1890-1891 BOM minutes



Board of Management Meeting–May 23rd 1890.
[Book I, MS 988, Box 3, p. 8] 1

Board meeting 24 W. Franklin St.; By-Law made on Honorary Members; Rules on strangers not passed; Committees work.

A meeting of the Board of Management took place on Friday May 23rd, at 4.30 o’clock, at 24 West Franklin Street, with 6 members present. Mrs Franklin [Christine Ladd-Franklin] resolved that one By-Law shall read thus: Honorary members shall be made only by invitation of the Executive Committee. Carried. The rules of admission of strangers were not settled and were laid over.

The Secretary was desired to prepare list of Committees for next meeting with Chairmen and members; to give opportunity to change to those who desired to do so, and to invite all not already named to join some Committee.


Eliza Ridgely

Board of Management Meeting September 23rd
[Book I, MS 988, Box 3, p. 11]

Board meeting Albion Hotel. Committees. Room for Club. Room Committee.

A meeting of the Board of Management of the Woman’s Literary Club was called for Tuesday morning, September 23d, 1890, at 11.15 o’clock in a private room of the Albion Hotel. Present 8 members–President in the Chair.

By President, subject of Committees taken up and of the selection of a room for the meetings of the Club with suitable platform for officers and member selected to give the reading. Committee of 3–Mrs [Alice Emma Sauerwein] Lord, Mrs [Mary Spear [Tiernan] and Miss [Louisa Courtland Osburne] Haughton appointed to attend to this matter.

1st Winter meeting to be reported. Club badge, color, motto. Committee of 1

The following decisions made:

That next meeting of Club–first of winter–shall be reported for newspapers;

At suggestion of President that Club badge be adopted, Club color–violet, and Club motto–“Parole femine” (part of Maryland State motto) Miss Haughton was appointed to attend to badges, and to stamping of writing paper for Club invitations;

Reception Committee. Card of Meetings. Committee of 1. R.S.V.P. on invitations. Invitation to Woman’s Convention

That Committee of 3 be selected for each meeting to help to receive members;

At Mrs [Emily Anna] Smith’s suggestion, that list of meeting days for year be printed on cards and distributed for convenience of members; (Mrs Smith was appointed Committee of 1 to attend to printing.) That R.S.V.P. be put on invitations for October 7th;

That we decline because of recent organization, the invitation of Mrs Robinson, President of W.C.T.U. [Women’s Christian Temperance Union] to send a member to read a paper on Club at Women’s Convention in Baltimore October 14th;

Salon day once a month, tea

That it will be well to hold Salon on last meeting day of each month and only once in the month, and that tea may be provided on that occasion.

[Additional organizational matters.]

Suggestions as follows:

That certain new names be added to Club list, as some


were given before organization in spring of 1890;

By President, that printed slips containing Sections 1 and 2 of Article 4, and Section 1 on Article 5 be enclosed to new members when invited to join the Club;

That Constitutional clause Article 6 Section 1 on meetings be changed, and election take place in spring, thus giving new officers summer’s leisure for their arrangements;

By Mrs Smith, that Committee be named to alter Constitution;

That name of Committee on Literary Remains and Curios be altered;

That Dr. Brown furnish list of local artists.

Note also:

The resignation of Miss Haughton from Lake Poets Committee; the partial arrangement of programme for October 7th, and the naming of reception Committee for that day–Mrs Dobbin, Mrs [Julia R.] Tutwiler, Miss [Virginia Woodward] Cloud, Mrs [John] Miller. Also: that gentlemen shall not be admitted to Club meetings, except on certain occasions–not usually. Adjourned.

Eliza Ridgely

Board of Management Meeting–October 14th 1890.
[Book I, MS 988, Box 3, p. 12]

Board meeting 861 Garden St.

A meeting of the Board of Management of W.L.C. took place at 861 Garden Street on Tuesday, October 14th, at 3.30 o’clock–with 7 present and the President in the chair.

