1909-1910 Meeting Minutes


[MS 988.4.5]



The 656th Meeting [Oct. 5, 1909] 

The 656th meeting of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore was held on Tuesday, October 5th, 1909, in the assembly room, Academy of Sciences Building. This was the opening meeting of the season of 1909 and 1910,--and was also the October Salon. The musical programme was under the direction of Miss Annie Hollins, Chairman of the Music of the Salons.

The President called the meeting to order, and the Recording Secretary read the minutes of the meeting of May 25th, 1909,--the closing meeting of the season of 1908 and 1909.

The President spoke of her gratification in convening the Woman’s Literary Club for a new season, of our pleasure in seeing each other’s faces, and looking forward to a successful and happy year together. Our programmes for the year are filled up, and are full of promise for us. The President then announces the subjects of the programmes for the present month of October. On the 5th Music, Miss Annie Hollins, Chairman; on the 12th Poetry, Miss Lizette W. Reese, Chairman; on the 19th, a Reading, by Mrs. Lawrence Turnbull, from “Narcissus”, the late book of her sister, Miss Grace Denio Litchfield. Miss Litch-


field is an honorary member of our Club, and we have pleasant memories of her being with us in former years; but for some time her[?] of health has prevented her presence among us. On October 26th we will be entertained by the Committee on fiction, Mrs. Percy M. Reese, Chairman.

Announcement was made of two changes in the Chairmanship of Committees. Of the Committee on Foreign Languages; Mrs. Frederic Tyson has been, and probably will be so little in Baltimore, that she will not be able to continue her efforts in that position. Her place will be filled by Miss Marie Perkins, well known to us by her fine translations. To the Chairmanship of the Committee on the Authors and Artists of Maryland, Mrs. C. W. Lord was appointed last year as the successor of Miss Henderson who had resigned. But Mrs. Lord is unable to retain the position on account of her present, and probably continued, absence from Baltimore; and Mrs. A. Marshall Elliott, who held this chairmanship for years with much success has consented to assume again its duties.

Mrs. Wrenshall reminded us of the


saying that “two of the very best gifts in life are books and friends,”—and that here in our Club we enjoy both these benefits in good literature and congenial companionship. She had been looking over the records of the Club, and had been struck by the fidelity with which we had held to the main purpose of our Association. We have given our influence for “right and serious views of life and literature;” and endeavored to make each meeting a means of advancement in exact and good thinking and expression. The President spoke of the importance of preserving the records of the Club. She told of having met a distinguished lawyer, who said that these records belonged to the literary history of Baltimore, and would be of great value as recording a part of the life of its citizens. Mrs. Wrenshall spoke of the good work of our Committees, and the constant endeavors that are felt rather than told. We can count our debt to our past and our [?] for the future on our 656th meeting. They help to keep us on a high grade, giving up the power to look beyond the walls of the dreary environment that this world gives to some,--perhaps to man—of her children. The President reminded us that we live in what has been called


the “Woman’s Age”. Women have obtained some rights,--but it is said they have lost privileges. Chivalry, we are told, is dying; and conservatism fading away in this 20th Century of ours. A great future may stretch before us, but we may have to walk through it more alone than ever before. We must throw light into dark places; hold and not lose the graces and loveliness of life as well as the strength;--we must guard and use the spark of divinity we possess. We can grow for enthusiasm and intellect and also in the sympathy that we will need for all of us,--and for all around us. The President closed with good hopes and wishes for the Club on its official birthday.


The programme next called for music, which was given by the Misses Simpson and Miss Hollins, [pianists?], and Miss Maggie Simpson, mezzo-soprano. We were favored first by a piano duett, Chopin’s Polonaise E flat, given by the Misses Simpson.

The next number was “A Song”, given by Miss. Maggie Simpson, [Foster’s?] “Good-bye”.

Miss Hollins then gave a piano solo in two parts. The first was [“Louvre”?] by Handel. She said that this was an old French dance, of a grave and dignified character. Her second part was Poldini’s “Marche Mignonne”. The


applause calling for an encore, Miss Hollins consented to repeat the first composition for us.

The next number was; “A Song, [?]” by [Toste?], sung by Miss. Simpson. After continued applause Miss Simpson gave an encore of the song “Tell Her I Love Her So”.

The last number on the programme was a piano duet, “Fantasie Trovatore” by Verdi, played by the Misses Simpson. They kindly gave us an encored, the “Overture from [?].

The President gave our thanks for the delightful musical hours we had enjoyed, and the appropriate and finely rendered selections given us. She particularly thanked Miss Hollins for her own music, and for that which she had provided us.

She declared the meeting adjourned,--and invited the Club and its guests to partake of he hospitalities of Miss Powell, Chairman of our House Committee.


The 657th Meeting [Oct. 12, 1909]

The 657th meeting of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore was held on Tuesday, October 12th, 1909, in the assembly room, Academy of Sciences Building. The programme was under the charge of Miss Lizette Wood- 


worth Reese, Chairman of the Committee on Poetry. The President called the meeting to order; and the Recording Secretary read the minutes of the meeting of October 5th.

The President reminded us that this day, October 12th, was the 417 anniversary of the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus, and that it has been inaugurated as a holiday in his honor. It is fitting and appropriate that we should join in this just—though long delayed—realization and commemoration of the skill, unselfish, and indomitable spirit, and the scientific foresight of the great explorer. In connection with the celebration here in Baltimore, she was sure many of us would recall Sidney Lanier’s poem “Psalm of the West,” with its eight sonnets describing the heroic navigators’ emotions in the last disheartening days of his memorable voyage. Not many poems can stir the heart as does Lanier’s eighth sonnet. Mrs. Wrenshall said, that, coming near home, we have in our own library, a poem on Columbus by one of our own members, Miss Alice C Lord, which has received much favorable comment.

The President then said that she had asked the permission of the Chair-


man on Poetry to add to her programme on this occasion, the reading of a short sketch of her own,--which seemed to herself appropriate on this afternoon. This article was written by our President, and is published in “The Library of Southern Literature,” an elaborate work which we are not, many of us, likely to see; as it comprises many volumes, and costs many dollars. It is a collection of short biographies of Southern writers; made at the University of Virginia; written by different hands, and accessible only, to most general readers, in public libraries. Mrs. Wrenshall’s article for this work is on Miss Lizette Woodworth Reese, and was written in Rome in 1908. She read it to us from the [?prints] which had been sent to her. She began by claiming Miss Reese as a Baltimorean, though born in a bordering portion of our city called Waverly,--being on one side of Welsh and on the other of German parentage, like many other true Americans. She has been, and is a successful teacher, as well as a successful writer. She has worked in education and philanthropy, and as a member of literary societies. Of the Woman’s Literary Club she was one of the original members who organized it in March, 1890, and has been active as


a Director, and as Chairman of its Committee on Poetry,--also as one of the two Chairman of its Memorial Committee for the Commemoration of Authors and Artists of Maryland. Miss Reese’s first poems appeared in print in 1876 when she was very young, and since then her poems and stories have been published in our leading magazines, and also in book form. Her first collection of poems, “A Branch of May” appeared in 1884, and met good success. In 1891, she published “A Handful of Lavender”, dedicated to Sidney Lanier; other collections have followed these. Miss Reese has won literary friendships, and high appreciation at home and abroad. Mr. Edmund Clarence Stedman in his “American Anthology” gave her a very high place among the writers of our country. The London Spectator placed her in the front rank of the American women who could write poetry and she has found in far off Japan, fine estimation, also. Mrs. Wrenshall said Miss Reese seems to think in form; sculpture is perhaps her chief art. There is the Elizabethian [Elizabethan] strain in her song also, but she sings what she sees, and she sees with the eyes of the poet. She has the human and dramatic quality,


also, and we can feel that her [?] lies before her. The programme next called for two prose articles by Miss Reese, “George Meredith’s Poetry”, and “A Sketch of Swindburne”. Miss Reese spoke of these two writers as being great friends, and as dying near in time to each other. George Meredith was, she said, much better known by his prose than by his poetry. The characters of his novels have taken their places among us. We all love a hero, and George Meredith seems to be the last of the hero makers. We know them all, even when they may seem lovable, unconscious fools. His style is sometimes[?], but splendid as times, too. He has the best of the faculty for plots. But in his poems he has light and color, too; he feels the kinship of man to whatever lives in the world,--suggesting some revelations. The joy of the world is the keynote of the poet’s lines. She quoted the poem “Jerry the Juggler”, who believed that “Juggling don’t hinder the heart that feels.” She quoted also the “Thrush in February.” But the intellect is prominent with Meredith, and [?] is at war with, outvoices [out voices] its power of expression. To Meredith life is a good thing, despite its difficulties, and each man is making his own fate. But he will be remembered much more for his prose than for his poetry.

Miss Reese then gave us her “Sketch of Swinburne”. He was born, she said, in 1847, and died in 1909. Miss Reese spoke of the revolutionary opinions and [antagonist?] qualities generally ascribed to Swinburne’s poetry. He has been called blasphemous, and was reluctant to vindicate himself to general readers. She spoke of his affinities with Sappho and Lucullus and the classic literature, with which it has been said his poems are connected by descent and suggestion. She quoted the opinions of critics who have said that his offenses against good taste and tone all belong to his early and formative period. But there is one characteristic in all, and that is music;--he is a master musician in language. She quoted the well known song;--


“If love were what the rose is,

“And I were like the leaf [tete?]”.


She said his memorial poems, and those on little children were beautiful.

The next article on the programme was by Miss Virginia Woodward Cloud, and


was on “Alfred Noyes’s Epic Poem ‘Drake’”. Miss Cloud said that Miss Reese had just reviewed the last of the great Victorian poets, and that she was to speak of the young poet who seems to have risen to the most noticeable fame in the England of to-day. Like Tennyson who won his place at twenty-four, so Noyes has fulfilled some of his earliest promise at near the same age. He has, she said, more substance of thought than William Watson. She spoke of some of his lyrics as not to be improved, reading several of them. At the same time she noted some apparently easy work that has not added to his reputation. Noyes’ Epic “Drake” is, she said, essentially a patriotic work,--like Drake himself in his typical character, English and Elizabethian [Elizabethan]. We all, she said, [?] the artist worth of our criticism; whom we like well enough to find faults with him. She quoted some extracts which she considered only excellent prose, and others which she showed that poetry and poetic form are not the same thing. But there is poetry in this epic,--only if it is not all poetry. The lyrics are Elizabethian [Elizabethan], but not Elizabethian enough. They suggest having been written before, and introduced into


this work. Of some of this she spoke with great praise, especially “Let Love not go too,” and “Love Will Find Out a Way”. Miss Cloud then read, as she said, a better one still,--“In the Cool of the Evening,” and I think we all agreed with her.

The last article of the programme was a reading by Miss Cloud from “A Wayside Lute,’ the latest book of Miss Lizette Reese. Miss Cloud said we may all pride ourselves on not being sentimental, but that she has a very tender feeling for the little gray book from which she was to read. There is, she said, a rare quality in it. Miss Reese has never done so well before as in this “Wayside Lute”. The dedication is to Edmund Clarence Stedman, and is as beautiful as the songs themselves. She read with true sympathy the poems, “The Lark,” “Today”, and “Taps,”—all of them appreciated by her listeners.

The President said we all joined in thanks to Miss Reese and Miss Cloud for the beautiful programme they has given us. The meeting was adjourned.




October 19th,1909-May 24th, 1910


The 658th Meeting [Oct. 19, 1909]

The 658th meeting of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore was held on Tuesday, October 19th, 1909, in the assembly room, Academy of Sciences Building. The programme of this meeting was devoted to the poems of our honorary member, Miss Grace Denio Litchfield. They were read by her sister, Mrs. Lawrence Turnbull, the first President of our Club. Miss Litchfield’s songs, which have been set to music by her nephew, Mr. Edwin Litchfield Turnbull, were also sung for us by accomplished musicians, including the composer himself.

The President called the meeting to order; and the Recording Secretary read the minutes of the meeting of October 12th.

The only announcement made was one of a series of afternoon lectures to be given by Miss Laura Garret at 615 Park Avenue, on “Mother Love, as Exemplified by Plants and Animals.” Those who wished to attend these lectures could obtain tickets from Mrs. D. F. Pope.  


The President said we were to have a modest but heartfelt tribute to our honorary member, Miss Grace Denio Litchfield, well remembered from former days when she was able to be with us, and to read her own writings to us; and that we felt in honoring her we honored ourselves. She also reminded us that we were to have the melody of Miss Litchfield’s words; the spirit, strength and grace of her poetry, especially her unfolding of the beautiful old myth of Narcissus, interpreted to us by her sister, our honored President of former days, Mrs. Turnbull.

Mrs. Turnbull then gave a short sketch of her sister’s literary career, and of the numerous books she has published. Among others she told of “Mimosa Leaves”, “The Moving Finger Writes”, “Vita,--an Allegory” and many others; also of her short stories which had appeared in leading magazines and were collected under the name of “Little Venice”,-as well as of her songs which have been set to music.

The programme then called for “[?Lyric] Words by Grace Denio Litchfield; music by Edwin Litchfield Turnbull. The vocalists were: Dr. [S?] K. Uhlig, first tenor; Mrs. E.


Turnbull, second tenor; Dr. B Merrill Hopkinson, baritone; and Mr. H. H. Cloud, basso; with Phillip Ogden at the piano.

These songs were each read to us before being sung, which added to our appreciation of them.

The first lyric given was “A Birthday Song”, addressed to an old friend,--and finely rendered.

The second song was “Flowertime Weather”,--also sung by Dr. Uhlig.

The next one was “To a Rosebud”, given by Dr. B. Merril Hopkinson, and, of course, was well appreciated.

The next exercise was the “Reading by Mrs. Turnbull” of Miss Litchfield’s late poem “Narcissus”. Miss Litchfield’s development of the beautiful myth of Narcissus took us back to those antique days “whose heart yet stirs”; and carried with it the classic atmosphere in which breath and sight and sound and familiar thought belonged to “the days when the earth was young”—loving and adoring. I could only review it by quoting from it,--or thought so. She described the deep wood like Dodona’s “sacred grove”, where “happy little sounds were all about,” where “the lark forgot to soar,”


“the hunted swallow forgot to fly. The hawk forgot to follow.” She told of the tiny, slumbering lake, still as an unawakened soul,--serene it mirrored all it knew of heaven.” And “thither Narcissus came, chance led,” and “lay like a fresh-culled lily dropped amid the green.” “Led by a dim instinct in his blood, that hungered for the beautiful and good;” and “groping through the actual sought a [?family] ideal”. “An alien he moved among his working fellowmen”. “An exile in a human wilderness, Lonely with enduring loneliness”. In the appealing beauty of the

spot, Narcissus his “life loneliness forgot,” in Nature’s large caress. “But with night’s return” uprose the ghosts of thought again to vex Narcissus’ soul with problems, and perplex “with haunting wonders”. “Sweet was his ideal, the beautiful to be the only real, the good the only truth worth life’s only aim.” “Wherefore was it given to mortal to conceive himself to Heaven? Yet was he no nearer to his goal?” His young companions insisted that youth is all “springtime” and play time. Many a fair [?] had moved him for naught. Echo, the loveliest of them all, has lost her [?]


right of speech at will, and at last had been only able to repeat his own “farewell, like the last quiver of a ceasing bell,” and so passed away. But with returning daylight to Narcissus “the vast silence was as music.” “Thrilled with harmonies empyrean, “he said, “My Soul must come into its own, or die! “Over the lake he beat his perfect face”. “To all the gods I drink,” devotedly said. “So dazzling on his sight the vision broke.” A face, young, exquisite arose. Aside he crept, bewildered at such blare of beauty.” Back the lake drew him as a magnate draws. And lo! Again the face, its radiant eyes fixed on him in a wonder of surprise, and questioning.” “All his own lofty longings looked at him from those deep eyes; all his ideals sim” “here realized.” “He breathed, ‘Who are thou? ‘half in awe, and, as he spoke, his question spoken saw. ‘Thine other self,’ he whispered down, and thought the same soft syllables he answering caught. Never he pressed. The vision came more near.” “Gave back his look of high companionship.” Till he stopped to touch the lips so near his own “Even” as they met the face was gone.” “Breathless he waited,”—the daylight went,--


“he slept, trust with the vision kept.” “With day again,” “Joy filled Narcissus’s heart.” From the depths anew it rose to meet him through the river blue, a star ascending.” An instant of transported recognition. And lo! Against it was [not?]. What fruition of hope was this?” “So flew time by, if told in moments or in days.” “He prayed that day might last forever, For light was life and darkness was death.” But “he who rounds [faulty?] soul to symmetry, needs more than barren worship of the good, To re-create him to the shape he would. Too late Narcissus, [swooning?] o’er the lake, Saw mirrored there was life had held at stake. Saw written, clear those lovely lines within. All he was meant to be, and might have been.” So died he, for love of that which he had failed to be. “A soul all unfulfilled and incomplete. And where he died, a milk-white flower, sweet; And bearing at its heart a burning flame; Grew and was called henceforward by his name.” At the close of Mrs. Turnbull’s reading she was presented by Mrs. Powell, representing the Board of Management with some beautiful flowers.


The programme next called for Miss Litchfield’s song “Good-bye”. It was read by Mrs. Turnbull, and song by the fine quartett, Dr. Uhlig, Mr. Turnbull, Dr. Hopkins and Mrs. Cloud.

The President expressed our gratitude and appreciation for all the entertainment of our beautiful programme. She spoke of Miss Litchfield’s classic taste, and comprehension of and companionship with Nature, which can illuminate and illustrate the lovely myths of the undying past. Mrs. Wrenshall then invited the Club and its guests to come to the platform and examine the numerous works of Miss Litchfield—both of prose and poetry—which were picked up on the tables, and whose beautiful bindings gave promise of the fine literature within them. After a further invitation to enjoy the hospitality of Mrs. Powell, Chairman of the House Committee, the meeting was adjourned.


The 659th Meeting [Oct. 26, 1909]

The 659th meeting of the Woman’s Literary Club was held Tuesday, October


26th, 1909 in the assembly room, Academy of Sciences Building. The programme of this meeting was under the charge of Mrs. Percy M. Reese, Chairman of the Committee on Fiction. Mrs. Reese was unable to be present, but had sent the Club the programme she had prepared.

The President called the meeting to order; and announced that, on account of the unavoidable delay, the usual reading of the minutes would be deferred to another occasion.


The President then announced the subjects of the programme for the coming month, On November 2nd, Foreign Travel; on November 9th, Art; November 16th Current Criticism; on November 23rd, Foreign Languages; and on November 30th, Current Topics, and the Salon. The President also called attention to our annual commemoration of the Authors and Artists of Maryland, on All Soul’s Day, November 2nd, by placing flowers on their graves. The former Chairmen of this Committee, Mrs. Thomas Hill and Miss Lizette Reese, have been obliged to retire from the position they have well filled for years. Mrs. Wrenshall has asked Mrs. Robert


Bowie to assume this Chairmanship. Mrs. Bowie will take charge of the flowers, and arrange them in our Committee room on Monday, November 1st,-before decorating the graves the next day. The President hoped that Mrs. Bowie would have all the cooperation that she deserved in this beautiful work.

The President announced the decision of the Board of Management that a regular meeting of this Board shall be held on the first Thursday in each month during the season.

The President reminded us that two of our members where in deep affliction; Mrs. Thomas Hill and Mrs. John R. Tait,-each mourning the recent loss of her husband. Our Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Uhler, having written to both of these members to express our sympathy with them, had received their answers expressing their grateful appreciation of our remembrance. We were told that Mr. Tait’s pictures were to be taken to New York to be sold, but that before leaving Baltimore they could be seen at his late residence; also that Mrs. Bowie has with her this afternoon some photographs of


this fine collection.

Mrs. Wrenshall read a note from Miss Grace Denio Litchfield, telling of her grateful appreciation for the honor done her in our meeting on October 19th, by the reading of her poems, and the singing of those set to music by her nephew.

