1912-1913 Meeting Minutes


[MS 988 BOX 5, BOOK 2]


Meetings of the Season 1912-1913.


The 747th Meeting. [Oct. 15, 1912]

The opening meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore for the fall of 1912 was held Tuesday, October 15th, 1912. [As the?] President had not returned from her trip to England, Mrs. Alan Smith presided and greeted the members, meeting for the first time since the summer recess. The minutes for the April Salon were read and accepted, and Mrs. Smith announced


that the meeting for October 22nd would be in charge of the Committee on Letters and Autographs.

The programme was in charge of Miss Lina Stiebler, Chairman of Music, and was most enjoyable. Owing to professional engagements on the part of those who participated, there was a slight deviation from the order of the printed programme. Miss Pauline Abbott and Miss Emily Diver each rendered several solos charmingly, and Mrs. Toula whose Bohemian folk songs have captivated the Club on other occasions, made an equally favorable impression. Mr. Oscar Lehman sang several times, and was heartily applauded. Miss Betty Rosson the pianist, was also warmly received.

At the conclusion of the programme Mrs. Smith invited the guests of the Club to remain for refreshments.



The 748th Meeting. [Oct. 22, 1912]

The regular meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held Tuesday October 22nd, 1912. Mrs. Allan [Alan] Smith presiding. Mrs. Smith read a letter from Mrs. Wrenshall received too late to be read at the opening meeting of the Club, voicing her hopes for the year beginning, and bespeaking the co-operation of the members in making it the most successful in our history.

The programme for the afternoon was in charge of the Committee on Autographs and Letters, and was opened with a paper on "Daniel Webster" by Mrs. Edward E. Fayerweather. Mrs. Fayerweather commented on the fact that for twenty years Webster's career was the history of the United States in outline. She gave an interesting sketch of the great statesman's early days. His political life began in 1812 when he was elected


to Congress. In 1827 he entered the Senate, where he remained practically? till his death. Mrs. Fayerweather gave the circumstances connected with some of the great orations which made Webster's fame, and at the conclusion of her paper, extracts from three of these orations were read by Miss Katherine M. Smith. An autograph letter of Webster's, stained and discolored, aroused much interest.

Mrs. William K. Bartlett discussed Howard Pyle, whose photograph as well as his autograph was displayed. Mrs. Bartlett called Pyle one of the most influential figures in American art, and commented on the fact that his education was entirely American, as Europe never saw him till a year before his death. Mrs. Bartlett brought out the artist's historical accuracy and his strong appeal to children. His theory of art was that a clear, intellectual


conception was necessary, and he urged his pupils to write stories and illustrate them. The paper closed with a brief consideration of Howard Pyle as a writer.

Mrs. James C. Fenhagen discussed Joseph C. Lincoln, and explained his fondness for long shore life on the ground that his only years were passed among the scenes he [illegible] depicts. Mrs. Fenhagen illustrated Mr. Lincoln's characteristics as a writer by a number of selections, and read a letter from the author giving some interesting information as to his life and methods.


The 748th [749th] Meeting. [Oct. 29, 1912]

The regular meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held Tuesday, October 29th, Mrs. Allan [Alan] Smith presiding. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved, after which Mrs. Smith announced the meeting of the


Committee on Decorating the graves of the authors and artists of Maryland.

The programme for the afternoon was in charge of the Committee on Poetry, and the opening paper on Modern Celtic Verse was ready by the Chairman Miss Lizette Woodworth Reese. The Celt, said Miss Reese, is pre-eminently a singer of songs, but at the [illeg?] of every ballad is a touch of sadness, the motif of the fallen chieftain and the deserted camp. A wealth of legends has been inherited from the past, on which the modern Celtic poet has drawn generously. Miss Reese characterized the Celtic gifts as the gift of words, a sense of life, distinct from its responsibilities, a sense of light, a sense of color, a love of beauty, in all all its shades and degrees. But he has the defect of his good qualities. Miss Reese


read some selections from the later Irish and Welsh writers, including William Davies, Katherine Tierman, and Moira O'Neill.

The brief poems "Withered" and "An August Sunset" were read by Mrs. Edith Howell Armor. At the request of some in the audience, Mrs. Armor read the poems for the second time, that those present might better comprehend the delicate shading of thought.

Under the title "A Harvest[?] of Poesy," Mrs. William C. Butler presented a charming description of the town of Christchurch, England together with the church which gives the place its name, and the beautiful legend accounting for the fact that the church is Christchurch instead of being dedicated to the Trinity as was ordinarily intended. Some [grave?] epitaphs introduced amid Mrs. Butler's poetic descriptions amused


her audience. Mrs. Bartlett went on to describe the [N]ew [F]orest it makes which William [William the Conqueror] ruthlessly destroyed villages and razed churches, so that the deaths of two sons and a grandson in the forest seemed to the mind of the age a payment on his sacrilege. A number of poets loved to visit this spot, and some of them did their work under its inspiration.

An agreeable surprise was a paper not on the programme, "Two Hours[?] with a Prince[?] of Poesy," by Mrs. Charles W. Gallagher. Mrs. Gallagher suggested that much that is fine in American character is due to Longfellow the principles for which he stood having been impressed on the plastic minds of the young Americans through such poems as the "Psalm of Life," familiar to every school boy and girls. Mrs. Gallagher went on to describe the house of Longfellow


said to have more historic significance than any other house in America but Mt. Vernon. The poet at the time of her interview was about eight-four years of age, and his personal appearance was vividly and sympathetically described, and extracts from his writings freely used to illustrate his qualities.

At Mr. Longfellow's request that she recite for himself Mrs. Gallagher first complied by giving a dramatic but tragic selection which drew from the poet the comment that he always avoided the painful and harrowing. She suggested giving the "Old Clock on the Stairs," which seemed to gratify him. Mrs. Gallagher closed her description of her brief stay in what she aptly named "The House of Enchantment" by an impressive reading of the poem named, profitting [profiting] by Mr. Longfellow's


suggestion that the tick of the clock be abrupt, a point frequently overlooked by dramatic readers.


The 749th [750th] Meeting. [Nov. 5, 1912]

The regular meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held Tuesday, November 5th, 1912. Mrs. Allan [Alan] Smith presiding. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted, after which Mrs. Smith called for a report from the Committee on decorating the graves of the authors and artists of Maryland. Mrs. Bond, Chairman of the Committee, reported that twenty-one graves had been decorated, and that the work had been done by Miss Davis and Miss Latané.

The programme for the afternoon was in charge of the Fiction Committee, and opened with a story, "The Step to the Sublime," by


Mrs. Harriet Lumis [Lummis] Smith. The story concerned the experience of an unmarried woman; traveling alone, who notices the indisposition of a nurse-maid in charge of two children, and assumes the responsibility for the pair. An old lover enters the coach, and finding her thus occupied, assumes that the children are hers. Various complications arise, due to this and other misunderstandings, but in the end all is cleared up, including the original misunderstanding which separated the two years before.

Mrs. G. Lane Tannyhill [Taneyhill], Jr. read a story, "To the Uttermost." A young woman has become a nervous invalid, because of the breaking of her engagement almost on the eve of her marriage, is brought to the country that the quiet of her surroundings may aid in her


convalescence. But the sound of hammering continued until late in the night, frustrates this natural expectation, and one evening the nurse locates the disturbance in hopes that it may be stopped. She finds a man working on the interior finishings of his house, and he explains that his wife has been so overwhelmed by the death of their infant child, that it has been necessary to send her away, and he has been working day and night in the effort to finish the house, that she may come back to some new interest. The nurse realizes that the man is the recreant lover, and attempts to interest her patient in the task of aiding him in his endeavor, with the happiest result.

Miss Virginia Woodward Cloud [illegible] the programme by reading a story, "The Mountain Priestess,"


in place of the two sketches announced in the programme. The "Queen of Sheba" is the title which has been bestowed to the mysterious and lonely mountain dweller to whom troubled lovers resort for counsel, and to know what the future has in store. Two young girls come to her to know which of the two is preferred by a young man whom they describe with sufficient detail, so that she recognized the husband she has turned adrift, till he has ceased to depend on her for support. In her character of revealer of mysteries the queen sends to her husband a token, assuring the girls that after he has received it, it will be perfectly clear who has the best right to him, and the stratagem succeeds. The delineation of the character of the Mountain Priestess invites


calm strength and unselfish tenderness was both striking and beautiful.


The 750th [751st] Meeting. [Nov. 12, 1912]

The regular meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held Tuesday, November 12th, 1912, Mrs. Allan [Alan] Smith presiding. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted, after which Mrs. Smith voiced the regret of the Club that Mrs. Wrenshall was not present to enjoy the programme she had planned, and to which she had contributed.

The programme opened with a paper by Miss Victoria Elizabeth Gittings, on "A Country Home, and Its Family Portraits." Miss Gittings introduced the subject by saying that one would hardly expect to find in a Maryland farm-house reminders of the


French Revolution, yet at Fontenai [?] occupied by the Raphel family, are some most interesting souvenirs of that troubolous [troublesome?] time. Among the art treasures of the household is a miniature of the great-grandfather of the present generation, a Frenchman of title who enjoyed the friendship of the ill-fated Marie Antoinette and her husband, and in that time of disaffection gave the royal pair faithful service. Miss Gittings described the portraits of the two, presented by [the son?] to them by their loyal subjects, which hung upon the walls of the farm house. An insurrection on the island of Martinique forced this friend of luckless royalty to flee to America, and accounts for the fact that Maryland possesses objects of such extreme interest including some very valuable documents.


Mrs. Markland's "American Notes" are a feature of the year's programme awaited with keen anticipation, and the fourth paper in the series was as interesting as its predecessors. Mrs. Markland opened her paper by commenting on the marked improvement in portraiture contrasting the present trend with the work of such artists as Boldini,[1] and expressed the hope that the portraits of women who are thinkers would soon appear in our expositions as well as the portraits of beauties.

Among many portraits exhibited during 1912, Mrs. Markland called attention to the portrait of Dr. Lewis by Miss Keller, shown at the Peabody Institute last February. "Russell and Jack Burke, Halloween" representing two small boys in clown costume, by George


Luke, "Francis Amory" by Joseph de Camp. Mrs. Markland called attention to the fact that there are about three hundred portraits in the collection of the University of Pennsylvania, all of eminent men of to-day, and most of the canvasses by American artists.

Mrs. Markland also commented on some of the fine examples of water-color work shown at the forty-fifth Annual Exhibition of American Water-Color Society and on the success of the 107th exhibition of the Academy of Fine Arts.

Mrs. Markland pronounced the commemorative sculpture of the last year lacking in interest, including the Columbus Memorial at Washington among the ambitions [ambitious?] but unsatisfactory attempts. The paper closed with a plea for more dignified and symbolic work in the cartoon which


the writer aptly termed the poor man's art.