Honorary member

Miss [Grace Denio] Litchfield was made an honorary member.

Names of Committees changed

Name of Committee on “Sociology” changed to “Political Economy”, Miss Woods [Katharine Pearson Woods], Chairman. Committee on “Woman’s Work and Wages” to “Woman’s Work and Progress”

New Committee.

New Committee of “Authors and Artists of Maryland” formed, Mrs Alan P. Smith [Emily Anna Smith], Chairman.

Eliza Ridgely

Board Meeting–November 4th 1890.
[Book I, MS 988, Box 3, p. 18]

Board meeting 861 Garden St.; Election of members

Board of Management meeting–Tuesday, November 4th 1890, 861 Garden Street,–after the Club meeting. 5 members present. Honorary members elected:

Mrs [Caroline] Danske Dandridge nominated by Miss [Elizabeth Woodworth] Reese

Miss Fothergill nominated by[7] Miss [Louisa Courtland Osborne] Haughton]

Members elected:

The Misses Middleton. [Maria H. Middleton]


Eliza Ridgely

Board Meeting November 18th 1890.
[Book I, MS 988, Box 3, p. 19]

Board meeting; Mode of election of new members; Committee proposed

Meeting of the Board of Management was held at 861 Garden Street, Tuesday afternoon, November 18th(?) at 3:30 o’clock, President in chair, all members present. Subject taken up of mode of election of new members, submission of paper (original) by proposed member suggested as test of admission–also suggested that Committee be formed to interview members to be proposed and see if they wish to join the Club. Decision postponed. Mrs Lake [Margaret Lake] elected. Adjourned.

Eliza Ridgely

Board Meeting–December 2nd, 1890
[Book I, MS 988, Box 3, p. 22]

Board meeting 861 Garden St.; Reports to press; 1500 postals

Meeting of Board of Management held at 861 Garden Street, on Tuesday afternoon, December 2nd after general meeting of Club, President in chair–6 members present. Consultation on subject matter of meeting to be given to newspapers for publication–not definitely settled. Secretary’s request whether 1500 postals should be printed settled affirmatively.

New members

Mrs Wm Yardley [Alice Yardley], new member proposed by Mrs [Alice Sauerwein] Lord and Mrs [Henry] Stockbridge. Mrs Stockbridge suggested that Miss [Louisa Courtauld Osburne] Haughton cast vote for Board for new members–carried. Elected: Mrs [Aileen B. C.] Dammann, Mrs [Marguerite E.] Easter, Mrs [H.M] Hurd and Miss Scott.

Method of proposal of new members; New members–Miss Toulmin Smith

Suggested that in proposing new members their names and qualifications be given in writing to Committee with names of proposer and seconder. Miss [Elizabeth Cary] Nicholas proposed by Mrs [Mary Spear] Tiernan and Miss Corinne Jackson.

Mrs [Mary Noyes] Colvin elected–proposed by Mrs Tiernan and others. Miss L. Toulmin Smith to be invited to next general meeting. Adjourned.

Eliza Ridgely

Board Meeting–December 12th 1890.
[Book I, MS 988, Box 3, p. 24]

Board meeting 1530 Park Ave; Members’ list; Absent members’ dues; Treasurer’s report; Time of admission of new members; Dues of those who join late; Vote on method of proposing members; Both sides of subject taken

Meeting Board of Management held at President’s residence, 1530 Park Avenue, December 12th at noon, President in chair–all members present. List of uncertain members looked over and settled. Discussion whether members absent from city or detained long at home by illness shall pay full dues–not settled. Treasurer read report.

Questions? Shall members be voted in at any time, or only twice a year? Mrs Franklin [Christine Ladd-Franklin] suggested that we defer this point until next year.