The first article of the programme was given by Miss Virginia Bowie, and was “A Story”, called “The Eternal Law”. The President welcomes Miss Bowie’s appearance on our platform. Miss Bowie’s story told of a young, cultured, aristocratic Boston girl who had been sent by her physician to a quiet sea shore resort for rest and restoration in mind and body, after one of those life tragedies which seem irreparable. Rosamond had loved and been loved truly by Roy Cathcarb, a brave and honored army officer who had take, as he though, a temporary leave of his fiancé to go to the Philippines and had died there. Life had lost its charm, but she wandered by the sea, and thought of the past. Next her at the table sat a young man, who had seen her only when she had seen him as a clerk in a general store in Boston. He is


conscious of “the difference” as he calls it; and she with the confidence of an assured position, does not make it too prominent in incidentally mentioning the place where she had seen him before. Once he tells her that he has no ambition, but that “a pal” of his who has gone to seek his fortune in Oklahoma, had promised to look out for something good for him, too. One evening after wandering by the seaside poor Rosamond finds herself lost, with a sprained ankle, and overwhelmed by a dense log. Then it is her table neighbor, young Hillman, who comes to look for her, rescues and carries her home. There is something in his deference and manner of protection that appeals strangely to the “Little Lady”, as he calls her. After awhile she seems to have a revelation that this man, in spite of external differences, is by an eternal law of Nature, of the same type that her dead lover had personified to her. When his friend in Oklahoma writes that he “has struck it rich”, and that Hillman must come and be his partner; when young Hillman comes to say “Good-bye” to her, and reveals the love that makes him go, then Rosamond suddenly


feels that in a new country away from conventionalities, where all are to have the same chance, there will be a new life for both of them. She thinks they need each other, and so they go to try the new country and the new life together.

The next article was by Miss Lizette Reese; and gave us “The Moving Case of Mary Alice”. Mary Alice was, or thought herself bedridden, made so by a family tragedy, the death by shooting of her wayward and only son. She calls Caroline, her daughter, from the family washing, and demands her medicine, No. 10, for pain in the back. Another call; and she must have No. 20, for pain in the head. Then she asks if she did not “hear the voice of Jim Bately?” On her daughter’s reluctant “Yes”, she declares that Caroline “ought not to speak to him.” Caroline answers: “He says he did not do it.” But her mother will not hear this and asks for the medicine No. 16. Caroline as she goes on washing thinks of her mother’s disapproval of her lover, and persistent belief than he had fired the shot that had killed her boy,-- because he had been the first to tell her of the death. “Caroline,” said Miss Reese, “was too tired to be young


and too vital to be old.” The sister of Mary Alice”, Hester Davis, arrives on the scene; and after announcing that “men are mostly fools” and that “there have been lots of lies told in the Sutton family,” she declares that there is no reason for Mary Alice to be there helpless; and she will tell her the truth, to kill or cure her. Hester goes in to the supposed invalid; and after little preparation declares: “Robin shot himself.” Then Mary Alice remembered how Him Bately has tried to break to her the news of the sad end of her bad boy,-- her only one. The room seemed to drift back from her. She said she would die; but would that be any better than Robin’s fate? She seemed to see herself a drowned creature. But then she took up life again. She took off the flannels in which she was wrapped up; put on the long unused clothes; and sat a little while in the chair her sister had left, looking over the fields,- hers and her father’s before her. She saw Jim Bately going away. She went out into the open air, and called him: “You come here! You can marry my daughter tomorrow!”

The next article was by Mrs. Daniel


Pope; and was called: "The Story of a Law". It was read for her by Miss Ashley. Mrs. Pope’s story told of Roberta Armstrong and her friend Mrs. Martin who lived together. Roberta was a glorious beauty who after having great reverses of fortune, and having a mother and younger sister to take care of, had taken to dress-making and [millinery?] with success, until her mother died, and her sister married, when she retired on a [comp…?]. In her new-formed leisure she became interested in hospital work, and one day [recounted?] to her friend what she called a beautiful story. Some months before she had found in the free ward of

a hospital a man who was a physical wreck, but with the most splendid brown eyes she has ever seen. Soon he seemed to be awakened to new life; and showed evidently that he had belonged to fine and cultured [?]. He gave only the name of Alexander [Lloyd?]. He had been removed from the free [?] but he must have “a change of scene; “and,” said Roberta, “I shall bring him here, and he shall be nursed back to life.” Mrs. Martin recognized that she could not stop Roberta,- who had been too busy for such enthusiasms ever before



Alexander came; and grew better in health, though not to say real recovery. But he proposed marriage, and Roberta consented; and was happy,- though in others’ eyes her husband was a man of no principles. His temporary strength did not last very long; but before he died a new hope had arisen in Roberta, and though the expectation did not seem to move Alexander as it did herself, the child its father was never to see promised a new life to her. Her son seemed to the widow to have the finest type of aristocratic inheritance,-with the wonderful brown eyes over again. At seven years old the boy said he was no longer a child, but his mother’s faithful knight. 

One morning a long thick envelope came in Roberta’s mail. As she read the document—full of law terms,--a hideous nightmare seemed to possess her. When at last she deemed its meaning [?] overcame her against the dreadful law that could allow a man to will away his unborn child. Alexander Lloyd had been such a degenerate son of his honorable parents, that, when they could endure no more of him he became to them as one already dead; and a younger brother was given his place in the family. Roberta found him in the free ward, and she gave, and he took all. Perhaps he afterwards wearied of her; and hearing that his younger brother had died unmarried, the sick man’s fancy turned to his father and mother growing old, and he thought of his own people in connection with another promised life. Sometimes he had driven out alone; and once Roberta had found him with a visitor, whom he introduced as an old friend who has discovered him. And now she learned that her precious boy was to belong to his grandparents;--to make reparation for their son's [misspent?] life. She consulted a lawyer,--who could give her no hope. When her boy was gone she could only hope for death as a merciful release for her,-- and it soon came.

The President said Mrs. Pope had called our attention to a very important subject; and asked for more information with regard to it. Mrs. Pope said she has submitted her story to a distinguished lawyer, asking him to erase anything wrong, or mistaken in it. But he was sorry to say he could make no changes to it. She said it is a good thing that


men are generally much better than their laws. Mrs. Pope also gave us some very interesting circumstances which has come under her own observation regarding this such subject. After further interesting discussion; the President thanks the Committee on Fiction for their interesting programme; and declared the meeting adjourned.


The 660th Meeting [Nov. 2, 1909]

The 660th meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held on Tuesday, November 2nd, 1909, in the assembly room, Academy of Sciences Building. The programme was given by the Committee on Foreign Travel, Mrs. A. P. Atwater, Chairman.

The President called the meeting to order; and the Recording Secretary read the minutes of the meeting of October 19th. On account of delay, the minutes of October 26th were deferred. The President gave notice of the meeting of the Board of Management to be held at her own home on November 4th, the first Thursday in the month. She then called for the report of the Memorial Committee, who have charge of placing flowers on the graves of the Authors and Artists of


Maryland every year on "All Soul's Day". Mrs. Bowie, Chairman reported that she and the other members of the Committee had first visited the Westminster Church yard, and placed their wreaths on the graves of Edgar Allan Poe. They had gone to Greenmount and put their flowers on the graves of Sidney Lanier, L. P. Kennedy, Rinehart, Mrs. A. L. Philips, Mrs. Anne [?] Crane Seemuller and on those of our own former members, Mrs. Tiernan, Mrs. Easter, Mrs. Early, and Miss Brent. Flowers had also been sent to the Misses Johnson, Miss Rabillon and others. The President gave the thanks of the Club to Mrs. Bowie and her Committee for their beautiful work. Mrs. Wrenshall then announced the election to the Club of three new members: Mrs. Charles E. Sadtler, Miss Harriet Perkins Massine, and Miss Marie Turner.

The programme began with the reading by Mrs. Philip R. Uhler of a letter to our President from our absent member, Mrs. C. W. Lord, written on September [?] in Copenhagen, Denmark, where she was the guest of our former—and still—member, Mrs. Asgar Hamerick. Mrs. Lord gave a lively account of her stay in England,


especially in old Devonshire, of her visit to Paris, and to Southern France, and then to "glorious Switzerland". She went on to the Rhine, to Cologne, to Antwerp,--and to wonderful Berlin. She went on to tell of her coming to stay with her dear friend, Mrs. Hamerick in her lovely, artistic, Danish home,--surrounded by half-acre of beautiful roses. Mrs. Lord brought to us Mrs. Hamerick's love,--"to her dear and only Club".

The next article was by Miss Octavia Williams Bates, and was on a trip to the North West." Miss Bates spoke of the change her article would make from the beauty and dignity of old Europe to the stirring abounding life of our American North-west. She told of going from Baltimore to Buffalo, and then on to Duluth, the far end of Lake Superior. She told of going long distances, where once in a while a clump of trees is seen in the protection of a house. Miss Bates told of visiting a reservation for the preservation of the American buffalo from becoming an extinct animal. She told of majestic wonders of Nature and of meeting many Indians. She described the Yukon Seattle Exposition, the only one of our American Expositions


which began ready on time, and closed without being in debt. She told of the marvelous Yellowstone Park, and then Muir Glacier. She described the forests, lakes, mountains, rivers of Alaska- where everything seemed to be created on a stupendous scale-- a sort of prehistoric land which it has been said "waited millions of years for the people to come whom it would allow to live within its borders.

The next article of the programme was by Mrs. Jordan Stabler, and was on "Memories of Lake Como." Mrs. Stabler illustrated her reading by showing some beautiful pictures. One of these was a copy of Paul Veronese's "St. Michael and the Dragon; and another one of Guido Remi's "St. Michael". Another was the painting of a cottage given her by the Marchese Pieri Nerli, an Italian nobleman and artist. She described vividly the lovely Lake Como and its environment, the ancient ruins, the beauties of Nature and Art, the wealth of history, poetry, and romance that belong to that region. She told of the town with its memories of [?] Greek and Romans; of Como from Pliny the Elder, and [?] the younger to the modern


Italian, Volta, the elective inventor and discoverer. She described the villa of Pliny the younger, and read from his letters his account of the daily life of a studious Roman gentleman in the first century of the Christian era. She passed to the modern life in the villas of to-day; and in the peasant cottages, where good manners and honest living seems to be the rule around the lovely lake.

The next article was given by Miss Nellie C. Williams, and was on “Rouge et Noir”. Miss Williams described the two bold rocks on the Mediterranean Sea, some miles from Nice, around which had been formed a principality of about three hundred souls, under the dominion of a prince whose occupation was the selling of provisions not of the best quality; and having a monopoly he lived thereby. This was the Monaco of some half a century ago. Miss Williams went on to describe the Monaco of to-do, the city of marvellous (marvelous) wealth and luxury, the great gambling centre of the world, whose princely ruler, instead of selling doubtful provisions, receives a million dollars a year for his concession to the trade of "Rouge et Noir, etc. Ger-


many, she said, has closed its gambling halls but Monaco, under the protection of France, pursues the nefarious business freely. She said the roulette wheel was invented by Paschal, a philosopher and theologian, when, he was studying in a monastery, and should have been saying his prayers. Of course he invented it for his own amusement. She told of the advantage taken in this splendid resource of the human desire to get something for nothing. Strangers only are preyed upon; no resident is allowed to play. The gambling company pays no taxes, but supports the public works etc. As a relief to her picture, Miss Williams spoke of the promontory, on which is left the old town of Monaco, where is the old palace and several old churches. As she stood on the steps of the old Cathedral, heard the service going on, and a choir of young [ones?] singing hymns of praise, with peace and beauty close around her, if she thought of the words of the hymn "every [prospect?] pleases, and only man is vile," she might find a little pure light beyond the garish glare of the false beacons.

The President thanked the Committee for their programme; and said that we all enjoyed each other's Foreign Travels. She then declared the meeting adjourned.



The 661st Meeting. [November 9, 1909]

The 661st meeting of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore was held on Tuesday, November 9th, 1909, in the assembly room of the Maryland Academy of Sciences Building.

The President announced that owing to the much regretted illness of Miss Crane, the minutes of the afternoon devoted to the Committee on fiction would be deferred, but that Miss Crane had sent those of November 2nd, which were read by Mrs. Uhler, who acted as secretary for the afternoon.

After approval by the members of these minutes, Mrs. Wrenshall announced the death on November 3rd of our member Miss Anne Weston Whitney, and then read a glowing tribute to the work of Miss Whitney, her devotion to the Club and its ideals, and her far reaching influence for good to humanity.

Mrs. Uhler made a motion that as a simple token of our appreciation and


affection for Miss Whitney, that the tribute as a whole be incorporated in our minutes for the day. Mrs. Stabler seconded the motion which was unanimously carried. The programme for the day was presented by the Committee on Art, Mrs. Robert M. Wylie, Chairman, the opening paper, “Art Notes in America, 1909,” being given by Mrs. Wrenshall Markland.

Mrs. Markland spoke first of the year having been one of stupendous advance in the field of science with an equal industry of work and its corresponding influence upon the progress of the nation in the field of Art as voiced through an increaded output of Art books, magazine articles and the interest of the American Press, the last becoming an economic factor for good amongst the great mass of newspaper readers. In speaking of the sales and exhibitions of domestic and foreign work, special mention was made of those of Sorallo [Sorolla] and Zuloaga, drawing attention to the fact that while Zuloaga evinces present day influence in his masterfulness of spirit, he continues the reservation and haughtiness of the old Spanish school, while in the care free


cheeriness of the clough-swept landscape and seascape pictures of Sorallo [Sorolla]is suggested the rising of a refulgent sun betokening a day of better things for Spain. Reference was also made to the Hudson-Fulton Loan Exhibition. Mrs. Markland spoke briefly of the work of Mrs. Redfield whose picture “Canal in Winter” has been purchased by the French Government, the only American canvass ever medalled [medaled], so far, by the Society of French Artist. Referring to the fine work being done by the American women in Paris as well as those in America, that possibly Miss Emmet led; but that the work of Frank W. Benton was the most satisfactory and of more permanent value. Turning from the wealth of color, Mrs. Markland said that in the perfect rendering of the Divine human form we have truth and beauty, the one synonymous of the other and neither subservient, but united in the perfect harmony of line to curve in the highest form of Art, Sculpture where nothing can be erased or cancelled but must be of the pristine truth itself. She spoke of the ruling faction types, Imagination and Symbolism, giving as an I-


lustration of each the work of Louis Potter who is so well known for his study of racial attributes and characteristics; the sculpture of St. Gandeur, which is vital, lasting, imaginative, but not symbolic- in which he is eclipsed by the third sculptor, Sir Moses Ezekiel.

Reference was made to the tariff law, and in closing her able paper she spoke of the data gathered showing the amounts expended for public and private art instruction in the United States as being $11,565,241 yearly; and predicted that such effort could not fail to produce in the next generation a very wide culture and appreciation of the beautiful and true in art with an accompaning [accompanying] discrimination in the general public taste.

The next article was given by Mrs. B. Howard Haman under the title “The Church of Or. San Michele and the Shrine.” Mrs. Haman opened her paper by characterizing Florence as the crown of Italy, and gave her [lieteness?] charming glimpses of the old city as seen in the walk from the hotel to the point of her pilgrimage, the old


church of the Guilds in the heart of the city. In vivid words she told of the beginnings of the church 1284 when the building was erected for a corn hall and meeting place of the various guilds, of the picture of the Madonna painted upon the pilaster; of the founding of the new order- the company of Or. San Michele- of the fire which destroyed the hall and the miraculous escape of the picture; the prayer and offering made to it after the plague and the decision in 1339 to build a shrine. She described the inner shrine in which the picture is placed, and spoke of the lack of light and space preventing the full exhibit of its dignity and lordliness. The church itself presents the corporate religious life of the guilds, each craft having promised to supply statue or picture for adornment and donations toward the support of the edifice; and on St. Ann’s day the banners of all the guilds are hung out, Mrs. Hamen described in detail some of the beautiful decorations and carvings, thus recalling to those who had seen the church and shrine the


memory of its beauty; and picturing it to those who had not been so fortunate. At the close of the paper Mrs. Wrenshall spoke of the fact that in the bas relief of the death of the Virgin the figure standing on the feet of the Virgin with his back against the wall is a likeness of the sculpture of the shrine, Andrea Oncagna, and the best hour to see it is noon, the light then being full upon it.

The next paper was given by Miss Marie Turner, whose first appearance was warmly welcomed. Miss Turner spoke on “The Art of the Mediaeval Scriptorium,” and began her article by stating that illuminating or the enriching of manuscript with ornament is probably one of the most [a…?] of the arts. The oldest specimens of illustrated manuscripts that have been preserved are papyri taken from the Egyptian tombs. The art was practiced by the Greeks, and later by the Romans many centuries before Christ. Then the classic school waned and coarsened during the third and fourth centuries, until, under the emporer [emperor] Justine it was reborn and


sprang into life under a new form of beauty, the Christian Byzantine. This school began its decline in the eighth century falling still lower during the three centuries following. The MSS of the four Gospels and the Euselian Canon are superb examples of the Byzantine style. The Celtic style took form in the sixth century, attained the meridian of its glory in the seventh century in the production of such manuscripts as the Book of Durrow, and the Book of Sells. When the Celtic monks converted Northumbria in the seventh century the Anglo-Celtic school arose, being the result of important changes and additions made to the original style. The Book of Burham produced at Lindesfaine being the most superb specimen of the school. The Cawlingman period of the art began in the eighth century under Charlemagne, grew and expanded in importance for one hundred years, then suffered a period of decadence, which was followed by the renaissance of the twelfth century.

The Anglo-Saxon school was born in the latter part of the nineth [ninth] century, the scriptorium of Manchester being un-



In England and France from the twelfth to the fourteenth centuries flourished the Anglo Norman school of illuminating, the inheritor of all the perfections of the Art in the ages that preceded it. Beauty and consumate [consummate] genius are the marks of the manuscript of this period. The Teutonic school, the Franco Flemish, the Italian are all remarkable for their brilliancy and sumptionsness [sumptuousness]. The great artists of the day were the illuminators. Realism took the place of the conventional. Miss Turner stated that in the sixteenth century the art ceased to be an ecclestical [ecclesial] institution, and with the secularization began its decay. No longer practiced solely for the love of God in the Monasteries, those fruitful musing mothers of science, art, handcraft and culture in the mediaeval times, but serving purposes worldly and profane, becoming in time eaten through with the camber of commercialism, illuminating rapidly [d…?]. In the [mention?] of preventing it [r…?] its death blow.

Mrs. Wrenshall in closing the programme called attention to the photographs of the paintings of the late John


R. Tait, placed around the room, and after thanking the Chairman and members of the Committee, declared the meeting adjorned.

(Note: See page 39 for “Tribute to Miss Anne Weston Whitney.”)


The 662nd Meeting. [November 16th 1909]

The 662nd meeting of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore was held on Tuesday, November 16th, 1909 in the assembly room, Academy of Sciences Building. The programme was given by the Committee on Current Criticism, Miss L. T. Latane, Chairman. The President called the meeting to order; and the Recording Secretary read the deferred minutes of October 26th, that of the Fiction Committee.

The Recording Secretary having been unable to be present at the meeting of November 9th, the notes had been taken and the minutes prepared by the Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Uhler, who now read a full and interesting account of that meeting. Mrs. Uhler then spoke of the Tribute given on that occasion by our President to our late, much valued member, Miss Anne Weston Whitney, and said that, by a note of the Club it was ordered to be engrossed in the minutes


of November 9th.

Mrs. Jordan Stabler spoke of our pleasure in the possession of any published work of our fellow members. She said she was now to present our Club Library from the author, Mrs. A. J. Vanderpoel the printed pamphlet containing the article she had given the Club on March 16th, 1909, called “The Experiment of Major Noah.” Mrs. Vanderpoel gave an account from manuscripts presented by her father before the Historical Society of New York, of the “Experiment of Mordecai Manuel Noah[”], an Old Testament Jew of New York, to found a Hebrew city of Refuge on Grand Island near Buffalo in 1826. She told of its failure; and of the failure also of a similar experiment of Lawrence Oliphant of England.