As the illness of Mrs. Jordan Stabler prevented her from appearing on the programme, her place was taken by Mrs. Allan [Alan] Smith who spoke on the organization and work of the Decorative Art Society of Baltimore. Mrs. Smith's modesty was unable to disguise the fact of her close personal connection with the foundation and success of the prosperous organization. The society just entering its 35th year was organized in response to an appeal made to Mrs. Smith by an artist, John James Jackson, who complained of the lack of esthetic appreciation among the people. Fifteen ladies met in Mrs. Smith's parlor, and gave the new organization its start so successfully that within two months there were


two hundred members. For some years the society struggled with financial difficulties, a period now past, though it is not its plan or wish to make money. The aim of the organization is to supplement the small incomes of gentlewomen by agreeable and suitable work.

It has paid out about $600.00 during its existance [existence]; and the past year has been the most successful of its history.


The 751st [752nd]Meeting. [Nov. 19, 1912]

The 751st [752nd] regular meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held Tuesday, November 19th, 1912, Mrs. Allan [Alan] Smith presiding. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The programme was in charge of the Committee on Education, and was opened with a paper by


Miss Nellie C. Williams, "A School for Adults." Miss Williams represented that in order to find something new for the topic, she was obliged to go to school herself, which she did with very satisfactory results, in the city of Tours, France. The summer school maintained in this city is under the auspices of the Alliance Francaise, a society international in its operations. In Paris it maintains a large school where thousands of foreigners study annually. In the summer school Miss Williams attended many nationalities were represented, and many callings; merchants, travellers [travelers], and diplomatists as well as teachers. In the course she personally followed there were forty-four adults, in which number Scotland was most largely represented. The school is conducted by the professors of a local college, and in


addition to class exercises in conversation, composition, syntax, and so on, lectures are given on various subjects. The townspeople are most hospitable, and Tours itself has much that is of interest to the visitor, besides being a centre for many charming excursions.

The title of Mrs. Robert B. Bowie's paper, "The Temple of Theseus in Baltimore," was explained by the fact that the old McKim school on the corner of Baltimore and Asquith streets is in the architecture of its front, a replica of the temple of Theseus in Athens. Mrs. Bowie told the interesting history of this school, beginning with its inception in the mind of Mr. John McKim, who wished to found here a school for the teaching of poor children, modeled after school in Philadelphia, organ-


ized on the so called Lancasterian system, one of the unique points being that there should be but one teacher assisted by the older boys acting as monitors. Mr. McKim died before realizing his wish, but his two sons, Isaac and William, carried out their father's intention, and in 1821 the school was established, modeled after the Adelphi [S]chool of Philadelphia. In 1835 the present building was erected. With the introduction of the public school system into [in] Baltimore, the decline of its usefulness began. It was closed twenty-three years ago. Mrs. Bowie characterized the idea of razing the old building as vandalism and gave cogent reasons why it should remain on its present site.

Mrs. Charles W. Lord closed the programme by giving some thoughts on education. She


spoke of the fact that education does not mean the same thing to all the world, and that the gold of wisdom is not the exclusive possession of the higher institutions of learning. She spoke of the advance in educational facilities of our day, especially for girls and women. Brief descriptions of the European seats of learning in mediaval [medieval] time pleasantly contrasted the old-time institutions with those of to-day. Mrs. Lord protested against the undue prominence given athletics in our modern schools, and commented on the fact that so many of the great modern inventions had been made independently of the universities, the inventors not even being college men in many instances.



The 752nd [753rd] Meeting. [Nov. 26, 1912]

The regular 752nd [753rd] meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held Tuesday November 26th, Mrs. Allan [Alan] Smith presiding. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted, and Mrs. Smith announced a meeting of the Fiction Committee, to be held Saturday, November 30th, 1912, at the home of its Chairman.

The programme for the afternoon was in charge of the Committee on Art, and the time was occupied by Mrs. Lily Tyson Elliott. In her recent trip around the world, Mrs. Elliott collected a fascinating assortment of art treasures, and those on exhibition at the Club-room gave it the aspect of an oriental bazar. Exquisite embroideries, laces, and miniatures delighted the eye and served to illustrate Mrs.


Elliott's remarks, or else were useful as a text for her vivid descriptions.

In part reading from her manuscript, and in part speaking informally, Mrs. Ellicott told many of the interesting incidents of her trip, touching on Italy, Egypt, India, China, Japan and the Phillipines [Philippines]. Her description of her stay in India was especially interesting as her visit co-incided [coincided] with that of the English sovereigns, and she was able to give some first-hand information regarding that unparalleled festival. Her visit to China, too, following shortly after the proclamation of the Republic, enabled her to estimate the attitude of the people toward the new regime.

At the conclusion of Mrs. Elliott's remarks, Mrs. Smith invited the ladies present to


Come to the front of the room in order to inspect more closely the beautiful embroideries. Refreshments were served, and the social hour was most enjoyable.


The 753rd [754th] Meeting. [Dec. 3, 1912]

The regular 753rd [754th] meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held Tuesday, December 3rd, 1912, Mrs. Allan [Alan] Smith presiding. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted. An announcement was made of a course of lectures to be given by our Club member, Miss Ellen Duvall, during Lent, her subject to be "Periods of English History and their Associated Literature." It was stated that details would be announced later.

The programme of the afternoon was in charge of the


Committee on Current Criticism. The programme was opened by Miss Elizabeth Lester Mullin with a criticism of Lilian Whiting's book "The Brownings: Their Life and Art." The book is dedicated to Robert Barrett Browning, the son of the two poets, and in her preface Miss Whiting acknowledges her obligation to Mr. Browning. Miss Mullin criticized the author's attitude as reverential rather than critical and also suggested that she does not live up to her comprehensive title. In the earlier part of the book a somewhat awkward effect is produced by writing in alternate chapters of the lives of the two great artists, a difficulty, which of course, disappears after their marriage. In Miss Mullin's opinion, the most successful part of the book is where Miss Whiting pictures the Brownings' [illegible]


for friendship. In her criticism of the work of the poets she seems to echo the opinion of others rather than express her independent criticism.

Mrs. Harriet Lummis Smith discussed H.G. Wells' latest novel "Marriage," treating of the experience of a brilliant young scientist who surrenders his beloved research and turns his energies to making money because his income is not sufficient to meet the demands of his young wife. He succeeds in his venture and becomes prosperous, but he feels that his life with no higher aim than the support of his family has ceased to be worth while. He and his wife go to Labrador to get away from the entangling world, and have time to think. In the desolation of a Labrador winter, the situation, complicated by the husband's ill-


ness, they come to an understanding, and return to take up life with a new purpose.

Miss Emily Paret Atwater closed the programme with a discussion of the "Cobweb Cloak" by Helen Mackay. Through this engaging story runs a fantastic motive [motif?], as the cobweb cloak is a fairy garment which the little heroine has inherited, and which can be worn only by one who lives in an atmosphere of simplicity and purity. The book divides itself naturally in two sections, the earlier part concerning itself with her childhood in America, the scene of her later life being a French chateau. Here she is jealously guarded by her husband who loves his wife's childlike simplicity, and is not willing to endanger it by allowing her to share the gaieties of Paris so dear to himself. The book


closes with a dramatic scene in which the husband, suspecting his wife of wrong-doing, is brought by her innocence to realize the unworthiness of his suspicion, and to ask her forgiveness. At the conclusion of the programme, Mrs. Smith expressed the hope that Mrs. Wrenshall would be present at the next meeting of December 10th.


The 754th [755th] Meeting. [Dec. 10, 1912]

The 754th regular meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held Tuesday, December 10th, with Mrs. Wrenshall in the chair; and Mrs. Turner, the Chairman of the afternoon, expressed a welcome for herself and her committee in beautiful flowers, as well as in a few well[-]chosen words. The President cordially greeted the


Club members and friends present, and announced a board meeting for Friday, December 13th, 1912, at her home at eleven o'clock.

The programme of the afternoon was in charge of the Committee on Essays and Essayists, and opened with a paper by Mrs. Charles W. Lord on "Our Friends the Birds." After paying her tribute to the share of the songsters in the charm of spring and summer, Mrs. Lord surprised her audience by reproducing with remarkable fidelity the notes of a number of our feathered friends. Mrs. Lord called attention to the fact that the note of the same bird differs noticeably under different conditions, illustrating by giving several widely different notes of the robin. Mrs. Lord showed an intimate first-hand acquaintance with bird habits as well as bird songs, and was several times in-


terrupted by applause.

Under the title, "A Few Critical Words on an Old Subject," Miss Virginia Woodward Cloud discussed the genius and the work of Edgar Allan Poe, and it is needless to say that though she called her subject old, she invested it with more than the charm of novelty. The talent, the greatness, and the limitations of the poet were all given discriminating attention. The dominance of sadness in his work was explained by his life. His genius was always pure. He created no great characters. But in spite of the limitations to which she called attention, Miss Cloud pronounced him America's most individual artist.

Mrs. Edward E. Fayerweather closed the programme by a discussion of the question "What Is Liberal Education?" Education, said Mrs. Fayerweather,


begins at home with the mother as the chief factor. Children must learn to seek truth, love, beauty, and honor character. Education should continue though middle age is past. We must aspire to constant development and new knowledge. Education must not ignore the moral side of our natures. Education which leaves that untouched is a failure. The test of an education is not merely what we know; but rather what we are.

The 755th [756th]Meeting. [Dec. 17, 1912]

The closing meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore before the holiday recess was held December 17th, the President in the Chair. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted. The President announced the Twelfth Night festival to be held


Tuesday January 7th, and said that each member had the privilege of three invitations. Addressing the new members, Mrs. Wrenshall explained that they were not under obligation to appear upon the programme the first year but that all new members should identify themselves with some committee. Mrs. Wrenshall announced the election of Mrs. Susan Thomas to membership in the Club. A meeting of the Poe Memorial Association was also called at the home of the President for Tuesday, December 19th, at eleven o'clock.

The programme for the afternoon was in charge of the Committee on the Literature of the Bible, and was opened by a paper by Mrs. William C. Butler on "The English Bible in English Literature." Before the translation of the Bible into English, said Mrs.


Butler, English literature was an affected immitation [imitation] of the Italian. In 1604 King James appointed a commission for the translation of the Bible, and the version appearing in 1611 is a literary monument to the nobleness of the English language. According to good authority, the most frequent sources of the anotations [annotations] in English are from the Bible, Shakespeare's plays and Aesop's fables. Shakespeare is full of scriptural references, though he was familiar with an earlier version than that of King James. Milton, Bunyan, Addison and Pope owe much to its influence. Byron and Shelley show its influence in the work if not in their lives. Scott's writings bear witness to his religious faith. Browning's "Saul" has been pronounced the finest poem of its length in the English language. Mrs. Butler deplored the ignorance of the Bible


characteristic of the present generation, proving her point by citing the failure of college students to interpret correctly the Biblical references found in Tennyson's poems.

Mrs. Allan [Alan] P. Smith read a paper on "The Music of the Old Testament." Mrs. Smith introduced her theme by the statement that Mendelsohn wrote songs without words, but the Psalms are songs without melody. The references to music in the Bible begin very early, the splendid outburst after Israel's deliverance from Egypt taking high rank among scriptural poems. Women took part in the choruses. Mrs. Smith enumerated a number of the more familiar instruments of music found in the Old Testament, including wind instruments, as well as such instruments as timbrels, harps and others.


