,” a chosen few--they whom the God-mark show, and “Knitting-” knitting, knitting while monarchies crumble, democracies shake, and still we knit-- thinking and thinking--

Instead of a poem Miss Lizette Woodworth Reese sent her contribution to the afternoon’s entertainment in the shape of prose. Forgiveness was the story of a woman who hears that her husband who deserted her eleven years ago is back again-- and sick. Full of hatred for the woman Jane Fields she is driving in the early morning. Overtaking the widow Mrs. Fox, whom she almost envies for her respectable soprow for a worthy husband there is some talk of Pennyroyal and Jane. Later Mrs. Field comes to the rescue and straightens things out as the Pennyroyal is being gathered. Mrs. Fox inspires pity and the husband gains forgiveness.

The afternoon most pleasant program concluded with the social cup of tea whic [which] guest and member enjoyed. 


[Nov. 6, 1917]

The Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore held its usual weekly meeting Teusday [Tuesday] last, November 6, 1917. Committee on Travel, Chairman Mrs. Charles Lord, being in charge of the afternoon’s program.

Owing to a patriotic meeting held at the same time hour the attendance was not as large as the occassion[occasion] warranted, though several came in later. As our Chairman attended the aarlier [earlier] part of the meeting herself, it was excuse sufficient for other to have been tempted also.

Miss Virginia Bowie gave the report for All Soul’s day, the graves in three cemetries[cemeteries] having been decorated.

Mrs. James Fenhagen opened the program with her own account of “The Canal Zone as we Found it.” An account of her recent trip to that part of the country, traveling through Kingston and Christobel on to Colon. Leaving the comfortable hotel to move onward towards the canal which she told us proved more wonderful than anything she had ever imagined. She spoke of the government quarter, life on the hill, Colonel Gorgas’s marvellous sanitation work, second in wonder to the Canal, and Panama City.

In “A Danish City and Musuem[Museum],” Mrs. Lord told of this really wonderful castle, the ancient residence of Danish Kings, which she visited whilst herself on a visit to her friend Mrs. Asker Hamerick, describing the building with its towers and moat, its dungeons and miles amiles[and miles] of rooms, its Goblien tapestry, freizes, and magnificent ceilings; its chests of treasures innumerable, amongst which were things dating back to the time of David; its hall of fame, where the portraits of Denmark’s illustrious dead hung and where Mr. Hamerick’s father and uncle amogst[amongst] them, and where Mr. Hamerick himself expected to live in his countryman’s memory when he wasis[was] gathered to his fathers’[fathers].

”The Good in the Worst of us,” proved to be a side-light thrown on our friends the mormons by Miss May Haughwout, after an amusing apology for the mania of the traveller and the indifference of his audience. Needless to say Miss Haughwout’s audience proved and exception to the rule.

On the spot where its founder stopped on his immagration[immigration] trail the city of the Mormons is built, laid off in blocks of 142 acres. The temple is the principal building, from it the streets are named. Strict requirements are demanded of the individual who enter this building- they must be strictly temperate, no tea or coffee, nothing that strengthens the body at the expense of the soul. The plurality of wives being abolished, the citizens of Salt-Lake City, Miss Haughwout told us, were pretty good folk, the city heading the list for the largest subscription to first liberty loan, also its enlistment of splendid men in the present war.

The afternoon’s program concluded with a cup of tea and crackers, cake having been voted out during the war. The plainess[plainness] of the bill of fare in no ways retarded sociability, and cracker were enjoyed by guest and member. 


[Nov. 13, 1917]

The usual weekly meeting of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore was held Teusday [Tuesday] last, November 13 1917. The Committee on Book Reviews, Program arranged by Mrs. J. Howard Palmer, being in charge of afternoon’s entertainment.

The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and accepted, the President made a few announcements.

The program opened with a review on “Fanny Herself,” One of Edna Ferber’s atest [latest] works, by Mrs. Harriet Lummie Smith. This book, “she said, is the author’ [author’s] spiritual self. The scene being laid in the little Western mill town where she grew up. The gifted writer, after a successful business career, finds her own place in the world of letters, Miss Ferber being the fine product of the Jewish race. The book Mrs. Smith told us was far in advance of any of her previous work.

Mrs. George Croll, who was to have given a review of Arthur Guy Empey’s “Over the Top,” was, we were sorry to hear, not able to be with us.

“The Wonder World of Science,” coming next on the program, Mrs. W. Thomas spoke of this book of Nature’s wonders as given by Jean Henri Fabre and translated by Mrs. Bicknell. The book is intended for children between 10 and 16, and relates in most fascinating style the things which generally have to be put in the form of study. Animal, mineral and vegetable kingdoms are considered, to say nothing of the heavens above and the seas beneath.

Mrs. Beverly Smith, in her review of a Book of Prefaces, by Henry Menchen, began by saying that someone had spoken of the author as being one of the greatest writers yet produced of English, considering his flexible, versatile syle [style]. Be that as it may the book she said was full of pungent humor, and knocking at what may be America’s greatest strength or greatest weakness, considering in the shape of inherited puritanism. He calls it a moral obsession. Mark Twain gets a mill stone hung about his neck, and Emerson and Bret Harte are given scant praise. Mr. Menchen, however, gives some hope of amelioration from past conditions in literature, by the stern realities that men are facing today.

In “Itialy [Italy], France and Brittian [Britain],” by H.G. Wells, Miss Virginia Bowie spoke of the book as giving the clearest views on the war situation that she had as yet read. Mr. Wells in this goes to the front and gives a plain statement of facts as he saw them, painting in his own words unforgettable pictures of modern warfare, interspersed with kings and princes as he found them.

“The Belfry,” by May Sinclair, was reviewed by Miss Ellen Duvall. She began by saying the book owed its success to an unusual power of characterization, being utterly devoid of dramatic incident and epigrams. On the surface a simple story, with the complex below. The hero, she said, was unusual, being an interesting man, forceful and self-made. The girl a product of culture and race. Two modern characters of different caste. The book, devoid of the ordinary villian and without particular plot, holds interest, even in atime [a time] when this art is somewhat difficult.

Miss Louisa Haughton was to have given a review on “The Oppressed English,” by Ian Hay. But for reason of other the lady did not appear and we had to do without her paper, much to our regret.

