1907-1908 Board of Managers Meeting Minutes



1907-1908 SEASON

OCT. 8, 1907-JUNE 1, 1908

MS 988, Box 4, Book 7


Minutes of the Women’s Literary Club
of Baltimore’s Board of Management

Beginning with the season of
Lydia Crane, Recording Secretary

Meeting of October 8th, 1907.

The Board of Management of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore held a meeting on October 8th 1907, in the library of the Academy of Sciences, before the 1st general meeting--for the season--of the club--on that afternoon. The name of Miss Nannie A. Dorsey was presented for consideration with regard to her being proposed as a new member. It was recalled that her name had been mentioned to the Board before the May adjournment.

After consultation with regard to the coming of season-opening this day, the Board was adjourned.

Meeting of October 21st, 1907

The Board of Management of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore held a meeting on Monday, October 21st, 1907, at the home of the President, Mrs. John G. Wrenshall, 1037 N. Calvert Street. There were present: the President; Treasurer; Recording Secretary; and Directors: Mrs. Powell; Miss Reese, and Mrs. Tyson.

The first business item was the presentation by


Mrs. Powell, Chairman of the House Committee, of a detailed account of household expenses up to date,--which was agreed to be perfectly satisfactory. The Treasurer was authorized to send Mrs. Powell $25 for October, and the same amount for November. The President spoke of a proposal to have an informal reception for our honorary members on December 31st,--which was favorably received, but was afterwards given up.

The President spoke of the much regretted resignation of our valued member, Miss Ellen Duvall,--Chairman of the Committee on Fiction; and a Director on the Board of Management. Mrs. Percy M. Percy[1] had been appointed to the Chairmanship of the Committee on Fiction; and Mrs. Reese’s former chairmanship on Current Criticism had been filled by the appointment of Miss Lucy Latané to that position.

The President informed us that our Club was the possessor of a bank account of $1.50,--which had been opened some years ago by Mrs. Cautley and Miss Whitney, to the order of the first Vice President.

Mrs. Wrenshall also brought before us a letter signed Divina Watterson, asking her to send information on fees and rules in our Club. The President also spoke of Mrs. M. Landon Reed, who is anxious to give a lecture before us on Edgar A. Poe. It was suggested that she might speak to us after one of our meetings.

The President read a letter from Mrs. O. B.


Boise, presenting, with regret, her resignation as a member of the Woman’s Literary Club. She told of the severe illness of her husband, as causing a great strain on her mind, and means; and preventing also the work she wished to do for the Club. The President proposed that we consider Mrs. Boise’s resignation as taking the effect of an intermission of membership for one year, without dues or duties, during which we will be glad to extend to her the liberty of the Club,--hoping that she may be able to return to our association at the end of the year. It was decided that a letter should be written to this effect to Mrs. Boise.

Miss Mullin presented the resignation of Mrs. Harry Bush. Her letter said she would be glad to come and play for us, even when no longer a member. Miss Mullin was requested to write to Mrs. Bush, and express our regret for her resignation.

It was agreed that our Corresponding Secretary should write to Miss Duvall expressing our own deep regret for parting with her. It was proposed and unanimously agreed to send Miss Duvall a little love gift from the Club. Miss Reese suggested some personal ornament. Similar parting gifts to other officers were recalled. After informal discussion as to suitability and expense, it was decided to ask Mrs. Uhler to take charge of this affair.

Miss Mullin presented the request of Mrs. Hamill that her membership in the Club shall be changed from a resident to a non-resident one; as her home is now in Greensboro, North Carolina; and she does not expect to return to Baltimore to live. The


Board complied with her request.

It was asked if a non resident member can regularly propose a new name for membership. This was decided in the negative.

After further informal discussion, the meeting was adjourned.

Meeting of October 22nd, 1907.

The Board of Management of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore was called to meet together after the adjournment of the general meeting October 22nd, 1907, in the assembly room, Academy of Sciences Building.

The name of Miss Nannie A. Dorsey was regularly presented for membership. She was proposed by Mrs. Wrenshall Markland, and endorsed by Mrs. McGaw and Miss Whitney. Her address was the Albion Hotel. Miss Dorsey was unanimously elected. The meeting was adjourned.

Meeting of November 11th, 1907.

The Board of Management of the Women’s Literary Club of Baltimore held a meeting on Monday, November 11th, at the home of the President, Mrs. John C. Wrenshall, 1037 N. Calvert Street. Attending this meeting were: the President; First Vice President; Corresponding Secretary; Recording Secretary; Treasurer; and Directors: Mrs. Turner; Miss Reese; and Mrs. Powell.