Hebrew music reached its golden age under David and Solomon, with both male and female choruses and bands of musicians. Though so important a part of worship, music was not entirely identified with religious life.

In her closing references to the beautiful Christian songs of the New Testament, the songs of Mary and Elizabeth, Mrs. Smith made her paper beautifully expressive of the spirit of the Christmas season.

Before dismissing the meeting the President offered a glowing tribute to the Chairman of the afternoon, her remarks calling out hearty applause from those present.



The Annual Twelfth Night Festival. [Jan. 7, 1913]

The annual Twelfth Night festival of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held the evening of Tuesday, January 7th, 1913. In spite of the unpleasant weather, the room which had been beautifully decorated for the occasion, was crowded with an appreciative audience made up of Club members and their guests. The first part of the programmed consisted of Christmas hymns, sung by members of the choir of the Church of the Messiah, under the direction of the choir-master.

The President's annual Twelfth Night address followed the singing of the hymns, and aptly voiced the sentiments attaching to the occasion, both grave and gay. After extending the greetings of the season to the Club's assembled guests, Mrs. Wrenshall reverently outlined the story of the


Nativity before passing to the [enumeration?] of the festivities by which a less sophisticated age celebrated the greatest event of history. After the change of the calendar, two dates were celebrated, Christmas and Twelfth Night, the gaieties often covering the intervening period, and even extending some time beyond. Mrs. Wrenshall quoted from old chronicles who, both in poetry prose, bore witness to the festive character of these celebrations, and showed how, in some cases at least, the quaint customs were symbolic of a deep and beautiful meaning.

At the conclusion of the President's address, the musical programme was resumed under the direction of Miss Lina Stiebler, Chairman of Music. The opening number, "The Christmas Song," consisted of solos and a quartet of female voices. Selec-


tions were also given by Miss Pauline Abbott, Miss Marie Louise Hofman, Mr. Oscar Lehman, and Mr. S. Taylor Scott. Several of these singers have been heard before on the Club programmes, and that they have made themselves favorites was indicated by the warmth of their welcome.

Part Third of the programme was devoted especially to the Twelfth Night customs. Mrs. Harriet Lummis Smith had charge of the Christmas Box containing over two hundred souvenirs so wrapped as to enhance their intrinsic value by the element of mystery. The Twelfth Night cake in charge of Mrs. Wrenshall Markland, presented its usual beautiful appearance as it was brought into the hall, a bona fide Scotch piper, plaid tarltan [tartan]and all, following in its wake, and filling the room with the room with the


wheezy music of the bag pipes. Much interest centres in the charms concealed in the Twelfth Night cake as was indicated by the eagerness with which those present pressed forward to gain the coveted slice.

Arrangements for the supper were in charge of Mrs. Willam M. Powell, and the supper room presented a most attractive appearance, a boar's head being among the novelties which challenged attention. The varied programme held the guest till a late hour.


The 756th [757th] Meeting. [Jan. 14, 1913]

The regular (756th) meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held Tuesday, January 14th, 1913. Mrs. Wrenshall in the Chair. The minutes of the meeting of December 17th, 1912, were read and


accepted. The report of our Twelfth Night meeting appearing in the papers had called out a congratulatory letter from Mrs. Esther Jackson Weigman, whose work has been commented on in the programme devoted to the Authors and Artists of Maryland. Mrs. Weigman enclosed in her letter one of her poems, "A Christmas Legend," which Mrs. Wrenshall read most effectively.

In commenting on that portion of the minutes which recorded her counsel to new members, Mrs. Wrenshall added the information, well understood by the Club members of longer standing, that nothing is to be read at the Club meetings which has appeared in print, or which has formed part of any public programme.

The progrmme for the afternoon was in charge of the Committee on Foreign Travel,


and opened with a paper by Mrs. William E. Moore, "A Rare June Day." In her rambles in Warwickshire, Mrs. Moore was favored with cloudless weather, a boon of which the traveller [traveler] is not always sure. Mrs. Moor spoke appreciatively of Warwick, quaint picturesque and with an air of having been finished centuries ago, of Warwick castle with its imposing turrets and towers, and the peacocks strutting over the lawn of Kenilworth Castle now a ruin, of Stratford-on-Avon, and the house where Shakespeare was born, with its relics, not the least interesting being the autographs of former visitors. Some amusing accounts of the civilities showed to travellers [travelers] by youthful rustics added the charm of humor to Mrs. Moore's descriptions.

Under the title "In Fair Cathay" Mrs. Samuel Alexander Hill gave us a chapter from the


life of the Orient. She began her picture by a bit of description of Hong Kong and its harbor, the peak rising shear a 1,000 feet, the wharves crowded with representatives from every land, and in the most picturesque costumes, the harbor swarming with every kind of craft, for the tonnage of this Oriental seaport equals that of London. Many of the boats are homes for, because of the overcrowding of the Chinese cities, a considerable proportion of the population occupy boats as dwellings.

The facinating [fascinating] sights in the city, and the beauties of the country scenery were appreciatively described by Mrs. Hill. The trip to the top of the triple guardian peak of Hong Kong is made by cog railway, and from the summit the view is incomparable. Mrs. Hill pronounced Canton


the most facinating [fascinating] Chinese city she visited on her trip, and also declared that it bore [?] off [the palm?] among odoriferous cities. She spoke with enthusiasm of the perfection to which certain arts were carried, embroidery, carving and others. A yacht ride in a yacht manned by Chinese women was among the memorable experiences of the trip. Mrs. Hill warned her audience that those who wished to see the old China must not delay about engaging their passage.

Miss Nellie C. Williams described a recent trip to Bermuda under under the title "A Dainty Bit of Earth." Miss Williams declared that Bermuda seems suited for the occupancy of Liliputians [Lilliputians], all the natural formations appearing in miniature. She also quoted the opinion of the much travelled captain, that it is the


only place where the [illegible] is never disappointed. There are said to be three hundred sixty-five of islands with an area of nineteen square miles. The population is 32,000, two-thirds colored, and the negroes have quite a percentage of Indian blood. The buildings are lime stone, and the roofs are white washed and kept immaculately clean, as there are no springs nor rivers in the island, and the rain furnishes drinking water. The flora is abundant and varied, and one hundred sixty varieties of fish are known in the waters. Automobiles are barred, and the fine roads are at the service of carriages, cyclists, and pedestrians.

Miss Williams mentioned two interesting facts in connection with the island, that Thomas Moore [Irish poet] was at one time a resident of Bermuda


and eulogized it in his poem "Farewell to Bermuda;" also, that it was the scene of Shakespear's [Shakespeare] "Tempest."


The 757th [758th] Meeting. [Jan. 21, 1913]

The 757th regular meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held Tuesday, January 21st, 1913, Mrs. Wrenshall presiding. The minutes of the meeting of January 14th were read and approved. Mrs. Wrenshall announced the course of lectures at the Friends' School, and also announced Miss Ellen Duvall's Lenten Literary Class. The course, which consists of seven lectures on English literature and the related periods of English history opens February 6th, 1913, and continues through the Thursdays of Lent.

The programme of the afternoon was in charge of the


Committee on Fiction, and opened with a story by Miss Virginia Bowie, "His Brother Robert." The story, which is a clever study in dual personality concerns itself with the experience of two girl cousins, hopelessly uncongenial but compelled by the edict of the family to spend the summers in each other's society. One summer is enlivened for both by the alternating visits of two young men, twin brothers, one of them a clergyman, the other a typical man of the world. The real identity of the so[-]called brothers is revealed when the worldly Robert in the very act of proposing to Rachel is transformed into the Rev. Richard at the sight of Euphemia. The marriage of the last[-]named pair seems to solve the problem satisfactorily except for some haunting doubts on Rachel's part as to whether Robert will


ever come back.

"A Celtic Fairy Tale" by Mrs. Robert Bowie recounted the adventures of a daring young smuggler who encountered a weazened  [wizened] old figure in a spot not far removed from the parish church yard, on a May night, of all nights in the year. After various draughts of the fiery liquor brought from France in Shan's lugger, the old man becomes voluable [voluble], and tells tales of the fairies and druids in a fashion that betrays an uncanny knowledge of his subject. When the invitation is given to engage in a game of cards, Shan is convinced that he has been holding converse with the Evil One, and that his soul will be the stake. A fight ensues, and Shan makes his escape, a penitent, promising a certain blue-eyed girl


of the parish to abjure smuggling and liquors, and though the maid recognizes a striking resemblance between his description of the Evil One and the sexton of the ancient church, she is wise enough to hold her peace.

"The Grand Slam" by Miss Louisa Haughton described a devotee of cards, who though regarding herself as too delicate to engage in any useful occupation, was able to play cards every day in the week and many hours a day. Though claiming that she did not play cards for money, the mail one morning brought her a bill for a thousand dollars, the same being sent by her hostess of the previous evening. Her husband, at length, came to the rescue, directed her to write a cheque for a thousand and odd dol-


lars, and on the reverse side placed an itemized bill for her evening's entertainment; a thousand dollars for her losses, two dollars for her luncheon, and a smaller amount for the rent of her chair, the presumption being that the business[-]like hostess would prefer to lose the amount of the cheque rather than to cash it and so make public her methods.


The 758th [759th] Meeting. [Jan. 28, 1913]

The regular meeting of the Woman's [Literary] Club of Baltimore was held Tuesday, January 28th, 1913, Mrs. Wrenshall presiding. The minutes of the meeting of January 21st were read and accepted. As this was the closing meeting of the month, Mrs. Wrenshall announced the programmes for February. For February 4th, the commemor-


ation of the birthday of Sidney Lanier; February 11th, Committee on the Drama; February 18th, Committee on Colonial and Revolutionary History; February 25th, Committee on Foreign Languages.

The programme for the afternoon was in charge of the Committee on Foreign Languages, and opened with a paper by Miss Lillie Schnauffer, giving an abridged translation from the German of a eulogy on Kamma Rahbek, the Danish woman whose chief claim to remembrance seems to have been her genius for friendship. Madam Rahbek was a musician and artist. She spoke several languages fluently and read others, including Greek. Her knowledge of science and literature, in addition to these other accomplishments, fitted her to con-


verse on almost any subject, and she was the soul of the conversation that went on about her table. She was born in 1775, educated by her father, and in 1798 married the editor and poet whose wide acquaintance helped to account for her long list of friends. Though she never wrote, many poems were composed in her honor, and at her death it was said that it seemed as if all the young poets in Denmark had lost a mother.

"The Little Shoes," translated by Mrs. William C. Butler from the French of H. Moreau opens with a picture of a little creole girl voyaging from the West Indies to France, where she is to make the acquaintance, and later be married, to her cousin. She soon becomes a favorite with the entire ship's company, including an old sailor named Peter, to


whom she confides the prophesy of a negro fortune teller, who has warned her in mystical language, of an eagle flying sunward with a rose in his beak, and then at the outbreak of a tempest, letting the rose fall. Marie-Rose wears out her shoes, and can no longer dance upon the steamer's deck, and old Peter, discovering her predicament, himself fashions for her a pair of shoes from the high boot of an army officer. The grateful recipient of the gift promises never to forget the giver. After the steamer lands we lose sight of Marie-Rose for long years, finding her again in Josephine, once empress, now set aside for ambition's sake. When her ladies wish to amuse themselves with private theatricals, she gives them free access to


her wardrobe, reserving only the one thing she regards as too precious for use, the clumsy little shoes, fashioned by the old sailor, whom, true to her childish vow, she has never forgotten.