The first article of the programme was given by Miss Lucy Temple Latane; and was a review of “A History of Nursing;” a recent book “by Miss Nutting and Miss Dock of Johns Hopkins Hospital.” Before beginning her review, Miss Latane said she had expected to have an article by Miss Virginia Cloud; but Miss Cloud could not give us anything at present,- and the programme was all the poorer for her absence.


Miss Latane spoke of the great value as well as interest of this History of Nursing, by Miss Nutting and Miss Dock,- which represents the researches, observations and conclusions of one of its authors for ten years; and of the other for two years. It told of the ancient ideas and customs prevailing in the days of Hippocrates and Galen, and in the early Biblical days. Also of the Greek and Roman methods of care, healing, and sanitation. It went on to the rise and progress of Christianity, when deeds of love and mercy for the sick,- the leper, the orphan, the aged and helpless made the lifework of holy women and consecrated men from the early saints to the middle ages. Then exalted self-sacrifice shone out amidst war cruelties. We were told of the Knights Hospitallers, or Knights of St. John, not yet extinct. Miss Latane went on to speak of the world wide and revered merciful order of the Sisters of Charity, and of the [Begnnage?] orders in Europe. She told of the inefficiency and crudeness of hospital nursing in modern warfar,- even down to the beginning of the Crimean war,- described the reforms and creative work of Florence Nightingale, “the Lady with the Lamp,” who-


-“shall stand

“In the great history of the Land;” and who still lives a shining light for the world. We were told of Miss Nutting’s comprehensive and satisfactory account of the origin and the progress of the “Trained Nurses” in our own time and country; when the care of the sick and the helpless is no longer mainly a means of reaching heaven, but is an honorable profession for earning a livelihood,- without leaving out the high incentives that naturally belong to it.

The next article was given by Mrs. [Jnillington?] Smith; and was an able review of Maurice Hewlett’s “Open Country;”- very interesting even to those of us who have not read the book, nor even a review of it. Mrs. Smith reminded us of the ancient story of Pygmalion, who made a statue, and fell in love with it. So, she said some authors, who create a character, and losing their hearts to it go on reproducing it. Bret Harte has done so,- and also, Maurice Hewlett. Maurice Hewltt’s hero seeks the “Open Country,” away from all conventionalities. He will wear a “sweater” instead of a coat. He does not think himself irreligious,- but he has


many objects of worship. He goes abroad; and, for two years his family does not hear of him. Then he comes back,- determined to make England a garden. Botany and his own kind of anarchy are his fads. But another one seems to be adopted, when he meets a young goddess, and unconsciously falls to adoring her. He comes into the belief that a woman’s only art is womanliness. But the goddess falls in love with another man, who cannot marry her. She appeals to her worshiper to sustain her- against her own family- in giving her life to the man she loves. Then his professed philosophy is in conflict with his heart and intuitions of divinity. Mrs. Smith seemed to leave us to believe that his philosophy goes down in the fight, as she tells us that the author records his after meeting with his hero, with a dress-coat on,- perhaps a shabby one, but still one that could pass muster in company. The suggestion is given, also, that the hero may have discovered that dykes are useful,- to keep out overwhelming seas.

The next article was by Miss H. C. Cooper; and was: “A Book Chat.” Miss Cooper told of some books which she has


kindly placed on our Bulletin Board- and which she thought would interest her fellow members. Among others she spoke of “Romantic Germany,”- “Edgworth and Her Critics;” “The Land of the Blue Flower,” by Mrs. Frances Hodgeon Burnett, and “The Eye and the Hand” by our own member, Miss Duvall. She also reminded us of the very interesting article in the World’s Work, but our member Mrs. Wrenshall Markland, on Sir Moses Ezekiel, the American sculptor in Italy. Mrs. Wrenshall Markland had visited Ezekiel’s studio in Rome, and had reproduced some admirable features, by description and by illustration. Her article had been reprinted in the Sunday “Sun.”

The President spoke of some books that she had lately enjoyed reading. First: “Charlotte Mary Young. An appreciation;” by Ethel Romanes. Miss Wrenshall spoke of the people who remember Miss Young as the author of “The Heir of Redcliffe;” and “The Daisy Chain;” but do not know of her life, her influence, and especially of her real historical work and writings. Her series of articles called “Cameos of English History,” her “History


of Christian Names,” and many other works were recalled to us extending over more than forty years of Miss Young’s literary life until her ddeath in 1898. Mrs. Wrenshall spoke of “Stalica[?],” by William Roscoe Thayer, containing fourteen essays on Italian subjects; also of Edward de Vere’s “Castles in England.” The President spoke also of Mr. Edmund L. Didier’s new book: “The Poe Cult,” as of special interest, and a contribution to the Poe literature, written by a Baltimorean, one who was acquainted with the Poe family, and with the circumstances of the life of the poet himself.

The President thanked Miss Latane and her Committee for the interesting programme given us;- and declared the meeting adjourned.



To the Memory of Anne Weston Whitney,


Mrs. John C. Wrenshall.

(Incorporated in minutes of November 9th 1909.)



Since we assembled here last Tuesday


we have learnt of one of our members passing to her eternal happiness.

Miss Anne Weston Whitney of Maryland for many years a resident of Baltimore, but for some years living in New York.

This change of residence was made reluctantly, and in response to the call of duty to which she never closed her ears; illness of a close relative living there was the first cause of the move, which, Alas! was soon followed by her own rapidly failing health, preventing the return for which we all hoped.

In her sister’s home in that city she was surrounded with all that was beautiful and appreciative of herself, yet she ever retained the earnest desire to again take up the Club work to which she had long lent her efforts, efforts which had unquestionably been an important factor in its success. During the entire time that she lived in Baltimore she labored faithfully for its advancement in many directions and in the consequently varying duties. She held office for several terms each as Director in the Board of Management Corresponding Secretary, as Second and First Vice-


President; and was also Chairman of the Committees on “The Study of Early English,” of the Committee on Science, and of Ethnology.

In every way she won all hearts by the strength and the sweetness of her character, alike with respect and admiration for the brightness of her talents and her efficiency in discharging all that she undertook.

Through the years in which I had the privilege of intimate association with her she ever gave herself in cheerful devotion, she was never too busy or too tired to answer to any call involving the interests of the Club, always so close to her heart, the Club she loved so dearly. In the emergencies, that will arise, she helped me with many a programme, even in times of sickness of those nearest and dearest to her; and later in her own lessening strength, she never failed to bring forward her own Committee on its appointed date.

Upon its programmes the influence of the singularly analytical and penetrating quality of her intellect, was marked in the suggestion, both consciously and


unconsciously of unique lines of development as well as in stimulating progress in others by the inspiration of her enthusiasm. But not only in the Club was her personality felt, her sympathies and helpfulness of nature often reached out beyond its boundaries. With her home duties, her church duties, her club duties, the feebleness and long illness of her Mother to whom she was most tenderly and devotedly attached, there was still room for more in her large heart. For out little brothers of the air she stood in the front rank in the organization of the Audubon Society of Maryland, and was its Corresponding Secretary.

She was primarily the founder of the Maryland Folklore Society, and upon her fell the greater part of the work which center in the position of the Corresponding Secretary, which office she held.

In the collection of the Folk-Lore of our State she was indefatigable, and largely through her efforts was brought together a most valuable collection of the untutored science and homely wisdom


of our State; giving insight into the origin, customs, and early conditions in the settlement of Maryland, a wealth of material which it was her ardent hope to formulate and publish in book form. At this she worked long and faithfully and to the end.

Miss Whitney wrote and published much of beauty and value, an astonishing amount when it is remembered how varied were the demands upon her time, and how the sword of her spirit was wearing the sheath of her frail physical organization. She wrote with great ease, her ideas flowing quickly, brightly, naturally, her vivid originality and control of the metaphysical analysis of every situation ever in evidence; her power of testing the human pulse of motive was acute, her sympathy strong and tender. Miss Whitney’s articles, stories, poems and essays found ready publication in many periodicals, some few [underlined] of which I give you; viz.,

“The American Baptist Publication Society,”

"The Children's New Church Magazine,"

“Forest and Stream,”

“New England Magazine,”

“Cottage Hearth,”


“The Independent,”

“Modern Language Notes,”

“The Christian Enquirer,”

“The New-York Observer,”

“Frank Leslie,”

“The Household Monthly,” &c, &c, &c.

She wrote by request many stories for the American Tract House, New York, and for other publishers.

Of the stories written by request, I remember one autumn when she received letters asking for twenty Christmas stories for children. How much that meant!!! in the glorious opportunity for extending her beautiful influence. This was only one instance of the many in which her gentle hand was held out to draw human soul toward the shining path that tends upward, and to shelter those whom she might, with the mantle of her exquisitely pure thought.

It would be impossible to say too much of this wonderful, loving and deeply loved woman. She was high minded, generous, self-denying; ignoring herself she thought only of others, and she dwelt in the beauty and strength


of truth. Death was for her Translation.

All who knew her will ever honor, love, and keep green her memory.


The 663rd Meeting. [November 23rd 1909]

Reported by Mrs. R. B. Bowie.

The 663rd meeting of the Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore was held on Tuesday, November 23rd, 1909, in the assembly room, Academy of Sciences Building. The programme was given by the Committee on Foreign Languages, Miss Marie E. Perkins, Chairman. Owing to the absence from illness the Recording Secretary, the minutes of the meeting of October 26th were not read- the notes of the present one being kindly taken by Mrs. R. B. Bowie. The President gave notice that there were no announcements.

The first article of the programme was given by Miss Nellie C. Williams. It was her translation of “White Face- a Fable,” from the German of Rudolph Baumbach. It described a village shooting festival with the picturesque figures of the Shooting Guild; the drinking booths; the peasants dancing in a chain, and


diversions. Into this moving, colorful throng there came a slender, beautiful girl accompanied by a gray bearded man, her father and a dark young man his woodman. The village maidens gather around, wrinkling their faces at the sight of this beautiful rival. But soon all eyes are attracted to the target- an eagle. It is the turn of Wetch the dark young woodman. He fired- but misses. Then the call rinds out for the next one. The gray bearded man takes the young man’s place. He fired and the body of the eagle falls. There are murmurs at this which devep into angry words for Wetch is known for a wonderful shot. He is accused of missing the target intentionally. “The sly fox leaves the shots for the old man,” is the cry; and there is talk of marking his back with hot ashes. Then someone tells of a marksman, hardly earthly, who had been seen to shoot the leaves off a three leaved clover with three shots.

“That is child’s play,” cries Wetch.

“What? If you can do for that, you can ask of me what you will!” cried the old gray beard.

“Father!” cries out the beautiful girl



“And if I do not succeed,- what then?” asks Wetch.

“That you will go as far away from here as your feet will carry you,” replies the girl.

Soon after it is the summer solstice and the eve of the trial of Wetch’s skill. Margarita, the girl, is heart sick; and in her woe talks to her beautiful white goat at milking time. To her surprise “White Face,” the goat, replies, and bids her not to be down cast. The next day the trial comes off. The villagers gather around. A clover leaf growing conveniently near the stable door is tacked up; and Wetch hardly appearing to take aim fires three shots. The leaves are punctured and Wetch turns to the shrinking Margarita;- when a cry arises: “Wetch, you have lost!”

Sure enough one leaf still remains. A four leaf clover had been cunningly pinned up by Margarita; but Wetch [“she is good.” Written beneath this line] does not know this. And Margarita knew.

The second paper was “La Gioconda,” translated from the Italian of “Ginlia Mitter” by Miss Annie Hollins. It was


full of the gloomy magnificence of the Renaissance. It told that in the year 1549 Malipierre had been sent by the Doge and the Council of Ten of Venice to govern Padua. Four years before he, Malipierre had married Caterina, a beautiful aristocrat of Venice. It had been a marriage of convenience; and while he did not love his beautiful wife, he was insanely jealous of her. He, Malipierre, is really enamored of a beautiful young actress, La Gioconda, At a fête given by Gioconda Malipierre taxes her with caring for some one else unknown to him. “That is Brother Rodolpho,” she declares; although it is really the man she love. “I am a woman of the people,” she tells Malipierre, “I remember accompanying my mother when she sang in the streets of Venice. Later, one terrible day, a senator, hearing my mother singing had her seized for some treasonable words she has uttered. My poor mother was in despair. I was about to be torn from her side, when, by the pleading of a little girl, she was restored to me. My mother in her gratitude gave to her rescuer her much


prized crucifix, engraved with her name.” La Gioconda tells Malipierre her gratitude will never die; and that she means to find the child, now grown to womanhood, if she can. “But how?” asks Malipierre. “By my mother’s crucifix,” she replies.

Malipierre then confidentially tells her that nothing, even the most secret thing is unknown to the terrible Council of Ten. The palaces, the houses of the aristocracy, are full of secret staircases labyrinths that swarm with the agents of the Council of Ten; and that while he, Malipierre is really the tyrant of Padua, he is the slave of Venice. While they are speaking, Malipierre notices a troubadour, his guitar slung across his shoulder, fast asleep in a seat in the garden. “Who is that?” asks Malipierre. “I see only a man who sleeps most comfortably.” Replies La Gioconda, carelessly.

Later this man Onodei, who is a spy of the Council of Ten, tells Rodolpho whom La Gioconda loves, that he, Rodolpho, loves not Gioconda, but Caterina, a beautiful Venitian; and he describes to Rodolpho his anguish upon her marriage; and Rodolpho is obliged


acknowledge the truth of it.

One night two maid servants of Caterina are discussing in their lady’s boudoir the events of the day. Gradually they discuss the more private affairs of the family. “Hush!” cries one warningly. “Oh we are safe enough here,” says the other. But the words are no sooner uttered than a huge mirror swings around, and Onodei with sign C di X of the Council of Ten bounds into the room. Behind him is Rodolpho. The maids with shrieks leave the chamber. Caterina enters, and hearing the voice of her lover Rodolpho falls down fainting. La Gioconda, who in turn had followed him here calls for Malipierre. But before he comes she sees her mother’s crucifix, and realizes that Caterina is the little girl who saved her mother’s life. La Gioconda conceals Rodolpho, and tries to deceive Malipierre when he appears. But Malipierre when he appears. But Malipierre orders the death of her whom he now believes his unfaithful wife; and he sends for the priest of San Antonio de Padua that she may confess her sins before she dies. La Gioconda tells Mali-


pierre that she has a poison that will answer as well as the executioner. This is really a harmless sleeping draught. Caterina drinks it and falls into a deep sleep that counterfeits death; and La Gioconda secretly takes her to her home. Rodolpho finds this out; and believing La Gioconda the murderess he takes her life. When Caterina awakes he hears her voice, and realizes his mistake. But La Gioconda passes away praying benedictions upon Rodolpho and Caterina.

The last paper was: “The Brigand and the Duchess,” translated from the French of Edmund About, by Miss Elizabeth C. Nicholas. Miss Nicholas said, when she read it she felt that the depravity of man might make any woman a suffragette. But Mrs. Wrenshall was inclined to give man credit for reformation and improvement. The story read by Miss Nicholas seemed to have lost nothing by her translation. It told of the Duchess of Plaisance. There had been a story of this Duchess having been while traveling in Greece, help up on the road by a notorious brigand, named Bibichi. Bibichi was


a brigand not from depravity but from revenge. It is hinted that the unfortunate Bibichi had troubles at home. The narrator endeavors to make the Duchess tell of her adventure with the brigands. But she avoids it. She tells him one story of an inscription on a statue, and another about the dogma of the pope’s infallibility. Again he speaks of the brigands; and she insists upon making quotations from Lamartune and Victor Hugo. “Madam has a wonderful memory,” says the narrator “Yes,” pensively answers Madam, “I remember too much.” She begins to talk about the danger of being buried alive, and continues that gruesome speech. At last a friend appears, to whom she is forced to tell the story of the brigands. “Yes, I really was,” she said, “molested by brigands.” They demanded, it seemed, a tremendous sum for ransom, but one of her train seeing, from a distance her plight, summoned the police. When the brigands found this out, they met a peasant in


the road. “We were attacked by brigands,” they tell him. “Yes, I rather think it was a brigand,” he answers. “It was a sons perfect [underlined] on his travels.”

After thanking Miss Perkins, and the ladies of her Committee for their interesting programme, the President declared the meeting adjourned.


The 664 Meeting. [November 30, 1909]

The 664th meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore took place in their rooms in the Maryland Academy of Sciences on the afternoon of the 30th of November 1909. The President, Mrs. Wrenshall, announced the programmes for the ensuing month: on the seventh that of the Committee on Essays and Essayists, Mrs. Sidney Turner, Chairman; on the fourteenth the Committee on the Literature of the Bible, Mrs. Alan Smith, Chairman; the meeting of the twenty-first occuring [occurring] in Christmas week, would be omitted, while that of the twenty eight will be the first open evening meeting of the Winter, when a musicale would be given by Dr. Harry Hop


kins, assisted by Professor Anradis and a vocalist. The President also announced that Mrs. Frederic Tyson had been expected to give a talk upon Current Topics upon this Salon afternoon, but was prevented as she was suffering from [large blank space] In this emergency she had called upon two members of the Club, Mrs. Bowie and Miss Atwater, who had promptly responded, and would read selections from their work already accepted for publication.

The programme for the day was opened by Mrs. Robert Bowie, who read a graphic story dealing with conditions as they exist among working girls. The heroine, one of the class who "sold hats has been invited by a young man who has shown interested in her and who belongs to a higher social class,--to attend the opera; and the comments of her fellow saleswomen--some of them filled envy and malace [malice], others with sympathy born of human kindness--follow as her simple preparations for the great occasion arouse their attention. The worthy ambition of Eleanor Branham to elevate and educate herself above the mean surroundings of her position, her self


denial and bravery under discouragement and privation, and the absence of her undeclared lover in the [large blank space]: her of temptation which came to her, when physically weak and worn through her efforts for the highest and purest in life, and her happy release from all these trials through the return of her hero--her husband to be--all this was brought out vividly and sympathetically in Mrs. Bowie's story.

Miss Atwater's poem was brief, much of pathos compressed within its few lines, and beginning:

"With faltering steps I climb the garret stairs." A year had passed since the teller of the tale had entered what was now a "sacred place." Here hang in the cob-webbed attic "school by trophies", "a chair--a cot, and that is all!" The touching verses reveal the aching heart as the closing cry is uttered:

"Why should I weep just for an empty room?" Miss Atwater kindly reread the poem by request of the President, who returned thanks to Mrs. Bowie and Miss Atwater for the pleasure they had given the members of the Club; and invited all to linger for conversation and coffee, which invitation was unanimously accepted.



The 665th Meeting. [December 7, 1909]

The 665th meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held on Tuesday, December 7th, 1909, in the assembly room, Academy of Sciences Building. The programme was under the charge of the Committee on Essays and Essayists, Mrs. Sidney Turner, Chairman. The President called the meeting to order; and the minutes of the meeting of November 30th were read by the First Vice President, Mrs. Jordan Stabler, who had kindly prepared them in the absence of the Recording Secretary.

The President announced that there would be no meeting of the Club on December 21st. The meeting of December 28th would be the first open evening meeting of the present season. It would be a musical meeting, beginning at 8:15, P.M.; and there would be a recital by Mr. Harry Patterson Hopkins, assisted by Mr. Conradi and Miss Greenwood. Requests for invitations should be sent to Mrs. P. R. Uhler, Corresponding Secretary, 254 W. Hoffman St.

The President called attention to the motto at the head of the pro-


gramme of this afternoon: "Constantly striving to make our better best;" and said it was especially applicable to our Committee on Essays and Essayists.

The first article of the programme was given by Mrs. P.R. Uhler, an was called: "Changes". Mrs. Uhler spoke of the changes in this old earth of ours, before it was made ready for the abode of man; and of those changes recorded upon its pre-historic, and in later times. She told of the changes in man himself, and in his capacity and achievements,--from the Palaeolithic and Neolithic ages,--with his first tools, weapons and pottery to his dawning civilization. She spoke of the earth's changes with regard to the human race and its works; of the polar regions once warmer, and the warm regions once colder than we find them now. She went on to speak of the wonderful temples and monuments erected in what are now hot countries, by their ancient inhabitants, who would seem to have been more vigorous and original than the present dwellers in their lands. Mrs. Uhler told of the changes that mean progress; which is evident to us in the great discoveries, inventions and achieve-


ments, even within the memories of men and women now living, and profiting by them. She spoke of the laws of change and progress, which bind us together, and make each one of us "our" brother's keeper in the changes yet to come.

