The first shipment of Parole Femine has arrived, and we have been celebrating. Seven of the book’s 30 editors, along with Molly, the book’s designer, signed each other’s copies over a delicious Indian dinner at Namaste near Loyola’s campus.
The first books have also landed in readers’ laps. One of the project’s biggest fans, “Granny” from Philly, just received hers and tells us she intends to “read every page.” We can’t wait to hear what you think, Granny!

You can order your own copy of Parole Femine at, and we are planning several events during the first few months of 2020, including a Salon in March during Women’s History Month, talks at area libraries and bookstores, and possibly a book club. It’s so exciting to finally see these women’s writing in print, and to be able to share their work with new readers!

Like the WLCB Facebook page to be notified of events and other news about the project.