Home1894-1895 Board of Managers Meeting Minutes

1894-1895 Board of Managers Meeting Minutes


Maryland Historical Society Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore Collection, MS988, Box 3



October 16th, 1894.

Notes take[n] by the Corresponding Secretary, Miss Balch.

The Board of Management of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore met on Tuesday October 16th, 1894, in the Committee Room, corner of Cathedral and Franklin Streets. There were ten members present; the Presi-


dent,--two Vice Presidents,--Corresponding Secretary,--Treasurer,--Mrs. Wrenshall,--Mrs. Early,--Mrs. Lord;--Mrs. Goddard,--Mrs. Manly.

It was moved by Mrs. Lord, and seconded by Mrs. Bullock that Miss Anna Lewis Cole,--21 East 22nd Street be admitted to full membership. Adopted. It was moved by Mrs. Wrenshall, seconded by Mrs. Manly that the sum of forty dollars ($40) be put into the hands of the House Committee to purchase necessary articles for the Club. Agreed.

The Corresponding Secretary was instructed to write a warm earnest note of sympathy to Miss Brent, as coming from the Board of Management:--our late President having lost her mother.



January 2nd, 1895.

The Board of Management of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore met on January 2nd, 1895, (Wednesday.) in the Committee Room. *[1]

There were nine members present: the President,--two Vice Presidents,--two Secretaries,--Treasurer,--Mrs. Lord,--Mrs. Manly,--and Mrs. Early.

The President announced the business for which the first meeting of the year of 1895 has been called:--the election of new members of the Club. We were reminded that a vote of the Club has substituted Wednesday for Tuesday as our day of meeting--New Year's Day being manifestly unsuitable for the purpose: The provisions of our new Constitution were recalled to us, and discussed carefully.

The names of proposed new members were then presented to the Board.

The name of Miss Eveline Reiman Early, 711 Park Avenue, proposed by Miss Lizette W. Reese, seconded by Mrs. John T. Graham and by Miss Mary Grace, received all the votes


cast; and Miss Early was declared elected.

The name of Mrs. Jordan Stabler, proposed by Mrs. George Whitelock,--seconded by Mrs. T. J. Morris, and by Mrs. Percy M. Reese, also receiving an affirmative vote. Mrs. Stabler was elected.

The name of Mrs. George Dallas Dixon, proposed by Mrs. Tait, and seconded by Miss Milnor, was found, by having only one seconder, and by having been sent to the Corresponding Secretary only a short time before the meeting for election, to have been presented without Constitutional formalities. The President suggested that Mrs. Dixon having only lately come to Baltimore, could continue to receive the privileges of the Club, by special invitation, as a stranger, with the expectation of full membership at the next election,--when Constitutional formalities could be observed. On this question a vote was taken, and decided in the affirmative,--without opposition.

Two other names were presented, but each having only one seconder, and failing to fulfill Constitutional requirement, it was agreed that the


ladies named,--Miss Smith and Mrs. Key,--and their proposers should be approached verbally for explanation and information, before the next meeting of the Board,--to which this meeting should be adjourned. Mrs. Dammann and Mrs. Manly were appointed to see the ladies in question.

Miss Haughton proposed that printed slips be sent to the members of the Club five weeks before the election of new members, containing the Constitutional rules for proposing their names.

The hour being late the Board of Management adjourned;--to meet again, for unfinished business, on Tuesday, January 8th, 1895, at a quarter before 3 P.M. Read.

January 8th, 1895.

The Board of Management of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore met on Tuesday, January 8th, 1895, at the corner of Cathedral and Franklin Streets. Those attending were the President,--two Vice Presidents,--two Secretaries,--Treasurer,--Mrs. Manly,--and later, Mrs. Lord.

The minutes of the Board


meeting of January 2nd were read by the Recording Secretary.

Mrs. Manly reported that she has seen Miss Smith,--whose name has been proposed for membership,--and had given the information that the courtesies of the Club could be extended to her for the present. Miss Smith, though a non-resident, would be glad to come to the Club as a visitor, and seemed desirous of joining it also.