Tea and crackers were the conclusion of an unusually good program to which all were invited. 


[Nov. 20 1917]

The usual weekly meeting of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore, was held Teusday [Tuesday] last November 20 1917. Instead of the Committe [Committee] on Translation, we had a Committe [Committee] on the Authors and Artists of Maryland, program arranged by Miss Virginia Berkley Bowie.

The Minutes of the previous meeting having been read and accepted there were a few announcements made, after which the afternoon’s entertainment opened with a paper by Mrs. Ella Morrow Sollenberger: “Frederick Arnold Kummer.” Beginning with the outer man as he is Mrs. Sollenberger went on to speak of her friend’s versatile gifts, being professionally a civil engineer, also artist and author having ten nove novels to his credit, besides photo-plays and poems, and last but not least, being a first aider to struggling and indigenous writers. Ention [Tension?] was particularly made of the Belgian, a 6 part drama, 3 poems, Hereditary, Chance, and Will, showing that Will was the strongest of all the forces, The Pipes of Yesterday, a novel, and “The Painted Woman,” which last has been made into an opera.

Mrs. Julius Thurston next gave us a paper on Edward Lucas White, poet and author\. Speaking of the man himself, his ancestors, belonging strictly to Maryland. Touching on the Rodinson letters relating to Paraguay, from which El Supremo springs from Mr. White’s book of poems. Mrs. Thurston read one, Ransantanus, the story of an Egyptian princess, emphasing [emphasizing] the fact of the author’s faculty of bringing out that which was the best and most beautiful in any age he touched, and finally letting the club into the secret concerning the subject of Mr. White’s next book.

Miss Virginia Bowie spoke next on Marjorie Patterson as she remembered her. The little girl at dancing class with the aloof air and violet dress already a bit different from the ordinary child. Later at seventeen, as a solo dancer in the Twelvth [Twelfth] Night play at Evergreen when she drew everybody’s attention, and still later when as a full-fledged actress she returned to her native city in the role of the Pierrot the Prodigal. Concerning her creative literature Miss Bowie spoke of the author’s first book, Fortunato, which she said was evidently Miss Patterson herself, commenting on the weakness and strength in her work both as actress and writer.

The afternoon’s usually good program concluded with the usual cup of tea -- and crackers enjoyed by guest and member. 


[Nov. 27, 1917]

Upon the afternoon of Tuesday Nov. 27th it was the privilege of the Club to have a wonderful and illuminating paper by Mrs. Kirby Flower Smith on “War Conditions in Italy”, and her experiences in caring for the wounded Italian soldiers in the hospitals, where she has done a work which reflects honor upon American womanhood.

So highly have her services been recognized, that she has been the recipient of a medal of honor from the Red Cross Society.

There are ,however, restrictions which are amazing to us, no nurse being allowed to spend a night in a hospital even with a dying patient, and the rule prevails that two nurses must invariably make the rounds together. The great lack of even the simplist [simplest] conveniences has developed wonderful talents among the nurses.

Mrs.Smith’s tribute to the courage and patience of the Italian soldiers is unbounded.

One poor blind man said that his only regret was, that he “had not another pair of eyes to give his country.”

Another one, who was directed by the Sister in charge to offer a prayer to the Virgin for ten nights for the restoration of his sight, and strange to say upon the tenth day he realized that he could see; when the Sister encouraged his faith as to the efficacy of prayer, and of the Virgin, said, “She the Virgin,” pointing to Mrs. Smith, thus indicating his appreciation of the loving service which had been so cheerfully rendered.

The privations of the people were appalling, the government can only make an allowance of 20 cts. per day to a woman and 9cts. for a child. The lack of fuel is the most distressing, for in spite of our ideal of balmy, sunny, Italy; there are bitter days when the cold winds rush down from the mountains, and the suffering will be great during the winter.

Italy depended upon England for her coal in the past, and later upon the United States.

Italy’s hesitation as to entering upon the great war, was due to several reasons.

First - Internal descensions.

The Prime Minister, who seems to have been a pacifist, was held in such detestation that cards were scattered among the people inviting them to attend his funeral.

Second -- The Italian people remained faithful for a long time to their treaty with Austria.

Third - Germany had four years financed the Italian money market.

And lastly - Italy shared the conception of many European nations of the terrible quality of German efficiency and the invincibility of her army. [7]

Von Bulone had married an Italian Princess, and made every effort to force the signing of a treaty favorable to Germany, even bringing influence to bear upon the Dowager Queen, Margherita replied, “The house of Savoy had been accustomed to dictate its own treaties;” but it was the insistance [insistence] that Italy should agree to the German occupation of Belgium which decided her to cast in her lot with the Allies.

Reference was made to the wonderful engineering facts the Italians have preformed. The magnificant [magnificent] roads built, which they assure us “will be fine for automoviles in the future”

The method of carrying great cables across the vallies [valleys] from one mountain to another upon which a kind of cradle is swung to carry the soldiers forward, and the sensation of those who travel in them, were described.

The intense pride of the Italians was mentioned, and the mistake made by one American woman of publicity telling of their necessities and appealing for aid in the United States.

The people were terribly insulted and it is probably that the American Italian noble lady will be given a cool reception on her return.

Suggestions were made that money contributions always help, also hospital supplies and comfort kits.

Miss Haughton followed with an address on “The American Woman’s Bit,” and a most interesting exhibition of “Surgical Dressings.”

She spoke of the work which the “Woman behind the man behind the guns” can do and of the dire necessity for hospital supplies of all kinds with added appeal that our work now will help our own boys at the front and perhaps save a limb or life.

She told of the young French Priest now in the city, who was working among the wounded when the atrocity which has appalled the world took place, in the bombing of a Red Cross Hospital, who received a wound which the scarcely felt, but it cost him an arm when it is just possible it might have been saved had the “First Aid” appliances been at hand.

We were told of the birth of seven babies at the American Mission Church in Paris, which clothing on hand for only three, the other poor little mites being attired in newspapers.

Miss Haughton made a strong appeal for helpers in the National Surgical Dressing Association. Her earnest words touched an answering chord in many hearts with the result that Mrs. McKenzie who kindly assisted her, enrolled a goodly [godly] number of names of ladies who are willing to devote a specified number of hours weekly to the work to which our esteemed Vice President has given such an amount of thought and effort.

