Parole Femine: Words and Lives of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore has gone to press! Order your copy at — a perfect Christmas gift for the Baltimore history buff in your life!

Clocking in at 780 oversize pages, the book is a testament to female intellect and the second half of the Maryland state motto, “Fatti maschii, parole femine“–manly deeds, womanly words.
The editors will be celebrating the publication of the book on Tuesday, Dec. 10, at 6pm at Namaste on Cold Spring just west of Loyola’s campus. (If you’re one of said editors reading this: we hope to see you there!)
Stay tuned for the official book launch party next semester.
Congrats to all, and thanks to Kevin Atticks and Molly Werts at Lyola’s Apprentice House Press for their hard work in making this monster of a book a reality!