1891-1892 BOM Meeting Minutes


BOM 1891_1892

Board Meeting–September 26th 1891.
[Book I, MS 988, Box 3, p. 84-85]

Meeting Board of Management 12 E. Centre Street September 26th 1891.; On meeting room for Club; 12 E. Centre St. accepted size

A meeting of the Board of Management of the Woman’s Literary Club was held in the building of the Academy of Sciences–12 East Centre Street, on Saturday morning, September 26th, 1891, about 11 o’clock, with the President in the chair.

There were 8 members present.

The important question was discussed of choosing a room for the meetings of the Club during the coming season, and the offer made by the Academy of Sciences through Mrs [Annie Leakin] Sioussat, was considered and accepted. By this offer, the Club is given the use of one larger room capable of holding more than fifty chairs and of other smaller rooms, and it is requested that all the members of the Woman’s Literary Club will in return become adjunct or associate members of the Academy of Sciences at the rate of $1 each per year. The President feared we may not be sufficiently scientific to deserve admission to this association, but was informed by Mrs Sioussat that we were only asked to be adjunct members, which removed the difficulty. The President put to vote the question “Shall the courtesy of the President of the Academy of Sciences be accepted by the Woman’s Literary Club?” Carried without dissent.

Terms; Improvements; Temporary House Committee

It was proposed by the President and decided that the Woman’s Literary Club furnish a carpet for the larger room, and also paper the walls, that the Club colors be remembered in the selections made, and that if the Club vacate these rooms, both these improvements shall be the property of the Academy of Sciences.

It was decided to buy slowly much of the furniture needed for the Club, but to provide at once six chairs for the Officers and Executive Committee, curtain drapery, a table cover and a secretary.

Mrs Sioussat and Mrs Lord [Alice Emma Sauerwein Lord] were appointed by the President a temporary House Committee to make the various purchases.

Salon October 6th; Suggested monthly House Committee; “Teas” charge of 2nd V.P.; No set sum to House Committee[?]

It was decided to have a Salon without refreshments on October 6th.

The President suggested that a new House Committee be named for each month, and appointed the second Vice President to take charge of the “teas” as heretofore.

The Treasurer asked if a fixed sum would be allowed to the House Committee. The President thought not.

Mrs Sioussat wished to know if she should send the bills to the Treasurer, and was requested by the Treasurer to approve them before forwarding them. The President asked that they might be sent through her; and informed the Secretary that Miss Brent [Emma Fenwick Brent] and Miss Bond are still members of the Club.

Franklin desires to be dropped from roll during absence; Secretary allowed to have printed cards meeting days

The Treasurer stated that Mrs Franklin [Christine Ladd-Franklin] (former Club Treasurer) desired to be dropped from the members’ roll during her year of absence. The President asked postponement of decision in this matter until the Committee meeting October 13th.

The Secretary requested to be authorized to have printed at once cards of meeting days for the season. Allowed.

The President appointed October 13th, 2.30 o’clock, for the next meeting of the Executive Committee.


Eliza Ridgely

Approved by Board.

Board Meeting–October 13th 1891.
[Book I, MS 988, Box 3, p. 88-89]

Board of Management meeting 12 E. Centre St. October 13th; Payment of dues to Academy of Science; Discussion on Residents as guests of Club; Haughton–for Salon; Lord–Memorial table; Committee meeting

A meeting of the Board of Management of the Woman’s Literary Club was held at 12 East Centre Street on Tuesday afternoon, October 13th, about 3 o’clock.

The President was in the chair and eight (8) members were present.

The Secretary read the minutes of the Board meetings of May 21st and September 26th which were approved.

The President thought the dues of the Club for associate membership in the Academy of Sciences should be paid from the Club funds.

Question was put by the President whether Mrs [Alice] Yardley should be invited as guest of the Club for the coming winter as a courtesy to our active member Mrs [Elizabeth Turner] Graham.

Mrs [Rebecca] Griffin thought that others might apply for the same privilege.

Mrs [Annie Leakin] Sioussat suggested that a fixed number of persons be admitted as guests.

Mrs [Mary Noyes] Colvin proposed an immediate vote upon the special case.

Question postponed by President for want of time.

President also reminded Miss [Louisa Courtland Osburne] Haughton to take charge of the Salon tea, and appointed Mrs Lord to decorate the memorial table for Mrs [Mary Spear] Tiernan on the following Tuesday.

A special meeting of the Committee was called after the


general meeting of October 13th to attend to the programme for October 20th. Miss Haughton was appointed a Committee of one to purchase two teapots for the Club Salons.

