1895-1896 Board of Managers Meeting Minutes


MS988, Box 3, Book 6


[1895-1896 Season]

Board of Management Meeting
September 16th, 1895.

The Board of Management of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore met on Monday September 16th, 1895, at the corner of Cathedral and Franklin Streets. Ten members attended this meeting: The President,--Mrs. Turnbull; two Vice Presidents,--Mrs. Bullock and Mrs. Manly; Recording Secretary,--Miss Crane; Treadurer,--Mrs. Dammann;--and Mrs. Wrenshall;--Miss Brent; Mrs. Smith; Mrs. Lord; and Miss Grace.

The door being closed, the Treasurer was requested to make her statement on the present state of the treasury. She announced the amount remaining after paying the expenses of the last year as $65.57.

The President announced that the permanent loan of pictures to the Club from the Century Magazine Company, for which we were indebted to Mrs. Manly and Mrs. Herrick, had arrived,--being now in our meeting room. She asked the opinion of the Board with regard to sending a note of thanks to the Century Company. It was proposed, and agreed, that


this note should be written by our President, even if it were signed by a Secretary also--as a matter of form. A vote of thanks was then unanimously given to Mrs. Manly, for her successful efforts in gaining for us the loan of the pictures. They will be shown to the Club at large,--it was announced--on the occasion of the first meeting of the new season, October 1st, 1895.

The President spoke of the request made by Mrs. William Reed to the Club for the loan of the works of Maryland authors, to be sent to the Maryland building of the Atlanta Exposition;--and reported that, after futile efforts to gain the books otherwise, she had authorized Mrs. Miller, our Librarian, to send the books from our library,--as Mrs. Reed holds herself responsible for their return. Mrs. Reed had, as we remember, safely returned those sent to the Chicago Exposition, two years ago. The President asked if her action met the approval of the Board?--to which the Board answered in the affirmative.

The President then announced


that our book, the new Club Manual, would be distributed to our members at our approaching opening meeting on October 1st. She described the book, mentioned the efforts to procure a good publisher for it,--and spoke of its cost as being not over $100 for two hundred copies. Another hundred could be procured, at this time, for $20 more. She asked if her action in this matter was approved by the Board;--which was done, without delay. It was said that copies should be sent to other Clubs; especially to the Clubs that have been shown, or shall show, like courtesies to us. it was also said that our members should be able to purchase extra copies for friends interested in our work. It was suggested to have the Constitution and Pledge handsomely engrossed, to be signed by our members; but it was concluded not to undertake that expense just at present.

The members of the Board were requested not to talk about the Century Company's pictures; as it was not desirable for the reporters to publish anything concerning them prematurely.

The Board adjourned;--and informally inspected the pictures loaned to us.


Board of Management
Tuesday, October 1st, 1895.

On Tuesday afternoon, October 1st, 1895 before the hour for the regular meeting of the Club, in beginning the season of 1895-96. The President of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore called a meeting of its Board of Management in its Committee Room. Nine members were present at this meeting: the President; Second Vice President; two Secretaries; and Mrs. Wrenshall; Miss Grace; Mrs. Lord; Mrs. Smith; and Miss Brent.

The President submitted the question of the pictures lent to the Club by the Century Magazine Company,--with regard to the insurance, for which we were responsible. The advantages and disadvantages of insuring the pictures for three years,--or for one year,--were considered; and the Board finally decided that, under the existing circumstances, they should be insured by the Club for one year.

The Board adjourned.


Meeting of November 19th, 1895.

The Board of Management of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore met on Tuesday, November 19th, 1895, at the corner of Cathedral and Franklin Streets. Ten members attended this meeting; the President, First Vice President,--two Secretaries,--Treasurer,--Miss Brent,--Mrs. Goddard,--Miss Grace,--Mrs. Wrenshall,--and Mrs. Lord.

The President called the meeting to order; and announced that our former member Mrs. Sidney Turner, who had lately returned form Europe, wished to resume her membership in the Club. The Board agreed, without opposition to Mrs. Turner's resumption of membership.

Several propositions mentioned were deferred, for want of time.

The President said that the meeting of the following Tuesday was to be a Salon; and the suggestion had been made to invite the Patronesses of Mrs. Sidney Lanier's Reading--soon to be given in this city--to be our guests on that evening. To this, the Board agreed immediately, without opposition.

The meeting adjourned.


Meeting of January 7th, 1896.

The Board of Management of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore held a meeting on Tuesday, January 7th, 1896, at the corner of Cathedral and Franklin Streets. There were ten members present:--the President,--First Vice President,--two Secretaries,--Treasurer,--Mrs. Goddard,--Mrs. Lord,--Mrs. Smith,--Miss Grace, and Miss Brent.