Miss Virginia Berkley Bowie gave a translation from the Italian of Piero Giacosa "The Spider and the Professor." After introducing his hero, a spider dwelling in an old library, the author explains that certain breeds of spiders find abiding places in human brains, as outburst of poetry, or a sudden rejuvenation being among the possible phenomena resulting. This spider is looking for a brain as residence and is very favorably impressed by a young student who often occupies the library, but he fails to find the necessary crevice by which to enter. The student becomes a professor and grows old, and the spider's hopes are not


realized. Even when the professor's son comes to plead with his father not to force him to follow in his footsteps, since he has not aptitude for that work, the older man refuses to listen and the youth goes his way and gets a bullet in his brain. In course of time the professor dies, and the spider's long deferred hope is realized, for a bust of the great man is placed in the library, and the spider, leaving his hole in the wall, enters by an imperceptible aperture into the marble skull which is henceforth his home.


The 759th [760th] Meeting. [Feb. 4, 1913]

The 759th regular meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held Tuesday, February 4th, Mrs. Wrenshall presiding. The minutes of the previous meeting were


read and accepted.

The programme for the afternoon had been arranged by the President in commemoration of the birthday of Sidney Lanier, February 3rd, and the bust of the poet had been attractively decorated. Mrs. Wrenshall prefaced her programme by brief remarks, and Mrs. Lawrence Turnbull read her poem addressed to Sidney Lanier "God Taught Him." Mrs. Turnbull explained that the poem was written a few days after the poet's death, and was read at the first memorial service ever held in his honor.

In reading selections from the writings of Sidney Lanier, Mrs. John C. Wrenshall was desirous of emphasizing the trait that was the key note of his character, and his courage, [illegible] she grouped her selections under the title "Songs of Courage."


Every poet, Mrs. Wrenshall said, [is his?] own biographer, and this is particularly true of Lanier. Mrs. Wrenshall first recited "The Stirrup Cup" written at [Tampa?] where he had been sent in the hope of arresting the disease which threatened his life. "A Song of the Future" was the next selection, written when his health was somewhat improved and his prospects brighter, so that courage had become exaltation. [illegible] "The Psalm of the West," Mrs. Wrenshall gave the sonnet's adding to the interest by her illuminating commentary. Mrs. Wrenshall mentioned that she had heard Lanier himself read the poem, simply, and in the somewhat muffled [illegible] that was the result of his ailment, but nevertheless with extraordinary effectiveness. As a climax to the


heroic spirit inspiring all his writing, Mrs. Wrenshall read the opening of "Sunrise," the poem written in the closing days of the poet's life, where courage has reached the sublimity of faith.

Mrs. Lawrence Turnbull closed the programme with a comprehensive discussion of the poem "Psalm of the West." While less perfectly finished than some of Lanier's poems, Mrs. Turnbull said, it expresses perhaps more of himself than any other, and is a distinct contribution to our national literature. The poem is, of course, allegorical. Every man, like Columbus, has some land to discover, some hope to reach. The warm, red west typifies the highest earthly life of man. Not through crucifixion of self but by lifting up and glorifying the individual, the progress of


the race is to come. For a better understanding of the poem, Mrs. Turnbull advised readers to begin the reading with the second movement, reserving the first for the close, where, in her opinion, it more properly belongs. Mrs. Turnbull illustrated her interpretation of the poem by reading a number of selections, thus bringing out admirably its general aim and scope. She mentioned that the "Southern Night Song" had been written some years previous to its insertion in the larger poem, and though open to criticism, viewed as an isolated effort in its present setting it is admirable.

In her closing remarks Mrs. Wrenshall invited the members and guest of the Club to remain for a cup of tea, an invitation which was generally accepted.



The 760th [761st] Meeting. [Feb. 11, 1913]

The 760th meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held February 11th, 1913, Mrs. Wrenshall presiding. The minutes of the meeting of February 4th were read and accepted. Mrs. Wrenshall announced the French illustrated lecture on the Persian Ball, to be given at the Belvedere, Monday, February 17th.

The meeting for the afternoon was in charge of the Committee on the Drama, and was opened by Miss Lucy Temple Latane who spoke briefly on the Celtic revival in connection with the movement for the nationalization of the drama. A number of dramatists cooperated with the leaders in the movement by supplying plays which would reflect upon the Irish state the national characteristics.


The most successful of the playwrights was John M. Synge. Most of his dramas are one act plays, some of them humorous, others tragic. Miss Latane read one of these brief plays, "Riders to the Sea," which, as she suggested, in the somber development, is suggestive of the Greek tragedies.

Two poems by Miss Lizette Woodworth Reese followed, "Old Houses" and "April Rain," both notable for delicacy of sentiment as well as beauty of form.

Miss Ellen M. Duval gave a comparison of Marlow[e]'s "Faustus" and Goethe's "Faust," dispensing with the use of quotes in her discussion. As Marlow died at the age of twenty-nine his writings are works of promise rather than of ripe fulfillment. In his "Faustus" he used the


current legend with little modification. The play has two great scenes, the first with Faustus makes his compact with the devil, and the second when the time comes for the consumation [consummation] of the bargain.

Goethe intended at first to translate Marlowe's "Faustus" but decided to produce an independent version. Though the legend was the same, he lifted it from the material setting and spiritualized it. In fineness of characterization Goethe's poem is far superior. In comparing the two Mephistopheles, Miss Duvall said the devil of Marlowe's conception like Milton's Lucifer was a magestic [majestic] figure, while Goethe's Mephistopheles lacked in dignity.

Mrs. Frances M. Butler called her sketch "Foraging" a very humble scene from a


very humble drama, and added that it was founded on fact. In a Virginia town, an old colored man was arrested for stealing a "shote" from a neighbor, and the evidence seemed to prove his guilt conclusively. The judge sternly observed that such cases had been becoming frequent, and it was time to make an example of someone, and asked if the prisoner had anything to say before sentence was passed on him. The prisoner replied that he had a good dealt to say, and proceeded to address the Court as "Mas' Charles." It seemed he had been a former servant whom the judge had lost sight of. The two had played together as boys, and when the war broke out, and the young master went to the front, Jim attended him. He re-


minded the Court that throughout his service he always found something for his master to eat recalling in particular the glories of a Christmas dinner, which had won for him the distinction of being pronounced the best forager in the army. He concluded with the pertinent inquiry that if it were foraging then, how did it come to be stealing now? The judge replied by suspending sentence, releasing the prisoner without bail and adjourning the court till the following day.


The 761st [762nd] Meeting [Feb. 18, 1913]

The regular meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held February 18th, 1913, Mrs. John C. Wrenshall presiding.

The minutes of the meeting of February 11th were read


and accepted.

The programme for the afternoon was in charge of the Committee on Revolutionary and Colonial History, Chairman Mrs. Thomas Hill; and was opened by a brief address by the Chairman, couched in choice and patriotic language, eulogising [eulogizing] George Washington, and saying that the Woman's Literary Club was honoring his memory to-day, although his birthday was still a few days distant.

Mrs. Frances M. Butler gave an account of a letter dated October 3rd, 1780, written by Col. Richard Kidder Meade, an aide-de-Camp to General Washington during the whole of the Revolution[ary] War; then she read the letter, which has been framed for preservation. The letter is now in the possession of a great grandson of the writer, who is a resident of Roland Park. It was a most interesting con-


tribution to the programme.

Mrs. Jenny Lind Green, the well-known musician, and Miss Katharine Blair Winston, a young soprano, kindly gave their talents for the enjoyment of the Club members. Mrs. Green first played a brilliant fantasie [fantasy] of "Midsummer Night's Dream," after which Miss Winston sang "Heart's Delight," by Gilchrist [William W.].

Miss Harriet P. Marine followed; she first recited "Lines to Washington's Monument." These fine verses had been inspired by the sight of Washington's monument in our own Mount Vernon Place, as the beams of the setting sun were gilding the statue; then followed a brief biography of John Lofland, the Milford Bard, a native of Delaware, but long a resident of Baltimore. Although now almost forgotten, he was a very


popular poet and writer in the early part of the nineteenth century. He was a friend of Thomas Moore, also of Edgar Allan Poe, and like the latter, his last years were spent wretchedly in poverty and loss of respect among men.

He wrote much in verse and prose concerning the Revolutionary War; as a specimen of his literary work Miss Marine recited "The Wizzard of Valley Forge." It was an exciting tale of Washington's escape from the treachery of a false friend, who thought to betray him to the British. Miss Marine's dramatic recital made the story very graphic.

Mrs. Green then sang five dialect songs in her rich contralto, displaying her versatility by selecting one each in English, Scotch, German, Irish, and African. These songs were received with so much applause that the singer gave us an

[164-165] illegible


courtesy of Miss Nellie C. Williams

The evening of Thursday the twentieth of February was made memorable for the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore by the charming hospitality of one of our members, Miss Nellie C. Williams. All the present members of the Club with their husbands, and many former members, as well as outside friends were invited to participate in a reunion held at the Belvedere where Miss Williams, the hostess of the occasion, received, assisted by Mrs. John C. Wrenshall, and Mrs. Allan P. Smith.

Though the evening was unpleasant, the spacious quarters Miss Williams had engaged were filled by an appreciative throng whose enjoyment needed no voucher.

The invitations were for [illegible] tea after eight, and after an hour spent socially, Mr. Hobart Smock


entertained Miss Williams' guests with a delightfully varied programme. The musical selections ranged from the classical to a number of charming dialect songs, the latter rendered with the spontaneous humor which is one of Mr. Smock's assets. The audience regretted Mr. Smock's inability to respond to encores on account of a severe cold, but was consoled by the character of the entertainment that followed. In his recollections and story-telling Mr. Smock ran the gamut of the emotions, from the tragic and appealing to the irresistibly amusing, showing himself, among other things, a master of dialect.

The conclusion of the programme gave another interlude for sociability, and then refreshments were served. The perfection of all arrangements was sufficient proof of the careful thought and planning of


the hostess, and the departing guests were outspoken in expressions of enjoyment and appreciation.


The 762nd [763rd] Meeting. [Feb. 25, 1913]

The 762nd regular meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held Tuesday, February 25th, 1913, Mrs. Wrenshall presiding. The minutes of the previous meeting were read by Miss Nellie C. Williams, who acted as secretary on that occasion, and were approved.

Mrs. Wrenshall referred to the Club reunion the previous Thursday, when Miss Williams, as hostess, had entertained the Club members and their friends as a unique and delightful event in the Club's history, and suggested that it might be the wish of the members present to voice the universal appreciation of her


generous hospitality. Mrs. Lord moved that the thanks of the Club be tendered to Miss Williams for a most rare evening, and the motion was seconded by Mrs. Allan P. Smith. By a rising vote the Club members expressed their concurrence in the resolution.