The President named the first Tuesday in November–2.30 o’clock[–]for the next Executive meeting.


Eliza Ridgely

Corrected and Approved by Board November 10th.

Board Meeting–November 3rd 1891.
[Book I, MS 988, Box 3, p. 92-93]

Board of Management meeting 12 E. Centre St. November 3rd 1891.

A meeting of the Board of Management–W.L.C.–was held at 12 East Centre Street, Tuesday afternoon, November 3rd about 3 o’clock.

There were nine (9) members present with the President in the chair.

The reading of minutes of last Board meeting was postponed by President on account of shortness of time.

On re-admission of Club members after necessary absence; (Limit Club membership?); May be re-elected on return by Board of Management; Not necessary to announce to Club; May be re-elected; Are such absent members non-resident or are they dropped from list?

The subject was discussed whether members who could not attend the Club meetings on account of protracted illness or necessary absence from the City might be dropped from the Club list and re-admitted on their return.

The President suggested that we might at some future time limit the Club membership–perhaps to one hundred–and in such case, if half the members should leave the City, we should not have funds sufficient to cover Club expenses. Miss [Charlotte Dellacklot] Thompson, seconded by Miss [Louisa Courtland Osburne] Haughton, asked that the question be put, which the President did in effect as follows, “Shall we permit those ladies who consider that they have sufficient reasons for absence from the Club to continue members?”

Mrs [Annie Leakin] Sioussat proposed the amendment that such persons shall be extraneous to limitation.

The Treasurer thought that no limitation of numbers enters into the present question.

The President agreed with the Treasurer the question of limitations and thought with Mrs Sioussat that members absent from good cause should on return, be re-elected by the Board of Management, not by the Club.

Treasurer asked if this meant that the names of persons returning should not be announced to the Club.

This seemed the view of the Board.


Miss [Henrietta] Szold remarked that this brings the question to individual cases.

The Secretary asked whether such absent members should be classed as non-resident with half dues or should be entirely dropped.

Miss Szold thought if allowed to leave on account of illness or absence with good cause, the Committee must pass upon such cause in re-admitting them.

The President thought it difficult to examine into real cause, and that they should be either termed non-resident members, or absolutely dropped and re-elected by the Committee.

Mrs [Alice Emma Sauerwein] Lord thought that at time of re-election, the cause of absence could be enquired into.

Matter referred to next meeting; Committee on Invitation postponed

The Secretary asked that the decision be put into the By-Laws, and was requested by the President to frame it and present it to the Board and the next meeting.

The President also hoped that in the admission of new members, only those would be chosen who would raise the standard of the Club.

The Secretary thought members should be chosen strictly by Constitutional rule, and asked the President to appoint a Committee on Invitation in accordance with the Constitution.

Appointment postponed by the President until the next meeting which was fixed for the following Tuesday at 2.30 o’clock.

Insurance on Club property; Aid to janitress

The President suggested that we should have an insurance on the Club property, and that we might help the janitress who has been put to heavy loss by recent fire in the building.

Mrs Sioussat and Miss Szold thought we might do something for her, and Miss Szold agreed to find out if the Academy of Sciences would assist her.


Eliza Ridgely

Approved by Board November 10th.

Board Meeting–November 10th 1891.
[Book I, MS 988, Box 3, p. 96-97]

Board of Management 12 East Centre St. November 10th 1891.; On–members unavoidably absent from Club meetings; Not yet added to By-Laws; Appropriation asked to tea table; November House Committee; Subs. for janitress

A meeting of the Board of Management was held at 12 East Centre Street on Tuesday afternoon, November 10th, after 2.30 o’clock, with the President in the chair and nine (9) members present.

The minutes of the meetings of October 13th were corrected and approved and those of November 3rd approved. The words “prolonged” and “upon her request” were by the President added to the form presented by the Secretary on “members unavoidably absent from the Club meetings,” which then read as follows: “Any member unable to attend the Club meetings on account of prolonged illness or absence from the City may be dropped from the Club list upon her request, and re-admitted on her return by vote of the Board of Management.

Such a person may if she should prefer it, be classed as a non-resident member.”

The President asked that this addition be not made by the By-Laws at present; and no action was taken.

The Treasurer made the request for the second Vice-President that an appropriation be set aside (allowed) for the Salon tea table–which was done.

The President appointed Mrs [Alice Emma Sauerwein] Lord and Miss Mary Willcox Brown the House Committee for November.