We feel that our thanks are due Miss Haughton as Chairman of the evening, not only for entertainment, but for a call to serious thought and work, at this time of the great world struggle, and an incentive given for each one of us to “Do her Bit.” [8]

Upon the after noon of Tuesday , December 4th, we had a number of original essays with Mrs. Thurston , Chairman of the programme. After the reading of the minutes and announcements Mrs. Beverly Smith, read a paper entitled “The College Man”. Mrs. Smith said that her paper could scarcely be dignified with the title of an essay; she called it merely a sketch.

“The College Man” like the Chrysanthenum [Chrysanthemum] blooms out bravely in the autumn months of October and November.

Family consultations take places as to John’s being sent to college, the most important question being, will “John work”? John expresses his willingness to work, but seriously objects to being a “grind”, thereby causing a continuation of the family discussion, until the mother slips in with explanations as to the sincerity of his purpose thus casting oil upon the troubled waters.

In fact Mrs. Smith thinks motherhood should be symbolized by a female figure with a dove on one shoulder and an oil can on the other.

The question of books now comes up, shall they be purchased new or second hand. The family finally decides upon the books being bought in their pristine freshness, only to learn afterwards of another fellow buying the books second hand, as good as new at a much smaller price. Next comes the question of clothes. The most important of all being that John should have a cap suitable for a college man.

His new life begins, and however mild an ingratiating his manner may be among his fellow students, John reigns a king at home. Hazing is on, and the mother heart palpitates with dread; one night when looking from her window she sees five dripping sdishevelled figures cross the street and make an unostentatious [ostentatious] entry into the house, and discovers that John and his friends have just emerged from the fountain in the square, into which they have been playfully cast.

John joins a Fraternity and does not come home at all one night. The mother is encouraged not to be anxious by his fraternal brother, who assures her that the time for John’s initiation has come, the next night at midnight John appears, not having apparently suf[9]fered any serious harm.

The mother allows her mind to turn to other things, such as the hanging of portiers[poitiers] and laying of rugs. After the passage of four years with varied experiences the mother realizes that her boy is a man.

In her paper “The Decline and Rebirth of Romance” Mrs. Palmer outlined the beginnings of romantic literature which sprang from the Roman Conquest of Europe. She traced its growth from the early struggles between Christianity and the Old Pagan Beliefs, to its decline in the Seventeenth Century mentioning the song of Roland as one of the most famous of the early tales of chivalry and romance; and the Arthurian Legends as marking the zenith of this type of literature. It was the immense success of these legends that lead to the imitations and forgeries that brought a reaction from the romantic period. The Classical Renaissance was briefly surveyed with its growing insincerities that culminated in such poets as Dryden and Pope, and brought about the romantic revival of the Eighteenth Century. The spirit of this revival is best typified in the works of Coleridge Byron and Shelly. Keats and Tennyson show its influence less markedly, and from their day until the present moment sordid realism commercialism and science have kept the romantic spirit in abeyance; but the writer believes there are signs that point to its renewal through this World War. The poetry that is being written, the deeds of pure true chivilary[chivalry] that are being performed, and the revival of the mystic side of Religion in Europe all tend to show that romance is not wholly dead. It is a soul necessity in every life, and a spirit in literature that has only been obscured for brief periods since the Dark Ages,one that can never vanish entirely from any living language or literature.

Mrs. Palmer and her friends contributed greatly to the evening’s entertainment by an instrumental trio for violin, cello, and piano.

In Mrs. Julius Thurston’s paper “The Comfort of the Ash Heap” she spoke of the invariable custom in the past of a man retiring to the ash heap if anything went ill with him. Job on the loss of children, cattle and servants seemed to find some comfort in going to the ash heap and crying his grief aloud. Men have largely wept grief out, and comfort in, by vociferating the grief. There are various methods of giving voice to our feelings of is it bluff? The mother says “Willie why did you shout so loudly when your side was losing the game”? “Why to keep up our hearts of course” is the reply. We assure the friend who is looking ill that we never saw him look so well. [10]

The hot air and gas furnace have deprived us of our healthful ash heap and man is perforce obliged to fight it out with himself and God.

Mrs. Thurston regretted that Miss Lantz could not be present and read her paper, the “Spirit of Christmas” and read it for her.

Miss Lantz spoke in her paper of the stirring of the spirit of Christmas being felt when Thanksgiving was past and the first snow comes. The rills and brooke of thought finding their expression in the Holly and Mistletoe. The Spirit of Christmas is symbolized to the child by the tree and candles, to the soldier by the touch of home, to the friend by the thought of long ago to the mother, by the memory of the clinging arms, but the real spirit of Christmas is found as our thoughts turn lovingly to the Babe of Bethlehem, a smiling Babe in whom the spirit of love is made manifest to man.

The evening closed with another instrumental trio, which showed more fully the beautiful and musical work of the planet. We are indebted to Mrs. Palmer and her friends for an unusual musical treat.


[Dec. 11, 1917]

The last meeting of the year 1917 was held Teusday [Tuesday] 11 of December. The minute[s] of the previous meeting having been read and approved the President made a few announcements chief of which being the date of our Twelvth Night [Twelfth Night] entertainment.

The Committee on the Literature of the Bible, Chairman Mrs. T.J. Copeland, was in charge of the afternoon’s program

In “Old Stories Made New,” Miss Harriet Marine dealt chiefly with the prophesies and their fulfilment in the person Christ, the mass of literature relating to this subject with the first story of Christmas, touching on the story part of the Bible with which most are familiar.

Mrs. John Hooper gave us next a paper on The Astronomy of the Bible, prefaced with the brief statement that it was not a scientific treatise. Beginning with the creation, the ground of so much theological and scientific controversy Mrs. Hooper wisely remarked that the story may be of so much profound depth as to be beyond human intelligence as yet. Touching on the great fundemental [fundamental] laws of nature and the use of these visible natural things in the illustrations of truths to be brought down to our comprehension Mrs. Hooper said that in all things revealing thruth [truth] the greatest lesson of all was to show us that the hand that made us is divine.