The Recording Secretary read the minutes of the meeting of October 21st, and reported the meeting of October 22nd.

The President spoke of the resignation of Miss Duvall; and of the resolution to send her some little token of our grateful remembrance of her good work during her membership with us. The President proposed Miss Duvall’s name for honorary membership in the Club. This proposal met the unanimous vote in the affirmative of the Club.

Mrs. Uhler read a letter from Mrs. O. B. Boise, expressing her appreciation of our action in making her retirement from membership a vacation for the present year, giving her the liberties of the Club, etc.; and her grateful acceptance of the same; with the hope of resuming in the future her former pleasant connection with us, and also her willingness to be called upon, if the club should need her services.

The President then gave into the keeping of the First Vice President the bank book recording the deposit in the Maryland Savings Bank of $1.50 from the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore on May 28th, 1902. This was intended by Mrs. Cautley and Miss Whitney as the beginning of a fund for the acquiring of a permanent home for the Club.

The President spoke of having met Miss Nellie C. Williams, the lady who, some time ago, had subscribed $50 to the Poe Memorial Fund; and from whom she had received some very well written letters. Miss Williams has come to Baltimore to live; has


been, as a visitor, delighted with our Club, and might be a suitable member with us.

Another name mentioned for consideration as a new member was that of Mrs. Robert B. Bowie, whose husband is a civil engineer, and who is herself a literary woman.

The question of the limit to the number of our members was asked; and answered by the President: “One hundred, including non-resident members.” It was asked: “How many have we now?” The President answered: “Sixty-four resident, and eight non-resident ones.”

The President presented a letter from Miss Ruth Johnson, expressing the gratitude of herself and her family for the flowers sent to be placed on the grave of her father, the late Colonel Richard Malcolm Johnson, on All Souls’ Day, in St. Mary’s Cemetery.

Miss Mullin made her report with regard to her sending our annual check of $100, as our dues to the Academy of Sciences,--which was, of course, satisfactory.

The President announced--to our great regret--that she would be obliged to say “good bye” to us at the end of the present month,--for a time. She found it absolutely necessary to take some rest. Both herself and her daughter were far from well, and a sea voyage had become needful for both of them. But she hoped to return by the end of February. She was somewhat consoled by the thought of the excellent substitute she would leave with us. Mrs. Stabler, First-Vice President, expressed for all present the deep regret we felt for even a short absence of our dear President.


After a fitting response, the President went on to say she was glad to know that the work of the Club had been started for the winter. She trusted that it would not be burdensome,--as all the meetings for the year were accounted for, and the full list posted in the assembly room.

Mrs. Jordan Stabler was proposed as President pro tempore during the absence of the President. Mrs. Stabler was unanimously elected,--by acclamation.

Mrs. Wrenshall said that Miss Haughton, Second Vice President, had engaged to provide literary entertain--for the New Year’s anniversary celebration,--but she is too busy to undertake the duties formerly associated with her office of Chairman of Entertainments, which she resigned[2].

Mrs. Wrenshall spoke on the necessity for the membership of the Board to be full, as it is often difficult to collect a quorum in time to attend to pressing business. Two nominations should be in order now. She then spoke of the desirability of having a First Vice President pro tempore to take up the duties of Mrs. Stabler’s present position. To this proposal the Board agreed. Mrs. Wrenshall said that Mrs. Stabler ought to have the nomination of her helper.

Mrs. Stabler nominated as First Vice President, pro tempore, Mrs. William Paret. The President seconded the motion, speaking of the eminent fitness of Mrs. Panet for the position. Mrs. Panet was unanimously elected.

Mrs. Turner nominated as a Director in the place made vacant by the resignation of Miss Duvall, Mrs. George K. McGaw. Mrs. Uhler seconded the


nomination; and Mrs. McGaw was also unanimously elected,--and her acceptance was received.

The President spoke of the December Salon on the last day of the year 1907; and also of the New Year’s celebration on January 7th, 1908. For the latter she said the President pro tempore would of course call a meeting of the Board to arrange its details. The meeting adjourned.