It was decided to take up a voluntary contribution from the Club for the janitress, and the Secretary was requested to notify absent members of the plan.

Plan to collect works of Maryland writers

The President suggested that we make an effort to secure a Maryland library for the Club, consisting of the books and pamphlets of those who have lived or written in Maryland. Mrs [Annie Leakin] Sioussat thought Dr John Morris has made a collection of such pamphlets at the Peabody.

Mrs [Mary Noyes] Colvin said that we might confine ourselves to books.

Cover for tea table; Committee on Invitation appointed; Non-resident guests of members may attend meetings?; Also distinguished strangers may be brought without invitation?; Residents may come again to hear special paper; Reports to newspapers.

The President suggested that the younger ladies make a cover for the tea table with a flower and the name of each person embroidered upon it by herself. Miss [Charlotte Dellacklot] Thompson asked for a Chairman, and the President thought Miss [Louisa Courtland Osburne] Haughton would attend to the matter.

The Secretary asked for a Committee on Invitation. The President appointed Mrs Colvin. The President thought concerning guests, that all non-resident guests of members–whether literary or otherwise–and all distinguished strangers may be brought without obtaining invitations.

Mrs Sioussat thought of course if a resident of Baltimore, not a member, should be asked to hear a certain paper and the paper were postponed, such a guest could be again invited when the paper should be read. The Board seemed to hold the same view.

In a consultation on the reports of Club meetings to newspapers, Mrs Colvin suggested a censor.

No action was taken.


Eliza Ridgely

Approved by Board.

Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore.
Executive Meeting.
December 8th 1891.
[Book I, MS 988, Box 3, p. 105-108]

Board of Management meeting December 8th 1891

The Board of Management met, with the exception of the Secretary, Miss [Eliza] Ridgely, who, being unavoidably detained, sent a request that some other lady would take her place,–for the evening. Miss [Lydia] Crane consented to take notes.

On Postal Cards for weekly notice to Club; Subject of Postal Cards postponed

Mrs [Francese Litchfield] Turnbull, the President, brought before the meeting the question asked on a former occasion, by the Secretary–whether postal cards ought to be sent out, to give notice of our regular meetings?–as was done last year. To direct these cards had required one hour a week of the Secretary’s time; and whether these


notices are necessary or desirable–in proportion to the time and labor expended on them–is an important question.

The President said that, in her experience, a private notification had always been successful, and had invariably met with a response.

It was said that the members ought to care to attend regularly, but that securing a large attendance was worth some effort.

It was also said that the average attendance last year, under the postal card system, had been 45, and this year–so far–about 30.

Mrs [Annie Leakin] Sioussat said that many persons were not yet settled in town, and that there were many things just now to take up the time and attention of our members.

We were told that the proportion of members who had paid their dues this year–64–was greater than at this time last year.

Mrs [Alice Emma Sauerwein] Lord suggested sending the notices later–on Monday–so that they may be received very near the meeting; and not be forgotten.

Miss [Henrietta] Szold thought Tuesday morning too late for them to be received.

There was no decision on the subject of the postal cards, as the Secretary, who, no doubt, has the best right to speak on this point, was absent.

Question of Assistant Secretary or of a Corresponding and Recording Secretary; Miss Balch has resigned care of book (Scrap); Mrs Lord takes charge of book

It was asked whether Miss Ridgely would care to have an Assistant Secretary, or, as our members increase, to divide the many duties, hitherto so-satisfactorily performed by herself, between a Corresponding, and a Recording Secretary.


Of course, this whole subject was deferred until Miss Ridgely could be present, and give her opinion and vote upon it. Therefore an Executive Meeting was agreed upon for next Tuesday, the 15th of December.

Mrs Turnbull then announced that Miss Grace Balch has found it necessary to resign the position she accepted last spring,–that of Recorder, or Keeper of the book in which any of our meetings of unusual interest were to have special records;–after consultation with the writers of specially interesting papers.

Mrs Lord, who was said to have never once been absent from any of our meetings, then consented to take the office resigned by Miss Balch.

On subscription for Janitress; Appropriation for Club China, etc; Lock on closet

Miss [Charlotte Dellacklot] Thompson reported that the subscription for the Janitress amounted to $16.00.(?)

As it had been proposed to raise $25.00, to replace her sewing-machine, lost by fire, the suggestion had been made to supplement the amount in hand from the Club funds;–or, else, to give her the $16.00.

