1909-1910 Board of Managers Meeting Minutes


OCT. 7, 1909-MAY 5, 1910
MS 988, Box 4, Book 7


Meeting of October 7th, 1909.

The Board of Management of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore held the first meeting of the season of 1909 and 1910, at 11 A.M. October 7th, 1909 at the home of the President 1037 North Calvert Street. There were present: the President, Mrs. John C. Wrenshall; Second Vice President, Mrs. Alan P. Smith; two Secretaries,--Mrs. Uhler and Miss Crane;--Treasurer, Miss Mullin; and Directors, Mrs. McGaw; Mrs. Powell, and Miss Cooper.

The President handed the Treasurer the bill for the piano used at the opening meeting of the Club. The Treasurer spoke of having need of Bill Heads [?],--and asked to order them.

The President [spoke--word missing?] of the affliction under which two of our members are passing,--each having lost her husband,--Mrs. Thomas Hill and Mrs. John R. Tait. Mrs. Uhler, Corresponding Secretary[,] was requested to write to both of them--the expression of our sympathy and condolence,--which she agreed to do.

A letter was received from Mrs. D. L. Bartlett, 16 Mount Vernon Place, presenting her resignation of honorary membership in the Club. It seemed necessary to accept it, especially as Mrs. Bartlett’s joining us had been apparently without a clear understanding of the position of an honorary member of the Club. The President recalled a similar experience with regard to the honorary membership of Mrs. Arthur Cayley, the wife of the distinguished English Mathe-


matical Professor.

The resignation was then presented of Miss Anne Cullington,--who write of trouble with her eyes; failing health, and other causes, as forcing her with great regret to give up her membership among us. The President [said--word missing?] we could have only one feeling for this resignation; and the Corresponding Secretary was requested to write to Miss Cullington our great regret in losing her as a member, and also to invite her to come when she can to our meetings.--and to consider herself one of us still.

The names of two new members were then presented for consideration,--those of Miss Harriet Perkins Marine; and Miss Marie Turner. From all told us of these ladies, we believed them to be very desirable members.

Additional names suggested were those of Mrs. John Bradford Raymond; Mrs. Virginia Wohl; Miss Meekins; Mrs. Isabel L. Mason,--and others.

The question of neglect of the payment of dues, and other necessary details were informally addressed, before the Board adjourned,--to partake of our President’s hospitality.

Called. Meeting of November 2nd, 1909.

The Board of Management of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore held a meeting on Tuesday, November 2nd, 1909 in the library of the Academy of Sciences, before the regular Club meeting of that date. Present; the President, Mrs. John


C. Wrenshall; two Vice Presidents, Mrs. Stabler and Mrs. Alan P. Smith; two Secretaries, Mrs. Uhler and Miss Crane; and Mrs. Powell, Chairman of the House. Minutes of the meeting of October 7th were read.

The President read a letter that she had received from a Miss Virginia Ames, dated from the Johns Hopkins Hospital, asking for information regarding the rules governing applications for membership in the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore. It was agreed to invite Miss Ames to our meeting next week.

The President announced that there were before us three names to be voted upon for membership in the Club, having already been under consideration, and now regularly presented.

The first name was that of Mrs. Charles E. [?Sadler], proposed by Mrs. Edward Stabler, and endorsed by Mrs. S. A. Hill, and Mrs. Wrenshall Markland.

The second was that of Miss Harriet Perkins Marine.[1]

The third was that of Miss Marie Turner.

All three were unanimously elected. The Corresponding Secretary was requested to notify the three new members of their election.

Mrs. Powell, Chairman if the House Committee, said that the new maid thought that she ought to have $1.25 for her work on each Tuesday; as she has


to pay car fare, and bring her own lunch; also to come at 11 A.M., and stay until 6 P.M., on duty. It was agreed that she should be paid the additional 25 cents.

The President said that she and the Corresponding Secretary had gone over the membership lists together, with regards to those who seem to disregard their membership.--and they had done all the could in this matter. The meeting was adjourned.

Meeting of November 4th, 1909.

