"Articles on various aspects of German-American culture in Maryland and beyond."

Vol. 47 Year: 2017  
Article Author Pages
"The Long Road Home: Baltimore's Brewing Heritage and a Return to the Roots"
Timothy J. Holian 1-18
"H.L. Mencken: The Germa-American from Baltimore".
Marion Rodgers 19-34
"Baltimore's Enduring German Connection: Zion Church and the Johns Hopkins University"
Randall P. Donaldson 35-42
"Julius Hofmann: Pastor, Scholar, Book Collector"
Holger Roggelin 43-50
"Luther's September Testament: The Untold Story" Timothy J. Wengert 51-62
"Which Side Are You On? Baltimore's Immigrants and the Civil War" Nicholas Fessenden 63-80
"German-American Relations Since 1980 David Bartels 81-88
"German Brewers and the Temperance Movement" Jeffery Hankins 89-112
"Adolf Dehn: Life and Work of a German-American Artist" Don Heinrich Tolzmann 113-22
"General John Stricker and the Defense of Baltimore" Nicholas B. Fessenen 123-36
Book Reviews 137-42
Contributors 143-46