Works by Edith Wharton (1)



The Greater Inclination, 1899
The Touchstone, 1900
Crucial Instances, 1901
The Valley of Decision, 1902
Sanctuary, 1903
The Descent of Man and Other Stories, 1903
The House of Mirth, 1905
Madame de Treymes, 1907
The Fruit of the Tree, 1907
The Hermit and the Wild Woman and Other Stories, 1908
Tales of Men and Ghosts, 1910
Ethan Frome, 1911
The Reef, 1912
The Custom of the Country, 1913
Summer, 1917
The Marne, 1918
The Age of Innocence, 1920 (Pulitzer Prize winner)
The Glimpses of the Moon, 1922
A Son at the Front, 1923
Old New York, 1924

The Mother's Recompense, 1925
Twilight Sleep, 1927
The Children, 1928
Hudson River Bracketed, 1929
The Gods Arrive, 1932
Ghosts, 1937
The Buccaneers, 1938
Fast and Loose, 1938 (first novel, written in 1876-1877)
Xingu and Other Stories, 1916
Here and Beyond, 1926
Certain People, 1930
Human Nature, 1933
The World Over, 1936


Verses, 1878
Artemis to Actaeon and Other Verse, 1909
Twelve Poems, 1926


The Decoration of Houses, 1897
Italian Villas and Their Gardens, 1904
Italian Backgrounds, 1905
A Motor-Flight Through France, 1908
Fighting France, from Dunkerque to Belfort, 1915
French Ways and Their Meaning, 1919
In Morocco, 1920
The Writing of Fiction, 1925 (essays on writing)
A Backward Glance, 1934 (autobiography)

As editor

The Book of the Homeless, 1916

About Ethan Frome
Two editions of Ethan Frome

Other editions of Ethan Frome
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James Fenimore Cooper and Last of the Mohicans
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1. "Edith Wharton." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 2 Dec. 2009. Web. 08 Dec. 2009.