Shall those who join late in year pay full dues? Discussion. Mrs [Henry] Stockbridge suggested that dues be paid twice a year and no deduction made just for entrance just before either half yearly payment. Discussion on election of new members. Mrs Smith [May (?) Smith] suggested that proposer must state in writing whether new member is capable and willing to join the Club. Seconded and agreed upon.

Mrs Stockbridge suggested that this motion be read to Club at next meeting, adding that the appreciation must be made to Executive Board, and go into effect after next week.

Mrs Stockbridge suggested to members of Executive Board that in literary subjects both sides be taken up. Considered advisable.


Eliza Ridgely

Board Meeting–December 23rd 1890.
[Book I, MS 988, Box 3, p. 27]

Board meeting 861 Garden St.; members (new)

Meeting of Board of Management of Woman’s Literary Club held on Tuesday, December 23rd, 1890, after 3 o’clock, with President in chair and 6 (?) members present. Declared members: Dr Nellie V. Mark, Dr. [Mary] Sherwood, Miss [Elizabeth Wormeley] Latimer and Miss [Isabel B.] Finley.

Eliza Ridgely

Board Meeting–January 6th 1891.
[Book I, MS 988, Box 3, p. 30]

Board meeting 861 Garden St.; New member; Constitution given in charge

Meeting of Board of Management January 6th 1891–861 Garden Street. President in chair–6 members present.

Miss Bessy L. Clark 835 Hamilton Terrace, proposed by Mrs Franklin [Christine Ladd-Franklin], seconded by Miss [Eliza] Ridgely was voted in, and on Mrs Franklin’s suggestion, voted in at once as laws of election were not as clearly defined as might be.

Charge of printing of Constitution committed to Secretary–Treasurer consenting to correct the proofs.


Eliza Ridgely

Board Meeting–January 13th 1891.
[Book I, MS 988, Box 3, p. 30]

Board meeting 861 Garden St.; Resolutions of regret on death of Mrs Tiernan

A meeting of Board of Management, W.L.C. was called for Tuesday afternoon, January 13th at 2.30 o’clock–861 Garden Street.

The business meeting was postponed, and Miss [Emma Fenwick] Brent was appointed to draw up at once resolutions of regret on the death of Mrs Mary Spear Tiernan to be passed by the Club at the meeting.

The Board decided also to send flowers, and to attend Mrs Tiernan’s funeral as a Club.2

Eliza Ridgely

Board Meeting–January 20th 1891
[Book I, MS 988, Box 3, p. 34]

Board of Management 861 Garden St.; Reception to Miss Dorsey; decoration committee; Constitution: Article on Literary Committee; On residents of Baltimore; Non-resident guests.

A meeting of the Board of Management of W.L.C. was held at 861 Garden Street, on Tuesday, January 20th. Reception to be offered to Miss H.C. [Hester Crawford] Dorsey (Mrs Albert L. Richardson) was agreed upon, and a decoration committee suggested.

Subject of the Constitution brought forward and the article on Literary Committee (Section I of Art[icle] 3.) was discussed. It was suggested that it may be used at least as a standing committee to decide literary points. It was decided for the present to leave it in the body of the Constitution, and if necessary, to add a defining clause as a By-Law.

Decided that residents of Baltimore may only be brought to the Club as visitors very occasionally. Any member may bring a non-resident guest.

Eliza Ridgely

Board Meeting–February 17th 1891
[Book I, MS 988, Box 3, p. 39]

A meeting of the Board of Management of W.L.C. was called for 2.30 o’clock P.M., Tuesday afternoon, February 17th at 861 Garden Street.

The President in the chair. Members of the Executive Board present 7.

New names. Proposer’s & Seconder’s [sic] names to be Kept.

Names of new members were proposed and voted upon. Mrs Franklin [Christine Ladd-Franklin], Treasurer, moved that the names of proposer and seconder of names of new members be preserved by the Secretary. Passed.