In “The Human Touch in Old Bible Stoies [Stories],” Mrs. Thruston began by stating several reasons for the study of this book -- its fine English, its lessons, and best of all its human touch in the stories of its very real people. From Jacob with his son Joseph -- the little coat of mant [many] colors, David with his weakness and his strength his longings and reaching after the Divine, Solomon saturated with his own glory, poor old Jerimiah, Isaih [Isaiah] with his unhappy matrimonial experience, each one revealing pride sin and sorry with its own appeal to human nature.

After the social cup of tea and crackers had been enjoyed the Club adjourned for a month’s holiday, to meet in the New Year which all hoped would prove a good year not only to members and friends but to the entire world.


[Jan. 15, 1918]

The Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore met for their first meeting after a month’s recess in this year 1918 on January 15th.

The Minutes of the last meeting having been read and accepted the President made a few announcements and gave the progress for the club in this month. Also called attention of members to recipes of twelvth night [twelfth night] delicacies to be obtained at the desk for the small sum of ten cents each.

A poem by Mrs. Chas. W. Lord was then read commencing with the stirring invocation - “Arise ye nations rise-“

Followed by a monologue, “The Unveiling of Sheep-faced Henny,” by Miss Grace Ensey which related to the trials attendent [attendant] on the winning of a dusky bride and her lover’s final strategy in settling affairs

“The Harvest,” by Miss Virginia Bowie dealt with this present war and was the story of a young nurse and her two lovers, one the boy, Eric, whom she had known all her life, and Eric’s Avation [Aviation] friend and associated in his work. After engaging herself to Eric Anna Marie meets the other man - a patient in the hospital. Afterwards he brings the news of Eric’s accident and offers to take her in his bi-plane to see her dying lover. They recognize each other as soul mates, but after Eric’s death he too is summoned on a dangerous errand -- and so she bide the dead and living lover farewell.

“The Green eyed Stenographer,” by Mrs. Edward Mackenzie dealt with a foolish maiden’s jealousy and its consequences. The piqued Miss Arabella in resorting to the roof seals her own doom and is held captive for many uncomfortable hours. In her effort to attract the attention of a passer-by dollar-bills and wearing apparal [apparel] are handled recklessly, until finally the man for whom she has suffered all this discomfort coms to her relief and they are things are happily explained.

The afternoon’s program concluded with the usual social cup of tea to which member and guest alike enjoyed.


[Jan. 29, 1918]

The Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore held its usual weekly meeting last Teusday [Tuesday], January 29. The Committe [committee] on Folk Lore, Chairman Mrs. Samuel A Hill being in charge of the afternoon’s program.

The Minutes of the previous meeting having been read and accepted, the President announced that the January Salon would be held in February as owing to the coal situation one meeting had been omitted in January.

The program opened with a paper from Miss Anne L Greenfield: The Study of Folk Lore. In answer to her own question-what is folk lore? She said it is the science whereby the study of nations reveals the people. Miss Greenfield alluded to the well known story of Cinderella as belonging to the universe, saying that it was to be found in most languages. Shakespeare, she told us, is saturated with folk lore. The New Testament refers to popular superstition in regard to weather -- “When the sky is red ye say -- “. It is prominent in music, in the poems of battle-fields, visions of soldiers, etc. and Patriotism is strengthened with folk lore.

Mrs. R.J. Wyckoff next gave us a paper on “Superstitions of New England and Northern Ohio.” New England’s superstitions reflect old England. Superstition is a thing dependent on association and environment, being handed down in some families and dying out in others,” she told us. The popular fallacies concerning caise [cause] and result, the rabbit’s foot as a prevention of evil, the potato as warding off rheumatism, with many other known an unknown superstitions that for some reason or other have managed to survive and have come down to us from remote ages.

“The Family Ghost,” as related by Mrs. Julius Thruston, was the story of an old place tucked away somewhere on the south of the James river. Here some ignis fatuua hovering over the old chimney in the shape of a globe of light played on the imagination of many and raised spectral fancies in connection with this strange light. Mrs. Thruston said that this particular ghost has its place in literature to be found in Washington Irving’s tales where he speaks of this same house under another name.

Mrs. Samuel Hill read a paper, written by our out-of-town member, Mrs. J.H. Marriott. “The Antiquity of Cant and Slang.”

In which Mrs. Marriott said that Cant and Slang are world-wide and Universal. giving us the origin of many slang words, such as cabbage, which found its place in Johnson’s dictionary after having been accepted as an expressive word. Gully, or gull, was taken from reference to Gulliver and his wild tales -- hence to gull. Upper class slang is indebted to Hindoostanee for such words as Jungle and Tiffin.

Cant as derived from chant, belongs to the whining tone of beggars as opposed to truth. Mrs. Marriot spoke of the beggars language, their chart and manner of communicating information to their each other. Also the gypsies, who are perhaps to be traced to the Egyptian or Hindoo.

The afternoon’s entertainment concluded with the usual cup of tea which all enjoyed.


[Feb. 5, 1918]

The program of the Woman’s Literary Club for Tuesday Feb 5th was a musical recital in charge of Miss Lina Stiebler, chairman of the committee on music. The severe weather accounted for the small audience but those present enjoyed an entertainment of high merit. Those taking part were Mrs. Mary Glendy Enslow, Miss Louise Lowdnes, Miss Louise Schroeder, Miss Lilian Wilson Smith, Miss Annie Gett, Miss Rebecca Hickock and Mr. Albert Wheeler/ The violinist of the afternoon Helen Weishampel, added much pleasure to the afternoon by her fine rendering of several selections.


[Feb. 12, 1918]

The Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore held its usual weekly meeting last Teusday [Tuesday], February 12th, the afternoon’s program being in charge of the Committee on The Drama, Chairman, Miss Virginia W. Cloud.

In “Hecuba, Past and Present,” Miss Ellen Duval alluded to the Armageddon, of the ancient world as compared to that of the present. In Hecuba Euripedes [Euripides] makes the woman the mouthpiece of a great sentiment, the attitude of the individual towards the awful devestation [devastation] of war; voicing that instict [instinct] of justice and element of pity that lived and will live in spite of man’s brutality. Miss Duval pointed to the fact that in the desire for world dominion nation and individual seal their own doom. In comparison to the ancient Athenian the modern German is far ahead in conducting warfare with calculated brutality, lack of honor and decency. The destruction of Melos was likened to the invasions of Belgium. Miss Duval concluded with the remark that this attempt at world -power will like all other attempts be relagted [relegated] in the future to the scrap -heap of history.

