How Destruction of Trees Affects the Rain, Harpers Weekly, 1856


How Destruction of Trees Affects the Rain, Harpers Weekly, 1856


How the Destruction of Trees Affects the Rain is an article that talks about the long run impacts of the unchecked destruction of trees and forests. The readers of the article could be people who have probably seen the impact of brutality to the environment or who are cautious of leaving their children with a world that is worse off than the world they were born in to. However, the readers of the article could really be anyone; the title of the article alone creates a few questions, which would make it an interesting quick read for any person in New York who wants to learn more about the topic. The editor who put this article in has a critical view of the “Yankee” way of life, especially when it comes to the conquering of the Indians and of nature. The editor shows that he or she has a sense of humor because much of the article is written with a sarcastic tone. They are trying to convey a message through sarcasm and satire.
The article says something very interesting about New York in the 1850s. Though the scientific explanations used in the article are primitive, it’s surprising to see that people were conscious about preserving the earth for their children in the 1800s. This can be seen in the line “By cutting down the trees upon mountain sides and ravines we are inevitably entailing two great evils on posterity – a scarcity of fuel and water” (Harpers 666). This seems like a relatively modern issue, but it apparently was also an issue for some in the 1850’s.


Harpers Weekly


"How the Destruction of Trees Affects the Rain." Harpers Monthly Mar. 1856: 666-69. Print.




September 2015


Tim Bontempi




Harpers Weekly , “How Destruction of Trees Affects the Rain, Harpers Weekly, 1856,” Three Decades of NYC, accessed October 6, 2024,