After several suggestions, as: that the $16.00 might not be judiciously spent,–that the sewing machine would be the most useful of all presents,–that the business of our Club was not especially philanthropy, and, that we must be just before we were generous, the question was asked, whether the $9.00 could be spared from the treasury?

Though we were told that we were not in debt, the proposal which had been made seemed to require mature consideration.

It was argued that final action upon it should be deferred until the next Executive Meeting;–also–that the President would call the attention of the whole Club to the subject of the subscription, at the meeting about to be held.


The Treasurer announced that the last Salon, on November 24th, given, as we knew, under the direction of herself and Miss [Louisa Courtland Osburne] Haughton, had cost $7.38, instead of the $18.00 which we had been accustomed to pay for those formerly held. These ladies, however, had lent some articles to the Club; and we all remembered that they had done a large amount of work that evening.

It was agreed that the $10.00 saved should be spent for china,–the linen having been already paid for out of the Club funds. Also, that what was saved each month might be used to purchase such things as the Club needs.

It was decided that a lock should be placed on the door of the china-closet.

An informal discussion then followed on the qualifications of new members. Several names, in this connection, were mentioned; as that of Mrs Charles Henry Smith, by Mrs Colvin; and those of the Misses Gilman, by Miss Brown; but no formal proposals were made, and no votes were taken on this subject.


Approved by Board

The above notes were taken from the notes given by Miss Crane to the Secretary and read (by Miss Crane?) to the Board and approved.

Eliza Ridgely

Board Meeting–December 15th 1891.
[Book I, MS 988, Box 3, p. 113]

Board of Management meeting 12 E. Centre Street December 15th 1891; Shall fund [text illegible] for janitress be taken from Club treasury?; Committee to attend to matter of janitress; Meeting to be held in Christmas week; Salon first Tuesday in December; Subject of “weekly postals” postponed.

A meeting of the Board of Management–W.L.C.–was held at 12 East Centre Street, Tuesday afternoon, December 15th 1891 after 2.30 o’clock, with the first Vice-President in the Chair. Eight (8) members present.

The question was discussed whether the remainder of the amount needed to buy a sewing machine for the janitress should be made up from the Club funds, and finally decided in the negative, as Miss [Henrietta] Szold and others thought such action would be a bad precedent.

Miss [Rebecca] Griffin and Miss Szold agreed to act as a Committee to attend to the matter at once, using the money in hand as seemed most suitable.

It was decided that the meeting on the Tuesday following (December 22nd) should not be postponed on account of Christmas week, and that the Salon should be held as usual the last Tuesday in December.

The question whether weekly postal cards should be sent was postponed on account of the President’s absence.


Eliza Ridgely

Adopted by the Board January 5th 1892.

Board Meeting–January 5th 1892.
[Book I, MS 988, Box 3, p. 117]

Board of Management meeting January 5th 1892 12 E. Centre Street; 6 new members approved.; Former member re-elected; May an unknown name be brought up on a day not named in Constitution? Laid on table; Name proposed unconstitutionally.; May Executive member second unfinished presentation? No.

The semi-annual meeting of the Board of Management for the approval of new members was held at 12 East Centre Street on Tuesday afternoon, January 5th 1892 after 2.30 o’clock, with eight (8) members present.

The President was in the chair. The minutes of the Board meeting of December 15th were read by the Secretary and adopted.

Six new members were approved; and one old member who had resigned fearing she could not fulfil the duties of the Club, was, by her own desire, re-elected.

The question was raised whether the name of a person unknown to the members of the Committee, and upon which they do not feel able to vote, may be brought up again for approval at a subsequent Committee meeting, on a day not named by the Constitution for that purpose. The President thought such deferred action might not be opposed to the spirit of the Constitution. Several members thought we should keep strictly the letter of the Constitution. Finally, Mrs [Annie Leakin] Sioussat, seconded by Miss [Louisa Courtland Osburne] Haughton, moved to lay the matter on the table–which was done.

A name proposed by a member of the Club, but not seconded as required by Article 4 Section 5 of the Constitution was therefore not voted upon.

The Secretary asked whether in such a case a member of the Executive Committee could not second the name.

The majority of the Board thought not, and the name was held over, as no being proposed in due form.


Eliza Ridgely

Adopted by Board.

Board Meeting–February 2nd 1892.
[Book I, MS 988, Box 3, p. 125]

Board of Management meeting 12 E. Centre Street February 2nd 1892.; Misses Brent and Grace re-elected

An informal meeting of the Board of Management was held at 12 East Centre Street, February 2nd, about 3.30 o’clock before the regular meeting of the Club.