(A proposition had been made to have a celebration on December 31st, 1907, in honor of our honorary members, but other things--after this meeting--interfering, it was given up, by general agreement,--in favor of the usual monthly Salon.)[3]

Board of Management Meeting
November 26th, 1907.[4]

The Board of Management of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore met on Tuesday, November 26th, 1907, in the library of the Academy of Sciences Building. The President pro tempore presented, from the Corresponding Secretary, the resignation of membership by Mrs. W. S. Belding. She wrote that she was going abroad on account of the state of her husband’s health; and felt obliged to resign, for the present year, at any rate, with the hope of probably returning at a future time. The acting President proposed that a note be sent to Mrs. Belding expressing our regret for her leaving us, and for its cause, but also our hope for her return among us again. The proposal received the consent of the 6 members present.

A note from our President, Mrs. Wrenshall, was received with regard to the presentation of the name


of Miss Nellie C. Williams, 2620[5] North Charles Street, formerly of Washington, for consideration as a member of the Club. Mrs. Wrenshall spoke of Miss Williams as a capable woman, and apparently eligible for membership. It was agreed that Miss Williams should again be invited to the Club as a visitor, and requested to look over the list of members, to find the names of any of them who would propose and endorse her for membership, and also be asked to come to see the President pro tempore. The name of Mrs. Robert Bowie was next taken up for consideration as a candidate for membership. Several names were mentioned as those of endorsers. Mrs. Stabler then brought before us the name of Mrs. J. Morriss Slemmons, Charles Street, for tentative consideration. Her friend, Mrs. Tannyhill thought she wished to come among us. Mrs. Slemmons is also a friend of Mrs. Hunner’s.

Another name suggested was that of Miss Anna Luescher, a teacher of German and French, who has been a visitor of the Club, and much pleased with it. It was agreed to invite her again, and find out if she desired to join us. The subject of the proposed Tea and Reception to our Honorary Members was taken up. It was said that the 31st of December was too near the New Year or Twelfth Night anniversary occasion, and would be an added expense. It was proposed to defer this reception without date. To this, we were told, Mrs. Wrenshall had given her unqualified consent;--and the unanimous consent of the Board was given, that the meeting of December 31st should be an ordinary Salon. Mrs. Bowell, Chairman of the House Committee, said she would be absent for two Tuesdays, but her place would be filled. The meeting was adjourned.


Board of Management Meeting
December 13th, 1907.

The Board of Management of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore met on Friday evening, December 13th, 1907, at the home of the Acting President, Mrs. Jordan Stabler, 339 West Dolphin Street. There were present: the Acting President, Mrs. Jordan Stabler; Second Vice President, Miss Louise Haughton; two Secretaries, Mrs. Uhler and Miss Crane; and Directors; Mrs. Turner; Miss Reese, and Mrs. Powell.

The Recording Secretary read the minutes of the meeting of November 26th. Three names given in these minutes as having been presented to the Board for consideration were now announced by the presiding officer as proposed for membership. The first was that of Miss Nellie C. Williams. We were reminded that our President considered her a capable woman, and our Acting President had received the same impression. Miss Williams was proposed by Mrs. Wrenshall Markland, and endorsed by Miss Latané and Mrs. Pope. Miss Williams was unanimously elected. The second name was that of Mrs. Robert Bowie, a literary woman, proposed by Mrs. Wrenshall Markland; endorsed by Mrs. Percy Reese, and Miss Mary Dorsey Davis. Mrs. Bowie was unanimously elected. The third name was that of Mademoiselle Anna Luescher, of Roland Park, a teacher of French and German; proposed by Miss Perkins; endorsed by Mrs. Edward Stabler, and Miss Hollins. A proposal for consideration was received from Miss Latané, in the name of Mrs. William M. Smith, 2306 North Charles Street. Mrs. Smith is engaged in literary work of her own, and has also assisted in the literary work of her brother-in-law, Mr. Lummis[6], who is an authority on the history


etc. of the Pueblo Indians. It was agreed that Mrs. Smith should be invited to the Salon of December 31st, and the celebration of January 7th. Another name suggested for consideration was that of Mrs. Richard M. Thomas, mentioned by Mrs. Pope. Mrs. Thomas is a sister-in-law of Dr. James [?Laney] Thomas, and is herself a writer. Miss Haughton spoke of having heard, with admiration, an address by Mrs. Thomas before the Friends’ Yearly Meeting. The Acting President, Mrs. Stabler, spoke of the funeral of our former member, Mrs. Harry D. Bush, which she attended. She said the flowers ordered for that occasion in the name of the Board cost $4, Mrs. Stabler offered to be individually responsible,--but the Board unanimously agreed to accept the cost of this appropriate tribute. The subject of the Twelfth Night Celebration was taken up. Mrs. Turner suggested that on this anniversary we should not have our chairs in straight rows,--she “would rather not have them so, at any time.” She thought it would be better to have small tables, with chairs around them, or seats in groups. Mrs. Turner was requested to take charge of this new arrangement. It was also suggested to have pads and pencils, which Mrs. Turner would arrange for also. It was agreed that one additional table should be bought; and Mrs. Powell and Mrs. Turner were appointed the committee to make this purchase. It was proposed to station the maid at the assembly room door during our meetings, to request late arrivals to come in quietly, through the rear door. Mrs. Powell said she would be obliged to be absent for three weeks in January which would include the Twelfth Night occasion. A satisfactory answer to questions was received from Miss Mullin, with regard to general and detailed expenses; dues paid to the Academy of Sciences; and the available funds in the