Miss Lizette Reese treated the club to two of her recent poems - “Good Joan of Arc goes riding by,” and “The Ghostly Bugles.” I the former the spirit of ancient and modern France meet, and we could hear the tread of the horse coming from out of the shades of the past bearing the warrior maiden who would still serve her country and inspire her people with the courage that can never die. And in the latter, the ghostly bugles, the great bugles, the bugles of the morn sound again, and bring back the spirit of those who died at Marne in the swing and stir of a poem that voices the soul of France -- the France which lives and dies unconqured.

Miss Virginia W. Cloud concluded this unusually fine program with one of her beautiful little one-act plays.

The scene of Anne-Marie,” is laid in the corner of a field in France. By the well sits the gradame -- beau mere. There are two men, the Count Chevalier and Beauvais, the cosmopolite, soi-disant Frenchman. Anne-Marie, the pretty unconscious agent through which messages are received, takes the letters that are brought this far to carry them on to the post-office across the field later. Beauvais manages to extarct [extract] a letter.

The young American, Captain Prince drops upon the scene. Anne-Marie’s lover has two-fold reasons for this visit.

But it is left to the Count of Chevalier, a secret service man, to discover the spy who is taken prisoner and led away in time to stop the signal for the destruction of a vessal [vessel] and save the lives of those on board.

The afternoon’s program concluded with the social cup of tea to which all were invited to remain.


[Feb. 19, 1918]

The woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore held its usual weekly meeting Teusday [Tuesday] last, February 19th. Miss Harriet Marine, chairman of the Committee on Colonial and Revolutionary History being in charge of the program.

In “The Huguenots of Colonial Maryland,” Miss Marine began by giving a brief summary of those French Protestants known by that name, their persecution in France Their emigration to this country, their settlement on St. John’s River, the subsequent massacre of this colony, and -  those who settled in Maryland. Miss Marine alluded to these last as being descended from the flower of France and to whom we owe some of our best men and how the characteristics of their ancestors, spite of the anglization of names, still cling to so many of our people.

Mrs. Julius Thruston next told the club of “The Baltimore Privateers.” The old shipyards for which this city used to be famous and where this particular craft was built have most of them disappeared with the change in water front. Mrs. Thruston went on to explain just what a Privateer is, and how the ownership used to be divided in 16ths. Speaking of the great prizes obtained by these ships, their auction sales of cargo, and as Baltimore holding out best historical record for what they did in revolutionary times and the number built sent out. Two of which, The Rossie and Chasseuar [Chasseur], are never to be forgotten.

In “Colonial Courtships,” Miss Virginia Berkley gave the club an interesting account of by-gone courtships, showing the different methods of past generations in this line from those of the present. The importance attached to rouge in that day, the early age that girls abandoned matrimonial hopes and were put on the shelf the popularity of widows as exemplified by Washington, Madison and Jefferson; concluding with some of the more personal account of Tom Jefferson’s first and second courtships.

The afternoon concluded with the usual social chat over tea and crackers to which all remained.


[Feb. 26, 1918]

The usual weekly meeting of the Woman’s Club of Baltimore was held Teusday [Tuesday] last, February 26. The Commmitte [Committee] on Art being in charge of the afternoon’s program which was arranged by the President.

The Minutes of the previous meeting having been read and approved the President made a few announcements. After which Mrs. Fayerweather read some portions of a letter received from her son, Dr. Fayerweather, physician in a hospital at Leeds England. The extracts chiefly related to some interesting allusions to the Washington family and the origin of our own flag.

Mrs. Charles Lord gave us a paper, “Contempary [Contemporary] Art.” In which, beginning with the National Academy exhibition in New York, the descriptions of the many pictures she saw there contributed by well-known and unknown artists, the prize winners and others, Mrs. Lord went on to speak of the rare art collection of the Metropolitan, its wonderful pictures and stuary, and from this to our own Peabody Exhibition given to the public last month and to which Baltimore and other artists have contributed.

In “The Psychology of Rembrant [Rembrandt],” Miss Virginia B. Bowie spoke of beauty in its innumerable phases, the primary tenor of the mind that conceives it -- “As a man sees so he is,” and the ability of analysing [analyzing] great works through the eyes of those masters who accomplished them. The Rembrant [Rembrandt] in whom flesh and spirit were so strong His faculty for seizing the more important things and ignoring the lesser, the strong instinctive nature of the man. And lastly, the Flemish streets through which he walked and caught those higher lights on the faces of those seens [seen] there -- those simpler folks in whom he found material and imbued with the life he discovered throught [through] the life of his own soul.

Mrs. Lawrence Turnbull who was to have given the club - “Personal Reminiscences of Some Florentine Artists,” was unable to be with us we were sorry to hear. So instead of the paper on art to which we had looked forward the program had to be hastily filled out for lack of better material with a short story, whose chief recommendation seemed to be a studio background.

In “Adam,” Mrs. Walter Thomas gave the story of an enthusiastic young woman artists, who having discovered a model whose passive goodness fired her imagination into a likeness of the first man, and a young doctor whose interest in the pathology of mental disease threatens to counteract her conclusions as to a perfect man and upset things generally, and her picture in particular. But cupid intervenes and things end happily in spite of a spoiled Adam.

The afternoon’s program concluded with the social cup of tea to which all were invited to remain.


[Mar. 5, 1918]

The Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore held its weekly meeting Teusday [Tuesday] last, March 5. Committee on Education, Chairman Mrs. Robert E. Bowie, having charge of the afternoon’s program.

The Minutes of the previous meeting having been read and approved our President made a few remarks. After which the afternoon’s entertainment opened with a paper by Mrs. T.J. Copeland.

