Cornell vs. UPenn, Dec. 30, 1899


Cornell vs. UPenn, Dec. 30, 1899


Sports article


The item chosen is an example of sports journalism back in the 1890s, a summary of a college football game played between Cornell University and the University of Pennsylvania, where each team is described in great detail about their season and what happened during the game.
The first thing to note is the diction used throughout the sports article. It is much more formal compared to the diction used today, using expressions like “depression” to describe a team doing badly and “between these two elevens” to describe two teams (Camp 22). In addition, the two colleges are continuously referred to as “her” whenever describing each team, such as, “During two halves of thirty-five minutes Cornell never once succeeded in making her five yards” (22). The diction used is very intentional and even reflects a time where entertainment is growing into the sports industry. The audience is definitely meant for sports fans, and being in New York as a center of entertainment, this sports article is a good example of how the entertainment industry grew in New York from the theater to amateur sports like college football. Another thing to note is how much detail the article tells about the game; today, sports articles may note highlights and notable players but the article really tells a story about how the two teams played against one another. To add, this seems to be a fitting article from Walter Camp because he used to be a football player and gained fame from his association with Yale athletics and American football (Smith). The sports article seems to mesh well into the magazine as well, mixing in with the current events in the beginning and the stories scattered around, and the use of photography definitely helps people visualize something completely foreign to them such as American football.


Collier's Weekly


Camp, Walter. “A Review of the Pennsylvania – Cornell Game.” Collier’s Weekly 24:13 (1899): 22. Print.


Collier's Weekly


Dec. 30, 1899


Jonathan Lim




December 30, 1899




Collier's Weekly, “Cornell vs. UPenn, Dec. 30, 1899,” Three Decades of NYC, accessed October 6, 2024,