The announcement that Mrs. Wrenshall would lecture on Rome had brought out the usual full house expected on such occasions. The lecture naturally divided itself into three heads, the Rome of Romulus, Imperial Rome, and Rome of To-day. Beginning with the facinating [fascinating] legends which have grown up about the birth of Romulus, and the founding of the city, Mrs. Wrenshall gave views of some of the earliest existing constructions dating back many centuries before Christ, as well as of the well-known statue of the


motherly she-wolf, an antique assigned to a very early date.

A free use of charts and maps helped wonderfully in a logical understanding of the lecture, and Mrs. Wrenshall introduced another admirable innovation when she threw upon the screen the architectural reproductions of famous buildings whose glories[,] now perhaps, are represented by a solitary column or a fragment of wall. The splendors of ancient Rome became more than a phrase when one after another of the ruins stood revealed in the original magnificence, as if the vision of Ezekiel in the valley of dry bones had again been enacted. And with the pictures were presented the life and history of old Rome in words so telling and forceful that it, too, like its ruins, seemed reconstructed and present before


our eyes. Possibly that portion of the lecture devoted to the Forum awakened especial enthusiasm, so much of the life and thought of the ancient world being comprehended in the limits of this famous square. And whether considering the mysterious black stone believed by some to mark the grave of Romulus, or the beauties of some reconstructed temple, the facination [fascination] of that wonderful age and race held all in its tenacious grip.

The closing section of the lecture devoted to Rome of To-day, was especially delightful to those acquainted with the modern city, as the beautiful views and vivid descriptions brought back familiar scenes. Mrs. Markland's pictures have been the subject of such frequent and enduring comment that little remains to be said upon the theme, but the pictures which


revealed old and new Rome perhaps represent an advance, taken as a whole, on any previous lecture, and many of the pictures when thrown on the screen elicited spontaneous applause.

At the conclusion of a delightful hour, the President invited the guests of the Club to remain for a cup of tea, an invitation very generally accepted.


The 763rd [764th] Meeting. [Mar. 4, 1913]

The 763rd regular meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held Tuesday March 4th, 1913; Mrs. John C. Wrenshall presiding.

The minutes of the social meeting which occurred at the Belvedere on the evening of February 20th, and also the minutes of the last regular


meeting were read and adopted.

The first number was "Sketches of Ireland," by Mrs. James C. Fenhagen; but on account of her absence from the city it was read by Mrs. Percy M. Reese.

It was an entertaining description of first impressions of the Emerald Isle, the steamer entering the harbor of Queenstown, of the weather, the people, the journey to delightful Cork, the long twilight, the trip to Blarney Castle in a jaunting car, throwing a kiss to the famous stone, instead of the perilous feat of actually kissing it, the fine trees, thrifty gardens, neat plaster houses, the Bells of Shandon [Shannon], Queens's College, the Cathedral, lovely Killarney,


the journey to Dublin, with reflections on the service of the Royal Irish Mail trains, Dublin with its Trinity College, its Phoenix Park, its memories of Dean Swift, its fine picture gallery and its most beautiful bay. The easy and chatty style of the paper made it very agreeable to the audience.

Mrs. Lord followed with a paper, "Some of the World's Patriots and Republics." As she said, it was a paper particularly suitable to inauguration day [Woodrow Wilson's first term]; while we were deeply interested in the change of National executives, it was appropriate to consider other countries and the heroes of other lands, especially those in which the republican form of government had been adopted, to the benefit and progress of their peoples.

In a few telling words she


spoke of the corroding evils that lie beneath the surface of our government and the danger that evolution may develop into revolution if wise hands do not control the helm.

She spoke of the strange changes in our great old China, the world's astonishment that it should have thrown off the lethargy of the ages and suddenly become a republic [January 1912]; of seething Mexico, of France where the lack of homogeneity may unseat the Republic and bring back a Monarchy at any moment.

But especially in the mountinous [mountainous] countries have the people always loved liberty and been willing to die to gain freedom for their country. Switzerland has been free for 600 years, and the Tyrol has fought bravely for liberty.

The main part of the paper


was devoted to Andreas Hofer the Tyrolean patriot who fought so nobly and was so full of high ideals for his native land, refusing all honors and rewards that might have been his, after Victor Emmanuel became Emperor of United Italy.

Mrs. Wrenshall expressed her pleasure at the introduction of this new note under the head of Foreign Travel, saying that an account of the great men of a country, especially those whose valiant deeds had made the nation great, was appreciated and instructive in contemplating foreign lands.

"The Cathedral City of Wells" was the title of Miss Emily Paret Atwater's interesting paper; she sketched the history of the Cathedral in the little City of Wells from the earliest [illegible] times, relating its varied fortunes


as the social [4 illegible words] developed and changed. Several times rebuilt, the present edifice dates from the thirteenth century. It is Gothic [?] in its style, and is preeminently a cathedral of arches, for the number and style of its arches are its great distinction.

Miss Atwater told some quaint old legends concerning the early [illegible] of the bishopric, and others, showing what important roles in the history of England many of the prelates had played, especially the [illegible] Bishop Ken.

She described the Bishop's Palace, the gardens, terraces and [2 illegible], and the quiet City of Wells, around from the [illegible] of St. Andrew nearby.

After adjournment, the members lingered to enjoy a social cup of tea, not neglecting its usual accompaniment of chat.



The 764th [765th] Meeting.

The 764th regular meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held in the club room on Tuesday, March 11th, with Mrs. Alan [Allan] P. Smith the First Vice-President presiding.

Mrs. Smith expressed to the members of the Club the deep regret of the President for her unavoidable absence.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

The announcements included references to the Old English Play being given by Miss Annie Russell at a local theater, and the Shakespearean lectures at the Belvedere given by Dr. Abbot of Boston for the benefit of the Home of the Friendless.

The programme for the afternoon was under the direction of Mrs. Sidney Turner, Chairman of the Committee on Essays and


Essayists and consisted of five short papers on unrelated topics.

The opening paper was given by Miss Elizabeth Cary Nicholas, and was called "The Point of View." Miss Nicholas expressed the opinion that argument instead of convincing had the opposite effect, because each person looked at the subject from a different view point. Pride and prejudice frequently enter into such noble qualities as religion and love of country, both of which come to us by inheritance, hence our opinions of them are based in certain directions. Even in viewing our local section patriotically we are restricted, and while this is sometimes good, it usually is not the best point of view. Miss Nicholas suggested the wisdom of making an effort to see the point of view of the "other man."

The second topic, "A Study


of Pegs," was given by Miss H. Frances Cooper. Miss Cooper spoke first of the usefulness of pegs, both material and mental, and referred briefly to many kinds of pegs, the first place being given to observation, the ability to see things, else a square peg would aim to enter a round hole. Inspiration is vain without the peg of tenacity. Opportunities are at hand, but misapplied talents make confusion. Philanthropic pegs, sanitary pegs, pegs for the golden rule, the peg of humanity, literary pegs, and helpful pegs each called for a brief discussion. Among the helpful pegs, mention was made of the various Woman's Clubs, especially that of the Woman's Literary Club.

The third paper, "The Lure of the Picture," was given by Mrs. William E. Moore. Mrs. Moore spoke of the undefinable characteristics that marked marked each


period and time, but taken together made a picture of the times. Pictures themselves are so old that their beginnings have been lost in antiquity. They are found in the earliest remains of Egypt, and are frequently the real historical description of the age. Pictures appeal to the emotions, and they have become the handmaid of religion. Tracing down the years the human form came into its own. The things of to-day will be the antiquities of to-morrow. The good and the germ of evil in the moving picture was referred to, and the fact that while we call the moving picture new, long ago old Omar described it in his charming verse.

Mrs. S. A. Hill followed with "A Great Philanthropy," the Cecil Rhoades [Rhodes] Scholarship at Oxford being the subject matter of the paper. The wish of Mr. Rhoades for an [a] unification


of the British Empire, and the idea that this could be accomplished by offering provincial youth the opportunity of attending the great College in the mother country was the reason for the establishment of these scholarships. The privilege was further extended to include the United States and Germany. Each scholarship has a value of three hundred pounds sterling a year for a period of three years. We Baltimoreans are proud of the fact that one of our residents a recipient of the scholarship has brought honor to the whole United States by capturing the Newdigate prize [in English verse to Oxford student] the first time that prize has ever been awarded to an American, thus placing the name of Green of Baltimore, along with such names as Dean Stanly [Stanley?], John Ruskin, and others equally famous.

The last paper was given by Mrs. James C. Fenhagen on "Person-


ality in Homemaking." Mrs. Fenhagen made mention that much of the charm of travelling is derived from visiting the homes of famous people. We are attracted to people, and wish next to see their homes, for they truly reflect the individual. Woman's love of home is essentially feminine and the decoration of the home vies with that of personal adornment. Beauty and restfulness are essentials, and do not necessarily mean lavish expenditure, for frequently the end is accomplished by the use of simple materials. Mrs. Fenhagen spoke of the "gift closet" wherein were stored the numerous gifts received which do not fit into the harmony of the other furnishings of the home, and which may not for friendship's sake be discarded.

At the close of Mrs. Fenhagen's paper Mrs. Smith declared the meeting adjourned, but


expressing the hope that the members and guests would prolong the pleasant afternoon by conversation over the tea-cups.


The 765th [766th] Meeting [Mar. 18, 1913]

The 765th regular meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held Tuesday, March 18th, 1913, Mrs. John C. Wrenshall presiding. The minutes of the meeting of March 11th, taken by Mrs. Uhler, were read and accepted. Mrs. Wrenshall announced that Yale University was about to bring out the "Life and Letters of Dr. Nathan Smith" by Mrs. Alan P. Smith. The volume is to be issued in commemoration of the founding of the Yale school of medicine by Dr. Smith, one hundred years ago. Mrs. Smith briefly expressed her thanks for the applause called out by this announcement.

The programme for the after-


noon was in charge of the Committee on Unfamiliar Records, and was noteworthy as introducing to the Club two new members who have never before appeared on any programme. The first paper was by the Chairman of the Committee, Mrs. Edward Stabler, who under the title "The Good Old Days" gave us interesting and sometimes amusing, glimpses of the life of the generations back of us. Mrs. Stabler said that from the time of Henry IV till the mid-reign of Henry VIII there was little change in popular customs. A sensible acceleration of life began the first of the seventeenth century, which has continued and increased up to our times.

The bill of fare in the upper class English homes of the middle ages was given in some detail, awakening thankfulness that with the increased


cost of living there has been a modification of appetite. In those days, said Mrs. Stabler, nobles were little better than captains of bandits, and maintained themselves by preying on one another.

The paper "Ashes of History" by Miss Harriet P. Marine, gave many items of interest to Baltimoreans. Miss Marine spoke of a number of homes of historic interest in the city, among them the old Johns Hopkins home, the Patterson home, the Carroll home on the Johns Hopkins grounds, Holiday Street Theater is famed as the spot where the Star[-]Spangled Banner was first sung. In Front Street Theater Jenny Lind sang, and here Douglas [Stephen] was nominated for the Presidency, also Lincoln for his second term. Glass Island in the Susquehanna was formerly known as Palmer's Island, and was formed


by the seat of an important institution of learning. Miss Marine concluded by giving the names of many of the illustrious dead buried in Westminster Churchyard and that of old St. Paul's.