Mrs. Dammann reported with regard to Mrs. Key, that though she did not feel able to do any work for the Club this winter, she would be glad to accept the courtesies extended to her at present. The impression seemed to be that Mrs. Key would be glad to become a member of the Club at a further election.

The Recording Secretary announced that she had received the resignations of Miss Lzold and of Miss Reiba Thelin. The President requested that she would write to these ladies expressing our regret, and inviting them to the privileges of the Club as visitors when they shall be in Baltimore.

After conversation regarding a proposed Art Loan Exhibition: The meeting adjourned.


January 19th, 1895.

The Board of Management of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore met on Saturday morning, January 19th 1895 at the house of the President, 1530 Park Avenue. There were present the President, First Vice President, two Secretaries, Mrs. Wrenshall, Mrs. Lord, Mrs. Goddard,--later--Mrs. Manly, and the late President, Miss Brent.

The subject of an Entertainment to be given by the Club during the current season; and particularly whether it should take the form of an Art Loan Exhibition, was discussed at length. *[2]

Mrs. Manly explained to us a proposition received by her from Mrs. Herrick, offering the Club the loan of a collection of pictures belonging to the Century Magazine Company;--which was met with appreciative comments. Discussion on rooms, decorations, guests, etc., took up some time. The subject of exhibiting Colonial relics was also brought forward. There were questions and explanations regarding our relations with the Academy of Sciences. The President suggested some important subjects of business, for consideration, and future


action;--but the hours being late,--the meeting adjourned.


February 19th, 1895.

The Board of Management of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore met on Tuesday, February 19th, 1895, at the corner of Cathedral and Franklin Streets. Nine members attended this meeting:--the two Vice Presidents,--two Secretaries,--Treasurer,--Mrs. Wrenshall,--Mrs. Manly,--Mrs. Early,--and Mrs. Lord.

Mrs. Bullock, First Vice President called the meeting to order, and submitted a letter from the President, Mrs. Turnbull,--who was unable to be present,--enclosing two letters sent to her;--one from Mrs. Robinson, President of the Maryland Branch of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union,--and one from Mrs. Lake,--both regarding the same subject. They referred the addressed to be given on the following afternoon by Lady Henry Somerset and Miss Willard, under the auspices of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union; and they asked if our Club "would send


questions to these ladies, bearing on the subjects to be treated by them,--which they might be expected to answer.

One question was proposed by our President,--with regard to the effect of the movement for the advancement of the Woman" on the graces of the home. Another was suggested by our First Vice President,--inquiring for the cause or causes of the aforesaid "movement".

After some expressions of opinions, it was moved, and voted, "that questions should be sent to the two advocates of the advancement of Woman who were to present their views in our city.

The question arose whether the subject of these inquiries should be submitted to the Club in the meeting about to be held?--and this also was decided in the affirmative.

Mrs. Manly moved that the First Vice President and the Corresponding Secretary should go to see Mrs. Robinson, after the Club meeting, and gain all needed further information regarding the sending of the questions requested;--which motion was also carried.

The proposal of the Courier-Journal of Louisville, Kentucky to make the issue of that paper


on March 27th, a woman's number,--as has been done by the papers in San Francisco, and in Syracuse,--was submitted to the Board;--and it was agreed that the Corresponding Secretary should write to the lady named in charge of that issue of the paper mentioned, and engage copies for the Club. The meeting adjourned.


March 16th, 1895.

The Board of Management of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore met on Saturday morning March 16th, 1895, at the house of the President, 1530 Park Avenue. Nine members attended this meeting;--the President,--First Vice President,--two Secretaries,--Treasurer,--Mrs. Wrenshall, Mrs. Manly,--Mrs. Early,--and Mrs. Lord.

The question of the adoption of By-laws for the Club was brought before the Board in this meeting.

The President submitted for consideration the form of a "Pledge of Loyalty" to our Club, and its interests;--as adopted by similar Clubs in other cities. This pledge was accepted by the Board.