Tutwiler’s offer of rooms

The Secretary announced that Mrs [Julia R.] Tutwiler had offered her rooms free to the Club for the remainder of the season. Answer postponed until the next meeting of the Committee.

On changing name of Club; Vacancies on Board; Vacancies in Chairmen of Com[mitt]ees; Printing Cons[titutio]n deferred.

Vote taken as to the name of the Club–whether it should be changed from Woman’s Literary Club to Women’s Literary Club. Majority voted for no change. Mrs Franklin moved that the vacancies in the Board of Management be filled at once. Majority voted otherwise for the present, as there is danger of another vacancy.

Action on the election of Chairman for certain vacancies deferred.

Printing of the Constitution also deferred.


Eliza Ridgely

Board Meeting–March 3rd 1891
[Book I, MS 988, Box 3, p. ?]

A meeting of the Board of Management of the W.L.C. was held on Tuesday afternoon, March 3rd, shortly before 3.30 o’clock, with the President in the chair, and 6 members present.

New members were proposed and elected: [Mrs] Hurd [H. M. Hurd], Miss Mary Willcox-Brown [Mary Wilcox Brown], Miss Annie C. Volck.

The President informed the Board of the death of a non-resident member-Mrs Chapman Coleman.

The Secretary was requested to decline Mrs Tutwiler’s [Julia R. Tutwiler] kind offer to the Club of the use of her rooms for the remainder of the season. The habit of the Club has been to meet in a hired hall; and a similar offer had ahead, been declined.

Eliza Ridgely

Board Meeting–March 10th 1891
[Book I, MS 988, Box 3, p. 47]

An informal meeting of the Board of Management W.L.C. was held at 861 Garden Street, on Tuesday afternoon, March 10th, after the general meeting of the Club.

The name of Mrs [Robert] Atkinson was added to the Committee of resolutions on the death of Mrs Chapman Coleman, non-resident member. The other members of the Committee are Mrs Franklin [Christine Ladd-Franklin], Mrs [Caroline Canfield] Bullock and Miss [Jane] Zacharias. Mrs. [Henry] Stockbridge suggested that the names of the Committee might be mentioned to the friends of the deceased, and Mrs Smith thought the resolutions themselves should be signed by the President and Secretary.


Eliza Ridgely

Board Meeting–March 17th 1891
[Book I, MS 988, Box 3, p. 47]

A meeting of the Board of Management of W.L.C. was held at 861 Garden Street, on Tuesday afternoon, March 17th, about 2.30 o’clock, with the President in the chair. There were 7 members present.

Committee rejected proposal to give a reception to Mr [Edmund Clarence] Stedman, as the President stated that Mr Stedman had so many engagements.

The name of the Club was declared as “The Wom_an_’s (not Women’s) Literary Club, as President thought the decision accorded with the opinion of the majority of the Committee. Mrs [John] Miller was made Chairman of the Committee on “Fiction” in place of Mrs [Mary Spear] Tiernan, deceased.

The Secretary proposed as a By-Law the motion taken


from a N[ew] Y[ork] association that “Any vacancy in office except that of President shall be filled by the Board for the unexpired term." Postponed by Treasurer who thought the Club in general was not pleased with the amount of power already in the hands of the Board. Mrs [Rebecca] Griffin and Mrs Miller were nominated to fill the vacancies in the Board of Management caused by the death of Mrs Tiernan and the resignation of Miss Emma [Fenwick] Brent. The By-Law made at the Board meeting May 23rd 1890, and which read ”Honorary members shall be made only by invitation of the Executive Committee”, was placed in the body of the Constitution and was changed to “Honorary membership shall be extended only to those who will confer distinction upon the Club by their attainments in literature and science, and only by invitation of the Board of Management.”