Treasury. Miss Haughton, by request, gave an account of the literary and scenic entertainment she proposed to give at the Twelfth Night Celebration,--which account met the grateful approval of the Board. The costumes for this “Masque” were to be of cheap materials, and with the dancing, were to be of a Greek, or decidedly classic, character. It was said that the expenses of the last year’s Twelfth Night entertainment were $190. It was proposed to spend much less this year, to have no set supper, but to have refreshments handed around. Miss Haughton gave an estimate of the expense for good music, for palms and paper flowers,--the latter to be made by our own members under Miss Haughton’s direction. It was agreed that we could do without a caterer, as the confectioner would send a man to take out the ices. Mrs. Stabler and Mrs. Uhler were to consult together on these matters. With regard to invitations it was agreed that every member should have the privilege of inviting two guests, a lady and a gentleman, besides the twenty five or more invited by the Board. Mrs. Uhler was instructed with regard to sending out the invitations; and suggestions were made on avoiding the duplication of invitations. The Board adjourned; but the informal discussion of Club affairs continued, while partaking in the pleasant hospitality of our presiding officer, Mrs. Stabler.

Board of Management Meeting
December 27th, 1907.

The Board of Management of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore met on Friday evening, December 27th, 1907, at the home of the Acting President, Mrs.


Jordan Stabler. A letter was presented from Miss Lucy J. Latané, proposing for membership in the Club, Mrs. William M. Smith, 2306 North Calvert Street. Mrs. Smith’s name has been given to the Board for consideration at the meeting on December 13th. She was now regularly proposed by Miss Latané; and endorsed by Miss Whitney and Mrs. Lord. Mrs. Smith was elected a member of the Club without opposition.--It was announced that Miss Anna Luescher, who had been elected membership on December 13th, had concluded to return to her former home in in Geneva, Switzerland; and would--therefore--be unable to accept membership in the Woman’s Literary Club.--It was announced that Mrs. Henry Ford has informed us that she is undecided whether she can continue to live in Baltimore; and requested that her admission to the Club should be held over until she shall be able to decide whether she can accept membership among us or not.--The list of special invitations to the Twelfth Night Entertainment was then taken up, made up, and agreed upon, by the members present.--The meeting became an informal one; those present engaging in the manufacture of paper roses, for the decorations to be used on January 7th, the occasion of our Twelfth Night Celebration; and at the same time enjoying dainty refreshments around the hospitable board of our Acting President.

As a subject of interest to the Board, our hostess announced that Mr. Orrin C. Painter, who is much interested in the Poe Memorial Association, has been engaged in organizing a concept for the benefit of that Association. At this entertainment well known musical talent will be represented; and it will take place


on Thursday evening, January 16th, 1908, at Lechman’s [Lehmann’s?] Hall. Mr. Painter generously offers to hold himself responsible for the expenses assumed,--which are expected to be $175. Our members have been requested to do all in their power to make this entertainment successful. 

Board of Management Meeting; January 10th, 1908.

The Board of Management of the “Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore met on Friday, January 10th, at the home of the Acting President Mrs. Jordan Stabler. The Recording Secretary read the minutes of the two meetings of December 13th and 27th.--The Acting President announced that Mrs. Lawrence Turnbull had sent her card to the Club, with “Monday”--her reception day--on it, which evidently indicated that she would be pleased to have her fellow members call upon her on that day of the week.--Mrs. Stabler also said that our former Vice President, and now honorary member, Mrs. Hester Crawford Richardson had written to her, to say that our honorary member, Miss Katherine Pearson Woods, was in Baltimore, at 2427 North Calvert Street; and asking that a special invitation be sent to Miss Woods for the Twelfth Night entertainment. The card was duly sent; but--apparently--did not reach Miss Woods in time to insure her attendance,--which was regretted.--The resignation of Miss Annie E. Jones was presented to the Board. She said she did not feel well enough to continue her membership. She was sorry to leave us; wished us all prosperity, and hoped at some future time to return to us. The Board, with regret, accepted Miss


