The War in South Africa


The War in South Africa


The Second Boer War Build-up


On page three of Colliers Weekly, there is a war dispatch from the correspondent with the British army, Julian Ralph, the story also includes a large illustration. The correspondent tells of a large military city rising up and growing larger every day. This military camp is apparently the staging point for the main offensive, while forays are going on across the war zone. Buildings and corrals are latterly being described as built in twenty four hours, and the camp is expanding exponentially. The camp is literally changing the landscape, as the soldiers “attack the grassy veldt,” a term for the South African landscape. He also speaks of the great expense the British crown is spending on supplies and the camp itself, according to a officer, “The old lady is sparing no expense […] referring to the queen.” The dispatch is avoid of detail about the war plans or framework, or any specific numbers of soldiers. The author apologies for this as he is not allowed to give details for security purposes, much like modern day war correspondents. Julian even states that the gag rule is so strict, that if this dispatch were to be sent by cable, it would be refused and censored, as “it might be as speedily sent back again.” Our author, Julian Ralph, does not entirely explain the reason for the war, but does tell how the enemy is so great. The Boers are decedents of the Dutch settlers, and all Dutch in South Africa share the “Afrikaner Bond.” Above this dispatch is a large illustration by Max F. Klepper depicting The Night Before The Battle. The illustration is painted, possibly even with a heavily-pigmented watercolor, which would explain the wispy qualities of the image. Some of the soldiers laugh and drink, while others, most notably the youth to the left stare in sorrow, representing the losses and deaths of war.


Julian Ralph


Colliers Weekly


Peter Fenelon Collier


December 23, 1899


Benjamin Hansberger






Foreign News




Julian Ralph, “The War in South Africa,” Three Decades of NYC, accessed October 6, 2024,