The next article was by Miss Elizabeth Lester Mullin, and was on "The City that Romulus Built." Miss Mullin's article showed great and patient research in going over the early myths and traditions concerning the Eternal City,--the questions that have never been answered, and the theories that have been advanced and defended regarding its origin, life and growth. She spoke of the old persistent story of the wolf, of the alleged divine origin of the founder--who never seems to have told anything about the love letters between his mother and the god Mars. She spoke of the shepherds from Alba Longa, who were obliged to fortify their folds against aggressive neighbors. She went on to the exiles from Troy and to the Etruscan and Greek influence upon the colony. Romulus, she said, was pre-historic, but he is the personification of the Roman spirit and the Rome


of the Popes is the success of the Rome of Caesars, and the Rome of the Caesars is the growth from the city that Romulus built.

The President spoke of having seen in Rome the hut of the tufa called the home of Romulus; and of the great interest taken in the present excavations in relation to the ancient traditions.

The next article was by Mrs. George K. McGaw, and was called: 
Only an Acre." Mrs. McGaw spoke of what we find when we go back to Nature, for each one's own part of what she has to give her children. The so-called senseless piece of earth is not "only a clod." There is life of the plant and the animal, there is order an direction, color and symmetry, history and significance in it. She spoke of the struggle of the plants to live, of the seeming intelligence of the root and stem, leaf and branch. She told of the law of sacrifice that pervade all life, of virtues and vices of defence [defense] against enemies, of love and careful helpfulness that appeal to us from every acre of ground around us.

The next article was by Miss H. F. Cooper, and was called "Opportunity." Miss Cooper


spoke of the Opportunities that knock at our doors, and sometimes find them unopened. Sometimes an opportunity for a great work comes, and no proper tool is at hand. Sometimes the open door closes, the ship on the way does not come in, and success is lost. It has to meet recognition, and be truly taken in. It has been said that "man's extremity is God's opportunity." And sometimes the mistakes of yesterday may be the help of to-morrow. Miss Cooper read a poem of a sculptor whose vision of an angel became not a dream, but a reality, as angel visitors may sometimes be recognized and abide with us.

The next article was by Mrs. Sidney Turner, and was on "Mirrors." It was read for her by Miss Butler. Mrs. Turner spoke of being in a room whose walls were covered with mirrors, and of the mental confusion of seeing ones self from all different angles, and points of view. Mirrors sometimes seem to give us startling revelations. She reminded us that we all live in glass houses, and that according to Scripture no one liveth to himself.


At the close of her article Mrs Turner read us "A Quotation." It was from the paper "Life," "On that Form of Hurting Called ‘The Essay'." It seemed to represent the Essayist as a personified college education, exploiting his opinions, not knowing whether he is giving them to a saloon keeper or to a Woman's Christian Temperance body. But just the same it does not make any difference at all.

The President thanked Mrs. Turner and her Committee for their excellent programme--each article having its own individuality. She said she felt she were telling tales out of school; but she must say with regard to Miss Mullin's article what she is too modest to indicate. Miss Mullin has taken the courses of study in ancient history at Harvard College Annex,--and we can recognize the result in what she has given us at this meeting.

Mrs. Wrenshall then said we had now a distinguished guest with us, introduced by our former member Mrs. Taliaferro, from whom we are always glad to hear. She was Miss Barbee of Danville, Kentucky, a writer and reciter of dialect stories, and she had consented to give us one of them. Miss


Barbee gave us the news of Sis Mirandy, an old black "Mammy" on Thanksgiving Day. She says that "the President has done give ous" one day for Thanksgiving; but her friends want to know what they are to give thanks for. One has just had twins, and never did think forty-eleven children were anything to be thankful for. But Mirandy thinks he ought to be thankful for not having triplets. One woman says her husband is a good man, but never can make any money. Mirandy says she outght to be thankful he is not life the white men who go off and marry actress ladies. Another has "one of them diseases they call chronic with a name to bust the dictionary." The complaints come so fast that Mirandy tries to prove that troubles are things to be thankful for. Miss Barbee's dialect was perfect, and she brought out the unconscious humor of the negro admirably. The President said we thanked Mrs. Taliaferro for introducing her to us. Miss Barbee said she, also, is thankful for the introduction.

The meeting was adjourned.



The 666th Meeting. [December 14, 1909]

The 666th meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held on Tuesday, December 14th, 1909, in the assembly room, Academy of Sciences Building. This meeting was under the direction of the Committee on the "Literature of the Bible," Mrs. Alan P. Smith, Chairman.

The President, Mrs. Wrenshall called the meeting to order; and the Recording Secretary read the deferred minutes of November 16th--those of the "Current Criticism" meeting, and also the minutes of December 7th, those of the meeting of the Committee on "Essays and Essayists."

The President repeated the announcement of the omission of the Club meeting on December 21st. She then gave the notice of the first open meeting of the Club on the 28th of December, 1909, and also of our annual Twelfth Night celebration, to be held this season on January 4th, 1910.

The first article of the programme was by Miss Annie Hollins and was on "The Old Testament World." Miss Hollins said the character and history of a people are largely determined by the


nature of the land in which it lives, and this is especially true of the Semetic race. Even now we see the difference between the small Jew of modern Jerusalem, after living for centuries under despotism; and the tall handsome Jew of Spanish descent, whose ancesters [ancestors] lived long under different conditions. Miss Hollins described the world as known to the Hebrews, and to contiguous nations, --the back ground of the Old Testament. This limited territory, chiefly in South-western Asia, of triangular form, bounded on the west by the Mediterranean, on the east by the Zagros Mountains, and its southern base seeming from the head of the Persian Gulf to the head of the Red Sea, and on to the Nile river, looking out to the Great Desert. Its centre was the Arabian Desert, in its eastern part, a treeless pasture land, the natural home of the nomad. There were also rivers that brought down rich deposits of earth; there was clay to make bricks for the building of temples, palace and fortresses. Miss Hollins described the other resources of the inhabitants of this old world. She


told of the nations into which they were divided, of their development and the advanced civilization they attained especially among the chosen people through whom we have their and our Old Testament.

The next article was by Miss Ellen Duvall, and was on "The Strong Man." Miss Duvall's article was read by Mrs. E. E. Fayerweather. Miss Duvall brought before us the strong man in history and myth; and especially in the great ancient religions. She spoke of their ideals of the strong man; the Greek Herculese [Hercules]; the Norse "Thunder" Thor; and the Hebrew Samson. The early worship of physical force is recognized in the story of each one but there is a difference in qualities. Of Hercules she was glad to recall the instance where he is strong to save and restore, in the beautiful story of Alkestis, as told by Euripides, and later by Browning. We were reminded that Homer makes the Greeks besieging Troy listen to the counsels of Nestor as well as to those of Ajax. She went on to speak of the Norse Hercules, Thor, the heath Thunderer, and resistless conquorer [conqueror].


Miss Duvall suggested that the football contests of our own days seem more fitting for the votaries of the Pagan Thor then for the representatives of Christian civilization. But Thor, the Hammerer and Destroyer was at least never never accredited with the wholesale slanters of the Hindoo Destroyer Siva. The Hebrew Samson was, Miss Duvall said, the most human of these three typical strong men. He suffers for his sins, but he is an heroic figure for all time. After recalling his career, she said that he is not the Greek or Roman hero of art and literature, but he is more in touch with the life that is spiritual and everlasting.

At the close of Miss Duvall's article, the President suggested that we should send to her at her home in Norfolk, our thanks for her paper; and the Christmas greetings of her fellow members. Mrs. Turner made the notion, and it was passed unanimously, but a rising vote. Mrs. Uhler, Corresponding Secretary, was requested to convey to Miss Duvall the thanks and greetings of the Club.

The next article was by Mrs. Alan P. Smith, and was on the "Evidences of Educa-


tional Advantages in the Patriarchal Days." Mrs. Smith introduced her subject by erudite review of the world's most ancient educational advantages and culture, and their resultant literature, which have been revealed to our modern research and appreciation. She told of Abraham who belonged to Ur of the Chaldees, and who evidently had all the advantages of the civilization of that wonderful people. The Chaldees are claimed as the earliest of all astronomers, mathematicians and philosophers. Abraham is also recorded as having visited Egypt,--the country of whose educational advantages we have rich and ample evidence and relics. Mrs. Smith went on to speak of Moses, learned in all the knowledge of the Egyptians,--and probably in all other knowledge attainable by him. These Patriarchs brought to the land of Canaan the advance culture of their time, but there was also found in the promised land the arts and learning of a high civilization for that age. There were even libraries and other opportunities for culture in those days of opulence and leisure,--from the Patriarchal point of view. With in-


teresting illustrations of her subject, Mrs. Smith closed her article.

The President spoke of our having followed in this meeting our usual custom of considering the Literature of the Bible as the fitting preparation for the observance of Christmas. After thanking Mrs. Smith and her Committee, the President bade her fellow members a short farewell, wishing them a merry Christmas, and a happy New Year, with many more to come.


No Meeting. [December 21, 1909]

There was no meeting of the Woman's Literary Club on Tuesday, December 21st, 1909. By a vote of the Board of Management the meeting was omitted on account of the nearness to Christmas Day.


The 667th Meeting. [December 28, 1909]

The 667th Tuesday meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was the closing salon of the year 1909, and the first open evening meeting of the season of 1909-1910. It was held on Tuesday, Dec. 38th, 1909, at 3:00 P.M. in


the assembly room, Academy of Sciences Building. This was a musical entertainment under the charge of Miss Annie Hollins, Chairman of the Committee on Music.

The musicians taking part in the programme, which announced a "piano Recital by Mr. Harry Patterson Hopkins," were Mr. Hopkins, himself, Miss Hannah Greenwood, and Mr. Austin Conradi. They were introduced in a few graceful words by the President, Mrs. Wrenshall.

Mr. Hopkins gave the piano recital, assisted by Mr. Conradi from the works of Wagner,--Chopin,--and Mosykowshi, closing with his own work, "Fantasie Pathetigne," "Opus 35," all admirably rendered, and received with appreciation and applause.

Miss Greenwood sang four songs in German and in English with great expression, sweetness and power.

Refreshments were served; and the Club and its guests enjoyed a very pleasant evening till its entirely informal adjournment.



The 668th Meeting. [January 4, 1910]

The 668th meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held on Tuesday, January 4th, 1910, in the assembly room, Academy of Sciences Building. It was the first meeting of the year 1910; and was under the direction of Miss Annie Hollins, Chairman of the Music of the Salons, and Mrs. William M. Powell, Chairman of the House Committee. It also took the place of the Club's annual Twelfth Night's festival. It was an open evening,--the invitations being extended to both ladies and gentlemen. In opening the exercises, the President appropriately gave the season's Greetings to the Club and its guests. She referred to the congenial associations and mutual advantages we find in our Club life,--and the welcome we extend to our friends.

Acknowledgment was made by the President, of the kindness of Miss Lina Stiebler, Honorary Member of the Woman's Literary Club, in proposing and securing the music given on this occasion. Through her efforts we heard the old Christmas Music,--German and Latin--finely rendered by the well trained choir of


Zion Church, Baltimore, conducted by the choirmaster, Mr. Edward Boeckner,--and also a recitation by the Pastor the Reverend Julius Hoffmann with a musical accompaniment. We listened to the traditional carols from the fourteenth century, on down to the melodies of the nineteenth century, well sung, and accompanied by oboe, clarinet and piano; and we could appreciate the sacred music and feel its meaning and inspiration.

The closing number was "The Shepherds' Lullaby", ‘Sleep Well, Thou Heavenly Child.'" words by Schubart, and music by Wachman.

The President cordially thanked our entertainers for the enjoyment they had given us. The meeting then became a reception by the Officers of the Club. Our assembly room had been decorated with Christmas colors and growing plants. Refreshments were served; and the big Twelfth Night cake was brought in with its many candles; and being cut in slices, its ring, heart, thimble, anchor, and other hidden treasures of symbolical signification were revealed to their fortunate recipients. The meeting adjourned informally.



The 669th Meeting. [January 11, 1910]

The 669th meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held on Tuesday, January 11th, 1910, in the assembly room, Academy of Sciences Building. This meeting was under the charge of the Committee on Education, Mrs. R. B. Bowie, Chairman.

The President called the meeting to order; and the Recording Secretary read the minutes of December 19th, 1909. The President read the notice of the Fellowship offered by the Society for the Promotion of University Education for Women, for qualified young women students for the courses of studies of 1910 and 1911, in foreign universities. She also gave notice of a course of lectures to be given by the Rev. Dr. Huckel. She spoke of the great advantages of hearing this distinguished speaker and scholar of our own city.

The first article of the programme was given by Miss Nellie C. Williams, and was called "Light Denied." Miss Williams began by quoting the pathetic cry of John Milton in his Sonnet on his blindness: Doth God exact day labor,--Light Denied!" She spoke of sight,


the sense on which we most depend for day labor; and all that our eyes tell and give and make [no?]. She spoke of the differences between those blind from birth, and those who have once known light. The proportion of blind people in our population was reported to be about one in one thousand. She spoke of the blind beggar more known to fame in former days than now; though in Spain and Arabia, and some other Eastern countries, there are still hordes of them. But modern civilization and philanthrophy [philanthropy] have done much to improve their lot,--especially to educate them. Miss Williams described the first systematic efforts for the education of blind children as having been made in France by Valentine Hüey in 1781. He was obliged at first not only to take children who could not pay for schooling, but even to pay some of them for coming to school. She went on to describe the great advances made in teaching the blind to read; and the different systems employed for this purpose;--as the raised letters, shorthand, and the present system called Point. There are a large number of


books published now in point and even a magazine carried on in it. She told of the successful blind stenographers. She told, too, of forty-one blind schools in this country,--with 4,500 pupils. She went on to tell of their piano tuning, and of the successful cultivation of music, especially among those who are gifted with musical talent of appreciation,--mentioning three pupils who have received the certificates of our Peabody Institute, and the graduates of other colleges. She spoke of blind musicians from Blind Tour on to greater names. She described the industrial work of the blind; the making of baskets, brooms, rugs; weaving, knitting, and many more useful, and also more elaborate and delicate accomplishments. Of course pictorial art is a sealed book to them. But they have generally good memories, and the power to think clearly; also a concentration, the effect of freedom from the interruptions our eyes make to our minds. She spoke of the so-called sixth sense, and the delicate perception that seems to warn them of obstructions or impending collisions when guiding themselves alone.


Many of them resent any reference to their different of seeing people. Blind children are often a jolly crew, and their disability is apt to be less depressing than that of the totally deaf. Miss Williams spoke of the blind people whose names are familiar to us by reason of the great work they have done, from Homer and Milton, to Laura Bridgeman, Senator Gore and Helen Keller.

The next article was by Miss Harriet P. Marine, a new member who was welcomed to our platform. Miss Marine's article was called "The History of Elocution in Baltimore." She spoke of the small attention that seems to have been given in Baltimore to the element of Dramatic Art in education. She spoke of the earlier days of Baltimore, and of the statesmen and political leaders whose oratory was declamatory, and who were the models for the rising generation of that time. Afterwards came the days of monotony in school recitations, when they fell against a stone wall, and Mars and Jupiter seemed to melt into the milky way. Miss Marine told of the different schools of expression as we know


them now; declamatory or forceful, mechanical, realistic or artistic. Under the symbols of blocks and colors she described poetically the lights and shades; the forms and limits of the various developments of the art of reading in our school. She spoke of the Western High school, and the Shafestbury and Bard Avon Schools of Expression. She then read Browning's poem "Confessions"; first, in the style of the ordinary reader, then in the styles of the three schools mentioned,--closing with the Bard Avon. She gave us fine reading, and it was appreciated by her listeners.

The next article was by Miss Marie Turner, and was on "Mediaeval Schools and Universities." Miss Turner said her subject was so large she could only give a few facts with regard to it. She spoke of the devastation made by the rude Northern tribes who swept down upon Rome in the fifth century,--and of their influence continuing for centuries afterwards. But with the priesthood, and in the monasteries, the light of learning was kept burning. She told of the enthusiasm for learning--both sacred and secular,


that arose in Ireland, and was maintained for the benefit of other lands also. She went on to the early schools of England, and to the work of the great Bede King Alfred in the eighth century, and of others of like distinction. She told of the schools of Germany and Italy. She spoke of Albertus Magnus, Roger Bacon, and of their contemporaries and followers. But, with perhaps more interest, she spoke of the learned women of those old days. She spoke of many a covenent [covenant] where the Abbess was of noble or even royal blood, and very often a great scholar, leading her own community and others outside of it to intellectual as well as spiritual advancement. Many ladies in the castles of those days were the mental equals of their lords, and in the absence of their husbands, they ruled their homes and dependents, working for the good of all around them. Miss Turner told the names and deeds attainments of many of these women of mediaeval times, good to remember and admire.

The last article was by Mrs. Robert B. Bowie, and was on "Educational Ten-


dencies in America, Mrs. Bowie described the late and up-to-date system of teaching in which the old fashion of studying the so-called three R's of our ancestors is replaced by the association of ideas. For instance; an apple is given the child to contemplate and then the word is placed on the board and the child learns the five letters together as the name of the fruit wherever it is seen. For a small vocabulary this may be useful, but for many words and ideas it is a failure. Mrs. Bowie told of the word Iliad being mentioned one day; when no child could spell it or define it till one little girl's mental association led her to say she thought it something about being sick. Such teaching rests on an insecure foundation. Mrs. Bowie said there are indications of a return to the older systems,--in part at least. She spoke of the elective system in which a boy of seventeen may be allowed to choose what branches he wishes to study,--being given to a boy what ought to be choice of a post graduate. Religious education is neglected now, in forgetfulness of human


nature of man’s soul and body. We do not like all the systems marked "Made in Germany," or elsewhere. We are a young nation but we can have our own conservatism and wisdom if we evolve them from fortitude, breadth, and magnanimity.

The President thanked Mrs. Bowie and her Committee for the fine programme. After pleasant comments she adjourned the meeting.


The 670th Meeting. [Jan. 18, 1910]

The 670th meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held on Tuesday, January 18th, 1910. The programme was given by the Committee on Fiction, Mrs. Percy M. Reese, Chairman. The President called the meeting to order, and the Recording Secretary read the minutes of the meeting of January 11th. The President spoke of our disappointment with regard to a contribution to our programme by Miss Duvall which had no t arrived, but which we hope to receive for a later meeting.

The first article of the programme was given by Mrs. Percy M. Reese, and


was called "Fra Marco's Madonna." Mrs. Reese's story told of an Episcopal minister in New York, a widower, with an only daughter, Helena, a girl who was very beautiful, admired and courted, very religious, and her father's idol. At the age of twenty-three she announced her conversion to the Roman Catholic Church, and shortly afterwards, her fixed intention of entering a convent. Hoping by change of scene to alter the latter's determination, her father and a maternal aunt took her to Europe. The girl said no unusual circumstances had caused her decision, only convictions which were unalterable. After travelling in England, and on the Continent, the little party came to Rome, and all enjoyed the scenes and associations of the Eternal City. One expedition was, of course, to the Catacombs. After a charming drive they arrived at the entrance leading to the tombs. After inscribing their names in the visitors' book, they were given to the care of a Trappist monk, who, while on this duty could speak to those under his charge. After arriving in the subterranean chambers, the guide


turned to look at the party and suddenly dropped his torch, which went out. He called to them to keep close and to keep still, until he re-lighted his torch, which being done, the little procession went on. After a general account of the visit, we were told of the arrival outside, at a small chapel which Helena declined to enter, saying, "I will rest here, and not go inside." The others after entering, saw over the little altar the Madonna pictured with the perfect face of Helena herself. Then the guide, Fra Marco, told his story, revealing why he had dropped his light. He had been, he said, an artist when he was in the world; and after he became a monk he was given the duty of painting the Madonna for this little church. He had tried to find one to copy, or to paint one for himself, but had failed to discover his ideal, until one night in a vision, the face he wanted to see appeared to him,--and did not fade from his memory until he had painted it. And now he had seen it in reality. When the others returned to her, Helena asked no questions. Not long after coming home her


father died. Afterwards Helena said, "I know it was my picture over the altar, and I would not go in. I stayed outside to pray. And then she went to the convent where her life was prayer.