Mrs. T. J. Copeland one of our new members read a paper on the "Battle of Guildford [Guilford] Courthouse and the Preservation of the Battle Field." In Revolutionary days Guildford Court-House, now a thriving and modern city, was a village of two or three hundred. Here in 1781 Green [Nathanael Greene] and Cornwallis met and though there was not decisive victory, it made Yorktown possible. After that engagement Cornwallis withdrew to Wilmington, under the protection of the battle-ships. Mrs. Copeland explained that the falling back of the militia was part of Green's plan, and though the defeat became a rout, the scheme was successful. Green lost the


field but really won the victory, and though Cornwallis had the field he could not hold it. The Guilford Battlefield Company was organized in 1887 and since has bought land, erected statues, and built a fireproof museum. Mrs. Copeland described some of the statues, including one of especial interest to Marylanders, that of a Maryland woman who rode from her home to North Carolina to nurse her sons wounded in battle. The battlefield is the scene of a gathering every fourth of July.

Miss Mary Stewart Reid, also a new member, read two papers, the first on the "Founding of the Life-Saving Service of the United States." Miss Reid said that in 1839 a terrific storm off the New Jersey coast resulted in the destruction of a brig, and the loss of life of all on board, though the residents of the


town had attempted to go to the rescue in fishing boats. A young man of the place, Dr. Newell [William A.], was impressed with the thought that there should be some way to reach vessels in distress, and made successful experiments along that line. He was elected to Congress in 1848, and at once set about securing an appropriation to make commerce safe along the New Jersey coast. In 1864 he was again elected to Congress, and, as in the interval he had served as superintendent of the service he was able to present its needs to the government. Though Dr. Newell received many honors, being elected to the governorship of New Jersey, and the state of Washington, he regarded the establishment of the life-saving service as the proudest achievement of his life.

Under the title of "A Literary and Historic Jaunt in the Lower


Eastern Sho'" Miss Reid gave interesting glimpses possible only to one thoroughly familiar with the ground of this picturesque and historic portion of our state. She spoke of the names, many of them Indian, and others expressive of patriotism in pre-Revolutionary times. She described old colonial mansions, old churches, and localities which were the scenes of stirring events in the old days, as well as those which have been chosen by writers as the stage for imaginary dramas. Miss Reid concluded her paper by giving the titles of books which treat, either historically, or in the form of verse or fiction of this portion of Maryland.

Mrs. Wrenshall added to the interest of the programme by relating some anecdotes suggested by the papers of the afternoon, and also called the attention of the Club the fact that our


Club house is a historic building connected with many brilliant and historic events.


The 766th Meeting.

The 766th regular meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held Tuesday, March 25th, Mrs. John C. Wrenshall presiding. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted. Mrs. Wrenshall in her opening remarks called attention to the fact that the Club was entering on its 24th year of existence, having been organized March 19th. Mrs. Wrenshall offered the Club members her congratulations on this birthday anniversary.

The programme for the afternoon was in charge of the Committee on Current Criticism, and was opened with a review of Eleanor Atkinson's "Greyfriar's Bobby" by Mrs. Thomas L. Berry.


The book opens with the last days and death of an old shepherd, whose faithful Bobby, a shaggy skye terrier is his closest friend. When the old man is taken to his last resting place the little dog follows the bier, and though put out of the graveyard, manages to elude the care taker later, and guards the grave all night. The nightly vigils continue, and the care-taker won over at length by the dog's devotion, connives with his defiance of regulations. The little dog becomes the friend of all the community, and his fame travels far, many strangers coming to see the faithful little animal, and the grave of his old master. The Baroness Burdette [Burdett-]Coutts wins from the authorities the promise that Bobby shall lie beside his master, and erects outside the enclosure his monument, a fountain surmounted by the bronze


figure of a little terrier.

"The Friar of Wittenberg" by William Stearn Davis was discussed by Miss Caroline Bausemer, who, like Mrs. Berry appeared on the programme for the first time. The book, Miss Bausemer said, introduces us to the stirring times of the early sixteenth century. The hero is a young nobleman of mixed Italian and German extraction, and banished from Italy for several years, he takes up his residence in his German castle. This gives a chance to contrast the elegance of Italian society at that time with the crudeness of the German life. The two young women who contest the right of the hero's heart might be labeled sacred and profane love. The book is written with a strong Protestant bias, the well[-]known incidents in the life of Luther being used with telling effect.


"The Promised Land" by Mary Antin was reviewed by Miss Lucy Latane, who pronounced it a unique autobiography, the author having passed through so many and so varied phases of existence in so brief a time. The book in the beginning pictures the life of a prosperous Jewish family in a Russian town. Owing to financial straits later the family migrate to America, and the children are put to school. The fever of patriotism awakened in the heart of this small alien for her adopted country was described by Miss Latane in the words of the author as no other could be so touching. Miss Latane suggested that the personality of the writer was typical of her race. The conclusion of Miss Latane's paper dealt with the immigration problem, whether American is to be the culmination of Anglo-Saxon ideals, or whether the


Anglo-Saxon is only an element in the great melting pot. The reading of the poem "The Scum of the Earth" [by Robert Haven Schauffler] presented a strong plea for the immigrant.

In discussing a "Group of Recent Novels" Miss Ellen Duvall dispensed with notes. In her opening remarks she said that there was a mellowness about English novels that she seldom found in the works of American writers of fiction, which perhaps explained the fact that three out of the four novels she considered were by English writers. "Patsy" by S.R. Crockett was the first book to be considered. It has an old[-]fashioned plot with plenty of adventure, and admirable characterization. The scene is laid during the regency of the prince afterward George IV, and deals with the press-gang, smuggling, and the Jacobite spirit. "Jezebel" by Richard Brice, Miss Duvall call-


ed more modern than Crockett's novel, and dramatic in form. The characters are well drawn. In commenting on the changing fashions in heroines Miss Duvall suggested that the feminist movement had tended to produce heroines of marked independence.

"The Judgment House" by Sir Gilbert Parker came third on Miss Duvall's list. She acknowledged herself unable to do full justice to Parker, in spite of the fact that he always[s] tells a good story, perhaps because he is a little theatrical and there is something hazy in his filling up the outlines of character. The book in question deals with the breaking out of the Boer War, and the scene changes from England to the Transvaal. There is the conventionally beautiful heroine and two heroes, one of the primitive type of outdoor man, the


other modern and complex.

"The Heart of the Hills" by John Fox, Jr., tells of the mountain people, interesting as a striking example of arrested development. The book presents many of the same features as the "Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come."



[MS 988 BOX 5, BOOK 3]


The 767th Meeting. [Apr. 1, 1913]

The 767th regular meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held at the Club rooms, Tuesday April 1st, 1913, Mrs. John C. Wrenshall presiding. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted, and Mrs. Wrenshall announced the Board meeting to be held at her home on Thursday.

The programme of the afternoon was in charge of the Committee on Fiction, and was opened by the [illegible] by Mrs. Harriet Lumis [Lummis] Smith, "[illegible] of a Career." Felix Thorpe, a novelist [?] engages a stenographer, and falls in love with her. They are to be married in three months. [illegible] the man discovers that he has serious trouble with his eyes, which will probably result in blindness, and, with almost cruel brusqueness, he attempts to break


the engagement. But the glimpse he gets of the girl's heart shows him that her happiness depends on her becoming his wife, and they are married at once. Owing to his wife's devoted and intelligent assistance, the novelist's art suffers no decline. But the wife, too, has her little dream, and in a fragmentary and piece-meal fashion, her book grows to completeness. It is published under a non [nom] de plume, and one night she reads it to her husband without his knowing the author. While he expresses his admiration of the book, he lets fall the suggestion that the unknown author will find her talent an exacting one, demanding her allegiance more and more. As she reflects[,] she comes to feel that he is right, and that if she continues to develop her gift, she must give continually less and less to the husband so dependent upon her, and she resolves that her career shall end when it has only begun.

"Cousin Betty's Story," by Mrs.


Walter W. Thomas was the quaintly told account of a domestic drama as viewed by Cousin Betty's sympathetic eyes. Lydia, a young handsome widow, with a daughter Phoebe, aged seventeen, invites Cousin Betty to spend the summer with her at her country house, partly to act as chaperone, as a man friend is to make one of the party. Almost from the beginning, however, the grave, middle-aged man who, as Cousin Betty sees, has captured the heart of the mother, is captivated by the daughter. The girl, excited with her first sensation of her woman's power, like the panther kitten which for the first time has tasted blood, leads her mature admirer on, not fully realizing the suffering she causes her mother. The young widow, herself undisciplined, learns self-control in this bitter experience, and when at length, the lover formally asks her for her daughter's hand, she is able to


answer him with dignity and composure. The lively Phoebe goes to college the following year, however, and it is probable that on second thoughts she has other aspirations. For in the end the mother marries the man she has loved all along.

Mrs. Charles Wesley Gallagher's story, "A Harmonic Sequence," closed the programme. A young girl, the daughter of a wealthy father, studies music and makes her debut on the operatic stage. She has a lover, also a singer, but when by a trick, she is made to believe him faithless, she leaves the stage and marries a very wealthy man, whose jealousy of her past interests is so extreme that he will not even allow a piano in the house. Of the two children born to them, the boy is very musical, and after he has grown to manhood, a quarrel occurs between his father and himself, in which the son falls, striking his head. The father


believing that he has killed his son, disappears and does not return, but the younger man revives. After a few days he disappears, and all trace of him is lost. As a matter of fact[,] he came to himself in the course of time in a New York hospital, but his memory is a blank concerning his past life. He started business, marries, and is the father of a grown son, when the story next introduces him to our attention. Owing to a nervous breakdown, he makes a trip to the Pacific coast, accompanied by his son, and there encounters his own father, who is a wealthy mine owner, and as an atonement for his past is devoting himself to spreading what he calls "the gospel of good music." The old man recognizes his grandson throug[h] his resemblance to his father at that age, and tells his son his rightful name, but the shock is too much for him and he soon dies. The others


hunt for his widow, and find her at length, and an old lady whose mind has given away [sic] under accumulated disaster, and so with a grand-daughter, is living in obscurity and poverty. Acting under the advice of a specialist, they attempt to restore her sanity by taking her to hear the opera "Faust," in which she had made her youthful triumph. The device is successful, and the former prima dona [donna], after her recovery, marries the lover from whom she had been so cruelly separated.


The 768th Meeting

The 768th meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held on Tuesday, April 8th, Mrs. John C. Wrenshall presiding. The minutes of the meeting of April, 1st, 1913 were read and accepted.