The proposition was also laid be-


fore us to have printed a little book containing the programmes of the current year, as a record of the literary work of the Club. It should also contain the programme of Topics and the names of the Chairmen of Committees for the coming year.

It was proposed that this book should also contain the Constitution and By Laws of the Club,--as it is necessary to have them printed for the information of the members.

Mrs. Bullock moved, and Mrs. Manly seconded the motion, that a Committee be appointed to prepare the proposed book,"--which was decided in the affirmative. The Committee chosen consisted of "The President,--Mrs. Wrenshall, Mrs. Lord, and the Recording Secretary."

The question of giving an Entertainment was informally discussed. The Treasurer announced that she had $244.00 in bank,--that some little money was yet to be received,--and that we had no outstanding debt.

The Board returned to the consideration of the new By-Laws. We were reminded that the Election Rules proposed by Mrs. Wrenshall, and put to trial successfully


at our last general election, had been already adopted by the Board of Management, last Spring. Suggestions followed on alterations of, and omissions in the old By-Laws. Changes in the form of the cards of invitation were proposed; and the Corresponding Secretary and Treasurer were appointed to make suitable alterations. The President made some explanations of the old rules of the Club.

A Committee to formulate and report to the Board a series of By-Laws, for the adoption of the Club, was appointed,--consisting of Mrs. Wrenshall, Mrs. Bullock,--and Mrs. Manly,--to report at a future meeting.

The question of limiting the number of the members of the Club was discussed.

The question of severing the connection of the Club with the Federation of Woman's Clubs of America was also discussed at some length. The vote of the Board on withdrawing from that Association was finally taken,--and carried, that we withdraw.

Mrs. Wrenshall read a note inviting delegates from our Club to attend a memorial meeting for Mrs. Charlotte Emerson Brown, former President of the Federation of Women's Clubs of America. Mrs. Wrenshall was requested to send a suitable reply.--The meeting adjourned.



The report of the meeting of April [3]23rd, was unaccountably mislaid; and the Secretary has been obliged to rewrite from rough notes some time after they were made. Contrary to her usual custom, she had not begun these notes with the number and names of those present. The names of the President, First Vice President, two Secretaries, Treasurer, Mrs. Lord and Mrs, Goddard appear on the paper, and she thinks others were present. Seven was a quorum.


March 23rd, 1895.

The Board of Management of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore met on Saturday morning, March 23rd, 1895, at the house of the President, 1530 Park Avenue.

Mrs. Lord spoke of her work on collecting programmes of our meetings during the year to appear in the forthcoming Club book.

Details with regard to our leaving the Federation of Women's Clubs of America finally and courteously,--after the decision of the Club on this subject,--were discussed.

The time for a general meeting of the Club for action in the matter;--and, in addition to the very important sub-


ject of passing or refusing the new By-Laws to be presented to our whole body was carefully debated.

Questions regarding the new By-Laws were brought forward, also suggestions of names for membership, and for restoration of former members. Also questions and explanations on the subjects of invitations to non-members.

After discussing general Club work and particular Committee work:--The meeting adjourned.

March 30th, 1895.

The Board of Management of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore met on Saturday morning, March 30th, 1895, at the house of the President, 1530 Park Avenue. Nine members were present: the President,--two Vice Presidents,--two Secretaries, Treasurer,--Mrs. Manly,--Mrs. Wrenshall and Mrs. Early.

The President called the meeting to order, and the Recording Secretary read the minutes of the meeting of March 23rd.

The subject of a business meeting for the adoption of the By-Laws of the Club and also to take action on the question of withdrawing


from the Federation of Woman's Clubs of America, was discussed. It was decided that the President should call this business meeting for Wednesday afternoon, April 3rd. The question of the proper statement of the business to be transacted on the post-cards calling the meeting received discussion and suggestions.

The President that on the day of the meeting which was to have been under the charge of Miss Brent, it would be appropriate to remember her in her enforced absence, and to send her a gift of flowers from the Club. This proposal met the approval of the Board.