Jones’s resignation.--The resignation of Mrs. Belding was taken up again; and it was said that her stay abroad was an indefinite one, on account of her husband’s failure in health,--which seemed to make acceptance of her resignation necessary.--The subject of the Twelfth Night Entertainment was taken up, and Miss Haughton received the congratulations and thanks of the Board for her successful efforts in inaugurating and carrying out the exercises of that evening,--writing the “Masque,” engaging and training the performers, and musicians,--and other services to the Club with regard to that occasion. Miss Haughton then gave an itemized account of the expenses of the Twelfth Night entertainment. This was supplemented by the itemized accounts of the Acting President, and of Mrs. Uhler, Corresponding Secretary. The Twelfth Night expenses of this year had been much less than those of last year. Counting up bills and outlay, so far given, they amounted to $100.15,--with a very few little items still to be paid for. Miss Perkins had rendered valuable assistance in the work. There were mentioned some disappointments and hindrances, of which the Board now heard for the first time,--but which had been well overcome.--Mrs. Stabler informed us that Miss Susan Jones, a new member, and cousin of Miss Latané, had spoken to her friend, Miss Maupin, who had visited the Club and was delighted with it;--and who she thought might be glad to join us. Her name was placed--tentatively--before the Board for consideration,--if she should desire membership. The Board adjourned, and afterwards partook in the hospitality of our


Acting President.

The attention of the Board was called to the projected concert for the Poe Memorial Fund, to be held on January 16th, and the efforts for its success, in selling tickets, etc.

Board of Management Meeting, January 21st, 1908.

The Board of Management of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore held a meeting on January 21st, 1908 in the library of the Academy of Sciences Building, before the general Club meeting of that date. Present: the Acting President, two Secretaries, Treasurer; Mrs. McGaw, Mrs. Turner, Miss Cloud, and Mrs. Powell.

Miss Mullin presented Miss Haughton’s account of Twelfth Night expenses, amounting to $128.05; and her own balance of $277.75. Some additions to the House expenses were reported, amounting to $20.35. Mrs. Powell gave an itemized account of the expenses of the House Committee, up to date, which was entirely satisfactory to the Board. We learned that the real expenses of the Twelfth Night celebration were within $130.

The resignation of Miss Haughton as Second Vice President was presented. She had insisted that action must be final, as she could not possibly undertake the responsibility of the office any longer. It was agreed that we could not urge Miss Haughton to alter or reconsider her determination. Miss Mullin proposed a special vote of thanks to Miss Haughton for all her services to the Club,--which was given unan-


imously,--with the request that the Corresponding Secretary should inform Miss Haughton of our action, and our regrets.--The election of a new Second Vice President being in order, Miss Crane nominated Mrs. George K. McGaw; who had formerly filled this position, to the gratification of her fellow members. Mrs. McGaw was unanimously elected; and with some hesitation accepted the office.--The Acting President, after recalling similar actions of the Board, proposed that the vacancy on the list of Directors, caused by Mrs. McGaw’s election should be filled by Miss Haughton. Miss Turner made the nomination, and Miss Haughton was unanimously elected a Director.--The Acting President presented the resignation of Miss Janet Goucher as a member of the Club, on account of pressing duties,--which was regretfully accepted.--The question of the souvenir to be sent to Miss Duvall was taken up’ and Miss Mullin showed us specimens of pins sent by Mr. Kirk,--from which we were to make our choice. They were much admired; and, after discussion, there seemed the small majority of one for one of them.--A note from Miss Whitney in New York was presented sending greetings to her Club friends.[7]

The information given that our valued Acting President was to go abroad during the first week in February, for a six month’s tour,--chiefly in Eastern Lands, could not of course fail to be a cause for great regret to us, on our own account; though as true friends we felt obliged to wish her, “Bon Voyage.”

Board of Management Meeting, February 4th, 1908.