The next article was by Mrs. Edward Lee Ashley, and was called "The Swan's Song." Mrs. Ashley was welcomed on her first appearance to give us an article of her own, though she had kindly read one before for another member. Mrs. Ashley's story told of a father with an only son, a motherless boy, whose life had been physically blighted by an accident in childhood; but who lived to early manhood developing his beautiful, refined and spiritual mind and soul in spite of his frail body. The father appreciated, and almost idolized his son and seemed almost to forget his disabilities while trying to make him happy. The boy from his window, had long watched the coming and going of a lovely schoolgirl, and had by accident learned her name and address. Her personality at a short distance became a part of his daily life, for years, and his silent love became a part of his soul. She was


away for a time and he seemed to live on her memory. Then his recognition of his soul mate found utterance in song. He wrote of the Dream Girl, whose spiritual presence seemed to answer the asking of his heart. He knew that this was his Swan Song, but he published it in a magazine. trusting that it would go where it was meant to be. And soon her letter came to him, the answer he had looked for, and he was sure that they two had rounded out the true soul life that could not fail or be lost. He took his father into his confidence, being sure that his own prophecy of the Swan's Song was being fulfilled, as it soon was. Then his father sent to tell the one he loved of his death. But the messenger came back to say that she had died two days before. The Swan's Song was for both of them.

The next article was by Miss Emily Paret Atwater, and was called: "The Liar's Corner." Miss Atwater described a party of tourists, seeking relief from tropical heat on the veranda of a hotel;--some playing bridge, and


others asking for a story from an American Judge. He was seated in a shady nook which had formerly been the favorite seat of a sea-captain, whose marvelous tales of ship and shore had gained his resting place the name of the "Liar's Corner." And now the Judge, perhaps by reason of the eternal fitness of things, had fallen into the same situation and was soon appropriately proceeding to a tale unfold. It interested his hearers,--all except his daughter Nora, who alone was unattentive. He told of a pair of young people whose course of true love did not run with the perfect smoothness, although the young lady's father favored the lover's suit. But like Mark Tapley who said he "would have come out uncommon jolly, if circumstances only would a let him," circumstances again were adverse. He had amiably undertaken the care of a Spanish American lady and her five children on her journey from the West Indies to New York, and found the whole helpless party stranded and landed upon him after his arrival there. He was placed in the most absurd and embarrassing positions


before the eyes of the young lady he most wished to please, and the Judge described the remarkable expedients used for bringing things to rights again. But before he could finish his daughter Nora broke her studied silence and told how the girl herself was perfectly able to see through all of the apparent confusion of circumstances, and set everything right herself. That it was her own story, was soon seen, which was confirmed byt he sudden and unexpected arrival on the scene of her young lover,--whose personality entirely fitted the occasion. From among the listeners the lady bridge fiend said to the doctor, that Nora got the best of it; and asked if he thought the Judge had lied in his version of it. "I think they both did a little," was his answer.

The President thanked Mrs. Reese and her Committee for their programme. The meeting was then adjourned.


The 671st Meeting. [Jan. 25, 1910]

The 671st meeting of the Woman's Literary Club took place on


Tuesday, January 25th, 1910 in the assembly room, Academy of Sciences Building. This meeting was under the direction of Miss Annie Hollins, Chairman of the Committee on the Literature of Music. The President called the meeting to order, and the Recording Secretary read the minutes of the meeting of January 18th. The President announced the subjects for the programme for the month of February: On the meeting of February 1st, Current Criticism, Miss Latane Chairman; on the 8th, Fiction, Mrs. Percy Reese Chairman; on the 15th, The Drama, Miss Virginia Cloud Chairman; on the 22nd, Colonial and Revolutionary History, Mrs. Thomas Hill Chairman,--and the Salon.

The President also announced that at the second open evening meeting of the season, we will have a lecture by Dr. Richardson, who comes to Baltimore from England, and who is a Doctor of Music of Oxford University, and is eminent also in Literature. She hoped those members who desire their friends outside of the Club to have the privilege of hearing Dr. Richardson's lecture will send their applications for cards of invita-


tion to our Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Uhler as soon as possible.

The first article of the programme was given by Miss Annie Hollins, and was the History of Music in England. Mrs. Hollins spoke of the former belief among musical historians that the earliest school of regular musical composition was the first Flemish school; But researches made in the last century have proved conclusively that at least two advanced schools of such composition exist in England long before the birth of Flemish musical art. The first English school reached its highest point in the early years of the thirteenth century. Its most important record yet discovered is a manuscript of chants and melodies from the Benedictine monastery at Reading, now in the British museum, written by a monk who was living in 1236. There are extant, also, four more compositions of the same early school. The second school is represented ina  record known as The Cambridge Roll, containing carols and patriotic songs. One of its songs is a paean of history after the battle of Agincourt in 1415. These two English schools are


supposed to be the first founded in Europe. Musical progress was fatally retarded by the Wars of the Roses, while greater advancement was made on the Continent; the English schools were apparently lost or destroyed. The third English school belongs to the reign of Edward the Fourth. The fourth school, which followed in the sixteenth century, was equal to those of Flanders and Italy. Manuscripts belonging to it have been preserved at Oxford. The fifth school was organized by John Redford, organist of Old St. Paul's, who has been regarded as the typical English composer of the sixteenth century. One of the composers of that time was the Royal musician, Henry the Eighth, two of his works, an anthem and a carol, being preserved in the best collection of the period. Musical composition suffered later, of course, from civil wars, and especially from the iconoclastic destruction of the Roundheads. The founder of the sixth school was Sir Christopher [?Tye], about 1550, who showed freedom from the crudeness and the stiffness of the earlier composers. In the reign of Edward the sixth the liturgy and morning and evening service


of the English church were revived and arranged much as sung to the present time. Miss Hollins described the development of Music in the first quarter of the seventeenth century, in church music especially. With the giving up of the music of the Mass there was a new order of sacred music, with a distinctly English style. We were told of the discussions on the music for the one hundredth Psalm. It has been discovered in a German Psalter of 1554, but apparently as an adaptation of some older version. Congregational singing had then come into use. After the Roundhead destruction the old Cathedral service was difficult to restore. Miss Hollins quoted from the Diaries of Pepys and Evelyn on the new music. She went on to tell of Dr. Arme, author of the renowned, and to the English, imperishable air of "Rule, Britan[n]ia." She told of Henry Carey, author of "Sally in our Alley," of Charles Dibdin, author of sea shore and historic [?not sure of word], and many other eighteenth century song writers not yet forgotten. She told of the musical play, as the "Beggar's Opera, etc. She came on to Sir Henry


Bishop of whom our elders talked when some few of us were children. She spoke of the influence of Henry Percell on English music. She told of John Field, born in Dublin in 1782, but went on to London to study. At twelve years olf he played in public in a masterly style, the works of Bach and Handel. He went to St. Petersburg and became the idol of the Russians. He was so lazy that he gave lessons lying in bed, and often went to sleep. He did not leave a fortune, of course, when he died in 1837. She told of Sir William Bennett who died in 1875, and who had a distinctive style of his own. She went on to Sir Arthur Sullivan born in 1842, who began as a chorister in the Chapel Royal. The music of Sheakspear's Tempest was sung at the Crystal Palace in 1862. He was of charming personality, a universal favorite. He gained not only fame but fortune. He wrote operas, plays, overtures, and hymns,--of the last the well known "Onward Christian Soldiers" was one. He most remembered for his work in collaborations with H. G. Gilbert in the humorous operas of


"Pinafore," "Pirates of Penzance," "The Mikado," and others delightful to recall.

After the article by Miss Hollins the musical programme began, the performers being Mrs. Walter Coon, contralto and Miss Hollins herself pianist. The first number was John Field's "Nocturn" No. 8, played by Miss Hollins, Then followed an old English ballad of 1700, "Early one Morning." The next number was by Thomas Haynes Bailey--the old favorite of long ago,--"Gaily the Troubadour"--both songs were given with fine interpretation by Mrs. Coon. She next sang the old English air to the words of Ben Jonson, "Drink to one only with thine Eyes." Mrs. Coon also sang "Genevieve" as an encore.

Miss Hollins next played W. Sterndale's Opus 10, "The Fountain," and Edward Edgar's Opus 12.

Mrs. Coon next sang Michael Balfe's well known, "Then You'll Remember Me," and Molley's "Home, Dearie, Home," and Carey's "Sally in our Alley."

Miss Hollins then consented to give us "the Dances of Henry the Eighth," including the "Morris Dance," "The Shepherd


Dance, and "The Torch Dance."

The President thanked Miss Hollins and Mrs. Coon for the joys of musical song and dance; and blissful dreams of long ago. The meeting was adjourned, but before breaking up, Mrs. Coon again favored us with the old favorite, "Sally in Our Alley," which was well appreciated.


The 672nd Meeting. [Feb. 1, 1910]

The 672nd meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore took place on Tuesday, February 1st, 1910, in their assembly room, Academy of Sciences Building. This meeting was under the direction of the Committee on Current Criticism, Miss Lucy Temple Latané Chairman.

The President called the meeting to order, and the Recording Secretary read the minutes of the meeting of January 25th. The President announced that the lecture of Dr. Richardson, in which he will treat the subject of music as an aid to religion--will be given on Thursday evening, February 24th, at 8:15 P. M. She looked for


a good audience for this occasion. Requests for cards of invitation to our friends outside of the Club should be sent to our Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Uhler, at the earliest time possible.

The first article of the programme was given by Miss Marie Turner, and was a review of Francois Thompson's Essay on Shelley. This essay she told us, was written in 1889, by the apparently ill-fated poet Francis Thompson, was then refused publication by the Dublin Review. Later, and lately the same magazine published it,--after the death of its author. Miss Turner gave Francis Thompson the credit of giving to the world the best solution of the so-called "Shelley Problem," that has yet been offered. Shelley, we were told, with the heart of a child, and the soul and nature of the poet, was acknowledged guilty of wrongs against others, and of one cruel crime; but through all he was loved and admired by a circle of contemporaries, and since by poets and lovers of the manifestation of beauty by melodious words. Francis Thompson's essay was the full appreciation of one true poet for another. The essay went


over the various works and marked the difference between Shelley's profuse strains of "unpremeditated art," and the coarse writing of the really corrupt Byron. With regard to Shelley's Pantheism, we were told that Shelley was an Atheist from his boyhood, and that his Pantheism was a sort of half way house between his earlier no faith, and the faith he did not seem to attain on the whole, an [?advance]. The essay was a sincere tribute to the poet's genius, and to the legacy he has left the world.

The next article was by Miss Henrietta G. Pendleton and was on Henry M. Stanely: An Autobiography. This book gives the personal side of the great explorer's experiences. It was begun by himself, and continued by his widow, to whom he committed his journals, leters, and note-books. Miss Pendleton spoke of Stanley's strong resolute purpose, and resolute achievement. She described the poor little Welsh boy, worse than orphan, becoming an inmate of a British workhouse [?rest of page illegible]


[?subjects] of education, and some lessons of religion, which were [?put] away from him, especially the firm faith in God and the habit of prayer. The latter attainment found later sympathy and growth in his companionship with Livingston in far off Africa. Another strong conviction of the young man was of the necessity of cleanliness, which stood by him always and everywhere. The story of his great achievements is known and remembered. Miss Pendleton read extracts from the life of Stanley, showing his indomitable spirit, and his purpose to do something for which the world would be better by his living in it.

The next article was by Miss Virginia W. Cloud, and was called: "Behold as Dreamer Cometh," and reviews of "A Certain Rich Man and Others." Miss Cloud spoke of the Art of Literature, and its abiding charm, in which a thousands years is as a day. For books the best selling is still in our year of grace, the Holy Bible. The year 1909, we were told, was a year of events, civil, natural, historical, and otherwise;--and with much material for Literature. It was a year of centenaries,--a long list of memorable people were born in 1809. We might wonder


if the year 2009 will commemorate a like number,--or will there be a Woman's Literary Club to celebrate them. Miss Cloud spoke of the book: "A Certain Rich Man," by William Allen White, and compared it with the "Lewis Rand" of Mary Johnson. The rich man founded on the one in the New Testament, is a type she said, well known in our republic of to-day,--nearly 2000 years have not changed it. After dwelling on the story and characterizing the women in it as being rather judicial and calm in the climax; she spoke of its rich man as a dangerous type for the rising generation in America. But she quoted Mr Henry M. Alden as saying, "Art has no morals, if the Art is true the morals will take care of themselves,--it is the Art that is immortal.["] She went on to review "Mr. Bangs," "The Japanese Schoolboy," in which young Mr. Togo gives his impressions of America, touching on the Suffrage Question, Child Labor, etc., as they have struck his Oriental perceptions. He describes the game of "[?not sure of word] Ball" giving as one of its rules that no one shall be killed until the play be-


gins. She reviewed the late works of Howells, Crothers, and other favorite authors. She spoke of Judge Stafford's late book: "Dorian Days" as being delightful. She spoke of his paradoxes as reminding her of St. Paul's contrasting assertions in describing eternal verities. Miss Cloud reviewed the new book by Henry James, saying: "This is not the Mr. James of a year or two ago, walked down Charles St. for half an hour and apparently assumed to absorb all Baltimore to his own consciousness while doing so, but the Mr. James of the present, up to date day. Miss Cloud then read an extract from the "Julian Bryde" of Mr. James, which was as amusing as his description of his walk down Charles St. At the close of Miss Cloud's article, the President spoke of the great interest and individuality of the reviews just given us. She thanked Miss Latane and her committee for their programme. She then declared the meeting adjourned for a short season of "tea and talk."



[Feb. 8, 1910]

The 673rd meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held on Tuesday, February 8th, 1910, in the assembly room, Academy of Sciences Building. The programme was under the direction of the Committee on Fiction, Mrs. Percy M. Reese, Chairman.

The President spoke of the interest we feel in the literary work of our fellow members. She called our attention to a booklet published by our member Mrs. D. F. Pope called: "The Story of a Law." Many of us who heard Mrs. Pope's story read before us will recall our surprise at learning of a law now on the statute book of Maryland, and of thirty-two other states,--and at the present time being enforced in one of them,--full of possibilities of injustice and cruelty to the mothers of our land. Mrs. Pope's little book can be had for ten cents, to cover the cost of publication, at the home of the author, 1011 N. Charles St. It has brought before us a matter of vital interest to the parents and homes of our country.

The first article of the programme was given by Miss Marion V. Dorsey and

[99]was called: "My Shorthorned Calf." Miss Dorsey said the incidents she had to relate, though given to a Fiction programme, was really not fiction at all. They happened to a resident of Baltimore, who had come from the country, and who found herself afflicted with what is comprehensively called "nervous prostration." The treatment recommended to her as being an effectual cure was to take up a "hobby" and ride it as hard as she could. Then her mother suggested as a promising hobby, some kind of stock raising,--with some reminiscence of country life in it. So a friendly butcher was interviewed, and reported that he happened to have just then a fine short horned calf, awaiting its fate. It was, he said, a beauty, and a prize; and if unsacrificed, a future prize winner,--and he would sell it for the ridiculous price of eight dollars. Though inspection raised some question of its being shorthorned at all, the price was paid and the calf acquired. Though it did not measure up to the glowing descriptions of its former owner, and there were doubts of its pedigree, it did


become an object of interest, and it was at last sent to the old farmhouse, news of its growth and development was regularly sought and received. Some six months afterwards the approaching wedding of a dear friend was announced; and the choosing of a bridal present was discussed by mother and daughter. It was agreed that the selling of the calf was in the connection agreed upon. The mention of a fine china service at fifty dollars, and of some antique furniture at seventy dollars as desirable wedding presents followed the order for the sale of the calf. As the result of this order a letter arrived enclosing seven dollars. As remedies are often supposed to kill or cure, we were left to assume that the one prescribed resulted in the killing of the calf,--and--perhaps--in the success of the hobby cure.

The next article was given by Mrs. William Millington Smith, and was called: "A Question of Fitness." A young physician was very much attracted by the charms of the lovely Dianthe;--but Dianthe was asserted to be entirely unfit to be the wife of a


professional man, by the mother of the doctor, and her friends. Dianthe laughed in the wrong place, and found fun in the doctor's accounts of his patients; which shocked his mother who asserted that she could find nothing amusing in the suffering of her fellow creatures,--though she hoped Dianthe was frivolous rather than hard hearted. So his mother sent her young son on various errands and missions to see a certain Miss Susan who was thirty and looked forty, and would probably at forty look older. One morning the doctor, driving on his daily rounds, saw Dianthe standing in the rose garden, hesitated, and stopped. She gave him a rose, and fastened it in his buttonhole, and looks were apparently more eloquent than words. He said he must go to see old Mrs. Estes, who was said to be dying. Dianthe said, "What! Again? she has been dying every little while for years past." Miss Susan would have said, "Whenever the call comes, Sister Estes will be ready for it." When the doctor has ridden off, after a glimpse of a world that was not all work, a life that was not all self-sacrifice,


Dianthe was called to the telephone. A cry came that the tram with a dynamite wagon had broken loose, and was tearing down the road past her house. She saw it coming with the big "danger" sign upon it. She knew the people in houses were being warned,--but who would warn the man in the buggy, not yet very far ahead of the wild horses and danger wagon? She knew she loved him, and thought she had a right to die for him. She ran out and seized at the bridles, pulling and weighing down the horses, with the danger sign falling against her. She held on dazed and hurt till she fell in the road. But the horses were exhausted, and could run no more; the wagon was still, and by a seeming miracle the dynamite was still too. Then the doctor found her unconscious in the road. When she awoke at home, with the doctor falling on his knees and calling her his darling, the question of fitness seemed no longer of any importance.

The last story on the programme was by Mrs. Wrenshall Markland, its title


being "A Tale of Old Siena." Mrs. Markland prefaced her reading of the manuscript by a few words relating to the disturbed conditions that existed in this splendid mediaeval city of Italy, and its laws, some curious, but all more or less necessary for the pressure of the times, and the geographical situation of Siena.

The story was largely told in quaint language, with much local color, the rather intricate plot evolving from the Sienese law of tearing out the tongue of the blasphemer. The leading character of the story, the nobleman, Ricci, being accused by his enemy of the [?Sansedoni] of treasonous parlance, with the hated Pisans. Ricci denies the charge, and calls upon the Saints to bear witness to his innocence; and is judged immediately by the Council to be guilty of blasphemy. The terrible sentence carried into effect, the story proceeds rapidly, culminating in a picture of the heights a woman's faith may attain.

One of the characters introduced was that of Bartola di Fredi, the pre-Raphaelite artist of Siena, while the


others bore names of those families socially and politically powerful in 1300.

With thanks from the President to the Committee of the programme, the meeting was adjourned.


The 674th Meeting. [Feb. 15, 1910]

The 674th meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held on Tuesday, February 15th, 1910, in the assembly room, Academy of Sciences Building. The programme was given by the "Committee on the Drama," Miss Virginia Woodward Cloud, Chairman. The President called the meeting to order; and the Recording Secretary read the minutes of the meeting of February 8th. The President spoke of the lecture of Dr. Richardson, to be given on February 24th; and said that the ticket would admit a member and her escort or friends; also that Mrs. Uhler has still tickets to give to the members for their friends.