By request of the Treasurer, the Secretary read Article 2, Section 6, and to it were added the words “and shall read a report to the Club at least twice a year.” Section 1 of Article 3 was retained in the body of the Constitution, and Mrs Franklin [Christine Ladd-Franklin] suggested that one of the the duties of the Literary Committee to be to place the new members on the Committees where they would prefer to serve. It was suggested to withdraw Section 5 of Article 4 from the Constitution, and substitue the new law of election with the additions which the Secretary was requested to put in form for consideration at the next meeting.

Eliza Ridgely

Board Meeting–March 24th 1891.
[Book I, MS 988, Box 3, p. 51-52]

Board of Management Meeting March 24th; On Constitutional clauses: Election new members, Old section 5; Old section 6; New section 5; New section 6; New section 7; Old section 7 moved to section 8; On “Literary Committee” removed; Birthday of Club last Tuesday in April suggested President; On publishing small book of some Club papers and poems; Suggested Committee of 5 for final judgement

A meeting of the Board of Management of the Woman’s Literary Club was held on Tuesday afternoon, March 24th, after 2.30 o’clock, with the President in the chair. Six members were present.

The Constitution was brought up, and the new Sections 5, 6, and 7 of IV on Elections were submitted to the Board by the Secretary, and approved. The old sections read as follows: Section 5–”The name and residence of every person proposed for membership together with the names of the proposer and seconder, shall be announced at the Club, at least two weeks before being acted upon by the Board.” Section 6–”The Board shall vote by ballot on each person so proposed, and such person shall be declared elected, unless two ballots are cast in the negative.” The new sections are: Section 5–”Proposed names of new members must be presented in writing to a member of the Board of Management with the names of those who propose and second the nomination, and the address of the proposed member. It must be stated whether such a person is willing to join the Club and able and ready to fulfill the required duties.” Section 6–”The Board shall vote by ballot on each person so proposed and such person shall be declared approved, unless two ballots are cast in the negative. The names of those approved shall be read to the Club the same day and the following Tuesday, and such persons shall then be considered elected.”

Section 7–”The meetings of the Board for the approval of new members shall be held twice a year–on the first Tuesday in May and the first Tuesday in January, and those persons duly elected shall be admitted to full


membership on the first Tuesday in October and the first Tuesday in February respectively.”

The old Section 7 on the classification of resident and non-resident members was moved to Section 8.

Discussion on Article 3, Section 1 of the “Literary Committee.” Board decided to remove it from the Constitution, thus moving the next section &c. from Section II to Section I &c.

The President suggested that we keep the birthday of the Club on the last Tuesday in April.

Also that we select the best articles written by the Club during the winter, and publish a small book, with the best original poems read by the Club to lighten the book.

It was proposed that the members of the Club vote for the best articles and poems by means of slips, and that the final selection be made by a Committee of known literary ability perhaps.

Mrs Franklin [Christine Ladd-Franklin] suggested that this Committee consist of five members.


Eliza Ridgely

Board Meeting–March 31st 1891.
[Book I, MS 988, Box 3, p. 55-56]

Board of Management meeting 861 Garden St. March 31st; On renting house; On building; Election method; Sugg[ested] Crawford and Australian systems

A meeting of the Board of Management of the W.L.C. was held at 861 Garden Street on Tuesday afternoon, March 31st at 2.30 o’clock with the President in the chair. 7 members were present.

The President suggested that the Club rent a house on McMechen Street, let some of the rooms to lodgers, and have a reading room for the use of the neighborhood, not to be opened on Club days.

In speaking of building for ourselves, Mrs Colvin [Mary Noyes Colvin] and others thought some of the women’s societies in Baltimore might unite with us, and we might build a house centrally located that would suit the purposes of us all. Action deferred.2

Subject of method of election of officers was taken up, and the Secretary proposed that the nominations be on the Crawford plan–free to all the members of the Club–and the names be given in without signature on the Australian plan of secrecy. Secretary proposed that this be done by slips printed with the names of the offices, and followed by blanks; that these papers be mailed to each Club member that she may fill out and return her list of nominees unsigned; that on the day of election these same form(s) of blank


lists may be at hand, and all nominees (so made by being named in two papers) shall be read aloud to the Club members, who may use the same blank slips for election. Plan rejected, as it was suggested that people should be willing to name their choice publicly, and that some might secretly nominate their own personal friends without regard to their fitness for the offices.