A meeting of the Board of Management of the Woman’s


Literary Club of Baltimore was called upon after the general Club meeting of February 4th, 1908,--on the platform of the assembly room, Academy of Sciences Building. The presiding officer was Mrs. George K. McGaw, Second Vice President,--the President and First Vice President having gone to Europe. There were also present the two Secretaries, the Treasurer, and the Directors, Mrs. Turner, and Mrs. Powell. The object of this meeting was the announcement of the failure of the banking firm of Wilson, Colston and Company, with which the funds of the Club had been deposited. Miss Mullin, the Treasurer, gave her report that we had deposited in this bank $264.75,--and in addition there was a check, which had been sent to Mrs. Powell, for $25.00, and which had been presented, refused payment, and returned. Miss Mullin made a report of the bills to be paid, including that of Bridges Stationer’s, $17,--and of Kirk’s, Jeweller’s--Miss Duvall’s present,--$13. She said the February dues of the members had not yet come in,--which was the only balancing fact to our advantage in the present loss of $289.75. Some discussion arose with regard to the new banking institution in which to deposit our funds when they should begin to come in. But this subject was deferred; and the meeting adjourned. Note. The institution afterwards chosen was the National Mechanics’ Bank of Baltimore.


Informal Meeting of Board, March 10th, 1908.

Before the general meeting of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore on March 10th, 1908, Mrs. McGaw, Acting President, asked the members of the Board of Management to meet her in the library of the Academy of Sciences. The subject presented was the offer of Mr. Harry Patterson Hopkins to give us a programme of his own musical compositions, and works of other composers. After discussion of questions with regard to it, the few members present agreed to defer the whole matter till it would be submitted to Miss Annie Hollins, our Chairman of Music,--with whom the officers would consult with regard to it. Note. The musical programme of Mr. Hopkins was given on May 26th, 1908-- our closing Salon of the season,--and was successful and much enjoyed.

“Informal” discussion, April 18th, 1908.

On April 18th, 1908, a short time before the time for the general meeting of the Club on that date, our President--Mrs. Wrenshall--just arrived from Europe, was warmly greeted in the library of the Academy of Sciences by members of the Board of Management. After questions and answers regarding our President’s European tour, an informal discussion was held. A letter from our Treasurer, Miss Mullins, was presented by Mrs. McGaw, Vice President, announcing that the filing of claims against Wilson, Colston and Company Bankers, was about to begin;


and asking about the desirability of filing the claim of the Woman’s Literary Club among the other creditors. After the presentation of the matter in its general hearings, the President said a letter should be written to Miss Mullin advising consultation with her father on the subject. Then, if his advice was favorable, and it was believed that the percentage expected to be paid would not be less than the expenses incurred, it would be well to make the claim. This was considered the best conclusion, so far. The impromptu meeting adjourned to the assembly room.

Board of Management Meeting, May 5th, 1908.

The Board of Management of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore held a meeting on Tuesday, May 5th, 1908, in the library of the Academy of Sciences, one hour before the general meeting of the Club on that afternoon. There were present: the President, Mrs. Wrenshall; the two Secretaries, Mrs. Uhler, and Miss Crane; the Treasurer, Miss Mullin; and of the Directors, Mrs. Turner; Miss Reese; and Mrs. Powell. Announcement was made of the accident and bereavement of our member Miss Virginia Cloud,--the breaking of her ankle, and the death of her father. The severe illness of Mrs. Tyson was announced, and our sympathy was expressed for both these members of the Board.

The business before us related to the failure of the Bankers Wilson, Colston and Company, with whom the funding of the Club had been deposited. The


Treasurer, Miss Mullin, reported that the firm’s liability to the Club was $289.75[8], including a check of $25, to Mrs. Powell, which was refused payment. Mrs. Powell offered, as there had been, apparently, some delay in its presentation, to make good of the check herself. But, after full discussion and explanations it was unanimously agreed that, as she has neither received nor expended the money, she ought not to be held responsible for it. Miss Mullin said she had--as notified to do--sent for the Bank book of the Club, with Wilson, Colston and Company and that it balanced exactly with her own account. She had, as advised by our President, consulted her father with regard to filing our claim against the firm of Wilson, Colston, and Company with the receivers; Messrs. Packard and [?Baeyer); and had also taken the opinion of Mr. Brent, the brother of our former President. It had been said that the creditors of the banking firm would get virtually nothing; but both these lawyers were of the opinion that it would be well to file our claim. They believed the expense of doing so would be small,--counted in cents, was her impression,--and we would feel as if we had done our duty in the matter. Her father would, she thought,--if his health did not break down, be glad to do it for us; and she thought Mr. Brent would feel the same interest in saving us from expense. Miss Mullin then said she had been thinking of refusing to stand for reelection as Treasurer, but her name being on all our business papers as that officer, it might be better for it to continue so, at least until the fall. The President expressed the grateful appreciation of the Board for Miss Mul-