The first article of the programme was given by Miss Nellie C. Williams, and was on "Some Impressions of the Drama in Munich." Miss Williams


reminded us that Munich is the art centre of central Europe; and in its atmosphere of art there is true appreciation and love of the Drama. It is a city now of something like six hundred thousand inhabitants,--like Baltimore. She went on to describe the theatres,--especially the Prince Regent's Theatre where Grand Opera is magnificently given. The seats cost twenty marks--or five dollars, and there is no such thing as standing admission. There Wagner's operas are wonderfully represented, as nowhere else, except at Bairenth. Wagner lived long in Munich, and much of his work was composed there. The performances are of course of great length, often lasting from 5 P. M. to 10 P. M. But there are intermissions; a garden to walk in, and excellent restaurants for rest and refreshment. The orchestra is below the audience, and out of sight. One among its performers is a member of the Royal family. He is also a physician, working in hospitals, and giving his services to those who need them. Of course, she said, there is great curiosity among tourists to see the


royal fiddler,--especially among Americans. She apologized for introducing a personal experience,--which was very entertaining. She had been given a letter of introduction to this Prince and Doctor, Ludvig Ferdinand of Bavaria. Before her interview she asked instructions with regard to the etiquette to be observed at such receptions. She was told not to sit in the Prince's presence; not to offer her hand to him, and given other iron rules of propriety. But when the Prince appeared he frankly held out his hand to her, and gave her the most comfortable chair in the room--like any other gentleman. He said he liked Americans--because they worked. She told him they did work--the rich often as hard as the poor. Miss Williams told of her seeing Ibsen's plays performed in Munich, which were very effective in the German language,--the German mentality being introspective and fond of unsolvable problems. She told of the admirable German renditions of Sheakspear's plays--especially of Hamlet as she saw it in Munich. English tragedy, she thought, lost lit-


tle or nothing by translation into German. This is probably the most nearly perfect of translations.

The next article of the programme was "A Poem" by Miss Lizette W. Reese. Miss Reese's poem was so well approved that the President asked her to give it to us a second time; and she kindly consented to do so.

The next article was an "Essay" by Miss Ellen Duvall, on "The Persistency and Development of Plots." In Miss Duvall's absence it was read by Miss Latané. Miss Duval[l] spoke of the assertion quote by Goethe, that of what are called "plots" for Drama or Fiction, there are existing only thirty-six in the world. Another authority reduces the number to fourteen. In these thirty-six--or fourteen,--we seek for the motives for human action,--the spring of human character and will. She instanced the Arabian Nights, beloved of our childhood, in which there seem to be not more than four plots. She spoke of the Friendship plot, exemplified in the story of Damon and Pythias, and in that of


Ruth and Naomi. Then of the Love plot, as in the story of Jacob and Rachel, and the Greek play of Alkestis, in which Euripedes shows for once a true appreciation of woman. She went on to the plot of Revenge, and to others also, describing their treatment in ancient and modern literature. Shakespear, she said, took the old plots, and was true to them, recognizing that the plot was to remain unchanged, only the super-structure and organization was to be his own. Other less loyal literary artists have weakened their work by being more or less untrue to the plots they have adopted. Miss Duvall illustrated her points with instances, quotations, and comments of much interest. The next article was by Miss Virginia W. Cloud, and was called, "The Drama in the Child." Miss Cloud told us of a little girl, Beatrice, brought up by her mother according to the iron rules of a schedule of hygiene, training, conduct and study. The result is that the child is shy and silent; but in her secret soul she nourishes her imagination with


such bits of fairy lore and romance as accidentally fall within the circle of her perceptions. She has had governesses who have not always been entirely satisfactory according to her mother's schedule,--which is hung up in her room, with the appropriate employment of each hour of her day indicated upon it. She has a brother who is evidently unscheduled himself, but who leaves his little sister to her mother's generalship. But Beatrice's dramatic instinct is not destroyed. Her mother being obliged to leave her for one whole day, proposes a suitable friend to stay with her. Beatrice pleads to have "Michael's wife, Martha," who had been employed to nurse her once when she was sick; but her mother thinks Martha unable to enforce the schedule. No one else being able to come, however, Michael's Martha is at last sent for. Then follow charming scenes, as good as a play, in which the child confides her little fictions to the woman; and as one is about as natural and frank as the other, both have a lovely time. Beatrice understands that


the schedule is to be enforced, but thinks it is to be applied to Martha; and the result is that she is admitted into Martha's simple home life,--a sort of fairy land to her. When her brother comes in the evening, he finds his pale dwarfed little sister with a fine color in her cheeks, bright eyes and curls,--a beauty and an entertaining companion. It ends by his making a bonfire of the schedule; persuading his mother to recall a governess who had been uncongenial to his mother's theories, but satisfactory to his own; and in the mental anticipation of Beatrice,--with her mother's consent.

The last article of the programme was "Heredity in Dramatic Art," given by Mrs. Wrenshall Markland, who having spent some time in Italy, has become deeply interested in the historic talents of the Italians, as exhibited by them when at work or at play.

She dwelt especially on the probable and natural origin and development of the "Sing Language" in Italy, and


its influence upon the people, who use it most extensively; and also upon the interesting point of ancestral environment,--illustrating all the theories she advanced by simple homely anecdotes she had personally observed.

Before concluding her paper, Mrs. Markland spoke upon the efforts and modes of training of the Italian founders of the present Italian stage; who, in preparing the actor for the boards, have been most wise in grasping and accepting the varied racial characteristics they have before them, to encourage rather than to mold, to guide rather than to compel, until it is the trained actor himself who directs our attention to the material in the raw, in which only can one realize the countless influences that have been at work through the centuries, molding the present race into "the natural actor."

The President thanked Miss Cloud and her Committee for our interesting entertainment. The meeting was adjourned.



The 675th Meeting. [Feb. 22, 1910]

The 675th meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held on Tuesday, February 22nd, 1910, in the assembly room, Academy of Sciences Building. The programme was under the charge of the Committee on Colonial and Revolutionary History; Mrs. Thomas Hill, Chairman,--an appropriate programme for a meeting on Washington's Birthday.

The President called the meeting to order. On account of the length of the programme, the reading of the minutes was omitted. The President read the list of the subjects of the meetings in the month of March. On March 1st, Foreign Languages, Miss Marie Perkins, Chairman; on March 8th, Essays and Essayists, Mrs. Sidney Turner, Chairman; on March 15th, Unfamiliar Records, Mrs. Edward Stabler, Chairman; March 22nd, Foreign Travel, Miss Nellie C. Williams, Chairman; on March 19th, Authors and Artists of Maryland, Mrs. A. Marshall Elliott, Chairman.

The first article of the programme was by Mrs. Francis P. Stevens, and was on "A Morning in Independence


Hall." It was read by Mrs. R. B. Bowie. Mrs Stevens spoke of the patriotic associations we must all have with the building in Philadelphia, where the heroic Declaration was made and signed by the representatives of the American colonies, making them a nation. She told of Independence Hall as some of us saw it in 1876,--our Country's centennial year. She told of a morning she spent within its walls, when two members of the Maryland Legislature were of the party. She spoke of the portraits of the Signers of the immortal Declaration, particularly nothing the four representing Maryland;--Charles Carroll of Carrollton; William Paca; Samuel Chase, and Thomas Stone. She said that these officially made portraits were presented by Maryland to the city of Philadelphia. They were copied from the four portraits in the State House at Annapolis, for Independence Hall.

The next article of the programme was by Mrs. [?W.] C. A. Hammel, and was on "North Carolina in the Revolution," with "A Greeting to My Maryland." It


was read by Mrs. Philip R. Uhler. The President reminded us that Mrs. Hammel has retained her membership in our Club, though she has gone to live in Greensborough, North Carolina, where her husband is a professor in the college at that place. Mrs. Hammel's article began with a description of the early spring at her home, with its beautiful flowers around her in the February days. And Marylanders have warm hearts and warm greetings for their old home State. She spoke of the early and late patriotism shown by North Carolina in all our wars, from the first colonial times to the recent Spanish war, in which a son of North Carolina, Worth Bagley, was the first to lay down his life. She told of North Carolina's action and stand taken before the actual revolt of the colonies against British unjust taxation and of some late discoveries with regard to the beginning of her fight. The first blood shed in the contest was in North Carolina in 1771, at the battle of Alamance. She went on to the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence


adopted May 20th, 1775, more than a year before the decisive Declaration of the Continental Congress in Philadelphia, July 4th, 1776. She spoke of the battle of Guilford Court House, and its important consequences. She described lately erected monuments and late decorations on this battle field, which is near her home in Greensborough, and in which two Marylanders have been much interested. We could easily divine that the two Marylanders were Dr. Hammel and herself. With the logs of the old Court House has been built a pavilion where the people of this day can enjoy the blessings of the peace our forefathers won for us.

The next article was by Miss Mary Forman Day, and was "A Curious Chronicle of Cecil County." It was read by Mrs. Jordan Stabler. Mrs. Day told us of four brother named Rudolf, evidently of Teutonic blood, who were early settlers in Cecil County, Maryland. One was shot from ambush by Indians; and another who lived near Elkton, is claimed as an ancestor


of the wife of President Garfield. The two others, John and Michael, enlisted in the Revolutionary army, and were called "Fighting Jack," and "Devil Mike." Tradition tells that Michael, after the war, went to the south, and married a lady of Georgia. The two seemed to be happy until the wife and her son went to visit her husband's family in Maryland. When Michael followed it is said that he discovered his wife in the company of another man, and left his home and country, joining, it was rumored, the crew of a vessel bound to France. Afterwards came strange stories about the celebrated Marshal Ney, the "bravest of the brave" in the great Napoleon's campaigning, who, it was said, spoke English words fully well, but did not often speak it. Some American thought the Marshal was Rudolf, but he himself never answered recognition, or noticed the rumors. General Lallemont and General Lafayette were, it is said, long afterwards approached on this subject, but gave no information. There was also a tradition that Ney, when shot for treason by order of the Bourbon


king was not killed, but escaped with Wellington's connivance, to America. Long afterwards it is reported that an old man lived and died in our Western country, who was strangely like Michael Rudolf, though unidentified either as a Revolutionary soldier, or as a Marshal of France.

The next article was by Miss Mary Dorsey Davis, and was called "A Day in Quincy" Massachusetts. Miss Davis spoke of a summer journey in which she spent a day at Quincy, the birthplace and home of the Adamses, the Hancocks, the Quincies, and many others on the honor roll of our history. It has been said that New Englanders would have us believe that all things began in Boston, but the people of Quincy think that their town is the world, as from it came two Presidents, a President of the Continental Congress, and a long line of great men. In January, 1619, Captain John Smith sailed along these shores, and in 1821 Captain Miles Standish led an expedition to them. The first settlement was in 1625 by Captain Wollaston, whose name was given to the moun-


tain. In the absence of Wollaston himself, his rebellious servants under one Thomas Morton erected a maypole, and danced around it, to the horror of Governor Endicott, who cut it down in great wrath, as related by Nathaniel Hawthorne. In 1630, a stranger calling himself Sir Christopher Gardner, Knight of the Holy Sepulchre, appeared at Mt. Wollaston, and shocked the Puritans still more by his practices. He fled to the Indians, but was captured and sent away, as told by Longfellow. In 1632 Henry Adams came to settle in Wollaston with eight sons. On his tomb is recorded that he fled from the dragon of persecution in Devonshire, England, and alighted with eight sons in Wollaston,--which was afterwards Quincy. Two noble women came, Joanna Hoar and Judith Quincy, whose descendants are numerous and distinguished men and women. The Quinceys owned the house which still bears their name. They also had a winter house in Boston. Here John Adams met one of the blood, Abigail Smith, and surrender-


ed unconditionally. Abigail Adams's life and rare gifts are historical. John Hancock loved another of the family, by name Dorothy, but she coquetted with him until the dangers of the war brought her to kinder thoughts. They were married, but afterwards she was left a childless widow, and married again. As Madam Scott she was in old age still known for her charm of manner and brilliant conversation. Miss Davis's description of the old Quincy house and its rare and antique decorations and relics was exceedingly interesting and enjoyable.

The next article was by Miss Marie Turner, and was on "Wills and Ways in Colonial Maryland." Miss Turner spoke of the revelations of a man's true type and character sometimes made by his will, and its wording and provisions. The requests and bequests of our colonial ancestors throw side lights on how they lived, what they wore, and ate, what they cared for, etc. She had examined many old documents as


far back as 1638, and these bore testimony to their manner of life, their faith, and devotion to liberty and to the trials they endured. Miss Turner quoted from many old wills of much interest and entertainment.

The next article of the programme was a Recitation of "Tench Tilghman's Ride," given by Miss Harriett P. Marine, by request. It was an eloquent poem describing the carrying of the news of the surrender of Cornwallis, by a young Marylander, from Yorktown to the Continental Congress; then in session in Philadelphia. It was read with appropriate enthusiasm by Miss Marine.

The President thanked the Committee on Colonial and Revolutionary History for the afternoon's entertainment, and declared the meeting adjourned.


The 676th Meeting. [Mar. 1, 1910]

The 676th meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held on Tuesday, March 1st, 1910, in the assembly room, Academy of Sciences Building. The programme was given by the committee


on Foreign Languages, Miss Marie E. Perkins, Chairman. In the absence of the President, the first Vice President, Mrs. Jordan Stabler, presided. The Recording Secretary read the minutes of two previous meetings,--those of February 15th and February 22nd.

The first article of the programme was: "Poems from the German; translated by Lilie Schnauffer. Miss Schnauffer being unable--from illness--to be present, her translations were read by Mrs. Edward Lee Ashley. Miss Schnauffer's first translation was of "The Dear Fireside," by Edward Maerklin,-- in which the true German love of home, and of family ties was beautifully set forth.

The second translation was of a poem of Carl H. Schnauffer, and was called: "The Most Precious Treasure." It recalled the gold and gems that miners dig for, in contrast with the true treasured that do not belong to earthly mines, but whose value last forever. Mr. Schnauffer was an uncle of our member, his translator.

We were given another poem by


Mr. Schnauffer, called: "A Spring Song,"--voicing a welcome to nature's new birth, after her farewell to Winter's gloom.

Another poem translated from Martin Drescher and called "A Sunny Ray," was full of the innocent joy of happy childhood.

Another translation was from John [?Stranbenmüller], and called: "Lafayette and the Women of Baltimore." It recalled an incident of our Revolutionary War, which we are proud to remember. In 1780, when the generous French hero visited Baltimore, a ball was given in his honor. But some of the ladies remarked that he seemed sad and silent. He said he could not forget his poor soldiers then suffering for comforts, and especially for clothing. These women of Baltimore immediately formed themselves into a sewing society, working day and night to relieve the needs of their defenders, for which they received the grateful appreciation of their illustrious quest.

The last poem was by Heinrich H. Frick, and was called "America's Treasures." It told of America's eagle fly-


ing over the wonderful Niagara to mountains, forests, mines, rivers, and lakes to lands of fairy beauty and fields of cotton, grain, fruits and flowers, and on to prosperous cities. But greater treasures are her wonderful men,--like Washington, Franklin and many more, heroes of war and peace, shining like stars on her shield. Miss Schnauffer's translations were fully appreciated by her fellow members.

The last article of the programme was "The Legend of Jacques [?Luno,]" translated from the French of Ivan Stannik, by Miss Nellie C. Williams. It was a mediaeval story of Jacques Luno, the gayest fellow in Florence, as irresponsible as a monkey, with a laugh for every occasion,--good or bad; flirting with all the girls, and setting them by the ears,--till Julietta bit into the cheek of Maria for jealosy. But Jacques had a serious profession also; he was a carver of figures in wood, and did them so well that they found places in the churches,--and his trade was good. Still he carved only such Biblical characters as Moses, John the Baptist, etc., and not the holier ones. But a very rich man came


to him with an order for a Madonna to adorn a church this millionaire Lorenzo was having erected, it was whispered as an atonement for some of the practices by which some of his wealth had been acquired. For some time Jacques steadily refused tough Lorenzo increased his offer to a thousand crowns,--which told on the cupidity of Julietta more than on her lover, as she considered him. At last Jacques suddenly consented. He chose a fair oak trunk straight and fair and pure as a lily, and began his work. Soon he stayed by it day and night with absorbed devotion, and it seemed to change his character. When the night before the consecration arrived, as he knew before the finished image in his studio, Lorenzo came and laid down the money for it--but Jacques took no notice of it. Then Julietta came and offered to take it and take care of it. Taking silence for consent, she did so. But in the night Julietta's jealous mind had another thought. She came to the silent studio with a wheelbarrow, on which she lifted the image, carried it to the river


and tumbled it in. The next morning when all else was ready for the consecration of the church and its chief ornament, the Madonna was missing. Jacques found a crowd around his studio, making denunciations of his employer and himself, whose gifts were declared unpleasing to the Lord and the Madonna. But presently a procession appeared with shouts of joy, proclaiming a miracle. The Madonna had floated on the water straight to the church, and was ready for the consecration. After it was over Julietta's conscience made her seek her confessor and reveal her part in the vent. He denounced her sin, but afterwards decided that there was no need to disturb the faith of the believers in the good Virgin's miracle. As for the one thousand crowns, it afterwards became the dowry of Julietta, on which she and her Roderigo lived in great prosperity. But Jacques was really a changed man. He was often before his latest work; for three years living a life of piety and devotion, then dying revered and admired by his neighbors, none


doubting his saintliness. The story seemed to bring the olden atmosphere of its age and place to our twentieth century perceptions.

The presiding officer, Mrs. Stabler, thanked the Committee on Foreign Languages for their programme, and declared the meeting adjourned.


The 677th Meeting. [Mar. 8, 1910]

The 677th meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held on Tuesday, March 8th, 1910, in the assembly room, Academy of Sciences. The programme was given by the Committee on Essays and Essayists, Mrs. Sidney Turner, Chairman. The First Vice President, Mrs. Jordan Stabler, called the meeting to order, and presided. She explained that our President, Mrs. Wrenshall, was unable to be present, on account of a severe headache. The only announcement was of an invitation from John Hopkins University to the Club to attend the French Lecture of Monsieur Camille Enlart.


Mrs. Turner, Chairman of the Committee in charge, introduced the programme with a few words, on the great interest taken at the present time in the position and the work of women. Her Committee were to tell us of the Salon in Travel, one of the institutions originated and conducted by women.

The first article of the programme was given by Mrs. Philip R. Uhler, and was called: "The Salon." Mrs. Uhler gave an account of this social institution, on the whole a refining and elevating one, from the Salon of La Marquise de Rambouillet, begun in 1617, to that of Madame Recamier, who died in 1849. The Salon of the Hotel de Rambouillet was a literary centre, a select circle, where was found respect for women, and good life and high thought at a time when it was needed. Mrs. Uhler spoke of the somewhat false impressions that have been current in other countries about the French Woman. She quoted a statement made by Miss Arnold--a niece of Matthew Arnold--in her lecture here at McCoy Hall last year. Miss Arnold stated


that the French woman had less need to ask for the ballot than the woman of other countries, because she is her husband's equal partner and counselor in all the affairs of life.

The next article of the programme was given by Mrs. E. E. Fayerweather, and was on Madam de Rambouillet. Mrs. Fayerweather told of this noble woman, who, born in Rome of an Italian mother, came to France in days of war, insurrection and license. Shocked at the state of the French Court, she established an intellectual court of her own, where it was fashionable to keep the ten commandments; and where illustrious men and women gathered around Madam de Rambouillet for fifty years.

The next article of the programme was given by Mrs. George K. McGaw, and was on Madam de Maintenon. Mrs. McGaw told of Francoise d'Aubigny, afterwards called La Marquise de Maintenon, who was born in a cell of a debtor's prison where her father was incarcerated; who rose to be the power behind the throne


of "le Grande Monarque," and virtual ruler of France. Mrs. McGaw told of her early poverty, her voyage to Martinique and return to France, her narrow escape from being buried in the [word missing] when supposed to be dead; her marriage and literary associates; her life as the Widow Scarron; her becoming governess to some of the King's numerous children; her generally believed marriage to Louis the Fourteenth; and her closing years in the school she had founded at St. Cyr. Mrs. McGaw summed up the results of these remarkable experiences in the virtues and defects of this remarkable woman.