Type written report of the President, Mrs. John C. Wrenshall,--the Recording Secretary being ill.

The Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore held its regular monthly meeting on Thursday, November 4th, 1909, at the home of the President, 1037 North Calvert Street. Present: Mrs. Wrenshall; Mrs. Jordan Stabler; Mrs. Alan P. Smith; Mrs. P. R. Uhler; Mrs. Sidney Turner; Miss Hollins; and Mrs. Powell.

The minutes of the meeting of November 2nd--sent by Miss Crane--were read.

The death of Miss Whitney, a former Vice President, was announced; also that her funeral was to take place at 3:30 P.M., in the chapel in Greenmount Cemetary [Cemetery]. It was decided to send flowers in the name of the Club. The President immediately sent a note to our Treasurer, Miss Mullin, requesting her to telephone the florist, and leaving the kind of flowers subject to her discretion. A return


message was received from Miss Mullin. A magnificent wreath of white chrysanthemums was sent in time for the funeral services of this beloved member.

The next business in order was Mrs. R. B. Bowie’s report of the decoration,--November 2nd--of the graves of Authors and Artists of Maryland. It was read and accepted; with thanks to the able manner in which Mrs. Bowie and the ladies of her Committee had discharged their duty.

A letter was read--applying for membership--from Miss Virginia Ames, Johns Hopkins Hospital. An invitation was sent to the lady for the next meeting.

The President asked authorization of payment of “rent” [“dues” written above] to the Academy. This was passed. The question was broached “if arrangement with the Academy was permanent?” It was followed by a short discussion; and the conclusion reached that at present, it seemed more expedient to continue the same. Mrs. Uhler spoke of the Smyrna Club as improving its facilities, and raising its position by building its own Club house.

Mrs. Wrenshall placed before the Board an invitation to the Club from the State Federation of Women’s Clubs to join its membership. Discussion followed. Mrs. Turner, the only member present favorable to our Club’s


joining the Federation withdrew her approval. Mrs. Uhler was requested to write declining the honor of the invitation.

The entertainment of January 4th was considered. Mrs. Wrenshall spoke of the offer from Miss Stabler for Christmas music by the Zion Choir. This offer was made a year ago, but was then withdrawn on account of illness in the Pastor’s family. Mrs. Wrenshall suggested that it might be possible to obtain its renewal for the coming January festival. The plan was endorsed as appropriate and acceptable. It was also proposed to have a substantial supper; and all arrangements were left in charge of Mrs. Powell; Miss Hollins, and Mrs. Wrenshall.

The meeting was adjourned.

Meeting of December 2nd, 1909.

Report kindly taken by Mrs. Uhler.

The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Management of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore was held at 11 A.M., December 2nd, 1909, at the home of the President, 1037 North Calvert Street.

There were present: The President, Mrs. Wrenshall; First Vice President, Mrs. J. Stabler; Mrs. Uhler, Corresponding Secretary; Mrs. Turner; Mrs. McGaw; Miss Hollins and Miss Cooper.

In the absence of the Recording Secretary the Corresponding Secretary was requested to take the minutes.


The Board expressed its sincere sympathy for Mrs. S. A. Hill in the grief that had come to her by the loss of her father; and requested the Secretary to convey to her an expression of the same.

Mrs. Wrenshall read a charming letter from our absent member, Miss Duvall, expressing her interest, in the Club,--and affection for it.

The most important item of business before the meeting was that of arranging for the musical Twelfth Night Festival. It was planned to be held on January 4th; and the music to be given by the Choir of Zion Church (German Lutheran); under the leadership of Mr. Boeckner; to whom it was agreed to pay thirty dollars, for his services.--and two instruments. Mrs. Wrenshall suggested that the Board should sit upon the platform; as it added to the dignity of the Club by so doing.--After expression of opinions in reference to it, the matter was so decided.

The Corresponding Secretary was requested to have printed post cards, one of which should be sent to each member notifying her that the meeting of December 21st should be omitted,--and also of the two upcoming meetings of December 28th and January 4th, 1910.

