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The image depicts a black man and several white women sitting in a beer dive. One woman is slumped, sleeping at a table. The patrons’ clothing is tattered or in disrepair and the room appears plain and unadorned. Maggie’s neighborhood contained…
The image shows Jewish immigrants en route to America, probably via Ellis Island as it served as the main hub for the immigration of European Jews during the time. The image not only shows Jewish migrants but how the US would start becoming a melting…
On the cover of this issue of The Jewish Immigrant is depicting Lady Liberty standing in front of the Gates to the United States. She is wearing a cap that has the word “America” written on it in Yiddish. This picture is representative of the mass…
In this song book by Solomon Smulewitz, Long Live the Land of the Free, was a song to represent the loyalty of which Jewish immigrants had towards the United States. This song was popular for recent arriving Jewish immigrants in the United States…
The magnolia flower appeared before bees did and are theorized to have evolved to encourage pollination by beetles. Mrs. Manstey always loved nature and admired people who shared this love. Magnolias blossom in white, pink, red purple or yellow. The…
This photograph portrays the style of housing in New York City in the late 19th century. The apartment buildings are narrow and tall, each reaching three or four stories high. The apartments are built of stone and brick and consist of drab colors.…
These articles appeared consecutively in the December 1895 issue of Metropolitan magazine. "The New Woman: What She Is and What She Does," profiles a series of so-called "New Women" who have occupations including that of department-store…
This lithograph “A Happy New Year” was created between 1900 and 1920 and published by the Hebrew Publishing Company. It depicts on one side Russian Jews looking over the Atlantic ocean at Americans in the United States. You can tell by the…
This article by Thomas Martin from the February 1894 publication of The Century focuses on Nikola Tesla. Tesla is often overshadowed by Thomas Edison for their respective works on electricity. However, Edison essentially cheated Tesla out of credit…
The front page of the "6 o'clock extra" evening edition of the World shows a range of news, with the more scandalous, sensational news in the bottom half of the page ("below the fold"). News items include beatings, domestic disputes, trials, and…
Towards the end of the 1890s, building techniques were evolving which finally allowed for skyscrapers to form throughout the New York City skyline. One of the first was the Flatiron Building which when built was the tallest building at 22 stories.…
Mary, mother of Jesus, is often seen with the image of roses. In NYC history, she is often pictured with roses and she is known as Our Lady of the Roses. She is often associated with the rosary which comes latin "Garland of Roses". Mary is also often…
At first look, the first thing that came to my head as I looked at this picture was "Maggie". What this reminded me of Maggie the most was her lonely walks which is speculated to have turned her into the prostitute she became. It also makes me…

This source by George Iles from the March issue of The Century, George looks at the large gifts of the philanthropists and other business men of the time. The article opens by acknowledging that massive fortunes have been amassed by American…
The map specifically shows the areas of Manhattan during the 1870-1879 that had the most houses of prostitution. It is interesting that during this time there were such detailed records of blocks in where the most prostitutes were. This map was found…
The item I am going to describe is “Puerto Rico’s First American Election”, written by Edwin Emerson, JR. (Emerson, 7). In this section, Puerto Rico hosts its first American Election between the Republicans and the Federals in which thousands of…

This image was really interesting to me in the way it portrays robber baron’s compared to their workers. The Gilded age was a time of extreme division in wealth and poverty. Workers were very unhappy about wages and conditions. In this image you can…
The image portrays a young boy carrying his beer can on the way to a saloon or beer dive to retrieve beer for an adult. He is dressed in dirty clothes. The image could have been Maggie’s brother, Jimmie, as he retrieves beer for the elderly…
"The open mouth of a saloon called seductively to passengers to enter and annihilate sorrow or create rage" (Crane, 39).

This photo almost directly correlates with this image because it shows how the poor of the 1890s were controlled by saloons…
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