The next article was by Miss H. Frances Cooper, and was on Madame Geoffrin. She told of this daughter of a valet de chambre, and wife of a very rich manufacturer; who without beauty, rank, or even education, with her fortune, wisdom and generous kindness, gathered distinguished literary and philosophical men around her, and established a Salon of "Beaux Esprits." The courts of Europe were interested in the subjects discussed in


her drawing room; the king of Poland called her "mother"; and made her visit him in Warsaw, and the Empress Maria Theresa received her in Vienna.

The next article was by Mrs. Thomas Rinehart, and was on Madam Rolan. Mrs. Rinhehart recalled the heroic career of Madam Rolan, her literary and political ambitions and associates, her marriage "to one as fond of Plutarch as she was herself." Monsieur Roland,--afterwards Prime Minister of France; her devotion to his advancement, and her efforts with him to aid the work of their circle,--the Girondists,--to save their country; and the dignity of her closing hours.

The last article was by Mrs. Samuel A. Hill, and was on Madame Recamier with appreciative enthusiasm. Born in 1777 and dying 1849, Madame Recamier seemed to captivate all the great men who came within her influence, and she still holds her historic place among the French Queens of society.

Mrs Stabler. expressed our regret that


our President had missed a fine programme, and declared the meeting adjourned.


The 678th Meeting. [Mar. 15?, 1910]

Read and passed by the President and Recording Secretary: fullness of programmes and unavoidable circumstances preventing reading before the Club,

L. Crane, Rec. Sec.

The 678th regular meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held on Tuesday, March 10th[15th?], 1910, in the assembly room, Academy of Sciences Building. The programme was given by the Committee on Unfamiliar Records,--Mrs. Edward Stabler Chairman. The President, Mrs. Wrenshall, called the meeting to order;--and the Recording Secretary read the deferred minutes of March 1st.

The first article of the programme was by Mrs. Edward Stabler, and was on "Historic Churches of America." Mrs. Stabler spoke of the first white men to come to make permanent


homes in America; and who after building their own huts sought to erect houses for the worship of the God of their fathers,--whether they were Catholics, Anglicans, or Puritans. Often the church had to serve as a fort as well as a house of prayer. She told of one of the very oldest churches on what is now United States soil;--the church of Alamo near San Antonio, Texas. It included the fortress where in March, 1836 occurred the massacre of Texan insurgents by Mexican soldiers. She spoke of old Trinity Church on Broadway, New York City, whose history goes back to 1695. She described the old graveyard with its monument to the heroes of the Revolution; the tomb of Commodore Lawrence, on which are inscribed his last words: "Don't give up the ship," and other memorials of patriotic or historic interest. Mrs. Stabler told of the church in Salem, the first of the churches in Massachusetts, or in New England, the church that considered Roger Williams irreligious, and drove him out to take refuge with the Indians. She spoke of the old North Church in Boston, associated in our memories with "Paul


Revere's ide," also of the old South Church; and others of Colonial and Revolutionary fame. She went on to Christ Church in Alexandria, where Washington's pew is still shown to visitors; and to the church in the Northern Neck of Virginia, built by Robert--called King--Carter, which holds his scholarly epitaph. In speaking of the first church in Virginia, that of Jamestown, where Pocahontas was baptized and married. Mrs. Stabler asked our President to tell us something about its latest history, as her brother Colonel Young, had been engaged in its restoration for the Tercentenary in 1907. Mrs. Wrenshall responded, and told of the work done there and the service held on the old hallowed ground. Mrs. Stabler described the second church in Virginia,--that of [?Brenton] Parish, near Williamsburg, which is fully restored and still used as a place of worship, and which has received gifts from our President Roosvelt, and from King Edward VII.

The next article was by Miss Nellie C. Williams, and was on "The Plain Brethren." It was on account of the


German sect called Dunkers or Tunkers. Their ancestors fled from German to escape the religious troubles of the 17th century, and by permission of William Penn settled in his colony,--afterwards spreading to adjacent regions. Like the Friends, they were opposed to war, and to worldly dress and amusements. We were told of their peculiar customs,--unchanged for more than two hundred years, and obligatory much more as to cut and color than as to material. In other things, also, they seem to be a survival, not of the "fittest"--perhaps with all due respect to their sincerity, from several centuries ago.

The next article was by Miss Maria V. Dorsey, and was called "The Master Thought of Anna Ella Carroll of Maryland." Miss Dorsey disclaimed any intention to revive the ghosts of the Civil War,--but only as she believed that of doing justice to the genius of a distinguished Maryland woman. Miss Carroll claimed to have originated, and communicated fully to the  authorities in Washington, the plan of campaign on the Western rivers in 1861, which


resulted in the first real success on the Union side in the war. Miss Dorsey gave the details of this claim,--which never received the credit--nor reward expected.

The last article was by Miss Harriet P. Marine, and was on "The True History of the Star Spangled Banner." Miss Marine's article was particularly interesting, giving details,--some unfamiliar ones, of the way in which the National Hymn came to be written in the waters of our own city; and the details of its being set to music and sung in the public. She showed us fac similes of the manuscript on the backs of letters as first written by Francis Scott Key on a barrel while detained on the British ship; and also of the copy of the Baltimore American in which it was first published. With thanks to the  Committee, the President adjourned the meeting.


The 679th Meeting. [Mar. 22, 1910]

The 679th meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held on Tuesday, March 22nd, 1910, in the


assembly room, Academy of Sciences Building. The programme was given by the Committee on Foreign Travel, Miss Nellie C. Williams Chairman. The President called the meeting to order; and the Recording Secretary read the minutes of the meeting of March 8th.

In introducing the first announcement, the Presidnet spoke of the recent death of our former valued member, Mrs. John R. Tait. Mrs. Tait liked to speak of her having been a charter member of the Woman's Literary Club, and of her interest and participation in its work. After the death of her hudband, who was a well known artist, some of the photographs of his paintings which his wife was wishing to sell, were exhibited to our Club by Mrs. Robert Bowie, who had taken great interest in them. Not long before Mrs. Tait's own death, she sent word to the Board of Management, by Mrs. Jordan Stabler, that she would like to present to the Club a bust of Sidney Lanier, presented to Mr. Tait by the poet. The Board


realized that this would be a very valuable present; and after written and verbal explanations from Mrs. Uhler and Mrs. Stabler, and arrangement was made by which the Club had first received this fine representation of Lanier, the poet well remembered and admired in Baltimore. And we have the satisfaction of knowing this [sic.] his bust is here where its last owner wished it to be.

The next announcement was of the commemoration at the next meeting of the birth-day of our Club, and its entrance into its twenty-first year.

The first article of the programme was by Mrs. Wrenshall Markland, and was "A Chapter from a Book of Travel," and was on a day "in Florence." Mrs. Markland decribed the beautiful environment of earth, air and sky,--of all Nature, the life of to-day among the work of the past,--making up the out of doors of this Italian city. She told of the typical men and women one meets,--the young lovers so frankly happy that they feed the bronze lions with violets, or the noble Italian women meeting homage everywhere


perhaps with [?Browning's] Italian "woman's face, Its calm simplicity of grace." History and romance, art and beauty seemed to come from Italy into our colder county.

The next article was by Mrs. Percy M. Reese, and was "An Old Church, an Old Marble, and Two Singers." Mrs. Reese gave us scenes from Italy, also. She told of an old church, built in 1325,--hallowed and adorned since then. She described Guido Reni's picture of Christ before Pilate, and other works of sacred Art. She went on to tell of seeing at Naples, the ancient marble figures of Pan teaching the pipes to the boy Daphnis,--the old Nature god and good natured shepherd minstrel giving the youth his first rustic music lesson. Mrs. Reese then told of hearing at Rome, the so-called "Pope's Angel" sing with the appreciation we know a singer herself could not fail to possess. She then told of having in a quiet garden heard --unexpectedly--the clear soprano notes of Geraldine Farrar; and recognized the best personal gift of God,--a perfect voice.

The last article was by Mrs. G. Lane Tannyhill, and was called: "Two Weeks


in India." Mrs. Taneyhill told of her East India experiences with their unpleasant, and also humorous incidents. At her party's first breakfast in Ceylon they were besieged by the slender aquiline nosed natives who speak English, and drive sharp bargains in selling moonstones, precious things in that language. She told of reaching the mainland of India, and of the infinite discomforts of travelling in that ancient country. It was very pleasant to be welcomed in the home of American missionaries, and to be lodged in the good Deaconesses' House. The results of her observations on the temples, ruins, and the customs of that wonderful land were of great interest. The [?lain] temple, and the temple of the sanguinary goddess Kali with its daily sacrifice of goats,--scapegoats who would seem to expiate the sins of the human worshippers were picturesquely described. She spoke of the cities of Calcutta, Benares, and others. With all the past glory and art of India, each account seems to make us glad that our own home is in America.


The President thanked the Committee on Foreign Travel for the entertainment given us,--and declared the meeting adjourned.


The 680th Meeting. [Mar. 29, 1910]

The 680th meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held on Tuesday, March 29th, in the assembly room, Academy of Sciences Building. Subject of the programme was announced as the Authors and Artists of Maryland, but the Chairman of the Committee, Mrs. Elliott being out of town, the programme for the meeting had been arranged by the President, Mrs. John C. Wrenshall. This meeting also celebrated the birthday of our Club, March 19th, 1890, and our entrance into our 21st year. On account of the number of exercises the reading of the minutes was omitted.

The President announced the subjects of the programmes for the month of April. The President then gave the greeting to her fellow members, congratu-


lating them on the twenty years of our Club life, on the original work we have done, the congenial companionship we have enjoyed, and the benefits to ourselves and to those around us that have come from the existence as a Club, and as our steadiness of purpose, and devotion to truth as we see it,--knowing that truth alone can endure. She spoke of the history of our Club as kept in the minutes, and in our own recollections. Our usefulness has been recognized, and we have given gladness to many hearts in these past years. She closed by wishing with all her heart for many happy returns of this day.

Mrs. Wrenshall then announced that our programme in its first part included selections from the writing of living Maryland verse writers, with some notices of themselves. Extracts were given from some of her letters to these authors, and from their responses.

The first writer on the list was Colonal William M. Pegram, well known in this city. Mrs. Uhler read the letter of Col. Pegram, in which he told of


the incidents connected with his writing of the two programs, afterwards also, read by Mrs. Uhler. Col. Pegram told of having come to Baltimore in 1853, afterwards returning to Virginia for the war, and again coming to live in Baltimore. His first poem was an address: "To the Woman's Literary Club." It was a pleasant poetical tribute,--which met our grateful appreciation. Col. Pegram's second poem was called "Jamestown," and was the official hymn sung at the opening of the Jamestown Exposition, April 26th, 1904, by a chorus of two hundred voices to an audience of thousands of visitors and officials. It spoke of the first colony which had landed at Jamestown, planted the cross, and reverently introduced there the worship of the God of all nations, Who had watched over and preserved the strangers, and their children and successors, the ancestors of this great people. Col. Pegram published a book of poems last winter.

The next writer on the list was H. Graham Du Bois, a young and favorably known writer, born and educated in Baltimore, pursuing a course of study at Johns Hopkins University. His


first selection was "Transformation," a graceful love song; and the second selection was "The Writer's Secrets," of marked poetic spirit and form. They were read by Mrs. Uhler. Mr. Du Bois published his first book of poems in 1908.

The next writer on the list was Mrs. Esther Jackson Wirgman, formerly known in Baltimore as Miss Esther Jackson, and now residing in West Virginia. She is very much interested in the Association for Improving the Conditions of Life among the Mountains of North Carolina, and the adjacent portions of our country. Her poems were read by Miss Marie Turner. The first was "November," describing the changing season when the summer was gone, and winter not yet come. The second of Mrs. Wirgman's poems was called "The Southern Mountaineer." It was an eloquent description of the hundreds of thousands in the Southern mountain regions, who, cut off from our civilization, unable to read or write, have brave and loyal hearts, and very often heroic ancestry,--from father who lived in the days that tried men's


souls. It was, too, a call to their fellow Americans to come to their rescue.

The next writer on the list was Mr. Edward Lucas White, born in New Jersey in 1866, but of Baltimore connections and residence. He has been connected with the Johns Hopkins University and with other educational institutions. Mr. White's poem was read by Miss Marie Turner. It was called "Retribution." It was a story of war in the third century before Christ. A raid by Alexander's men led by Mathos of Crede; an attack on a peaceful castle with all cruelty, slaughter, and desolation met its cruel Retribution, accomplished by one, unaided in her war chariot that cut its way through and through again the drunken soldiers, leaving only one able to tell the tale of the great Alexander.

The next writer was Miss Emily E. Lantz, well known to us, having read before us, and also as one of the staff of the "Sun," and by other work for the Press. Her poems were read by Mrs. Wrenshall. The first was a "Dream Fancy,"--the second "A Love Song,"


and the third was called "Back to the Man." It told of a blizzard, when wind, snow and ice had paralized the forces of invention,--steam, electricity, cables, etc, and people had to go back to human labor, to the strength of muscles wielding pick and axe and shovel for help and restoration.

The next writer was Mr. Lawrence Mc K. Boyd. Mrs. Wrenshall, who read his poems, said Mr. Boyd was born in this city, but spent his youth in West Virginia, at twenty-five returning to the city and entering the service of the Baltimore + Ohio railroad, passing his time in work apparently little conducive to the poetic fancy, to which he has, however, given good expression. His first poem read was a pathetic negro song; "Across My Heart's Old Withered String," the old man's lament for the times "before the war," and for the white people he loved then.

Mr. Boyd's second poem was on "Calvary,"--the story of the Cross and the Mater Dolorosa. It has been read in several of the pulpits in Baltimore.

The next writer was Mrs. Isabel S. Mason. Her poems which were


read by Miss Virginia Cloud were "The Meadow Lark," "Night," "The April Heart," and "Spring." Miss Cloud spoke of Mrs. Mason as a Maryland lady who began to write in 1904, whose gift of song seemed to come suddenly, and to reach its development swiftly.

The next writer was Mr. Edward A. U. Valentine. Miss Cloud, who read his poem, said Mr. Valentine is better known as a critic than as a poet. Miss Cloud read his poem "The Fountain in the Square," with full appreciation and expression.

The President announced that the second part of the programme would be of the unpublished poems of Mrs. Ellen Lloyd Key Blunt," daughter of Francis Scott Key, author of the "Star Spangled Banner.["] Her poems were read by her daughter, Miss Alice Key Blunt. Mrs. Blunt was born in 1821, and married in 1846 to Lieutenant Blunt. She was early left a widow, and for the support of herself and children, she gave public readings. She read in America, and in London, and in Paris with success, and


was a member of a literary society in Rome. Having Welsh ancestry, she was when in Wales in 1882 made a member of the Eistafodd, the old Welsh national patriotic society, and given the title of a Bard by the name of Mair Madoc. She died in 1884. The first of her mother's poems read by Miss Blunt was "A Fantasy." The second was "The Vineyard," and the third was "The Lovers"; all appreciated by her hearers. The fourth was "Longfellow, Our Poet Laureate,"--a tribute of admiration, written after the death in 1882 of our American poet. The next poem was "The Angel's Pictures," a poem of striking power. It told of a guardian angel taking his charge on the way through life that was trodden only once, and showing the opportunities for good deeds, and kind and saving help to others that must be taken as they came. At the end the pictures are full and plain in view when there is no coming back on the road. The last of Mrs. Blunt's poem was "Is there Peace?" This poem was written for the Eistafodd in Wales, and read from the [?Gorsedd] in


the Mystic Circle when Mrs. Blunt was made a member, as the Bard, Mair Madoc. The poem told of the peace that comes on angel arms in answer to prayers. It told of the history of Wales, and closed with thanks for the Peace of God, of Virtue, and the Peace of Eistafodd. Miss Blunt read with enthusiasm, and was listened to with appreciation. At the close of her reading an unanimous vote of thanks was given to Miss Blunt for giving us her mother's poems.

After the meeting adjourned a distribution of souvenirs,--bands of ribbon of the Club colors, inscribed appropriately with the date of our twenty-first birthday, were distributed to the members.


The 681st Meeting. [Apr. 5, 1910]

The 681st Meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held on Tuesday, April 5, 1910, in the assembly room, Academy of Sciences Building. The programme was given by the Committee on Letters and Auto-


graphs, Miss Octavia Williams Bates, Chairman. In the temporary absence from the city of the President, Mrs. Wrenshall, the First Vice President, Mrs. Jordan Stabler presided. The Recording Secretary read the minutes of the meeting of March 29th. Mrs. Stabler announced an invitation for the Club from the Johns Hopkins University to attend the course of lectured by Professor Jastrow of the University of Pennsylvania on "The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria"; to be given in April,--from the 5th to the 22nd in McCoy Hall.

The first article of the programme was given by Mrs. Charles E. Sadtler, and was called "A Glance at the Autograph Collection." Mrs. Sadtler's article was read for her by Miss H. Frances Cooper. Mrs. Sadtler described her own large and varied collection of the autographs of the people of distinction, in different walks of life; heroes of clergymen, doctors, writers, and humorists, from General Robert E. Lee to James Whitcomb Riley, Mark Twain, and John Kendrick Bangs. She made her article more interesting by giving


portions of letters, stanzas of poems, etc., with which she had been favored, even more valuable in some senses than the names that were signed to them. Among many eminent and well known names connected with Baltimore she had those of Cardinal Gibbons, Dr. Osler, H. Bolton Jones, and his brother, James R. Randall, of whom she gave us personal recollections. She went on to the names of Andrew Carnegie, Mrs. Delande, Edward Everett Hale, Dr. Wier Mitchell Ian Mc Claren,--others of greater or less fame. Mrs. Sadtler kindly said she would be pleased to show the members of the Club her collection if they wished to call and see it.

The next was by Mrs. Samuel A. Hill, and was called "Letters and Autographs of Rudyard Kipling and Others." Mrs. Hill began by reading us an original letter,--a very original one--from a Korean young woman doctor. Miss Pak belongs to a high family, and has had the advantage of school and college education. She is not at all what we would call


good looking--having a remarkably flat nose. She once referred to one of her teachers as "that great long nose," wile to Caucasian eyes the lady so described had no such abnormal facial development. Miss Pak's letter was to the Professor in Baltimore from whom she had received her diploma. It was quaint--like the letter of a little sister, but its artless quality could only receive its true appreciation in listening to its reading by Mrs. Hill herself. It tells of the differences between Korea and this country,--saying for her home, "Everything here is narrow,["] and she says her teacher as "[?won]" from her "490 thanks." Mrs. Hill then went on to the letters of Rudyard Kipling, some of which developed into his book "From Sea to Sea." He was a writer for the "Pioneer" newspaper of Allahabad, when Mrs. Hill and her husband began a journey around the world. Mr. Kipling started with them with the result that the whole journey was made and completed by all three of them together. He calls her husband "The Professor" in the letters in his book.


Mrs. Hill went over this pleasant journey around the world, reviewing their East Indian and sea to sea acquaintance with Mr. Kipling, and also their meetings in country. She told of his coming to her home in Pennsylvania; when finding her engaged in painting on china he immediately sat down to pain for her, as she said "the cleverest set of fruit plates" she ever saw, each with different fruit on them. She showed us his letters in a delicate hand, writing--illustrated with little pictures,--as in one letter to intimate that he was on a railway train, it began with the drawing of a tiny locomotive engine. Sometimes, like Mr. Weggs he "fell into poetry as a friend," and sometimes into allusions and turns of speech that made his letters especially entertaining.

The last article of the programme was by Miss Octavia Williams Bates, and was called "Remarks on Autographs." Miss Bates spoke of the pursuit of autographs as a branch of literary trade. She quoted recently published articles from newspapers, giving


the relative money value of the handwriting of living and dead celebrities. These details were some of them surprising, as we all, perhaps unconsciously, put our own approximate valuations on such evidences of the personality of our favorites,--heroes, writers, or others, known to fame, and do not like to have them given--for instance--a less than five dollars value. She told of the "Fad" for the autographs called "Ghosts"; that is, written on paper folded while wet, and opened to disclose the effect of the spreading letters. Miss Bates gave an account of some letters of "George Elliot"--Marion Evans--which were possessed by a friend of hers in Wales, and when "George Elliot" died they were handed over to Mr. Cross her husband and literary executor, but the Welsh ladies kept the envelopes. Subsequently these ladies offered a portion of them to a friend of Miss Bates, and on her expression of great interest, to Miss Bates herself,--who gladly received them. So said Miss Bates--if I am not mistaken--I can show you some of the handwriting


of George Elliot.