The meeting of December 28th was arranged for the first open meeting of the season,--and evening occasion,--and a piano Recital by Mr. Harry P. Hopkins, assisted by Mr. Austin Conradi and Miss Greenwood.


Mrs. Wrenshall expressly stated that in arranging and planning for the Twelfth Night Festival must be done to in any way detract from the occasion of the 28th, when Mr. Hopkins so kindly gives his services. The invitations for each entertainment to be sent out a week apart, and two weeks previous to the entertainment itself.

The Secretary was instructed to have engraved 500 cards for use in the evening meetings.

A motion was made by Mrs. Stabler, and seconded by Mrs. McGaw, that Mrs. Wrenshall’s beautiful tribute to Miss Whitney be type written, with sufficient copies to send to members of her family, and her most intimate friends, as a token of the appreciation in which she was held by our Club.

Unanimously carried.

The meeting was adjourned; to be followed by a meeting of the Executive Board of the Edgar Allan Poe Association.

Meeting of January 6th, 1910.

The monthly meeting of the Board of Management of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore was held on Thursday, January 6th, 1910 at the home of the President, Mrs. John C. Wrenshall. Owing to the very inclement weather the attendance was unavoidably small, but included Mrs. Wrenshall, President; Mrs. Stabler, First


Vice President; Mrs. Uhler, Corresponding Secretary; and Miss Mullin, Treasurer.

It was declared that these members could constitute a quorum, and business was transacted accordingly. The notes were taken by Mrs. Uhler.

Minutes of December meeting were read, and approved.

The President read a letter from our Second Vice President, Mrs. Alan P. Smith, apologizing for her absence, which was due to ill health.

The copies of the “Appreciation of Miss Whitney,” written by Mrs. Wrenshall, were shown, and greatly admired. The twelve copies would cost $6 for the work of type-writing; and $8.23 complete,--which was considered very moderate. Mrs. Wrenshall will see that they are sent to relatives and nearest friend of Miss. Whitney.

The bill of $2.50, which Mr. Hopkins had incurred for a carriage for the soloist on the occasion of the concert, December 28th, was ordered to be paid,--and likewise the bill for $30 for Mr. Boeckner’s services on Twelfth Night.

Miss Mullin asked for instructions concerning the amount of money to be handed to Mrs. Powell for the Housekeeping expenses, Mrs. Powell not having asked for any definite amount. She was instructed to send the usual monthly check of $25, with the request that all the Twelfth Night bills be sent to the President for endorsement, when they could be handed to the Treasurer for payment.


Further bills included the mending of the book rack, and $1.40 for ribbon used as a precautionary measure when bringing the lightest cake [?] to the platform.

The name of Mrs. Bussey was presented by Mrs. Bowie for active membership in the Club.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned,--to attend a meeting of the Executive Board of the Poe Memorial Association.

Meeting of February 4th, 1910.

The Board of Management of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore held a meeting on Thursday morning, February 4th, 1910, at the home of the President, 1037 North Calvert Street. There were present: The President, Mrs. Wrenshall; two Vice Presidents, Mrs. Stabler and Mrs. Smith; two Secretaries, Mrs. Uhler and Miss Crane; Treasurer, Miss Mullin; and Directors, Mrs. Turner, Miss Hollins, Mrs. Powell, and Miss Cooper.

The minutes of January 6th were read by Mrs. Uhler, Corresponding Secretary, who--in the absence of Miss Crane from that meeting--had prepared them.

Mrs. Powell, Chairman of the House Committee, presented an itemized account of the expenses incurred for the annual Twelfth Night entertainment, given on the previous Tuesday evening. The amount--as understood by the Secretary--was $175.75. This was less than had been previously estimated; and Mrs. Powell received the thanks of the Board for her successful


providing and wise outlay in entertaining her fellow members and their guests.

The President called attention to the letters she had received from the family and friends of our lately deceased member, Miss Anne W. Whitney, expressing their grateful appreciation of her tribute as our presiding officer, to one so much valued and pleasantly remembered.

