Browse Items (87 total)
a image of a women holding two infants
This poem was written by Charles G. D. Roberts and published in the June 1899 issue of The Atlantic Monthly. The poem is about the Brooklyn Bridge and it shows some of the same themes that we have seen in other works. The author is clearly enthralled…
The illustration here depicts Champ De Mars (Field of Mars) as it will be at its completion. The people of New York were still very interested in progress and foreign accomplishments. New York was growing rapidly at the turn of the century, so…
"Above the muffled roar of conversation, the dismal wailing of babies at night, the thumping of feet in unseen corridors and rooms, mingled with the sound of varied hoarse shoutings in the street and the rattling of wheels over cobbles, they hear the…
This image depicts the Silent Protest Parade on July 28th, 1917, which consisted of 8,000 to 10,000 African Americans protesting the lynching of African Americans and black violence. Civil Rights activist W. E. B. Du Bois and the NAACP organized this…

The item from The Ladies’ World titled “The Perfect Poise” is an advertisement about a corset from the brand Ferris Waist. The Ferris Waist corset enables a woman to ride either her bicycle, horse, or play a sport with “easy grace” because every…

This article from C. D. Shanley published in The Atlantic Monthly recounts the details of Coney Island in 1878. The article refers to Coney Island as being one of the "least aristocratic features of the great suburb (Long Island)." At this time there…

This article in the Scientific American periodical written in 1897 gives a lot of details about the architectural layout of the Waldorf and also explains what George Boldt, the manager of the Waldorf Astoria, was envisioning while building it. He…
The item chosen is an example of sports journalism back in the 1890s, a summary of a college football game played between Cornell University and the University of Pennsylvania, where each team is described in great detail about their season and what…
This advertisement caught my attention with it’s claim. The title “Easily Earned” refers to the sofa that would be given to anyone who could sell 52 boxes of toilet soaps. The ad also talks about a catalog that could be sent as well. This ad seems…
Edith Wharton at The Mount, her Lenox, MA estate. 1905.
I came across an interesting document as began to look more into known Jewish people who immigrated to America. This document in particular happened to belong to none other than Albert Einstein, the founder of the general theory of relativity and…
This was an image created by a Federally funded project to teach the Ashkenazi Jews from Eastern Europe to speak English. This wave of Jewish Immigration took place from the 1880s to the 1920s. Many of the immigrants did not speak English, instead…
This picture shows the prominent and distinguishable mansions that covered 5th Avenue in the 1890’s. This photo specifically shows the glorious Vanderbilt mansions on Fifth Avenue. These mansions are symbols of prosperity as they are enormous and…
On the day of the grand opening of the Brooklyn Bridge, The Daily Graphic released this edition of the magazine. In the picture, the bridge rises high into the sky. It is so large that the city behind it looks flat. On the bridge stand two women, who…
The item chosen to be analyzed was an advertisement from the magazine for “flexibone moulded corsets”. This advertisement features a women wearing a corset, and a sentence that reads “Never lose their shape” when listing information about the corset.…
Photograph of George Boldt, New York hotelier, likely the model for Stephen Millhauser's character Martin Dressler.

A brief yet informative web page on the history of public transportation in New York City. The transportation services covered range from omnibuses (present in many stories about the period including Henry James' Washington Square, and Steven…
This item is an advertisement for Hood’s Sarsaparilla pills which treat “all liver ills”, jaundice, sick headache, biliousness, sour stomach, and nausea. In the advertisements a woman, Amanda Paisley, tells in depth, of her grotesque experience with…
This image of men, women, and children at Ellis Island in 1908 portrays the first-hand experience of newly arriving immigrants. Their clothing appears to be clean, in good condition, average, and not fancy. It seems the clothing is…
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