“Teach Patriotism in the Public Schools,” Mrs. Copeland said meant first catching your hare, in the way of a teacher and avoiding the one-track mind of such. -- Patriotism being something which cannot be taught but the essence infused In increased knowledge the primary elements of education are often overlooked in the multitude of studies that which counts for most if often excluded. To achieve a patriotic citizenship is to raise it. Children’s views must be enlarged they must take a personal interest in historic patriots. They must study, recite, and make compositions of great deeds. Mrs. Copeland recommended especially the reading of Wilson’s war-papers, Lloyd George’s speeches. The heart of youth must be stirred and made ready so that the seeds of patriotism may take root and grow.

In “War and Education,” Mrs. Harriet Lummis Smith began by emphasising [emphasizing] more particularly the effect that war has on the education of youth. The percentage of boys who have left the High Schools to work in the fields. The children who have filled the streets this winter instead of the schools because on account of National economy the schools must be closed. An on the other hand the intellectual awakening in training camps, the dealing with ignorance as found there The interest in the study of French, and the technical training that the young men receive.

The world is going to school, studying history, economy and geography -- the thoughtless are forced to think.

Mrs. Smith concluded with a summary of that which we as a nation must fight against: schools must not be closed while breweries and places of amusement are kept open; fair wages must be given those who teach as well as those who labor; the graces of life must be kept in sight in spite of the material demands of the times, and that patriotism, that shall make us all worthier citizens of a world that has been ransomed with blood, must be inculcated.

Guest and member alike enjoyed the social cup of tea that came as a last touch to a delightfully entertaining afternoon.


[Mar. 12, 1918]

The Woman’s literary Club of Baltimore held its usual weekly meeting Teusday [Tuesday] last, March 12th. The program being in charge of Committee on Fiction, Chairman, Mrs. Percy M. Reese.

The Minutes of the last meeting having been read and accepted, the President announced a meeting of Fiction class to be held at her home next week, and also alluded to the war revenue as affecting the circulation of those magazines which mean so much in the way of an educational and healthful force against which postal excess we must protest.

Mrs. Beverly Smith then opened the program with a story. “Indecent Haste.”  being the account of a young widow who has aroused the indignation of her friend Miss Marlow. Mrs. Ridgely does not wish to lose the lady’s friendship but attempts no excuse for her seemingly indecent haste to marry the second time, only when a third woman enters she requests Miss Marlow to stay behind the scene and keep her ears open

Doing which Miss Marlow learns of the late husband’s connections with this other woman and Mrs. Ridgely’s indecent haste proves to be anything but haste - with the exit of the visitor Miss Marlow falls into Mrs. Ridgely’s arms and begs forgiveness.

In “The Jeniver’s House-Warming” Miss Emily Atwater gave an account of the drawbacks of entertaining in an apartment, especially when the coal gives out. Mrs. Jeniver finally triumphs over all minor obstacles in the way of her house-warming, disposes of the unexpected Aunt Julia and has her patient husband make a fire in the unused fireplace. The evening’s questionable success being relagated [relegated] to the past with the departure of the guests the real house-warming takes place and the smoky little open fire does its dire work. The curtain falls on the scene -- a chilly couple huddling miserably on the sofa viewing the remains of the house-warming.

Mrs. J. Howard Palmer concluded the program with a story in the shape of a diary. The Jumping -- Off Place,” dealt with the unexpected and the recognition of the time to jump. The scene is laid in a Pullman car travelling westaward [westward]. The writer to fill an engagement with an opera company, the other woman to fill a matrimonial engagement with a friend of her youth. Confidences are exchanged, the woman with the matrimonial engagement comes to the conclusion that on account of temperament and habits that it would be best to exchange jumping-off places and persuades the Opera Company woman to swop jobs. The last extract in the diary states briefly that the thing is done -- the writer has jumped and landed in a man’s arms, leaving the other woman speeding away to join the opera company.

The afternoon’s program concluded with the usual friendly cup of tea.


[Mar. 19, 1918]

The Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore held its usual weekly meeting last Teusday [Tuesday] March 19, with an unusually good attendance, the Committee on Book Reviews, Chairman Miss Lucy Latane, being in charge of the afternoon’s program.

In “The Challenge of the Present Cricis,” [Crisis] Author Harry Emerson Fosdick, reviewed by Miss Caroline Bausemer, she said we had first presented the dual battle now waged in the spiritual and physical. The power of restrained sin and the challenge that comes to men to answer the call ont eh side of Christ’s cause. The question: “Has Christinaity [Christianity] failed? Must be answered with a more powerful weapon than the sword before the real power of Christianity is recognized.

“The White Ladies of Worcester,” by Florence Barclay, was next reviewed by Miss Roberta Carawell. The book she said belongs to the stern days of the crusades, and the twenty-four ladies within the sacred cloisters. The story deals with the battle in the heart of the quiet prioress between the call of love and the religious life. The good Bishop comes to the aid of the prioress and love wins out.

The review of “Songs of Action,” was written by Miss Jeanne Du Val an out-of-town member and read by Mrs. Uhler. The songs, written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle deal with action, and owe their success to their title in which the metre chooses itself. In the hunting-field one hears the sound of horses hoofs. In these songs are to be found patriotism, mysticism, and dialect, and all deal with some historical incident.

“Gertie Swartz; Fanatic or Christian,” by Helen R. Martin, was reviewed by Mrs. Ella Morrow Sollenberger, who spoke of the book as a woman’s struggle for emancipation, the characters, some of them old friends who have been in other books of Mrs. Martin’s A brief outline of the story was given, and also some extracts from the book itself showing how true to life Mrs Martin makes her Pennsylvania Dutch people.

“Carry On,” By Conningsby Dawson [Coningsby Dawson], was reviewed by Mrs. Charles W. Lord. Mrs. Lord touches on these letters which make up the book, their sentiment in regard to trench life and the soldier and their personal touches as to the family life of the man- and the writer himself, his pride in feeling where fear was to be most dreaded he had not been afraid, and the necessity of carrying on  that must be to keep others up.

“Sonia,” Author Stephen McKenna, as reviewed by Mrs. Samuel Hill, spoke first of the librarian’s opinion in regard to the book. The book pictures what wealth and push will accomplish for the climber, dealing with a group of boys belonging to one of England’s great public schools. Sonia is the heroine, but as Mrs. Hill wisely remarked to tell of her would be to rob the book of all interest to those who might not have been lucky enough to have read it.