The programme for the afternoon was in charge of the


Committee on Poetry, and was opened with a paper "The Prince of Tramps," by the Committee's Chairman, Miss Lizette Woodworth Reese. The tramp whom Miss Reese thus distinguished, was Autolycus the vagabond of the "Winter's Tale." Miss Reese suggested in her introduction that there is much gypsy blood in all great books. If all the world loves a lover, so in a sense, all the world loves an entertaining rascal, and Autolycus may fairly lay claim to both qualities. Autolycus introduces himself in what Miss Reese designated a "Thief Song," the phrasing of which has caused much perplexity to the critics. A pride in his own cleverness, and an enormous contempt for the stupid whom he fleeced are illustrated in his encounter with the clown, and later at the sheep-shearing. In his final appearance where he expresses regret for his past life, Miss Reese suggests that he is


still playing a part, and is too good a rogue to settle down to a virtuous life. Miss Reese compared him briefly with another of Shakespeare's famous liars, Falstaff. The scheme of life as outlined in the philosophy of Autolycus is meat, drink, and a night's lodging, and a chance to rob his neighbor. In his brief appearance we recognize him as a humorist, a liar, a philosopher, a lover of life, and a vagabond.

A poem, "An Enchanted Island," by Miss Emily Paret Atwater, came next on the programme. In graceful verse Miss Atwater painted the sea-girt island with its pines and wild roses, its gulls and rooks, till it seemed to her listners [listeners] island of enchantment.

Miss Virginia Woodward Cloud closed the programme with a paper on Mr. Masefield, Miss Corbin, and others.[2] Miss Cloud declared the present moment in poetry transitional, and the tendency toward the exaltation of the


common place like stirring the slime out of which the lily eventually rises.

Miss Cloud discussed the "Lyric Year," a collection of poems secured by the publisher by the offer of prizes.[3] The few poems by established poets are not their best, and those by the new poets are not equal to the early poems of the poets immediately preceding them. The poem which took the first prize is an attack on the sweat-shop, and has some lines of beauty, though none that can be called great.

In referring to the present madness in England over Mr. Masefield's work, Miss Cloud declared it a masculine craze. His most ambitious poem, "The Story of a Round House" has been called by a masculine critic the greatest narrative poem since Byron. Miss Cloud suggested that much of the "Round House" when read as prose appeared to be nothing but prose, and illus-


trated her meaning by reading several selections. Some lines she called stars in the dust-heap of commonplace. His best work is done in the shorter poems, but these are no better than many of the short poems by modern American poets.

In discussing the writings of Alice Corbin, Miss Cloud called her highly symbolic and rather vague, with little versatility. The sweet lyrics of Ameila Burr came in for attention. Mr. Noyes, whose work Miss Cloud has previously noticed, was also mentioned with regret that his ten volumes of verse were not two, instead. Selections were read from the different authors discussed.

In closing her paper, Miss Cloud re-emphasized the thought that poetry and prose serve different ends. Prose is for the prosaic, poetry for the soul's uplifted mood. Poetry is inspirational or nothing.



769th Meeting [Apr. 15, 1913]

The 769th regular meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held Tuesday April 15th, 1913, Mrs. John C. Wrenshall presiding. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted. Mrs. Wrenshall announced the meeting of April 22nd, 1913, the programme of the Authors and Artists of Maryland. In previous years the authors have been especially noticed, and Mrs. Wrenshall explained that on this occasion the programme would be devoted to considering the work of some of the artists of the state. Three or four would be considered and each would be represented by some original work.

The programme for the afternoon was in charge of the Committee on Modern Languages, and by request Miss Nellie C. Williams, the Chairman, occupied the hour. The first story "The Mysterious Studies of Professor Kruhl," was a translation from


the French, and Miss Williams prefaced the reading by saying that although it was horrible, she had chosen it because it was typically French, and also extremely modern in tone. The narrator represents himself as going for the season to a quiet sea-coast town, and being at once perplexed and facinated [fascinated] by a mysterious building in the locality which rises like a tower above the surrounding brick wall, disclosing neither doors nor windows. He discovers that the builder and occupant is a German professor named Kruhl who has awakened the suspicions of the rustic community by his purchasing all the pigs in the vicinity. The visitor discovers by his investigations that a pig is killed nightly, but that the bodies of the [butchered?] animals are thrown into the sea without dismemberment. At length his curiosity reaches such a point that he succeeds in penetrating the mysterious


building and overpowering the guard. He finds that the ingenious professor has succeeded in constructing a wonderful machine through which the blood is kept circulating through the brain of a decapitated criminal. The head, looking life-like in spite of its separation from the body addresses the investigator, explains its identity, and also states the theory that the body exists merely to supply the brain with blood, and when this can be done artificially, life may be preserved indefinitely. The head pleads for release, and the investigator, convinced by his arguments as to the justice of his plea, draws his revolver and fires into the delicate machinery, thereby terminating the suffering of the criminal restored to so unsatisfactory a life.

Miss Williams explained that she had chosen the other stories on the programme in contrast with the harrowing char-


acter of the first tale, and to illustrate the German faculty for quaint[,] dry humor.

The first story, "My Portrait," from the German of Rudolph Prebber describes an ambitious poet who is flattered by the appearance of an unknown artist who has read his poems and wishes to paint his portrait. If the dissheveled [disheveled], uncleanly appearance of the artist is somewhat disappointing to the prospective sitter, the painter himself feels equally disappointed. He assures the poet that he lacks personality entirely, but generously promised to supply that element in his portrait. He then startles the modest young man by declaring that he will paint him nude on the fresh dewy meadow, the dampness of the meadow being symbolic of his comparative youth. A tomato, sacred to Venus, in the outstretched right hand, a cloudless sky, and white doves on a tree in the back-


ground are the other elements of the picture highly symbolic. The expectations of the poet that the masterpiece would be hung in some noted gallery were disappointed, as it was purchased after some time as an advertisement of the Kneippe cure,[4] and hung in a bowling alley. The only consolation left to the subject is that no one could possible recognize it. The story was a very clever take-off on certain extravagent [extravagant] theories of art, and was highly enjoyed by the Club.

The story, "How a Book Is Made," also from the German, struck the same humorous note. An ambitious author finding unexpected obstacles in his way, resolved to keep close watch of a certain literary friend, in hopes of discovering his formula. Unluckily the friend is a gentleman of eccentric habits, and his example affords little in the way of inspiration. Finally, when the author publishes another book, his ambi-


tious friend demands to know how it is done. The friend explains some of the technique of paper-making, the chemical composition of printer's ink, and finally gives an eloquent dissertation on the art of book binding. None of these things satisfy the aspirant for literary honors, and then the writer explains that it is necessary for some kind of an idea to come into the author's head, whereupon the aspirant, wiser than many of his kind, at once surrenders all hope of writing a book.

At the conclusion of the programme[,] the Club members and friends lingered for a cup of tea.


The 770th Meeting [Apr. 22, 1913]

The 770th meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held Tuesday, April 22nd, 1913, the President Mrs. John C. Wrenshall presiding.  The


minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted. Mrs. Wrenshall announced the meeting of April 29th, when Miss Alice Fletcher, the distinguished ethnologist and our honored member, would speak on some phases of her original work, an announcement received with much pleasure by those present.

The programme of the afternoon was one of especial interest, as the crowded room illustrated. For some years the programme of the authors and artists of Maryland has been especially devoted to the authors of the state. On this occasion the artists were considered, and the programme was prepared by Mrs. Wrenshall Markland, Chairman on the Committee on Art. Owing to her efforts the Club room presented the appearance of a small art gallery, a large number of pictures having been arranged so as to bring out the best points of each, with


A success astonishing considering the limited space at her disposal.

In her opening remarks, Mrs. Wrenshall said that this was the one day of the year which was given to the consideration of the work of outsiders, and that it had proved mutually profitable in enabling us to come to a better understanding and appreciation of one another's work. The limitation of a time made it impossible for more than three artists to be considered, but through those three the Club extended greetings to the artists of the State.

In her paper, "The Work of Three Representative Maryland Artists," Mrs. Wrenshall Markland first considered the work of Miss Grace Hill Turnbull. Studying with a number of the best instructors in this country as well as abroad, portraiture seems so far to have the greater hold on this artist. Every year a bust or a


picture by Miss Turnbull is seen at the exhibition of the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. Her work has been shown at the Corcoran exhibition, Washington, at the National Academy of Design, at the New York Water Color Club, and at the Art Institute, Chicago. Mrs. Markland, in giving a list of Miss Turnbull's portraits, especially mentioned that of Dr. Fabian Franklin hanging in McCoy Hall, Johns Hopkins University, and that of J. Maxwell Miller at the University Club.  The pastelle [pastel] portrait of Mrs. Lawrence Turnbull, and the striking portrait bust of Mr. Turnbull, on view in the Club room, were highly praised.

Miss Florence Macubin [Maccubbin] was the second artist to be considered. Educated at the leading art centres [centers] of Europe, she painted first for mere love of her art, and later turned to it as a means of earning a livelihood. The list of Miss Maccubbin's works is a long


one, commissions for portraits in pastelles [pastels], number 96, without counting replicas, while of the portraits in miniature 257 are recorded as commissions. Miss Maccubbin has made something of a specialty of copying historical portraits, her work in this line being largely represented on both sides of the Atlantic. Mrs. Markland spoke at some length on the miniature work of this artist, also gave especial mention to the Key portrait now on exhibition at Washington. The oil painting of Cardinal Gibbons was the striking work of this artist on view at the Club rooms.

Miss Marie de Ford Keller was the last of the trio of local artists to receive consideration. She came first to Baltimore to teach in the Maryland Institute, and after four years, returned to Europe to continue her studies. She has been called the portrait painter of men, though one of her pictures on exhibition,


"Fruit Seller," was convincing proof of her ability to paint womanhood as well. Mrs. Markland read a long list of Miss [sic] of Miss Keller's portraits, and also declared that though a portrait painter, Miss Keller hopes some time to paint religious pictures. A copy of the "Crucifixion" in her studio has called out most favorable comment. In discussing another canvas, "The Jolly Vintners," Mrs. Markland declared that it embodies a sense of humor, a rare thing in a woman artist, as well as a passionate feminine love of color.

At the conclusion of Mrs. Markland's admirable paper, the chairs were removed from the room, and an opportunity was given the audience for a close examination of the pictures; and for congratulating the artists, two of whom were present.

Refreshments were served.



771st Meeting [Apr. 29, 1913]

The 771st regular meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held Tuesday, April 29th, Mrs. John C. Wrenshall, the President, presiding. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Mrs. Wrenshall announced the two business meetings for May, that of the May 6th, Reports of Chairmen; and the Nomination of Officers; that of May 13th, the Report of the Treasurer and the Election of Officers.

The announcement that Miss Alice Fletcher, our Washington member, would occupy the programme had filled the room, and Mrs. Wrenshall said in her introductory remarks that those who had heard Miss Fletcher previously did not need to be told what a pleasure was in store for them. On the programme a slight suggestion had been given of Miss Fletcher's varied activities, but Mrs. Wrenshall sug-


gested that she had reached her highest usefulness not as an ethnologist but as a philanthropist. She referred also to the brilliant record made by the Indian boy whom Miss Fletcher adopted and who has enjoyed every advantage.