Eliza Ridgely

Board Meeting–April 14th 1891.
[Book I, MS 988, Box 3, p. 59-60]

Board of Management 861 Garden Street April 14th; On Constitution; On Board Meeting; Vacancies in office?; Special meetings of Club; By Laws: President’s report; Non-resident guests of members; On admission of Residents of Baltimore to meetings.

A meeting of the Board of Management of the W.L.C. was held at 861 Garden Street on Tuesday afternoon, April 14th, at 2.30 o’clock.

The Treasurer was in the chair, and there were 7 members present.

The following resolutions were made. To leave out Section 4 of Article III of the Constitution;3 to add the following rule–”The Board shall have regular meetings as often as once in each month, and upon the request in writing of two of its members, the Secretary shall call a special meeting of the Board”; to add (to Article II–Section 7 on Vacancies in Office) to Article VI Section 3 on “Special Meetings of Club may be called by the President”–”and shall be called at any time on the written request of fifteen members of the Club”; to add the following By-Laws: “The President shall make a report to the Club at the annual Meeting." “Each member has the privilege of bringing a non-resident guest at any time." It was the sense of the meeting that residents of Baltimore might be admitted by invitation once or once a year to the Club meetings, and by Mrs Franklin’s [Christine Ladd-Franklin] suggestion, Mrs [Alice Emma Sauerwein] Lord was made a Committee of one


on Invitations for the remainder of the Club-year. The Board also decided to have no more refreshments at the Social meetings and to strike the word “Salon” from the Constitution.


Eliza Ridgely

Minutes approved April 22nd.

Board Meeting–April 17th 1891.
[Book I, MS 988, Box 3, p. 62]

Meeting Board of Management, Mrs Alan Smith’s April 17th; No tea–April 28th; A piano; By-Law on Residents of City as invited guests; Minutes of Board to be read and acted upon; On elections

An adjourned meeting of the Board of Management was held at the residence of Mrs Alan Smith, 24 West Franklin Street, on Friday afternoon, April 17th, at 4 o’clock, with the second Vice-President in the Chair, and four members present.

By request of the Vice-President, it was decided to have no tea served on April 28th, and to hire a piano for that afternoon.

The following By-Law was passed: “Members wishing to invite residents of the City as guests may obtain invitations by application to the Committee of Invitations. The number of such guests at any one meeting shall be limited to ten, and no resident of the City may be invited more than once during the season.”

By request of the Secretary, the following rule was made: “At each meeting of the Board of Management the minutes of the last meeting of the Board shall be read by the Secretary, and acted upon by the Board.”

After unsettled discussion on the annual elections–whether a nominating Committee should be appointed by the Club, the meeting adjourned.

Eliza Ridgely

Approved April 22nd

Board Meeting–April 22nd 1891.
[Book I, MS 988, Box 3, p. 64-66]

Meeting of Board of Management 4 East Madison St. April 22nd.

A meeting of the Board of Management was held at 4 East Madison Street, April 22nd, 1891, with the second Vice-President in the Chair, and 7 members present.

Minutes of the last two meetings of the Board of Management were read by the Secretary, corrected and approved by the Board.

On “Special Meeting of Club”; On meeting Board of Management

Article 6, Section 3 allowing a special meeting of the Club to be called by fifteen members, was by suggestion of Mrs [Henry] Stockbridge, and by vote, changed to permit such a meeting to be called by ten members. Discussion whether two or three members of Board of Management should have the power to call a meeting of the Board resulted in favor of leaving this power with any two members, and Section 1 of Article III was amended so as to read “The Board shall have regular meetings as often as once in each month during the season, and upon the request of the President or any two of its members, the Secretary shall call a special meeting of the Board."