lin’s work in our interest, and for her father’s good counsel and assistance.--The President then took up the names of new members to be proposed for us. Miss Mary D. Davis had spoken of Miss Virginia Bowie in this connection. The name of Mrs. Meridith Reese had also been suggested to us. These names may be regarded as under consideration, for the present.--The name of Mrs. Ahrens, formerly Miss Hall, and once--for a short time--a member of the Club; and whose son had sung for us at two of our musical meetings, was also given--tentatively--for consideration.--The resignation of Mrs. Waller R. Bullock was presented. She had suggested last January; and after reconsideration, has now found it inevitable,--being hard pressed by duties and affairs. Mrs. Bullock’s services to the Club as Treasurer, Vice President, and Chairman of the Committee on Education, were recalled; and it was asked if she could not be made an honorary member? The President answered that she could, especially with the understanding of a return to active membership,--if that could be done. Much regret was expressed over the loss of a member so long with us. Mrs. Bullock about to leave our city, to make her home in Pittsburg.--Miss Mullin presented the resignation of Miss Florence Trail, of Frederick, Maryland, a non resident member. It was agreed to let this resignation remain under consideration; and, if necessary, let it take effect in the fall.--The President then presented a letter from Mrs. Jordan Stabler, First Vice President,


written to her from Rome, on April 10th. In this letter Mrs. Stabler spoke of her having made a longer stay abroad than she had anticipated; also of having been very ill while in Egypt, and in Palestine;--and of still having much physical suffering to endure. She felt, she wrote, obliged to decline being a candidate for reelection as an officer or member of the Board in the Club. Though hoping to return in July, she thought herself very sick, and would not like to undertake her former duties for the coming year. Mrs. Wrenshall said that such action on Mrs. Stabler’s part would involved the resignation of the Vice Presidency of the Poe Memorial Association also. There were many expressions of regret, mingled with the hope that Mrs. Stabler might not be as ill as she supposed herself to be,--and that she may be well again on her return to her home. Mrs. Wrenshall said that before the receipt of this letter, she had been very much inclined to resign her own office of President in favor of Mrs. Stabler. The Board immediately protested earnestly against considering the idea of her resignation,--just as we are rejoicing over having our President back with us again. Mrs. Stabler--it was recalled--was always loyal to our President,--and to the Club,--and we hoped sincerely she would reconsider her proposition to resign. She had suggested that it would be well to keep Mrs. Panet in office,--but this was now thought impossible.--An informal discussion followed with regard to the Board for the coming year.--The Treasurer spoke of having $295 on hand, with a few small accounts to be settled.


She thought we had enough money to carry us through the summer,--and to begin our new Club year. She was requested to send $20 to Mrs. Powell, who had advanced that sum for House expenses, and to add $10 to it for present needs.--The President requested Mrs. Sidney Turner to preside at the next meeting of the Club, the annual election, as she herself would be absent. Mrs. Wrenshall gave her present address as 1810 Massachusetts Avenue, Washington.--The meeting was adjourned.

Board of Management Meeting, May 26th, 1908.

The Board of Management of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore met on Tuesday, May 26th, 1908, in the library of the Academy of Sciences, just before the last general meeting of the Club for the season of 1907 and 1908. Eight members attended this meeting: the President, Mrs. Wrenshall, Second Vice President, Mrs. Alan P. Smith; Recording Secretary Miss Crane; and the Directors: Mrs. Turner; Miss Lizette Reese; Mrs. Powell; Mrs. McGaw; and Mrs. Frederic Tyson. The President announced that the name of Miss Virginia Bowie of Hamilton Terrace, having been presented for the Board for consideration at a former meeting was now formally proposed for active membership. Miss Bowie was proposed by Miss Mary D. Davis, and endorsed by Mrs. Wrenshall Markland, and Mrs. L. L. Marden.--Miss Virginia Bowie was unanimously elected to membership.--The President recalled to us that a proposal had been put before us to make Mrs. Waller R. Bullock,--who has


resigned her membership, on account of changing her residence to Pittsburg,--an honorary member of the Club. Mrs. Bullock’s long and able services to the Club we recalled, and she was forthwith appointed an honorary member. The President also posed that honorary membership be conferred on Miss Lena Stiebler, a fine musician, who has played for us at our Salons very acceptably. Miss Stiebler was also appointed an honorary member of the Club. The members present expressed their pleasure in having Mrs. Alan P. Smith a member of the Board.

The President appointed another meeting of the Board at her own house on Monday, June 1st, at 4 o’clock P.M.,--after which we would take up the affairs of the Poe Memorial Association. Note. This meeting of May 26th was the first one of the Board of the season of 1908-1909, consisting of--

President,                                                 Mrs. John C. Wrenshall.