Miss Fletcher prefaced her remarks with a quite unnecessary apology for what she characterized as a rambling talk, but which proved delightfully interesting throughout. When Miss Fletcher went among the Omaha tribe in 1881 for ethnological research, she found the people oppressed by a fear that they would share the fate of another tribe which had been forcibly removed from Northern Nebraska to the Indian Territory. So prevalent was the distress that she came to share it, and temporarily laying aside her scientific studies she devoted herself to framing a petition to Congress that the Omaha Indians should


Be assigned their lands in severalty[5]. After dispatching the petition to a Washington Senator and vainly waiting long months for news of it, she determined to go to Washington and work for her bill until it was passed.  This she accomplished in three months. Since she had been so largely responsible for the passage of the bill, she was assigned the task of allotting the land. And later when the general severalty bill was passed in 1887, she was appointed by Mr. Cleveland[6] as one of the first five to allot the lands. She performed this service for the Winnebago tribe, and later for the Nez Perce Indians.

The Nez Perce Indians are located in Idaho, and here Miss Fletcher had charge of surveying and administrating over 1,000,000 acres of land. She never had trouble with the men who worked for her, though there had been


some quarreling among the government employees, and the people were inclined to be very suspicious of her.  Her first step was to locate herself as far as possible from the agency, refusing the protection of soldiers. One of the interesting features of the address was connection of this tribe with the Lewis and Clark expedition. It was also due to the fact that representatives were sent from the Nez Perce Indians to St. Louis to settle certain of their theological difficulties, that missionaries went west, and Whitman,[7] crossing the Rockies, in a wagon, proved them not the barrier that had been supposed, and established the fact that from the Atlantic to the Pacific we might be one nation. Miss Fletcher knew an old woman who remembered seeing the Lewis and Clark expedition on its way west, and one of the Indians known as "Business Billy" was a cousin of the only survivor of the four


Men who went to St. Louis. Miss Fletcher closed with an eloquent tribute to the character of the Nez Perce Indians, and the two Scotch women, the Misses Macbeth who had mothered the tribe, and established them in strong and simple Christian faith.

At the conclusion of the programme Miss Fletcher held an informal reception.


The 772nd Meeting [May 6, 1913]

The 772nd regular meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held Tuesday, May 6th, Mrs. John C. Wrenshall, the President, presiding. It was one of the two meetings of the year set apart for the transaction of business, and only active members were present. On account of the amount of business to be transacted, the minutes of the previous meeting were omitted.

The reports of the Chairmen


of the standing committees was first taken up, most of the chairmen who were not present sending their reports to be read, though one or two were not heard from. In speaking for the Committee on Archeology, Mrs. Wrenshall regretted the removal of several interested members from the City had reduced it to a nominal committee as it formally held meetings once every two weeks. Under its present competent chairman, Mrs. Wrenshall was sure that it would again become active.  Mrs. Wrenshall mentioned the interesting fact that there had been no failure on the part of chairmen during the year, every programme being prepared on time. The committees reporting were Art, Current Criticism, Drama, Essay, Fiction, Foreign Languages, Foreign Travel, Letters and Autographs, Literature of the Bible, Authors and Artists of Maryland, and Unfamiliar


Records. Miss Cooper also reported her work on the Book List. The order of programmes for the ensuing year was assigned by the President before proceeding to nominations. Mrs. Wrenshall presented two matters to the Club for consideration. Copies of the Constitution are to be ready for distribution among the Club members in the fall, and the Board of Directors had authorized the dropping the two words "Social and political" from the paragraph outlining the Club's activities. As during the first year of the Club's existence, it had been found necessary to ignor [ignore] these words, it seemed obviously out of place to have them included in the reprint of the Constitution.

Mrs. Wrenshall then referring feelingly to the service rendered the Club by the Recording Secretary, Miss Lydia Crane, for more than twenty-one years, said Miss Crane had requested that


she should not be re-elected to a position she is, at present, unable to fill, and had been elected to the Board the Honorary Secretary of the Club. Mrs. Wrenshall placed these two matters before the Club that they might be ratified by the members in the business meeting of May 13th, 1913.

The nomination for officers and for three directors then took place. The former officers were again nominated except that at Miss Crane's request her name was omitted and that of Mrs. William M. Smith substituted. The three directors whose terms expired, Miss Cloud, Miss Cooper, and Mrs. Wrenshall-Markland, were re-nominated, the members receiving scattering votes withdrawing.

Miss Lillie Schnauffer was Judge of Elections, and the Committee Mrs. Samuel Alexander Hill and Mrs. William M. Smith to represent the Board, and


Miss Copeland and Miss Nicholas for the Club.


The 773rd Meeting. [May 13, 1913]

The 773rd regular meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held Tuesday May 13th, 1913, this being the second of the two meetings of the year reserved for the transaction of business, and only members being present. The President, Mrs. Wrenshall presided. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted.

The report of Miss Reese, Chairman of the Committee on Poetry had not been received in time for the regular reports owing to the delays in the mail, and was read by Mrs. Wrenshall.

The question of dropping the words "social and political" from the article of the Constitution which states the subjects to be discussed in the Club meetings had been placed


before the Club at the meeting of May 6th that the members might ratify the action of the Board which had authorized the change. By a unanimous vote this action was approved.

The Club was also asked to endorse the action of the Board in electing Miss Lydia Crane, Honorary Secretary, it being her wish to be relieved of the duties of active secretary. Mrs. Wrenshall, as in the previous meeting, spoke of the long service of Miss Crane, more that twenty-one years, and declared that the Club honored itself in this mark of esteem. The election was ratified by a unanimous vote.

Mrs. Wrenshall announced that for the first meeting of the season of 1913-1914 the programme would be a Book Talk in which the members would limit themselves to three minutes as on previous occasions. She asked all mem-


bers present to send her their choice of books before September 15th, that in case of duplication adjustments might be made.

The Judge of Elections then took charge of the meeting, the members present registering and voting. The following officers were elected:

Mrs. John C. Wrenshall, President,

Mrs. Alan P. Smith, First Vice-President,

Mrs. Samuel Alex. Hill, Second Vice-President,

Mrs. Harriet Lumis [Lummis] Smith, Recording Secretary,

Mrs. P. D. Uhler, Corresponding Secretary,

Miss Elizabeth Lester Mullin, Treasurer.

The three directors whose terms expired, and were again elected:

Miss Virginia Woodward Cloud,

Miss Frances Cooper,

Mrs. Wrenshall-Markland.

In her brief speech of acceptance, Mrs. Wrenshall spoke of the care attaching to such a position, but commented on the fact that the chairmen had been particularly prompt and reliable during the past year, no programme failing. She


bespoke the co-operation of the members for the coming year.

The Treasurer's report, audited by Mrs. Fayerweather and Miss Thomas, was then given. After meeting its obligations for the year, the Club has a balance on deposit of $386.59.

After announcing the meeting of May 20th, the closing meeting of the year, with a musical programme, the President declared the meeting adjourned.


The 774th Meeting. [May 20, 1913]

May Salon. 

The closing meeting of the season of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held Tuesday, May 20th, 1913, the President, Mrs. John C. Wrenshall, presiding. The previous meeting had been devoted to business, no minutes were read. The programme of the afternoon was in charge of Miss Steibler, Chairman of the Committee of Music, and was opened


A brief address by Mrs. Wrenshall in presenting to the Club the book "Medieval Musical Relics of Denmark." "It is not our custom," Mrs. Wrenshall said, "to [illegible] the published work of our members upon our programme [3 illegible] are presented to our Club library. In this instance an exception is made because of a very wonderful book being presented to us from far away Denmark by our honorary member Lady Asger Hamerik[8] of Copenhagen. Today [illegible] also is especially appropriate for offering attention to the work since it treats [?] of music. The book "Medieval Musical Relics of Denmark" was written by Mr. Angul Hamerik and translated from the Danish by his sister-in-law Lady Asger Hamerik.  A [illegible] of [illegible] knowledge is evidenced [?] in the writing and translation of this work. Dealing with the old Latin hymns as sung in Denmark seems centuries ago. [?]

"Lady Hamerik is herself a


thorough musician of the highest grade, and recognized as such by the musical authorities of her adopted country, which has bestowed honors upon her as well as upon her Danish husband. That she is worthy of all she has received is proved by the work she has done in this translation. Had she not been the musician and scholar she is, she could not have translated a work so abstruse and so entirely technical. The Danish is a language of difficulties. These Lady Hamerik has swept away with a sure and delicate touch, translating Mr. Angul Hammerick's [Hamerik] learned studies with a grace and facility that invest them with new beauties."

Mrs. Wrenshall called attention to a further compliment in the fact that we received Number Four out of the 200 copies of which the edition is composed. "We must, indeed,


be proud," Mrs. Wrenshall said in closing, "to claim this lovely and learned lady as our Club member, and, as women, we must be even prouder to be represented abroad by the highest type of the womanhood of America."

At the conclusion of Mrs. Wrenshall's remarks, Mrs. Sidney Turner spoke briefly, referring to her delightful memories of Lady Hamerik, and her pleasure in the honors which have come to her and to her husband. She moved that the Club express to Lady Hamerik the appreciation of the members for her gracious remembrance. The motion was carried unanimously.

The musical programme under the direction of Miss Stiebler was full and varied, Miss Margery Snyder gave two violin solos which were highly enjoyed. One of the novel features was a group of Cuban folk-songs sung by Mr. Eduardo Odio, without accompaniement.


A trio by the Misses Hoffman, a Tyrolean song, called from Mrs. Wrenshall the comment that the sisters had transported us to the top of the [Rigi?] more quickly than the cog-railway could possibly have done it. Solos were sung by Mr. Herman Kumlehn [?], Miss Eleanor Chase, Miss Marie Louise Hoffman, and a group of songs was given by Mr. Taylor Scott, who had made himself a favorite with the Club in previous musical programmes.

At the conclusion of the programme, Mrs. Wrenshall expressed her feeling that it was a beautiful thing to close our Club year in music, and thanked Miss Stiebler and the artists who had contributed so much to our pleasure. She asked the members not to forget the work of the Club during the comparative leisure of the summer, but to use it to gather honey for next year's feasts. Then, with a regret which


the members present shared, she declared the meeting of the Club adjourned till October 21st, 1913. After the adjournment the members lingered for some time partaking of the refreshments, and exchanging greetings and farewells.


[1] Giovanni Boldini 1842-1931

[2] John Masefield (1878-1967) poet laureate of United Kingdom. Alice Corbin Henderson (1881-1949).

[3] The Lyric Year: One Hundred Poems. Edited by Ferdinand Earle. New York, 1912. https://archive.org/details/lyricyearonehun00millgoog

[4]Kneippe cure was an early form of hydrotherapy.

[5] The state of being separate.

[6] President Grover Cleveland.

[7] Marcus Whitman, missionary to the Nez Perce in 1835.

[8] Margaret Williams Hamerik was a pianist. Her husband Danish composer Asger Hamerik was Director of the Peabody Institute, 1871-98 where they met while Williams was a student.





“1912-1913 Meeting Minutes,” The Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore, accessed March 11, 2025, https://loyolanotredamelib.org/Aperio/WLCB/items/show/13477.Item