By-Law on mode of election

The following resolution put by Mrs Franklin [Christine Ladd-Franklin] was finally passed as a By-Law: “At the meeting for the election of officers, nominations may be made by members of the Club. The six members of the Executive Committee shall be separately voted for."

On “Nominating Committee”

The question was discussed whether the Club should nominate for each office directly, or should choose a Nominating Committee, which Committee it was suggested should consist of three–Mrs Stockbridge thought there should be five members–but the Board seemed finally in favor of three. Mrs [Mary Noyes] Colvin moved


that the question of having a nominating Committee be presented to the Club for its decision, and was seconded by Mrs Stockbridge. Mrs Colvin moved that this be presented by to the President or Vice-President at the next meeting. On discussion, it was suggested that the Club might choose some of its best members for this Committee–thus practically debarring them from election; after which discussion, Mrs Colvin re-considered her motion to present the disputed question to the Club, and was seconded by Mrs Franklin who then moved to lay the motion on the table–seconded by Mrs Colvin who thought this best at present. Passed.

Mrs Colvin thought it might be unnecessary to nominate if the Club elected by ballot.

Mrs Franklin did not agree.

On question of Presiding Officer for Election Day; On mode of election; Majority vote; Motion on Paper of Instruction for Chairman

Question discussed whether the meeting for election should be presided over by the President of by a temporary Chairman. The majority thought the latter was the general custom.

Suggested that at the election meeting, nominations can be called for, but yet each one can vote for her own candidate; that after the first voting all the lists be read; that there should be two tellers; and the Chairman should announce the result.

The sense of the meeting was that the elections should be by majority, not by plurality.

Mrs Colvin moved that one of the Committee draw up a paper stating details given, and if approved by the Board, instruct by this the Chairman for election day. Mrs Colvin moved that Mrs Franklin write the paper. Mrs Franklin declined as being too busy.


Finally decided that Miss [Louisa Courtland Osburne] Haughton should write it out, and compare it with the Secretary’s accounts.

Mrs Franklin resigned from the Committee on the Printing of the Constitution. Mrs [Rebecca] Griffin named Mrs Colvin, seconded by Mrs [Li] Goddard, Mrs Alan Smith was named by Mrs Stockbridge, seconded by Mrs Franklin. It was suggested that the Committee consist of three–which was decided upon.

Color of cover to Constitution discussed, and referred to Committee. Mrs Franklin asked if she were authorized to pay for Miss [Mary Worthington] Milnor’s scrap book for Committee. No dissent.

The Second Vice-President presented form to be printed for invitations to residents of Baltimore in pursuance of By-Law 3.


Eliza Ridgely


Board Meeting–May 5th 1891.
[Book I, MS 988, Box 3, p. 69]

Meeting Board of Management 861 Garden St. May 5th; Election of new members; Non-resident members; Section on By-Laws to Mrs Stockbridge; Club shall have voice in By-Laws; On Treasurer’s reports–days; Elections report postponed

The meeting of the Board of Management (W.L.C.) for the election of new members took place at 861 Garden Street, May 5th, before the Club meeting. Quorum present. The following new members were elected: Miss Bainbridge, Miss Anna [Lewis] Cole, Miss Leila Gittings, Miss Margaret [Sutton] Briscoe. Later Miss [Sarah H.] Bennett was voted in also. Miss [Frances] Albert Doughty was made a non-resident member. Honorary membership not conferred on two applicants presented, as the Board knew nothing of them.

The Section in Constitution on By-Laws was given to Mrs [Henry] Stockbridge for amendment, as it was sense of Board that the Club shall have a voice in the By-Laws. Section of Constitution on Treasurer’s report also given might be appointed for the reports.

Miss [Louisa Courtland Osburne] Haughton postponed report on elections.