About six (6) members were present.

The re-election of Miss [Emma Fenwick] Brent and Miss [Mary F.] Grace–former members of the Club–was the subject brought forward by the President and affirmatively passed upon by the Board which then adjourned.

Eliza Ridgely

Adopted by Board.

Board Meeting March 1st 1892.
[Book I, MS 988, Box 3, p. 133-134

Board of Management meeting 12 E. Centre Street March 1st 1892; On Club “Reception”; Invitations to newspaper representatives; Invitations engraved, monogram on paper, blank for name.; Board to be the Reception Committee; Academy of Sciences to be invited; Date to be April 19th.

A meeting of the Board of Management of the Woman’s Literary Club took place at 12 East Centre Street, Tuesday afternoon March 1st–2.30 o’clock–to make arrangements for the Club Reception to be given to the President and Miss [Grace Denio] Litchfield.

The Second Vice-President was in the chair and nine (9) members were present.

It was decided to send invitations to representatives of the “Sun,” “American” and “Evening News” papers; to have the invitations engraved–with the Club monogram in lavender on the paper–not on the envelopes–to leave a blank for the name of the person invited, that the whole invitation may be put in the third person.

Decided that the Executive Board shall form the Reception Committee.

Agreed by vote, after discussion, that the whole Academy


of Sciences shall be invited.

Date of entertainment to be April 19th. Reading of minutes deferred for want of time.


Eliza Ridgely

Adopted by Board.

Board Meeting–March 22nd 1892.
[Book I, MS 988, Box 3, p. 141]

Board of Management meeting. 12 E. Centre Street. March 22nd; 40 members Academy of Sciences to be invited to “Reception”

A meeting of the Board of Management of the Woman’s Literary Club was called by the second Vice President at 12 East Centre Street, Tuesday afternoon, March 22nd, before the meeting of the Club. Five (5) members were present.

Decided to limit the Reception invitations–to be sent to the Academy of Sciences–to forty members chosen by the President of that Society, and not to include the whole membership.


Eliza Ridgely

Adopted by Board.

Board Meeting–April 14th 1892.
[Book I, MS 988, Box 3, p. 147]

Board of Management meeting 12 E. Centre Street. April 14th 1892; To arrange for “Reception”; 2 maids in dressing-room. Violet and white badges; Bouquets to President and Litchfield.; Reception Committee early at Lyceum; $275 voted for supper, hall and flowers.; Supper.

A meeting of the Board of Management of the Woman’s Literary Club was held at 12 East Centre Street on Thursday afternoon, April 14th, at 4 o’clock–to make arrangements for the Reception.

The Second Vice President was in the chair and at least eight (8) persons were present–and among them Miss [Sarah] Adams.

It was decided that two maids should be placed in the ladies’ dressing room; that badges of white and violet should be provided for the Committee, for Miss [Sarah] Adams who would have charge of the decoration of the hall, and for Mr Edwin Turnbull and a friend who would assist in introducing the guests.

Decided, that bouquets of violets should be sent to the President and Miss [Grace Denio] Litchfield, and that it would be advisable for the Reception Committee to be at the Lyceum as near 7.30 o’clock as possible.

The sum of $2751 was voted from the Treasury for the supper, flowers and hall–the supper to be served by a caterer, and to consist of croquettes and peas, salad, ices, bonbons, coffee, etc., and to include china and waiters.


Eliza Ridgely.

Adopted by Board May 3rd 1892.

Board Meeting–May 2nd 1892.
[Book I, MS 988, Box 3, p. 154]

Board of Management meeting. 1530 Park Avenue. May 2nd 1892.; Our presentation of work of Club at World’s Fair; Constitution and programmes of meetings to be sent.; Also book of Club essays; Committee of 3 to supervise printing of book; Perhaps also book of poetry and stories may be sent; Decided to try to have last day in May election day and Salon first Tuesday June.

A meeting of the Board of Management was held at 1530 Park Avenue, on Monday, May 2nd,–12 o’clock noon, with seven (7) members present.

The President was in the chair, and the proper presentation of the work of the Club at the World’s Columbian Exposition was brought forward.

Decided to send to the Exposition the Constitution and complete programmes of meetings bound together in Club colors.

The apparent sentiment of the Board after discussion was that a book should also be prepared for the Exposition containing the best selection of essays–from articles read at the Club.

Mrs [Alice Emma Sauerwein] Lord, seconded by Miss [Louisa Courtland Osburne] Haughton, proposed that a Committee of three be chosen to supervise the printing of such a book. Passed.