The President then spoke of our peacock, which has appeared at former entertainments, but for which there has seemed to be no room in our present quarters. It has been somewhat injured, but she has kept it in camphor. Various suggestions were made with regard to it; and Mrs. Powell offered to take it, and care for it herself.

The President presented two letters which she had received from our member, Mrs. Alice E. Lord, and which seemed intended to be read to the Club, but which she herself had found unreadable,--and the Board had no better success in decyphering them.

Mrs. Uhler, Corresponding Secretary then presented a letter from Mrs. John R. Tait. It was in answer to one sent by Mrs. Uhler, in the name of the Board, after the death of Mrs. Tait’s husband. Mrs. Tait appreciated highly the sympathy and letter from the Board,--reminding us of her having been one of our original members--but said, that she felt now obliged to offer her resignation from our membership. It was ac-


cepted with much regret. Mrs. Tait then offered, in her letter, to present to the Club her bust of Sidney Lanier. The President discussed this question with the members of the Board; and all agreed that in the present state of Mrs. Tait’s straitened circumstances it would ungenerous and ungraceful to accept such a handsome present from her. She was struggling to sell her husband’s pictures; and may not understand the money value of the Lanier bust. The President said there are only a few of them, and the price of one is $25. It was moved and approved that Mrs. Tait should be informed that we could only receive a gift of such worth with the proviso that we should return to her its estimated value of $25.

Mrs. Stabler, who had seen and talked very lately with Mrs. Tait, was requested to see her again, and make the necessary explanations.--and finally consented to do so. The President and Treasurer, having consulted on the state of our finances, we were adjudged able to pay for the bust.

The President spoke of letter she had received from Miss Maria Johns Hammond, who seemed to be under the mistaken impression that she is, and has been from its beginning, a member of our Club,--and she has sent a check of $5 for her dues. We have received no dues from her before,--and of course this check could not be accepted, as Miss Hammond has not, and never has been elected a member of the Club. The President said that Mrs. Haughton had told her that when she, and some six or seven others were organizing the Club--in 1890--Miss Hammond was asked to join in


the work, but she did not accept the invitation. Though her name has been suggested, it has never been regularly presented to us, or voted upon. The President had written evidently politely and wisely to Miss Hammond, informing her that her name is not on our lists, and that we are not just now ready to add to them,--and returning her check.

The next subject taken up was the lecture of Dr. A. M. Richardson, to be given to us on February 24th,--the subject being “Music as the Handmaid of Religion.” Dr. Richardson’s honors, and marks of distinction in England,--from Oxford University and elsewhere, also his literary attainments and writings were recounted. The question of the special list of invitations for this occasion was left with the President and Corresponding Secretary. With regard to refreshments on that evening it was concluded to have sandwiches, cake and coffee. After informal explanations the Board was adjourned.

Meeting of March 3, 1910.

Notes taken and Minutes written by Mrs. Uhler.

The monthly Board meeting of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore was held at the home of the President, 1037 North Calvert Street, on the above date at eleven o’clock. Those present were: Mrs. Wrenshall, President; Mrs. Jordan Stabler, First Vice President; Mrs. Alan P. Smith, Second Vice President; Miss Mullin, Treasurer; Mrs.


Uhler, Corresponding Secretary; and Mrs. McGaw and Mrs. Powell, Directors.

The minutes of the February meeting were read, and approved.

The President handed to Miss Mullin various bills and receipts.

The name of Mrs. James C. Fenhagen of the “Mt. Royal” was presented by Mrs. William M. Smith for her active membership in the Club; seconded by Mrs. Percy M. Reese; and Mrs. Fayerweather. It was decided that a short meeting of the Board should be held on Tuesday, March 15th, just previous to the Club meeting,--to elect Mrs. Fenhagen.

The name of Mrs. A. B. Bibbins was proposed by Miss Marine informally. As there were no endorsers, no action was to be taken until duly presented.

Mrs. Wrenshall told of the letter written by her to Miss Hammond returning the check sent. Our President very delicately denied Miss Hammond’s membership in the Club, but extended to her the courtesy of the meetings as a visitor.