Eliza Ridgely


Board Meeting–May 12th 1891.
[Book I, MS 988, Box 3, p. 71]

Meeting of Board of Management 861 Garden St. May 12th; Those in office may attend elections; Chairman of elections to be voted by Club

Informal meeting of Board, May (12th) 13th at 861 Garden Street, before meeting of Club. Second Vice President presiding. President’s suggestion that those in office might be present at elections quite in accord with feeling of Board.

Chairman of election to be voted upon by Club, &c.


Eliza Ridgely


Board Meeting–May 21st 1891.
[Book I, MS 988, Box 3, p. 75-76]

Meeting Board of Management 1530 Park Avenue May 21st 1891; List of Committees; Special days for Committees suggested; on selection of Club rooms; On Constitution; Board meetings; 5 Residents of City only to be admitted to any Club meetings; Treasurer’s accounts

A meeting of the Board of Management of W.L.C. elected May 19th, was held at 1530 Park Avenue, May 21st 1891 about 11 o’clock, with the President in the chair and 7 members present.

The President brought up subjects of Committees and the former list was somewhat altered. “Current Criticism” was added–this Committee to notice books of the passing hour; Poetry was divided into three parts: “Modern Poetry” Chairman Miss [Lizette Woodworth] Reese; and by Mrs [Rebecca] Griffin’s suggestion, the other divisions were called “Classic Poetry” and “Mediaeval Poetry."

The Secretary suggested that especial days for Committees should be named beforehand. The President thought better not as yet. Miss Charlotte Thompson [Charlotte Dellacklot Thompson] suggested a Committee on the “History of Maryland."

The President proposed that for next winter the Club should rent the “Sun Parlor” of the Altamont Hotel at five dollars for each meeting, twenty dollars for each social meeting–the last sum to include refreshments. This it was decided to do, if upon enquiry, the heating arrangements should be found adequate.

The President also hoped that the Club may some day have rooms in the proposed Art Club, and mentioned kind offers of rooms made to W.L.C.–one of which was by the Academy of Sciences through Mrs [Annie Leakin] Sioussat.

The minutes of three meetings of the Board of Management on April 22nd, May 5th, and May 13th read by Secretary and approved by Board.

Enquiry by President on Section 3 of Article VI. of Constitution mentioned in minutes of April 22nd showed that some amendments had not apparently been presented


to the Club for approval.

Secretary gave as the reason, that one of those present at the early meetings had looked upon them as “clerical omissions” as they formed part of the University Club Constitution by which the Woman’s Literary Club Constitution had been framed.4

The President thought this insufficient, as some parts of the University Club Constitution had not been used.

The Section named, and others not voted upon by the Club were for this cause declared unconstitutional, and as the majority of the Board did not wish to continue the added clause in Section 3. Article VI. and the Section 1 of Article III. on “Board Meetings,” it was decided to erase them from the Constitution.

The four By-Laws were read, and number 3 was changed by vote so that only five residents of Baltimore instead of ten may be admitted as guests to any one Club meeting.

The Treasurer asked who should keep the accounts when filed. The President thought the Treasurer should take charge of them.


Eliza Ridgely


<sup id="fn1”>1 Minutes from regular Club meetings and the Board of Managers were included together in the same volumes during the first two years of the Club’s existence (the first volume of the minutes books). They have been separated for ease of navigation and clarity. ↩︎

2The Roland Park Woman’s Club did exactly this in the early twentieth century. The house still stands at the southwest corner of Cold Spring Lane and Roland Avenue, and the Club still meets there today.↩︎

3The original reads “Sections 1 & 4” with “1 &” struck out.↩︎

4Probably a reference to the Johns Hopkins University faculty club, which was formed in 1880.↩︎





“1890-1891 BOM minutes,” The Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore, accessed February 23, 2025, https://loyolanotredamelib.org/Aperio/WLCB/items/show/15530.Item