“The Love Saint,” by Clare Benedict, came next, reviewed by Miss V.E. Gittings. The story is the account of a house-party and the disappearance of the little reliquary which makes for the plot and on which things hinge. The book is full of witty dialogue, and the characters are well drawn.

Mrs. E. Don Hoffman, amongst the many reasons given for choosing “Calvary Alley,” by Alice Hegan Rice said that it was its lack of allusion to the German - the nearest being the germ found in the milk can. This story, she told us, with an alley for a setting, deals with the girl Nance and her efforts as a reformer. The theme of the book being in the sentence, “People that are born poor white trash don’t have to stay so.”

Miss Ellen Duvall spoke of “Some Short Stories of the War.” Which she preluded by the remark that more than soldier trench are finding their souls.

Miss Duval [Duvall] referred to “War and the Boy,” by Eden Philpots [Phillpots], each chapter of which deals with some episode of the war. “The Return of the Soldier,” by Rebecca West, quoting Mr. E. Lucas White’s opinion of the book. Also three remarkable short Stories: “The Gray Angel,” by John Galsworthy, in the March number of Scribner “Through the Dark Wood,” by Maud Radford Warren, in Metropolitan for March, And “The Spy,” in a January number of the Saturday Post.”

This very entertaining program concluded with tea and crackers to which all remained.


[Mar. 26, 1918]

The Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore held held its usual weekly meeting in the form of a salon last Teusday [Tuesday] March 16, under the direction of the Committee on Entertainment, Chairman Miss Louise C.O. Haughton.

The Minutes of the previous meeting having been read and accepted, the president made a few announcements, after which the afternoon’s entertainment was furnished by Miss Louise Malloy, who gave the club a talk on “Some Theatrical Reminisences [Reminiscences].

In this interesting account of her own personal experiences with many well-known actors, Miss Malloy began with an incident she recollected having heard of Edwin Booth’s young days when he made his appearance as Richard the third in a costume surreptiously [surreptitiously] borrowed from his father’s wardrobe and the somewhat tragic ending of the entertainment.

Miss Malloy spoke of Jefferson as being one of the most courteous of men -- a real old Rip. Julia Marlowe and her determination to make good in the beginning of her career. Miss Marlow’s marriage to Mr. Tabor, with many little personal incidents in connectiOn [connection] with her private and public life. Richard Mansfield, his personality and temperament -- and his small weaknesses. Miss Malloy also touched on recollections and interviews with Otis Skinner, Wilson Barret, Viola Allen, Henry Irving and Forbes Robertson -- and Southern, the man whom she found so easy to interview.

And Cissy Loftus and her reasons for not talking, and Miss Loftus’s opinion of Zangwill’s plays. Grace George with her humble opinion of her own views as affecting the public

Altogether through the delightful medium of Miss Malloy’s experiences the club were put in touch with nearly all of the starts in the theatrical world that are worth while [worthwhile].

The delightful

After which everyone was regaled with a social cup of tea.


[Apr. 1, 1918]

The Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore held its usual weekly meeting last Teusday [Tuesday], April 1st. The Committee on Essays and Essayists, Chairman Mrs. Julius Thruston being in charge of the afternoon’s program.

In “Tobins,” by Miss Anne Greenfield, treated the club as well as the small nephew to a whiff of the past in the shape of a trip to New England’s shores where are to be found the barnacles, seaweed, rocks and sun and the old farm with Uncle Tommy, and the story of Uncle Tommy and the lovely Sally.

“What Everybody Needs,” proved to be what most people lack in the way of tact. The essay written by Mrs. Beverly Smith was read by Mrs. Sollenberger because Mrs. Smith was not able to be with us that afternoon. This crying need of the human race Mrs. Smith was told us is not to be learned in the school or college of the day which offer so much in the way of the usual curriculum and the finishing touches of Domestic Science and other arts belonging to the twentieth century. Tact, belonging to the outcome of consideration and thought -- and the innate gentleman or gentlewoman belongs as it should to the best culture of the heart. Mrs. Smith conclude by quting [quoting] our president as an example of tact.

In “What’s in a name? Mrs. Walter Thomas gave a short essay on the subject of names -- Christian, pet name, Nickname and surname, in which chance throw of fate that decides one’s name they do sometimes happen to fit, except when they are grossly sarcastic. Concluding with the quest- quoted question, “Would a rose small as sweet by any other name? Which she doubted.

Owing to many causes easily guessed by those who appreciated the calls of spring the audience was not as large as usual.


[Apr. 9, 1918]

The Woman’s Lierary [Literary] Club of Baltimore held its usual weekly meeting last Teusday [Tuesday] April 9th. The Committee on Poetry, Chairman Miss Lizette Woodworth Reese being in charge of the program.

In her talk on “Roumanian Poetry,” [Romanian Poetry] Mrs. Julius Thruston said that in the folklore poetry of a country was to be found the soul of the people who made its history She spoke of the tragic note as found in the Roumanian [Romanian], the remains of ancient customs, such as the little hollow in the cross that marks the resting-place of the dead, put there for the bread and water for use on the unknown journey, the hanging of a rose to the door of the house where lives the marriageable maid; with some allusion to the collected poems of Carmen Sylvia and Helen Vareska, with a few extracts from these poets.

Miss Emily Paret Atwater was not able to be with us, but sent two of her poems which were ready by Mrs. H.L. Smith.

“The Mountain Spring” rippled with the clear waters which run down the mountain side, through mossy dells with fern-clad bring above. The spring that would have delighted the heart of Ponce de Leon in his quest for everlasting youth. “My Calendar” was the daily record of the modern woman, beginning with Monday’s rush and concluding with - “Sunday in bed, the household morose and chaotic, but -“ and here she gets in a note of thanks - “Thank the Lord I am still patriotic.”

Mrs. Ella Morrow Sollenberger next read us two treated us to a couple of her poems “The Cross,” with its sacrificial sign -- His life He gave - which spoke of those who are giving their lives now -- “These too shall live who died the world to save.” And “Women.” She who conserves. She who offers her services to her country, and she who gives her sons ------ and she, from whose anguish shall be born the sons of freedom.”