The desirability of fuller Press notices was discussed; and in view of the fact that the Sun gives such meagre accounts of our meetings, it was decided to give any special accounts to the afternoon papers.

Mrs. Wrenshall spoke of sending a carriage for Dr. and Mrs. Richardson on the evening of Dr. Richardson’s lecture. The members of the Board appreciated Mrs. Wrenshall’s thoughtfulness, and ordered that the bill be paid.

Suggestions for an open evening meeting in March were made,--Mr. Douglas Wylie, or Mr. Lucas being thought possi-


ble lecturers. Mrs. Wrenshall was requested to write to Mr. Wylie in the name of the Board asking for a lecture on his recent tour around the World.

Mrs. Wrenshall read appreciative letters from the Whitney family thanking the Board for the loving remembrance of Miss Anne w. Whitney.

Mrs. Stabler spoke of her interview with Mrs. Tait, and of Mrs. Tait’s appreciation of the kindness of the Board in compensating her for the Lanier bust. There is a slight defect in the bust,--which can be repaired, Mrs. Stabler very kindly offering to pay for this work, the Board would not consent to her proposal.

Mrs. Wrenshall spoke of the deficiencies of the various Chairman; and the need of having those who would be prompt, and interested in the work of the sections as leaders.

The meeting adjourned, to give place to the E. A. P. Memorial Association.

Meeting of March 15th, 1910.

The Board of Management of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore held a meeting on Tuesday, March 15th, 1910, in the library of the Academy of Sciences, before the general meeting of the Club on that date. Eight members attended this meeting: The President, Mrs. Wrenshall; two Vice Presidents; two Secretaries; the Treasurer; and two Directors, Miss Hollins and Miss Cooper.


The first business taken up was the proposed membership of Mrs. James C. Fenhagen, whose name had been placed, before the Board for consideration at the meeting on March 3rd. Mrs. Fenhagen had been proposed by Mrs. William Mulligan Smith; and endorsed by Mrs. Percy M. Reese, and Mrs. E. E. Fayerweather. Mrs. Fenhagen was unanimously elected.

The death of Mrs. John R. Tait who had been a charter member of the Club,--but who had been recently felt obliged to resign--was announced. Suggestions were made with regard to sending a tribute of flowers to Mrs. Tait’s funeral; but it was said that to do this for one no longer a member might prove unsuitable as a precedent. It was recalled that the Board had very lately done a graceful action with regard to Mrs. Tait’s offer to give the Club her bust of Sidney Lanier,--by accepting it only with the condition of returning to her its full value; and having done so while she was living, and able to express--though only verbally--her grateful appreciation of the favor,--a floral tribute was of little consequence now. It was proposed to send instead a letter of condolence,--to which the Board agreed.

The President then spoke of the coming anniversary of our birthday, as a Club,--on March 19th, 1890,--and of our becoming twenty years old. She suggested that our commemoration be held


at the last meeting in March,--the 29th,--which will be Maryland Day, devoted to the Authors and Artists of Maryland by the Committee of which Mrs. Elliott is Chairman. It was proposed to have notices of the authors of verses now living in Maryland, with readings of short extracts of their works. It was also proposed to have some souvenirs of the occasion,--like flags or book markers of appropriate colors. After further suggestions all these arrangements were left to the discretion of the President.[2]

The meeting was adjourned.

Meeting of April 7th, 1910.

The Board of Management of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore held a meeting at 11 A. M. on Thursday, April 7th, 1910, at the home of the President, Mrs. John C. Wrenshall. Those who attended this meeting were: the President; First Vice President; two Secretaries; Treasurer; and two Directors,--Mrs. McGaw, and Miss Cooper.

The minutes of the regular Board meeting of March 3rd, which had been written by Mrs. Uhler, were read by the President; and the minutes of the called meeting of March 15th were read by the Recording Secretary.


Receipts and bills for the month of March were submitted,--found satisfactory--and delivered to the Treasurer.

The return to Miss Hammond of a check, sent to the Club by her, under a misapprehension, was reported.

The name of Mrs. Bibbins was suggested as a possible candidate for membership.

