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Committees. Chairmen. Fiction, Miss Ellen Duvall. Modern Poetry, Miss Lizette Woodworth Reese. Essays, Mrs. Sidney Turner. Ethnology, Miss Anne Weston Whitney. Unfamiliar Records, Mrs. Edward Stabler, Jr. Colonial and Revolutionary History, Mrs. Thomas Hill. Letters and Autographs, Miss Mary D. DAvis. Current Criticism, Mrs. Julius Thruston. Studies in Archæology, Mrs. John C. Wrenshall. The Drama, Miss Virginia Woodward Cloud. Education, Mrs. Waller Bullock. Art, Mrs. Robert M. Wylie. Literature of Music, Miss Zacharias. Current Topics, Mrs. Frederic Tyson. The Library, Mrs. Philip R. Uhler. Librarian, Mrs. Percy Reese, Music of the Salons, Miss Louise Chamberlaine Stahn. Committees. Chairmen. Fiction, Miss Ellen Duvall. Modern Poetry, Miss Lizette Woodworth Reese. Essays, Mrs. Sidney Turner. Ethnology, Miss Anne Weston Whitney. Unfamiliar Records, Mrs. Edward Stabler, Jr. Colonial and Revolutionary History, Mrs. Thomas Hill. Letters and Autographs, Miss Mary D. DAvis. Current Criticism, Mrs. Julius Thruston. Studies in Archæology, Mrs. John C. Wrenshall. The Drama, Miss Virginia Woodward Cloud. Education, Mrs. Waller Bullock. Art, Mrs. Robert M. Wylie. Literature of Music, Miss Zacharias. Current Topics, Mrs. Frederic Tyson. The Library, Mrs. Philip R. Uhler. Librarian, Mrs. Percy Reese, Music of the Salons, Miss Louise Chamberlaine Stahn.
Description: A business meeting shall be held annually on the first Tuesday in May, at which the Chairmen of the standing Committees shall be required to read reports of their work. To business meetings members only shall be admitted. --Article VI, Section 3, Constitution W. L. C. of B. [show more]
Committees. Chairmen. Fiction, Miss Ellen Duvall. Modern Poetry, Miss Lizette Woodworth Reese. Essays, Mrs. Sidney Turner. Ethnology, Miss Anne Weston Whitney. Unfamiliar Records, Mrs. Edward Stabler, Jr. Translation, Mrs. Frederic Tyson. Colonial and Revolutionary History, Mrs. Thomas Hill. Letters and Autographs, Mrs. Mary D. Davis. CUrrent Criticism, Mrs. Percy Meredith Reese. Studies in Archæology, Mrs. John C. Wrenshall. The Drama, Miss Virginia Woodward Cloud. Education, Mrs. Waller Bullock. Art, Mrs. Robert M. Wylie. Literature of Music, Miss Hollins. Current Topics, Mrs. Frederic Tyson. The Library, Mrs. Philip R. Uhler. Librarian, Mrs. Percy Reese. Book Lists, Miss H. F. Cooper. Music of the Salons, Miss Louise Chamberlaine Stahn. Committees. Chairmen. Fiction, Miss Ellen Duvall. Modern Poetry, Miss Lizette Woodworth Reese. Essays, Mrs. Sidney Turner. Ethnology, Miss Anne Weston Whitney. Unfamiliar Records, Mrs. Edward Stabler, Jr. Translation, Mrs. Frederic Tyson. Colonial and Revolutionary History, Mrs. Thomas Hill. Letters and Autographs, Mrs. Mary D. Davis. CUrrent Criticism, Mrs. Percy Meredith Reese. Studies in Archæology, Mrs. John C. Wrenshall. The Drama, Miss Virginia Woodward Cloud. Education, Mrs. Waller Bullock. Art, Mrs. Robert M. Wylie. Literature of Music, Miss Hollins. Current Topics, Mrs. Frederic Tyson. The Library, Mrs. Philip R. Uhler. Librarian, Mrs. Percy Reese. Book Lists, Miss H. F. Cooper. Music of the Salons, Miss Louise Chamberlaine Stahn.
Description: A Business Meeting shall be held annually on the first TUesday in May, at which teh Chairmen of hte standing committees shall read reports of their work. To business meetings member
Complexities of the simple life Complexities of the simple life
Description:Meeting epigraph: Literature is the tongue of the world. —Thomas Paine
Comradeship, Love's Apothecary Comradeship, Love's Apothecary
Critique on Silas Marner Critique on Silas Marner
Crystals, Illustrated by Drawings and Specimens Crystals, Illustrated by Drawings and Specimens
Dallas of that Ilk Dallas of that Ilk
Danish City and Museum, A Danish City and Museum, A
Creator: Lord, Alice Emma Sauerwein--Mrs. Charles W.
Dante, a Florentine Study Dante, a Florentine Study
De Profundis, Music is Love, In Search of a Word--Sidney Lanier De Profundis, Music is Love, In Search of a Word--Sidney Lanier