The invitation received for the Club to send delegate visitors to the meeting of the District of Columbia Branch of the Federation of Woman's Clubs, was discussed; and the answer to be sent declining it agreed upon.

The question of the privilege of a member of the Board of Management to give an invitation to a literary Club meeting without the formality of a written card of invitation, was re-affirmed, as before decided by the President.


Mrs. Wrenshall--Chairman of Special Committee--then presented the nine new By-Laws to the Board, as prepared for its action, and for that of the Club. They were separately read, and all passed by the Board.

The question of keeping a list of our guests, or of keeping our visitors book ready for autographs was discussed also.

The form of the Pledge of loyalty to the Club was read, commented upon, and approved.

The question of an Entertainment was taken up, and various suggestions were made.

The meeting adjourned.


April 2nd, 1895.

After the adjournment of the regular literary meeting of the Club on Tuesday, April 2nd, 1895, the President called the members of the Board of Management to meet her for a few minutes of the platform. Eight members responding, a short consultation was held, relating chiefly to the business meeting appointed to take place on the next day.


The subject of an Invitation Fee was brought forward; but the general opinion seemed to be that it would be an inexpedient thing.

Names of suggested new members were mentioned; and an informal adjournment followed.


April 27th, 1895.

A meeting of the Board of Management of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore was called to meet at the house of the President, 1530 Park Avenue, on Saturday morning, April 27th, 1895. Five members only responded to the call: the President,--First Vice President,--Recording Secretary,--Treasurer,--and Mrs. Lord. Some business consultation was held.

It was announced that Mrs. Alan P. Smith had expressed a wish to resume membership in the Club. No formalities of presentation being needed in the case of a former member; the Recording Secretary was requested to express to Mrs. Smith the pleasure it will us to receive her among us again.

Note: the Second Vice President and Corresponding Secretary were seen the same


day, and of course they and others of the Board united in the welcome to our former valued member, Mrs. Smith.

May 7th, 1895.

The Board of Management of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore met on Tuesday, May 7th, 1895, at the corner of Cathedral and Franklin Streets.

The President,--First Vice President,--two Secretaries,--Treasurer,--and, soon after, Mrs. Wrenshall, having arrived, the time of waiting for a quorum was passed in consultation on subjects of interest to the Club.

The Recording Secretary reported the acceptance of resumed membership by Mrs. Alan P. Smith.

The Second Vice President, Miss Haughton, arrived;--also Mrs. Lord and Mrs. Manly; making nine members present.

The Club took up the special business of this meeting,--according to the Constitution,--the semi-annual election of new members.

The Recording Secretary read the names of proposed new members; as sent to her:

Mrs. George Dallas Dixon;--proposed by Mrs. John R. Tait,--seconded by


Mrs. John M. Miller and Mrs. Frederick Tyson, Mrs. Dixon was elected by all the votes cast.

Mrs. William F. Porter;--proposed by Mrs. John M. Miller,--seconded by Miss Minor and Mrs. Wylie. Mrs. Porter was also elected, with no opposition.

Miss Alice Twight;--proposed by Mrs. John M. Carter,--seconded by Miss Mabel Carter and Mrs. Atkinson. Miss Twight was elected by the same unanimous vote.

Miss James G. Smith,--None Resident;--proposed by Mrs. Frederick Tyson,--seconded by Mrs. Edward Jenkins and Mrs. George Whitelock. Miss Smith was unanimously elected.

Miss Florence Trail;--proposed by Mrs. Cautley,--seconded by Miss Cloud and Miss Milnor,--for Non-Resident membership. Miss Trail was elected by the same unanimous vote.

Mrs. Dammann spoke of the name of Miss Emily V. Mason, as having been already proposed for honorary membership. Miss Mason was made an Honorary Member of the Club, by unanimous consent.

The name of Mrs. S. R. Herrick was then proposed for honorary membership. Mrs. Herrick was made an


Honorary Member by the same unanimous consent.