The President spoke of the “birthday of badges” for the members of the Club, which had been made by herself and Mrs. Wrenshall--Markland, and distributed to those members present at the meeting of March 29th. She told of arrangements made for the badges to be given to the members absent from that meeting.

The President then submitted an invitation from the Arundel Club to the President and Executive Board, Woman’s Literary Club, to attend a Reception on April 28th, from 8 to 10 P.M., at the Arundel Club rooms, given to the State Federation of Woman’s Clubs in Maryland. It was agreed that our Corresponding Secretary should write, accepting the invitation for a representation of the President and members of the Executive Board of the Woman’s Literary Club.

The President proposed that the Club should have a portfolio for autographs and letters, to preserve them with the books in our library. She reminded us of the valuable autographs we have; and spoke those of the eight “Verse Writers of Maryland,” who had responded to our request for the specimens of their writings given to our meeting on March 29th. She said their letters and autographs ought to be preserved. She suggested that the poems of Mr.


William M. Pegram might be put in a frame in our Club room.--his historical poem “Jamestown” written by his own hand on one page, being given a special place for itself; and another one given for his “Ode” to the Woman’s Literary Club. A simple black frame would be suitable. These suggestions were well approved by the Board.

The President spoke of our custom of closing each Club year on the last Tuesday in May; and said that this year the last Tuesday would fall on the 31st of the month,--which would make our closing very late. She spoke of some contingencies which might occur, and suggested that it would be well to have the closing meeting on May 24th. The Board agreed to leave this matter to the decision of the President.

The President then took up the question of bringing forward, in our general meetings any differences of opinion on religion or politics,--which must exist wherever more than two or three are gathered together. A friendly discussion on the subject showed no difference in opinion in the Board upon the avoidance of all questions that could possibly lead to controversy or antagonisms. It was proposed to issue folders containing information with regard to the Constitution and By-Laws,--useful to new members, and to old ones also. The proposal met approval.

The meeting was adjourned.


--Notice by Mrs. Uhler.--

Meeting of April 23rd, 1910.

A brief meeting of the Board of Management of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore was held--informally--on April 23rd, 1910, after a meeting of the Executive Board of the Edgar Allan Poe Memorial Association.

The President presented for consideration as a member, the names of Miss Victoria Elizabeth Gittings; and of Mrs. Charles W. Gallagher.

The presentation of these names being the only business brought before the meeting, it was adjourned, until the regular meeting of the Board on the first Thursday in May.

[Copied during temporarily impaired sight, by the Recording Secretary. L. C.]

Meeting of May 5th, 1910.

The Board of Management of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore held a meeting on May 5th, 1910, at 11 A.M., at the home of the President, Mrs. J. C. Wrenshall, 1037 North Calvert Street. In addition to the officers there were present five directors of the Club.

The Recording Secretary read the minutes of the regular Board meeting of April 7th. Mrs. Uhler,--who had taken the notes of the informal meeting on April 23rd,--read her report of that meeting. She also read her report of the meeting of the Executive Board of the Edgar Allan Poe Memorial Association held on the same date.

It was recalled that--on April 7th--the question of


closing the present season on the 24th of May,--the fourth Tuesday in the month, instead of on the 31st, the fifth Tuesday,--had been discussed, and left to the discretion of the President. She had decided for the earlier day, the 24th,--this action having been made optional, by one of the By Laws of the Club.

The Board then took up the general questions of the opening and closing meetings of our yearly sessions. We were reminded that the first Tuesday in October had been found inconvenient,--many of our members being then out of town, or busy with autumn household affairs, etc., and the attendance was then sure to be small. Also: that the closing of the meetings on the last Tuesday in May was apt to be in warm weather, and liable to a falling of interest and numbers. A new By Law was proposed, by the President,--to meet these conditions--reading as follows:

“The Board of Management of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore shall have right to appoint the date of the opening Salon of the Club year in October, and of the one closing the Club year in May, when it shall be found necessary or expedient to hold either or both after the first Tuesday in October, or before the last Tuesday in May.”