First Vice President,                         Mrs. Jordan Stabler.

Second Vice President,                    Mrs. Alan P. Smith

Recording Secretary,                        Miss Lydia Crane.

Corresponding Secretary,             Mrs. Phillip R. Uhler

Treasurer,                                               Miss Elizabeth Lester Mullin.



Mrs. G, K. McGaw.                                Miss Lizette W. Reese.

Mrs. Sidney Turner.                          Mrs. Frederic Tyson.

Mrs. W. M. Powell.                              Miss Virginia W. Cloud.


Board Meeting, June 1st, 1908.

The Board of Management of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore met on Monday evening, June 1st, 1908, at the home of the President, Mrs. John C. Wrenshall, 1037 North Calvert Street. Eight members attended this meeting: the President; Second Vice President, Mrs. Alan P. Smith; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Uhler; Recording Secretary, Miss Crane; and of the Directors: Mrs. McGaw; Miss Reese; Mrs. Tyson, and Mrs. Powell. Before introducing other business, the President read a letter written to herself by Mrs. D. L. Bartlett, asking if she could not be admitted to honorary membership in the Club?--as she did not consider herself eligible--by literary merit or ability--to active membership. It was suggested that Mrs. Bartlett seemed to consider honorary membership a sort of associate membership, which we have not (so far) admitted. It was also suggested that Mrs. Bartlett, who is active in other organizations, and is in some sense a literary woman, having been a teacher, might be an addition to the Club,--even without special or strictly literary work. The question of committing ourselves, as a Club, to a precedent of this kind caused discussion. After discussing the subject fully from different points of view,--and the reading of the requirements of our Constitution with regard to honorary members,--and considering whether it should be deferred, or acted upon without delay, it was agreed that a favorable answer should be given to Mrs. Bartlett conditioned for effect next fall, by the Corresponding Secretary.--The President


would--of course--answer Mrs. Bartlett’s personal letter to herself.--The President spoke of the losses from our membership, owing to various unavoidable causes, and reminded us that it would be well to fill the ranks again, with desirable members. Several late resignations were mentioned,--as those of Miss Annie Jones, and Mrs. Ford, and others. The President’s list of members, and that of the Corresponding Secretary, were compared; and found to agree well. Some names were dropped; and some members who had not been in attendance lately were recorded, to be visited or notified.--The President showed a letter from a lady who asked from her an outline for a course of study in Art; and also requested to be given the Woman’s Literary Club’s plan for the study of Art. Miss Reese told of a young woman who had asked if the Club would not publish her book?--which she had just written.--Mrs. Uhler asked if the Board ought not to send a special note of thanks to Mr. Harry Patterson Hopkins for the charming afternoon of music, which he gave us at our closing Salon? This proposal was unanimously approved, and requested to be carried out by Mrs. Uhler.--Mrs. Powell presented her book of accounts for the House Committee, giving details of cleaning rooms; laundry work, etc.,--and showing a balance of $7.72 owing to her. The order was given to have this sum paid,--Mrs. Powell choosing to be paid only what she had advanced, without drawing any more money out at the present time. The Board expressed its gratitude to Mrs. Powell for her work as Chairman of the House Committee. After suggestions for the work of the coming year, the Board meeting adjourned. It was followed by a meeting of the Executive Board Poe Association.



[1]  Crossed out: M. Reese. Interesting because though crossed out and referred to as Percy initially, Crane refers to her as Reese later on.

[2] “of Chairman of Entertainments, which she resigned” appears to be added later on; it is written smaller and in different pen, perhaps even in different handwriting.

[3] After the parenthesis, which seem to be added at a later time than the original recording, Crane writes, in small, messier script: “Written during a domestic crisis--falling ceilings--and physical disablement, when I was afraid it would never be written at all. L.C.”

[4] A small box to the right of the header reads, “Mrs. William Panet, First Vice President pro tempore attended this meeting, will afterwards.”

[5] There’s a question mark above this; Crane seems unsure of the address too.

[6] Crane places a question mark above this name as well.

[7] Written vertically on the right margin reads a note Crane made for herself: “[?] of Poe Board meeting at Mrs. Stabler’s, 9 am, 24th.”

[8] This would be approximately $7,300 today.





“1907-1908 Board of Managers Meeting Minutes,” The Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore, accessed February 23, 2025, https://loyolanotredamelib.org/Aperio/WLCB/items/show/13487.Item