Several other names were mentioned, which had, however, not been regularly proposed for the action of the Board.

The President then laid before the Board a communication from Mrs. Uhler, the wife of the President of the Academy of Sciences,--and also one of our members,--which gave rise to some little consultation on our present--and, probably, future--relations with the association in whose building we are now accommodated. Mrs. Uhler's letter to our President suggested that we should elect Mrs. Edward Stabler, the wide of the Recording Secretary of the Academy of Sciences, as one The Board agreed to take immediate action in the matter; and elected Mrs. Stabler a member of the Club.

The question of the giving of a Reception by the Club was brought forward, and the Board decided that this should be done. The 28th of May was appointed as the date of the entertainment, and some details were arranged with


relation to it.

The President laid before us several propositions of our First Vice President with regard to some changes in our Constitution--about to be printed.--The first change suggested was in Article III Section 5, which requires the names of proposed new members to be sent to the Recording Secretary one month before their election. It was proposed to change this time to two weeks. It was proposed to change the same section further to the extent of giving members in the ranks of the Club the privilege of proposing and seconding more than one new member annually.

With regard to the third proposal--to allow additional elections to be held at the call of the President for desirable proposed new members, the President said that she had prepared previously a proposed Section 7 for Article IV on this subject. The President's proposition was read and accepted by the Board.

It was proposed to change Article VI Section 3 so far as to require only one annual report from the Chairman of each Committee,--instead of two.


All these changes received the unanimous consent of the Board.

The proposal to change Article III Section 5 so far as to make six members a quorum of the Board of Management caused some discussion, but finally received the affirmative votes of a majority of the Board.

The meeting adjourned.


May 14th, 1895.

The Board of Management of the Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore held a meeting on Tuesday, May 14th, 1895, at the corner of Franklin and Cathedral Streets. In all nine members attended this meeting:--the President,--Second Vice President,--two Secretaries,--Treasurer,--Mrs. Wrenshall,--Mrs. Manly,--Mrs. Lord,--and Mrs. Goddard.

Those first arriving made and considered informally suggestions regarding the approaching reception to be given by the Club;--as to the number of invitations, the expenses, etc.

The quorum having arrived the President spoke of the Election Rules, and their provisions, which, as finally


adopted, were just about to be put in practice for the first time. She called attention to the fact, which had been, in perfectly good faith, overlooked, in the calling of the meeting for Nominations preliminary to the Election for officers to be held on the third Tuesday in May. The wording of these rules required the meeting for nominations to be called two weeks before the general elections;--whereas the meeting of this day was to be held only one week before the election.

The opinion was generally expressed that one week would give sufficient time between nominations and elections.

The Board *[4] unanimously agreed to change the wording of the rules from two weeks to one week;--and that the rules shall be so printed.

The next proviso taken up was that by which three of the Directors elected last year shall continue to hold office for the coming year.--the question having arisen which of the six directors should remain in office. It had been suggested that the three having been elected by the largest number of votes should be the three to be


retained. Of these the two who had received the highest member,--Mrs. Wrenshall and Mrs. Lord, seemed undoubtedly to belong to those to remain in office. Three other Directors has received an equal number of votes. One of the Directors, Miss Malloy, had been unable to attend the meetings of the Board. Another, Mrs. Early, expected to be absent from Baltimore during the coming winter. Another Director, Mrs. Manly,--just then not present,--seemed to be largely the choice for another office. The remaining member, Mrs. Goddard, seemed to be the third to be retained as a Director. At the same time the President could see no obstacle to the re-election of the retiring Directors,--if such should be the wish of the Club.

The Board consented to the proposed arrangement of the question in hand.

The President called attention to the Constitutional changes to be voted upon the same afternoon, especially the one in Article VI, Section 5, where the word "Club" is to be changes to "active members".

Some details and estimates concerning the new Club book or Manual were discussed. Adjourned.


[1] "The Club voted on December 11th not to meet on Tuesday Jan. 1st."

[2] "This idea was afterwards given up for this year."

[3] Crane may mean March?

[4] "eight present"