The business of this meeting, as provided by the Constitution for the first Tuesday in January, was the election of new members.

The Recording Secretary reported two nominations as having been sent to her before the 24th of December; the first being that of Mrs. Joseph E. Willard, of Fairfax Court House, Virginia, proposed, for non-resident membership, by Mrs. M. W. Sloan;--and seconded by Mrs. Percy M. Reese and Miss Mabel Carter. Mrs. Willard was unanimously elected.

The second nomination was that of Mrs. J. K. Ward, of 931 North Calvert Street, proposed for full membership, by Mrs. Albert L. Sioussat;--and seconded by Mrs. George Whitelock, and Mrs. John


T. Graham. Mrs. Ward was elected.

Another, very desirable, name having been presented after the 24th of December, and suggestions being made of all others still, the President appointed another meeting to take up the unfinished business of this one:--as by our Constitution, and by legal opinions upon it, she has the undoubted right to do. This meeting being called for January 28th,--three weeks off--would give a week for any nominations to be prepared, and sent in tow weeks before the election.

The question whether Miss Noble could resume membership after a year's absence abroad, was decided in the affirmative.

It was said that Mrs. Haman, while abroad also, has made arrangements to have her dues paid to the Club;--and it was agreed that there would be no necessity for a vote of the Board in her resuming her active membership.

The Board adjourned.

Meeting of January 28th, 1896.

The Board of Management of the Woman's Literary Club of Balti-


more met on Tuesday, January 28th, 1896 at the corner of Cathedral and Franklin Streets. Seven members attended this meeting;--the President,--two Secretaries,--Treasurer,--Miss Grace,--Mrs. Smith, and Mrs. Goddard.

The President called the meeting to order, for business; and the Recording Secretary read the minutes of the meeting of the Board on January 7th.

The name of one candidate for membership was placed before the Board,--that of Mrs. Burgwin Maitland, of 606 Saint Paul Street;--proposed by Miss Mary D. Davis,--and seconded by Mrs. Price, and Mrs. Whitelock,--and also by Mrs. Miller. Mrs. Maitland was unanimously elected.

No other formal applications for membership having been received,--the Board spent some little time in the interchange of opinions of subjects of interest; and then adjourned.


Meeting of May 5th, 1895

The Board of Management of the Woman's Literary Club of


Baltimore held a meeting on Tuesday, May 5th, 1896, in the Committee Room of the corner of Cathedral and Franklin Streets. Ten members were present when the business of the meeting began: the President, two Vice Presidents,--two Secretaries,--Treasurer,--Miss Grace,--Mrs. Lord,--Mrs. Wrenshall,--and Miss Brent,--later, Mrs. Smith came also.

The first business of this meeting was the election of new members. The Recording Secretary announced that four names had been sent to her in due season and according to our rules.

The first of these was that of Mrs. Charles Stuart Beebe; Proposed by Mrs. Percy M. Reese; Seconded by Mrs. M. W. Sloan, and by Miss Zacharias. Mrs. Beebe was elected without opposition.

The second name was that of Mrs. J. Elliott Gilpin, 341 Dolphin Street; proposed by Mrs. Jordan Stabler; Seconded by Mrs. Sidney Turner, and by Mrs. John M. Miller. Mrs. Gilpin was also elected unanimously.

The third name was that of Miss Bell,--Bryn Mawr School;--pro-


posed by Mrs. Benjamin Price;--Seconded by Mrs. Thomas J. Morris, and by Mrs. John R. Tait. Miss Bell was elected without opposition.

The fourth name was that of Mrs. Asger Hamerick, 1730 Saint Paul Street;--proposed by Mrs. Phillip R. Uhler;--Seconded by Mrs. Yates Stirling, and by Mrs. B. H. Haman. Mrs. Hamerick was unanimously elected.

The names of other desirable members not yet presented in due form were discussed.

The name of Mrs. Wilmer was brought forward; and it was said that she had been proposed some time ago; but something seemed to have prevented the full consummation of her membership. It was voted to elect Mrs. Wilmer on the former presentation of her name. There was no opposition.

Mrs. Lord said that she wished to present her resignation as a member of the House Committee.

The Treasurer and Corresponding Secretary then presented the subject of the purchase of the large clock which had been sent to the Club on approba-


tion. After amicable discussions; and information called for and very satisfactorily given with regard to the present state of the Treasury, it was agreed that the members should see the clock; and if at the end of the month, nothing should arise to oppose the purchase, it would be advisable for the ladies in charge to close with the offer of the firm owning it. There seemed but one opinion on the subject.

The meeting adjourned.








“1895-1896 Board of Managers Meeting Minutes,” The Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore, accessed March 6, 2025, https://loyolanotredamelib.org/Aperio/WLCB/items/show/13476.Item