Mrs [Francese Litchfield] Turnbull, Mrs [Annie Leakin] Sioussat and Mrs [Mary Noyes] Colvin were selected for this Committee. To this book may be added, if found desirable, a volume of poetry and stories from those read at the Club.

Suggested by the President that each member might wish to possess a copy of the Club essays–as also other Clubs or booksellers;–and that any deficit from such undertaking be made up from Club funds, and any advance added to the Club treasury. Not final.

Proposed and decided to change the last day in May to a regular meeting day, and to have the elections then;–Also to move the Salon to the first Tuesday in June.


Eliza Ridgely

Adopted by the Board May 3rd 1892.

Board Meeting–May 3rd 1892.
[Book I, MS 988, Box 3, p. 155]

Board of Management meeting. 12 E. Centre Street. May 3rd 1892; For approval of new members; Resolution of thanks passed Messrs. Turnbull and Reeves; Mrs Warren re-elected; 11 names approved; On ac[count] of mistake–non-appearance of 12th name, though properly prepared, Brown allowed to re-present it. Approved.

A meeting of the Board of Management of the Woman’s Literary Club was held at 12 East Centre Street, on Tuesday afternoon May 2nd*–2.30 o’clock–for the approval of new members according to the Constitution.

The minutes of the Board meetings of April 14th and May 2nd were read by the Secretary and adopted by the Board.

Ten (10) members were present, and the President was in the chair.

Miss [Louisa Courtland Osburne] Haughton, seconded by Miss [Charlotte Dellacklot] Thompson, moved that a resolution of thanks be passed to Mr Edwin Turnbull and to Mr Jesse Reeves for their assistance at the Reception. Carried.

The President suggested for re-election by the Board, Mrs Minturn Warren–who had been unable previously to attend the Club meetings. Elected. (See Minutes Board Meeting–November 10th 1891.)

Eleven (11) new members were approved.

The twelfth name–properly prepared in writing by Miss Mary Willcox Brown and sent by mail–had failed to reach the Secretary and was not reported. Miss Brown was on this account permitted by special motion to prepare again and to present the name in full form to the Board while in session.

The name was approved.


Eliza Ridgely

Adopted by the Board May 17th 1892.

*May 3rd.

Board Meeting–May 10th 1892.
[Book I, MS 988, Box 3, p. 161]

Board of Management meeting 12 E. Centre Street May 10th 1892.; Miss Sarah Adams made honorary member.

A meeting of the Board of Management–W.L.C.–was called at 12 East Centre Street, after the meeting of the Club on Tuesday evening, May 10th, about 5.50 o’clock.

Nine (9) members were present, and the President was in the chair.

Miss Sarah Adams was proposed by the President–as an honorary member of the Club–and elected.


Eliza Ridgely

Adopted by Board May 17th.

Board of Management Meeting–May 17th, 1892.
[Book I, MS 988, Box 3, p. 162]

Board of Management meeting 12 E. Centre Street May 17th 1892.; 500 Salon Cards; New members to be asked to next meeting and to Salon–not Election Day.; Card of Club; New members adopted.

A meeting of the Board of Management of the Woman’s Literary Club was held at 12 East Centre Street, on Tuesday afternoon, May 17th, after 2.30 o’clock.

Nine (9) members were present, with the President in the chair.

The minutes of the meetings of May 2nd and 10th were read by the Secretary and adopted by the Board.

The Secretary asked to be authorized to have five hundred Salon cards printed. Allowed.

The new members are to be invited to the next meeting and to the Salon in June, but of course have no vote in the elections.

Discussed whether we shall have a Card of Club Membership. A model was shown by the President, and, after discussion, a motion to adopt it was made by Mrs [Mary Noyes] Colvin, seconded by Miss [Louisa Courtland Osburne] Haughton,


and passed. This certificate to be given up by a member on her resignation.

On Committees; Suggestion–A Conference of Committees.

The President wished to scatter the Topic papers before summer, and the question of Committees was taken up. Decided to continue the same general plan of Committees with a few alterations of last season’s title.s

The Secretary suggested a Conference of Chairmen that they might consider together a plan of work.


Eliza Ridgely

  1. $275 in 1892 is the equivalent of nearly $8500 in 2022 dollars, according to the Consumer Price Index Inflation Calculator at officialdata.org. ↩︎





“1891-1892 BOM Meeting Minutes,” The Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore, accessed February 23, 2025, https://loyolanotredamelib.org/Aperio/WLCB/items/show/15534.Item