It was moved and seconded that this new By Law should be passed by the Board of Management,--for submission to the Club. The resolution to this effect


was voted for unanimously. [Confirmative action was taken upon it at the Club business meeting of May 10th, 1910.] It was proposed to the Board that the opening meeting of the Club Year 1910 and 1911 should be held on the third Tuesday in October 1910,--the 18th of that month. This also met the unanimous approval of the Board.

The President spoke of the difficulties she had met with in preparing impromptu programmes, when--as sometimes happened--the Chairmen of Committees were unable to be ready for the meetings as scheduled. She suggested usefulness of having some articles in reserve for emergencies. It was proposed to make some rules for the guidance of the Chairman of Committees. It was also suggested that programmes could be prepared during the summer vacation. Also: the meeting and consulting together of the Chairmen of Committees.

The next business matter was the proposal for membership of the name of Mrs. Charles Wesley Gallagher. Mrs. Gallagher was dean of the Maryland College for Women at Lutherville, and seemed--from all we could learn of her eminently fitted to be a member of the Literary Club. She was proposed by Mrs. Wrenshall-Markland,--and endorsed by Mrs. Hooper, and Mrs. Tanneyhill. Mrs. Gallagher was unanimously elected.

The name of Miss Victoria Elizabeth Gittings had been placed before us for consideration; but had, it seemed, not been regularly proposed for membership. The name of Mrs. Stevenson had been it was said suggested, but also not regularly proposed.

The President then spoke of our member Miss Mar-


ine, calling attention to the work she had done for the Poe Memorial Association; especially--of late--for the Play to be given for that society. Miss Marine seemes not to have received the credit due to her untiring efforts for its success. A discussion followed on this play. “Ye Marylande Mayde,” written originally by Miss Malloy,--and to be given on May 6th, at the Albaugh’s Theatre, for the benefit of the Poe Memorial Association. It will be presented by the Bard Avon School Dramatic Club,--of which Miss Marine is President,--assisted by the Alumnae of the School. It has well known Patronesses, and the cooperation of our own Club, and of other prominent literary connections. Many details of this affair were brought to our attention. It was proposed, and voted unanimously, that, on the evening of the performance of the play, a handsome basket of roses should be presented to Miss Marine on the stage, from the Woman’s Literary Club, in recognition of her furtherance of the play, and the object for which it is given. Mrs. Powell was requested to order the flowers,--and agreed to do so. Powell was requested to order the flowers,--and agreed to do so. Some notes had been received by the President thanking her for the sending of the beautiful badges, showing the Club colors, prepared by Mrs. Wrenshall to be given to all members present at the celebration of the 20th birthday of the Club on March 19th, but commemorated this year on the March Salon,--the 29th. The members absent from that meeting evidently appreciated being remembered.

After our President’s hospitable entertainment the last Board meeting of the season of 1909 and 1910 was adjourned.


Club Year 1910-1911.

Board of Management Elected by the Club May 17th, 1910,--for this Club Year.

President:                                                Mrs. John C. Wrenshall.

First Vice President:                         Mrs. Jordan Stabler.

Second Vice President:                    Mrs. Alan P. Smith.

Recording Secretary:                       Miss Lydia Crane.

Corresponding Secretary:            Mrs. P. R. Uhler.

Treasurer:                                               Miss Elizabeth L. Mullin.


For two years. Holding over from the last year.

Mrs. G. K. McGaw.                               Miss Annie Hollins.

Mrs. Sidney Turner.                          Miss Virginia W. Cloud.

Mrs. W. M. Powell.                              Miss H. J. Cooper.


[END OF SEASON 1909-1910]

[1] Under this and also under the next line is a note written later reading, “Not having been present when this report was read, and not having in writing the endorsers or even the proposers, and not having yet obtained them from Mrs. Uhler, I can only say I think all three had the same.”

[2] This whole paragraph looks like it was written over something else that was previously written.





“1909-1910 Board of Managers Meeting Minutes,” The Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore, accessed February 23, 2025, https://loyolanotredamelib.org/Aperio/WLCB/items/show/13489.Item