The presiding officer thanked Miss Bates, Miss Sadtler, and Mrs. Hill for our very agreeable programme, wishing that our President and other absent members could have enjoyed it with us. The meeting was adjourned, and pleasant informal conversation followed "over the tea-cups."


The 682nd Meeting. [Apr. 12, 1910]

The 682nd meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held on Tuesday, April 12th, 1910, in the assembly room, Academy of Sciences Building. The programme was given by the Committee on Poetry, Miss Lizette W. Reese, Chairman. The President, Mrs. Wrenshall, called the meeting to order, and the Recording Secretary read the minutes of the meeting of April 5th. The President spoke of her pleasure in being with us again after a week's absence at the seashore;--from which she had returned much improve in



She announced a course of lectures at Goucher College in the "Laura Graham Cooper Foundation." These lectures had been founded by our fellow member, Miss Harriet Frances Cooper, as a memorial, and for some years they have been given by professors and authors of international distinction. The present course is from April 25th to May 2nd at 5 P. M., in the hall at St. Paul and 24th streets, and promises much literary interest and information.

The first article of the programme was given by the Chairman, Miss Lizette W. Reese, and was on the "Shelley-Keats Memorial." Miss Reese described the opening and dedication of the memorial to Shelley and Keats in Rome, just one year ago. The house in which Keats died has been bought and devoted to his memory and that of his friend and fellow poet Shelley. She spoke of the two graves in the Protestant cemetery near Rome, and told how Keats died in in 1821, at 24 years of age, and Shelley in 1823 at 29 years of age,--both very young


as age is counted now, but their enduring fame did not result in the beginning of this memorial until 1903. Mr. Robert Underwood Johnson was the principal mover in the work, to which English and American lovers of the poets contributed $20,000 to buy the house and make it a shrine for this and succeeding time. Works of art, a library of one thousand volumes, and other appropriate furnishings were contributed,--all recalling the two poets, and keeping their memory green. Miss Reese described the opening ceremonies, told who were present of the speeches and readings, and of the formal words of dedication pronounced by the King of Italy. The words of Keats that his name "was writ in water," were recalled to us in connection with this late [?tributary] evidence of the monuments "more enduring than brass or marble" that both poets have [?molded] for themselves in their writing. Miss Reese went on to the interpretation of beauty, and the


fine imagination shown by both poets, and the difference between them, with just appreciation and poetic comprehension of both of them. Shelley, she reminded us, gave his "Skylark," and Keats "Nightingale,"--with perhaps the self-same song that found a path through the sad heart of Ruth when "she stood amid the alien corn."

The next article was by our absent member, Miss Ellen Duvall. It was called "Milton and Shelley," and was read by Miss Reese. Miss Duvall quoted the words of a late critic, that he did not think it possible for the same human mind to admire both Milton and Shelley. She opposed this opinion, giving all due consequence to their differences,--as in religious faith, and convictions, and qualities of conscience. Shelley had, she said, no sense of sin; lived in fairyland, and died young. Milton lived long, and had the hardness and intolerance of his time and party. But she found--perhaps--surprising resemblances between them. Both


held advanced political opinions. Both had no due respect for women. Milton's "Tract on Divorce,"--the very hard things he says in his "Samson Agonistes," as well as his actions, show this dificiency as plainly as anything recorded about Shelley. Both held their ideals up in the air, not touching the ground, nor keeping in touch with humanity. Neither of these great poets ever described a human being. Milton's nearest approach to it is his Satan,--whom he makes a rather interesting character. Shelley's nearest approach is in his Prometheus,--a mythical hero still. Milton was Cromwell's Latin Secretary, but saw little of his chief. His "Ode to the Lord Protector" showed not Cromwell himself, but a Cromwell Milton had made from his own point of view. Miss Duvall showed how Milton and Shelley could in many ways appeal to the same human mind,--and to many human minds.


The last article was by Miss Virginia Cloud, and was on "Some Recent Poetry." Miss Cloud spoke of the poetry of the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries, and of the later school of poetry,--which died with Byron. Poets no longer write "ballads to a lady's eyebrow"; and "her feet beneath her petticoat," no longer now "peep in and out" "like little mice"; but they travel over the golf links. She next went on to the poems approved by N. P. Willis and his contemporaries and successors, down to the melodious strains of the poets of the present,--bringing many of these to our notice. She spoke of Alfred Noyes,--whom she did not place among great poets. She spoke of Robert Underwood Johnson; Percy King; Thomas Joseph; and also of Cale Young Rice,--whose "Night in Avignon" she much admired, with its bringing back to us the old and ever new story of "Petrarch and Laura." She spoke of Maiterlinck's "Blue Bird" as of great beauty. Miss Cloud


closed her entertaining article with her very fine reading of Arthur O'Shaughnessy's poem "Has Summer come without the Rose?"

The President thanked Miss Reese, Miss Duvall, and Miss Cloud for our excellent programme. She took occasion to express her appreciation of the fact that Miss Reese's programmes were always sent to her on the Friday before the Tuesday to which they belong. The meeting was adjourned.


The 683rd Meeting. [Apr. 19, 1910]

The 683rd meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held on Tuesday, April 19, 1910, in the assembly room, Academy of Sciences Building. This meeting was devoted to Foreign Travel. The Recording Secretary was, on account of illness, unable to be present.

The reading of the minutes was omitted, and for those of this meeting she is indebted to


the general report or Miss Nellie C. Williams, Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Travel, given on May 3rd at the meeting held annually to hear the reports of all standing Committees.

Miss Williams writes:

"On April 19, 1910, Mrs. Wrenshall, our President, delighted the Club by giving a 'Travel Afternoon.' She told of Beautiful Sienna, that lovely old city under the blue Italian skies. The lecture was greatly enhanced by stereopticon views from photographs taken by Mrs. Wrenshall Markland.

Mrs. Wrenshall gave us Sienna picturesque as it is to-day, with glimpses of its past stirring history, when it was an independent fortified town. She told of the art and the artists that made Italy of the Renaissance such a treasure house for these centuries that have followed,--interspersing her account with witty stories of personal experience. All her hearers felt the charm of the


quaint old world city, so beautifully described by our President, and, as with one voice exclaimed, like the immortal Oliver Twist: "More!" The Club will never again feel its season complete without a 'Travel Talk from Mrs. Wrenshall.'"

From "The Morning Sun" of April 20th, 1910:

"Mrs. John C. Wrenshall, President of the Woman's Literary Club, gave yesterday afternoon a lecture before the Club on 'Sienna the Beautiful'--illustrated by lantern slides from photographs taken in Sienna by Mrs. Wrenshall Markland. Mrs. Wrenshall's description of Sienna the picturesque mediaeval capital of the province of Sienna in Tuscany, Italy, was entertaining and instructive. Introducing her subject with a map of the fortressed city, she described its physical features; outlined its history; described its art and architecture; gave glimpses of its 'festas' and historic pagaents;--and introduced pleasing interludes of


personal experiences, a delightful touch to the story."

There was no other article read on this occasion, nor other exercises so far as the Secretary could learn after her deprivation of attendance.


The 684th Meeting. [Apr. 26, 1910]

The 684th meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held on Tuesday, April 26th, 1910, in the assembly room, Academy of Sciences Building. The programme was under the direction of Miss Annie Hollins, Chairman of the Committee on the Music of the Salons. The music of the meeting was given by Miss Olga Von Hartz, violinist; Miss Irma Rohlfing, mezzo soprano; and Miss [?Gillfus] and Miss Hollins, accompanists.

The reading of the minutes was omitted.

The President announced the subjects of the meetings in the month of May,--the last month of our present season.


It had been decided by the Board of Management to close this year with the meeting of the 24th,--the last Tuesday being the 31st,--when many of our members would have left the city, or would find it inconvenient to be present. There will be only one more open meeting,--the other three being meetings of business,--and for members only. On May 3rd there will be the Reports of the Standing Committees; on the 10th the Nominations for Six Officers and three directors for the coming year; on the 17th, the annual Election; on the 24th, the closing Salon of the year,--to which visitors can be invited. The President was in possession of some tickets of the Art Exhibition of the Maryland Institute sent us by the kindness of our member Mrs. John M. Carter, some of which had been already distributed,--the remaining ones could be received at the desk.

The first member of the programme was a solo for the violin, the "Adagio Concertante" of Seybold, finely rendered by Miss Olga von Hartz


with piano accompaniment by Miss Hollins.

The second number was two songs beautifully sung by Miss Irma Rohlfing, accompanied by Miss Gillfus. They were the "Boat Song" by Ware, and "The Summer Wind" by Bischoff.

The next number was for the violin: "The Swan" by St. Saëns; and a "Serenade" by Pierue, by Miss Von Hartz, accompanied by Miss Hollins.

The next number was two songs in German, "Lehn deine Wang an meine Wang," by Jensen; and "Gute Nacht," by Brahms, sung with fine expression by Miss Rohlfing, accompanied by Miss Gillfus.

Miss Von Hartz then gave us the pleasure of a violin solo, "A Romance," by Wieniawski, and a "Berceuse" by Goddard, with piano accompaniment.

The last number of the programme was a song: "The Spring has Come," most appropriately sung by Miss Rohlfing, accompanied by Miss Gillfus.

We were also highly favored


with a piano duet, the "[?Wollenhaught] Etude" played by Miss Hollins and Miss Gillfus,--with the "Boat Song" as an encore, sung by Miss Rohlfing with a "Gavotte" and "Dances," and the "[?Traumerer]" of Schumann, given by Miss Von Hartz and Miss Hollins,--all much enjoyed and appreciated by their listeners.

The President gave the thanks of the Club to Miss Hollins; Miss Von Hartz, Miss Rohlfing, and Miss Gillfus for the delightful and appropriate music. She declared the meeting adjourned.


The 685th Meeting. [May 3, 1910]

The 685th meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held on Tuesday, May 3rd, 1910, in the assembly room, Academy of Sciences Building. This was the business meeting of the Club, held annually on the first meeting in May, when the Chairmen of the Standing Committees read their annual reports,--and to it mem-


bers only are admitted. The President called the meeting to order, and the Recording Secretary read the minutes of the meeting of April 12th.

The President spoke of the sudden affliction that had befallen our valued member, Miss Latane, in the accidental death of her brother,--suggesting that an expression of the sympathy of the Club should be sent to her. A motion was made by Mrs. Jordan Stabler, and seconded by Miss Mullin, that our Corresponding Secretary write to Miss Latané expressing the sincere sympathy of her fellow members for her and her family in their sorrow. It was carried unanimously.

The President spoke of the work of our Standing Committees of the supervision of their Chairmen, and of the best methods of promoting and developing their success.

The Reports of the Chairmen of the twenty-two Standing Committees were then presented; but even a condensed account of them


has made too long a report for the Secretary to read to the Club. Her manuscript minutes will be an Index of the meetings and the articles contributed to them.

After the reading of these reports the President and Chairmen of Committees consulted on the dates for the programmes of the coming season. The meeting adjourned.


The 686th Meeting. [May 10, 1910]

The 686th meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held on Tuesday, May 10th, 1910, in the assembly room, Academy of Sciences Building. This was the annual Business Meeting for the Nominations of Officers and Directors,--for Election at the next meeting,--and only members were admitted. After waiting for some time for a full quorum it was agreed to proceed with the business on hand. The President called the meeting to order;--and the reading of the minutes was omitted.


The only announcement made at this meeting was of the lecture to be given on Monday evening, May 16th, before the Academy of Sciences, by our President, on "Sienna the Beautiful,"--to which the Club was invited.

Before proceeding to the Nominations, the President gave notice that at our last regular meeting, on May 3rd, announcement had been made of the submission of a new By-Law to the Club, relating to the dates of the opening and closing meetings of the Club year. Our old rule of making the opening meeting of each season to be on the first Tuesday in October has resulted in finding many of our members out of town, or otherwise unable to be present. Also, the closing meeting of each season held the last Tuesday in May is liable to the same disadvantages. To obviate these inconveniences, the Board of Management had proposed and sent to the Club the following By-Law, which was read by Mrs. Uhler:--

"The Board of Management


of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore shall have the right to appoint the date of the opening Salon of the Club year in October; and of the one closing the Club year in May; when it shall be found necessary or expedient to hold either or both after the first Tuesday in October, or before the last Tuesday in May."

Mrs. McGaw moved that the proposed By-Law be adopted. Mrs. Percy M. Reese seconded the motion, and it carried immediately, without opposition.

The President announced the Election Committee which, according to our Constitution, must consist of two members of the Board of Management, and three from the other members of the Club. Of this Committee the Chairman and Judge of Election was Mrs. William Milligan Smith, the other four being Mrs. Percy M. Reese; Miss Lilie Schnauffer; Mrs. McGaw; and Miss Cooper; the last two being members of the Board of Management. The Committee having re-


ported for duty, Mrs. Uhler, Corresponding Secretary, called the roll of all the members of the Club. Those present (seventeen) answering to their names.

The President called attention to the fact that the election would be for all the six officers of the Club; and for three of the six directors,--three directors will hold over from last year. These three holding over are: Miss Cloud, Miss Hollins, and Miss Cooper. Those who have served out the term of two years for which they were elected are: Mrs. Turner, Mrs. McGaw, and Mrs. Powell. They are, of course, eligible for re-election as well as their fellow members.

The nominating ballots were distributed,--filled,--and collected. The Committee retired to count them. In its absence the Club members enjoyed informed conversation. In a short time the Committee returned, and announced the result of the nominating votes. It was practically unanimous; the members of the existing Board receiving full votes, leaving out


the votes of the candidates themselves,--with the exception of Mrs. Jordan Stabler, who, being absent, was given all the votes cast. There were a few scattering single votes, as for Mrs. Wrenshall Markland, Miss Mary Davis, and Mrs. Bowie; but these members withdrew from any candidacy.

The meeting was adjourned.


The 687th Meeting. [May 17, 1910]

The 687th meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held on Tuesday, May 17th, 1910, in the assembly room, Academy of Sciences Building. This third meeting in May was the occasion of the annual Election of the six officers and the three directors of the Club, for the season of 1910 and 1911.In the absence of the President, Mrs. Wrenshall, the First Vice President, Mrs. Jordan Stabler, was the presiding officer.

The only announcement was of an invitation to the Club to the view of Halley's Comet,--with the excellent facilities possessed by


the Academy for the purpose in the evenings from May 23rd to May 28th. The janitor will admit our members and their escorts.

Mrs. Stabler then called attention to the Election Rules in the Constitution of the Club, and the conditions arising from them. The Election Committee appointed at the Nominating meeting of May 10th, formed of two members of the Board of Management, and three of the other members of the Club, was Mrs. Milligan Smith, Chairman, and Judge of Elections; Mrs. Percy M. Reese; Miss Lilie Schnauffer; Mrs. G. K. McGaw; and Miss Cooper;--the last two named being of the Board of Management.

Mrs. Stabler then announced that Mrs. McGaw was unable to be present with us; and that she appointed Mrs. Alan P. Smith, our Second Vice-President, to take the vacant place on the Election Committee.

The next duty of the acting President was to designate the auditors for the Treasurer's annual


Report, which was to be read at this meeting. Miss Annie Hollins and Mrs. R. B. Bowie were the Auditors named.

The next business was the signing of the names of the members present in the Club book. Twenty-two active members signed; and as each had done so she received her ballot. On this was printed in three columns: First the names of the candidates who had received the highest number of nominating votes. The second was for those who had received the next highest number of these votes; and the third was for individual choice--if preferred.

The ballots were soon collected; and the Committee retired to count them.

The Treasurer also retired with the Auditors to verify the Report. The Club continued in session--informally--during their absence.

The Treasurer, Miss Elizabeth Lester Mullin soon returned and read her Report. Like all Miss Mullin's reports, it was perfectly satisfactory to her fellow members.


[She reported:--

Balance in National Mechanic's Bank May 19th, 1909: $427.60

Dues received so far: 510.00

Small items: 7.00


Expenses: 767.03

Balance in Bank May 17th, 1910: $177.57

With some small items still to be received.]

Miss Mullins' Report was accepted, and a rising vote of thanks was given for her excellent management of the finances of the Club.

The Election Committee returned, and reported that the Election was practically unanimous for the present Officers and Directors,--the exceptions being the votes of those candidates who did not wish to vote for themselves. Those elected were:--


President: Mrs. John C. Wrenshall,

First Vice President: Mrs. Jordan Stabler,

Second Vice President: Mrs. Alan P. Smith,

Recording Secretary: Miss Lydia Crane,

Corresponding Secretary: Mrs. Philip R. Uhler,

Treasurer: Miss Elizabeth L. Mullin.



Mrs. G. K. McGaw,

Mrs. Sidney Turner,

Mrs. W. M. Powell.

Mrs. Stabler in a few graceful words congratulated the re-election of our honored and successful President. She then gave the thanks of herself and her fellow members of the Board of Management for the confidence in them shown by their re-election also.

The meeting was adjourned; and a pleasant hour was spent over "Tea and Talk."


The 688th Meeting. [May 24, 1910]

The 688th Meeting of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was held on Tuesday, May 24th, 1910, in the assembly room, Academy of Sciences Building. This was the May Salon and the closing meeting of the season. The musical programme had been arranged by Miss Annie Hollins, Chairman of the Committee on Music. It was given by the Mt.


Washington Ladies Glee Club, Mrs. John. W. Mealy, Director, assisted by Mrs. Sherbert, Soprano, and Mrs. J. Carey Martien, pianist.

The President, Mrs. Wrenshall, called the meeting to order; and the Recording Secretary read the minutes of the meeting of May 17th.

The President announced that this meeting will close the season of 1909 and 1910. By action of the Board of Management; ratified by the Club, our next season,--that of 1910 and 1911,--will begin on the third Tuesday in October, the 18th day of the month. It was also announced that this first meeting of the Club year shall be a "Book Talk," for all the members. Each one is invited to tell briefly about some book that she will have read, and found interesting during the vacation, and to give her fellow members the benefit of her criticism.

Mrs. Wrenshall then announced the election of a new member into the Club, one of much literary


This was Mrs. Charles Wesley Gallagher, Dean of the Maryland College for Women at Lutherville.

The President then read a little from our member Miss Harriet Perkins Marine, thanking the Club for a basket of flowers sent to her on the occasion of her successful part in the play of Margaret Brent, given on May 6th for the Edgar Allan Poe Memorial Fund. Miss Marine had been Chairman of the Committee of Arrangements for the play; and her courageous and untiring efforts in that position, as well as her part on the stage, had contributed in large part to the success of the performance.

The programme then called for the President's Address. Mrs. Wrenshall spoke of the good work done in the past year, as shown in our regular meetings, and as a result of the work of our Standing Committees. She thanked her fellow members for their proof of confidence shown in her re-election to the office she has held since June, 1897.


In recalling our past and forecasting our future, she reminded us of the great importance of the development of intellectual life, of steadiness of purpose, and fidelity to ideals. Without despising the day of small things we can strive for great ones, loving our work and approving that of our fellows. We are in our twenty-first year; and we can learn what demands upon us can be left out. Let us study to choose the best human thought and speech, looking forward with confidence to our work in 1910 and 1911.

The musical programme called first for Nevin's Pastorale: "Doris," which was beautifully sung by the Glee Club.

Then followed a piano duet, the "Norwegian Wedding Procession," by Greig; which was finely rendered and appreciated.

The next number was two songs for soprano "What is Love!" by W. G. [?Oust]; and "A Little Home for You," by D'Handelot;--both sung by Mrs. Sherbert, accompanied by Miss Blake.



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“1909-1910 Meeting Minutes,” The Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore, accessed February 23, 2025, https://loyolanotredamelib.org/Aperio/WLCB/items/show/13473.Item