Miss Lizette Woodworth Reese spoke of “Daffodils and Poets,” with the rose, that hold the secrets of all time as a prelude to that other flower that comes before the swallows and delights the hearts of poets.

Shakespeare writes of it, as does also Milton and Robert Herrick, to say nothing of Wordsworth whose “Daffodils” our hearts with pleasure fills, with the more modern poem of the same name by John Masefield in which Miss Reese said the poet was at his best -- and at his worst

The program concluded with the cup of tea more than ever appreciated on that very rainy afternoon.


[Apr. 16, 1918]

The Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore held its usual weekly meeting last Teusday [Tuesday], the Committee on Travel, Chairman Mrs. Charles W. Lord, being in charge of the afternoon’s program.

In “New York, Past and Present,” Mrs. Lord put the question: Do we know this city? its many ways of arrival? its hotels and magnificent residences, the fascinating miles of grand old Fifth Avenue? She spoke of its great emporiums, libraries churches and parks. Alluding also to the more ancient landmarks old Trinity and Grace church and St. Nicholas and the Astor house. The Bowery where in 1855 Jenny Lind sang, some of the old streets and the tiny homes tucked away in the heart of the city with their little front stoops. And the unchanged half mile of Wall street

Miss Grace Ensey took her audience, along with two ladies from Dickeysville and set us “Adrift Among the Geezers,” where we were thrilled with the possibilities of these suddenly uprising tremendous water-spouts especially the well-known Old Faithful. We also viewed the angel’s Choir and Devil’s Kitchen, and at the last experienced on the way to the station a breakdown which threatened which threatened miles to discourage the most cheerfully inclined traveler, but which The twenty-five miles, however, were at last covered and the station reached, The trip concluded with the regulation happy ending when the party found the accomodating [accommodating] train patiently awaiting them.

Miss Virginia B. Bowie, opened her paper, “The Yosemite, with the aphorism” Heaven helps those who help themselves.” The truth of which was exemplified in her account of a walk she took, when separated from her friends, she followed the trail towards Eagle Peak. Miss Bowie’s lonely walk through primevial [primeval] solitude and funereal forests and mountain meadows, breathlessly climbing alone up the rocky steeps with a will power that rose above nerves and inadequate foot-gear and brought her safely to the desired Peak and back to her party was proved most thrilling. The most wonderful fact being that she arrived ahead of her more strenuous companions who had left her on the trail.

Guest and member lingered after the ending of the program to enjoy a chat and a cup of tea.


[Apr. 23, 1918]

The Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore held its usual weekly meeting Teusday [Tuesday] last, April 23rd, 1918.

After the reading of the Minutes of the previous meeting the President of the club made a few announcements.

The program was in charge of the Committee on Fiction, Chairman, Mrs. Percy M. Reese.

At Miss Gitting’s request the program was reversed, in order, as she stated that she might be the more able to enjoy what came next if she read first.

“The Queen’s Chatelaine” Which Miss Gittings then gave the club was the story of a young French girl in New York who gave Frech [French] lessons and being in financial straits concludes to dispose of a precious heirloom in the shape of a necklac [necklace] once belonging to the Queen Marie Antoinette. The agent, Rosenberg has almost secured the prize, and she is beginning to be sorry at the thought of parting with this legacy from her grandfather when young Dr. Hartwell intervenes and the girl finds herself still in possession of the necklace and what is better still someone who will see to it that she is not in such a straitened position again.

Mrs. Harriet Lummis Smith then read the club one of her stories. In “Resting Up,” we had the thrilling account of the disappearance of a middle-aged lady who is on the verge of an alliance with a young man. The story as related by her friend hurls everyone into an exciting mystery. Suspicion as usual finds its subjects A neice [niece] and the young man, Frank in whom she is interested, come in for their share The excitement of chasing down the villain caused the audience to hold its breath. when suddenly a beaty [beauty] specialist is introduced and the lost lady is found taking a treatment that is to rid her of any evidence of the years that time’s unkindly touch.

The conclusion finds the mature Sara outwardly a bit the worse for this treatment but inwardly a wiser and sadder woman.

Owing to the some delinquency on the part of the grocer tea and crackers had to be deferred until the next meeting though this did not interfere with the usual social chat after the program.


[Apr. 30, 1918]

The Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore held its usual weekly meeting Teusday [Tuesday] last April 30th, the Committee on Entertainment, Chairman, Miss Louisa Haughton, being in charge of the afternoon’s program.

In “The War Activities of Goucher,” Mrs. William Guth gave the club a most interesting account of the wonderful amount of war work carried on by the students of that college, their patriotism, sacrifices and personal service. She spoke of their organization of definite plans, the Liberty Loan committee, Current Event classes, knitting and surgical dressing work, the stirring addresses that havde [have] be been given, the spirit that reigns in the college, and Miss Helen Franser’s advice to those who would plunge into the great world work and quit study, to finish their education, that the world has need of university trained women.

Miss Haughton’s talk was on “Service.” Quoting the Archbishop of York she said this war was not one of nations but of right and wrong, a contest, the greatest thing that has happened to this world since the crucifixion. Miss Haughton referred to the spirit of good-fellowship that is taking possession of people “The war,” she said, “is a melting pot of people.” Alluding to her work in the Girls Friendly Society she spoke of the responsiveness of the girls, the spread of a movement that began on a small scale and now numbers over 600,00 [600,000] members. Miss Haughton also touched on camp life and the work that is going on there.

Mrs. Lord supplemented this talk on Service with a few remarks on one of the pioneers in woman’s work as a war nurse -- Clars Barton [Clara Barton].

Miss Lucy Latane concluded this program with an account of “The Red Cross, its origin and growth, the Geneva conference in 1864 with its representatives from the Knights of St. John, an order dating from the crusades, to its present, ever changing, growing, immense place in the world of today. Miss Latane spoke of its work abroad and at home -- the trench work, civilian relief and Home Service, a branch lately added that takes in the welfare of the soldiers’ families. She also gave us a glimpse into some very interesting personal experiences as a worker in that order

The program concluded with its usual social touch of tea and crackers to which guest and member always remain.






“1917-1918 Meeting Minutes,” The Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore, accessed February 23, 2025, https://loyolanotredamelib.org/Aperio/WLCB/items/show/13482.Item
